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Rose In Bloom

Page 4

by Mia Michelle

  “Fuck the doctors! I’ve been without you for too damn long. I need your pussy on my cock right now. I don’t care how bad it hurts me. I hurt worse, being without you.”

  Panting, Sebastian positions himself between my legs while we both stare at each other with need. I want him so much right now that I can’t even think straight. Just when I think he is going to push into me, he doesn’t. Instead, he takes his cock and teases the outside of my wet folds. Each slide across my pussy drives me more and more insane with desire. Arching my back, I know one slight movement will send me into oblivion. I prepare for him to move it down, but instead he eases inside of me. Every single ridge of his dick rubs against my inner walls as he fills me up.

  My God, how I have missed him.

  “Sweet Jesus, Skylar. You feel so fucking good! FUCK,” he cries as he quickens his movements. Two thrusts in, and I’m grabbing hold of his ass, urging him deeper.

  “Yes! Sebastian! Deeper! Yes!”

  “Fuck, baby! You’re so fucking tight. I’m not going to last.”

  I twist my hips as I meet his thrusts and he moans loudly. Hearing our moans of pleasure pushes me over the edge and the feeling builds to something so large, I can’t breathe. Each push of his cock drives the pressure of my core closer and closer to release.

  “I missed you so much,” he says, now slowing down and rolling his hips.

  “I love you, Sebastian,” I whisper against his lips, and then he hits my sweet spot, triggering wave after wave to roll over me. Each pump of his cock is slow and forceful. Holding on tightly, I drag my nails down his back, breaking the skin open in places.

  “Yes! Oh. My. God. YES!” I scream so loud, my throat is killing me.

  “Skylar!” He follows, and his hot semen coats my insides. He collapses on top of me, and I stroke his back while he continues to pulsate inside of me. Nuzzling my neck, he lovingly feathers kisses up to my jaw.

  “Well, now that we’ve christened the bedroom, how about we head to the shower to break that in, too?” Smiling, he rolls me over and pulls me against him.

  “Do you feel dirty, Mr. Thorne?”

  “Very dirty, Ms. Rose.”

  “Then let’s see if we can take care of that, shall we?”


  I watch her as she packs away the lunch that she brought me. Her pink wrap dress pulls as she leans over, and I can’t help but smile at her stomach. The bump grows more and more every day. I know it sounds sappy, but I can’t wait until our baby is born. It’s been nine weeks since we returned home from L.A., and thanks to her taking care of me, I’m back to my old self again.

  Thankfully, not long after we got back to Austin, Skylar’s morning sickness went away, and soon I was seeing her beautiful body regain form, along with the sweetest little addition right in her midsection. Skylar stays paranoid about how much weight she’s gaining and had even cried last week when she could no longer wear some of her clothes. The crazy woman worries that I will no longer desire her, but I’ve never wanted her more than I do now as I watch her carry our child. Witnessing her body changing is one of the sexiest things I have ever experienced. It’s right up there with her giving me private lap dances, let’s just put it that way.

  “Come here, baby,” I softly say, motioning for her to join me. Once she settles into my lap, I cradle her against my chest. After everything we have been through, sometimes I need this to settle the fears that linger inside me. I admit it. The fears are still there, but I battle them every day. Sometimes I worry that I’ll wake up and this will all be a dream. Honestly, every morning I’m scared to open my eyes, because I worry she won’t be there at all. Through everything, a part of me will never forgive myself for what I had done so long ago.

  “Remember what you promised me, Sebastian,” she whispers into my chest. I do remember. I will always remember that.

  When I’d finally gotten out of the hospital, I started having awful nightmares again. All of them were about losing her or the baby. I didn’t want to worry her, so I’d kept it to myself until they were eating at my soul. One morning, I woke up screaming for her not to leave me. She’d sat up in bed and pulled my sweaty body against hers, and began kissing all of my fears away.

  “Shh. I promise you that I’m not going anywhere,” she said, taking my hand and resting it on her stomach. “We’re not going anywhere. We’re home, and this is where we belong.” She held me in silence for a few more minutes before her sweet voice spoke again. “Baby, now I need you to promise me something.”

