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Flame and Fury (Merlin's Legacy Book 1)

Page 8

by Lisa Gail Green

  “Edy would have a heart attack if I let a girl in my room.” It was true enough. If she had any idea at all about Kari – but that was a whole other situation entirely. “Too bad because she’s making lasagna.”

  Maya pouted. “Then we’re going swimming in that giant pool I saw in your backyard.”

  “Oh, I don’t really-”

  “You don’t swim? Really? Because you have a giant pool and it is over 110 degrees. Don’t worry, you can stay in the shallow end.”

  Aedan stiffened. Why did she always have to ask the impossible? Well, he could do it. For the most part, the pool was there so he could dunk himself if he got out of control. He ought to be able to control himself enough so that the temperature wouldn’t be affected. Still, he didn’t exactly enjoy the water.

  “That’s my condition. Take it or leave it.” Maya crossed her arms, and puffed up her chest. It might be fun to see her in a bikini. And somehow he knew that’s exactly what she’d wear.

  “Fine. For you, Maya. But for the record, I hate swimming. I’m not big on water. I had an incident when I was a toddler.” This was also true. Just that in his case, it meant that the whole pool slowly evaporated as he panicked, struggling to stay above water, Sam unable to get to him because the water was boiling hot.

  Maya’s eyes grew large. “Oh. I’m sorry. But you know, it’s better to face your fears head on. Plus, I’ll be there to help you through it.”

  “You’re going to throw me in the deep end, aren’t you?” he asked, placing a hand on either side of her head against the Jeep.

  “If I don’t behave, Edy may never invite me over again. And I can’t have that.”

  “I guess you’ll have to go home and get your stuff?” he asked, reluctant to move. He enjoyed being this close. He could feel the heat coming off of her body even though they weren’t quite touching. He’d been picking up the heat signature of things lately. In this case, it made his pulse race.

  “I can’t unless you let me open the door. Doesn’t that hurt your hands?”

  Aedan straightened up, shoving his hands in pockets. “Some things are worth taking the heat for.”

  Maya’s green eyes sparkled like emeralds as she laughed. “Good to know, Sparks. Good to know.”

  “That was amazing, Edy. You’re amazing. Can you show me how to do that sometime?” Maya laid it on pretty thick, but Edy ate it up.

  “Anytime you like, Maya dear. I’d love to have some company in the kitchen. Now, why don’t you and Aedan go hang out while I clean up?” Edy rose and pulled the plate from Maya’s hand this time. “I insist.”

  “Actually, Edy, Maya and I are going to go for a swim.” Aedan stood, and stepped up behind Maya, so close his breath stirred her fine copper hair.

  The color drained from Edy’s face, and she nearly dropped the plate. “Oh, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Aedan. I haven’t cleaned the deck. I-”