  “Anything,” I replied.

  “Promise me that you will let me in here. It’s the only way I can help you. I need you to leave the past in the past and look to our future. I will never let you fight the darkness alone again, Sebastian. I love you.”

  Her words meant more to me than she will ever possibly know. I work hard every day to be the man she deserves, the man I want to be. I want to be a good father to our baby, unlike the monster that I had grown up knowing as mine. But no matter how hard I try, a part of me is terrified I won’t know how to be. But with Skylar by my side, I know I can. She has given me love and taught me how to love. Anything and everything I do is possible through her.

  “I remember. I just want to hold you for a bit, since I have a busy afternoon ahead.”

  Leaning back, she looks at me with deep concern.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “I’m fine, Skylar, I promise.”

  “Then kiss me.” She leans towards me while biting on that plump lip of hers.

  Fuck me. She knows what that does to me.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say, smiling as I crash my lips against hers.

  Sara’s voice interrupts our making out session.

  “Mr. Thorne, you have an important call on line two.”

  Skylar stands up and straightens her dress.

  Pushing a button on my phone, I answer her.

  “Thank you, Sara.”

  Skylar walk towards the door. Her ass in that short, tight pink dress is killing me, and I know for a fact she is walking like that on purpose. Smiling to myself, I decide I will definitely be making her pay for doing that to me later. She pauses at the door and blows me a kiss before leaving. Shaking my head, I sit down in front of my desk and prepare to take my call.

  “Sebastian Thorne,” I answer, leaning back in my chair.

  “Mr. Thorne, this is Martin Noel. I’m the District Attorney handling Ms. Rose’s case against Mr. Larson. I tried contacting Ms. Rose at her designated number, but it says the number is no longer in service. Do you have any way I can reach her?”

  “Ms. Rose is my fiancée, Mr. Noel. What is this about?” I get right to the point. I certainly don’t have a good feeling about what he is going to tell me.

  “Since you are involved in the case as a witness, I’m calling to inform you that the charges on Mr. Larson are being dropped, and they will be releasing him sometime today.”

  “What do you mean they are releasing him? Are they fucking insane?” I shout at the DA through the phone.

  “Calm down, Mr. Thorne. I’m afraid that Mr. Larson’s case was reopened for review, and several key points had to be addressed. A judge just made his ruling.”

  “What key points? He fucking beat my fiancée and tried to rape her!”

  The DA takes a deep breath and continues,”Mr. Larson’s attorney alleges that Officer Holt didn’t read Mr. Larson his rights at the time of the arrest.”

  “That’s preposterous! I was right there! I know for a fact that his rights were read to him.”

  “I’m afraid Officer Holt has come forward and admitted to not reading them during the time of the arrest. I’m sorry, Mr. Thorne, but our office has looked for any way possible to keep him behind bars. We even tried to hold Mr. Larson on an unsettled case, but we are unable to locate the victim who pressed the original assault charges. Without her testimony, he walks. They’re processing his paperwork now, and he should be free wit
hin a couple of hours. I do suggest that you obtain a restraining order for Ms. Rose. That is the only way we can assure that he won’t bother her again.”

  “Are you kidding me? Like a fucking restraining order is going to do anyone any good. Do you have any idea what this man did to her? I fucking witnessed part of it myself!”

  “Trust me, Mr. Thorne, we’re not happy with this situation at all. Officer Holt has been reprimanded and disciplined for his actions. We will keep a close eye on Mr. Larson. I assure you of that.”

  “I’m going to sue this city for all it’s worth. How can anyone be so fucking incompetent! If he even breathes her name, I will end him!” I scream, bringing the receiver down so hard against my desk that I shatter the cover.

  Continuing my rage, I snatch up the entire phone, yank it free from its cords, and chunk it against the stone wall.

  “Motherfucker!” I scream.

  Of all times for my cousin Nikolas to pick to come to my office, he picks a damn bad one. Barely dodging the paperweight I throw at the door, Nik comes into my office and ducks for cover.

  “Fucking hell! I surrender!” He pulls the red silk handkerchief from his suit and waves it in the air. He is such a fucking smartass.

  “So help me Nik, don’t you dare start with me!”

  Reaching down, he picks up the broken paperweight and comes towards me, sitting it on my desk.

  “What the hell is going on, dude?”

  “They are letting the maniac that attacked Skylar out of jail. They fucked up his arrest and now he walks.” I bite out angrily.

  “Jesus! What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure. But one thing is for sure, I’m not telling Skylar about any of this yet. She doesn’t need to be upset, especially now.”

  “You have to tell her, Sebastian. If he is even half as crazy as you say, then you need to let her be aware.”

  “I’ll tell her, but just not yet. Everything is going so good for us right now. We’re together and happy, with a baby on the way. She’s so excited planning the wedding and all, that I don’t want to damper any of this until I have to.”

  “Maybe you can take her away for a while, just the two of you. You know, just until some of this shit blows over. Besides that, what if that ass tries to crash your wedding?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Fuck! I haven’t had time to process any of this shit, to be honest. If that son of a bitch comes anywhere near her, I will kill him. The only rights he will be getting next time will be his last rights.”

  “Why don’t you move the wedding up and away from here? Somewhere that he can’t find you.”

  Most of the time my cousin is an asshole, but right now he is a fucking genius!

  “That’s it, Nik!” I exclaim, slapping him hard on the back.

  Yanking my cell phone out of my pocket, I begin dialing Kylie, and then it hits me.

  “You know I’m going to need you there right? And Skylar is going to need Kylie there, too. Do you think you two can handle being around each other without killing one another?”

  Blowing out a hard breath, Nik picks up the broken paperweight and begins playing with it in his hand. This is where I expect him to be his cocky, arrogant self, but he isn’t. Instead of giving me one of his witty comebacks, he collapses in the large leather lounger, throws his head back, and stares up at the ceiling.

  “She hates me.”

  “She doesn’t hate you. Well, all right, maybe she does a little, but that girl fucking loves you, Nik. Why can’t you two get your shit together?”

  “I can’t be what she wants me to be. I don’t think I ever can. When she thought she was pregnant, I freaked the hell out on her. I told her I never wanted kids or a family. I didn’t mean it. I was just scared shitless.”

  “So, what now? Are you planning on fucking your way through Austin? Skylar and I saw you with your blonde friend the other night.”

  “Yeah, well, she isn’t anybody. Just someone I needed for a date to something.”

  “Hmm. Fuck buddy, huh?”

  “No, goddamnit! Satisfied? I can’t even think straight without Kylie. None of my equipment works, if you get my drift. I’ve got a serious case of blue balls, man.”

  “Wait, do you mean to tell me, the infamous Nikolas Thorne hasn’t been with a woman in three months now?”

  “No, I haven’t, dipshit! I can’t. I miss her so damn much it hurts.”

  “Then tell her! What is your problem?”

  “She will leave me again, Sebastian. Just like she did before. Every time I get close to someone, they run. I should be used to it by now.”

  “Nik, you made her run. She didn’t want to! You don’t know how many nights I’ve heard her cry on the phone with Skylar. I’m telling you man, you need to get your shit together and fix this before you lose the best thing that ever happened to you!”

  Blowing out a hard breath, he stands, leans back, and then slings the paperweight across the room. The clear glass shatters against the wall, and he clenches his jaw in anger.

  “I can’t. I just fucking can’t!”

  “Well, man up then because you are going to be on an island for a few days with her. It’s either swim with the sharks or deal with your shit.”

  “Fuck me!”

  “Yes, fuck you! Now, get the hell out of here. I have a wedding to plan. Unless, of course, you’d like to speak to the maid of honor?” Putting it on speakerphone, I extend the ringing phone to him.

  He backs away with his hands up in the air.

  “No fucking way! I’m out of here,” he says, making his way to the door.

  Just as he is about to walk out, Kylie’s voice answers and it brings his body to a complete standstill. I watch his shoulders stiffen, his hands clench by his side. He is fighting with himself not to turn around and face me.

  “Hello Kylie, so I have a favor to ask of you,” I say and then she laughs.

  “Whatcha need? This better be something good for my girl!” she jokes.

  Nik’s head drops and his shoulders slump in defeat. Pressing his head into the door facing, he begins lightly hitting it over and over. When he’s done, he turns to face me, his face solemn, throwing up his hand to wave goodbye. Slowly, he closes the door while still hanging on listening to her every word.

  This boy has it so fucking bad for her!

  “I need you to help me plan a wedding.” I say.

  “Um, isn’t your bride doing that already?” Kylie jokes, confused at what I am talking about.

  “I’m thinking we need to do this away from here. I’ve waited too long to have her as my wife. I don’t want to wait until after the baby is born. What do you say to a week in the sun?” I offer.

  “I say you have a wedding planner, Mr. Thorne.”


  He’s been acting funny ever since he came home from work. I’d planned for a quiet dinner and maybe snuggling into him to watch a movie together on the couch. Instead, he kisses me on the cheek, takes his plate, and heads back to his office. There must be something important going on because he has the door shut. I never bother him when he does that. Flipping through Netflix, I settle in on the couch to begin watching my favorite movie, Gone with the Wind, again. Something about this movie just fascinates me. My eyes begin growing heavy around the part where Scarlett’s fleeing a burning Atlanta. The next thing I remember is waking up to a sweet kiss on my lips. I realize then, that I’m now lying in our bed.

  Sleepily, I blink awake and meet his eyes. The intense way he looks at me is something I will never grow tired of seeing. Lucas had looked at me in a similar way, but with my Sebastian, it is as if I am his lifeline. His fingertip traces down my cheek to my jaw, lifting it up closer to him. I give him a sweet smile in return.

  Leaning in, he swipes his mouth gently over mine, tracing my lips with his tongue. I open immediately, welcoming his tender kiss. He doesn’t rush. He just continues with long, loving strokes of his tongue. When he pulls away, he res
ts his forehead against mine and then runs his hand down to my stomach. Caressing the bump with his fingers, his amber eyes dance with love.

  “I love you so much, Skylar,” he says, tears forming in his eyes.

  Putting my hand on his face, I ease up off the bed. I don’t know what is upsetting him.

  “What’s wrong, Sebastian?” Concern fills my voice.

  “Everything is fine baby. I just need to hold you.” He pulls me up against him.

  Worried, I swallow the lump in my throat and settle back against him. He breathes in my hair and then plays with my curls. I lace my fingers through his as he brings it to rest on my stomach.

  I don’t know why he won’t talk to me. I know he has darkness and guilt inside that he still fights. But I made him a promise and he knows I will never let him fight that darkness alone. Turning to face him, he props his handsome face with his hand.

  “Let me in.” I place my hand on his chest.

  “You’ve always been in here. You are the only one who ever has been or ever will be. Except for her, that is.” He rubs my belly.

  “Her?” I say, giggling.

  “Yes, her. A man knows these things after all.”

  “Oh really, Mr. Thorne? And just how is that?” I ask, now bursting with laughter.

  “These hands are better than any ultrasound.” Rubbing his hands together to warm them, he slides them across my stomach and smiles.

  “Yep! Definitely a girl. A beautiful, brown haired beauty with eyes just like her mommy. Although, I’ll never survive it if she is. Her mommy’s already overtaken me with hers.”

  Giggling, I slap his hand away and he throws his head back laughing.

  Leaning down, I whisper, “Don’t listen to your Daddy! He is crazy!”

  Within an instant, he grabs my hands and pushes me back on my back, carefully pinning me down against the bed.

  God, I love it when he does this!

  “Hmm, Ms. Rose? I’m crazy huh?” he teases, taking one hand away and tickling under my arm.

  “Yep,” I answer, giggling as he tickles me relentlessly. Just when I think he’s going to cause me to pee on myself, he stops and moves his face closer to mine. Brushing the loose curl away from my face, he smiles.


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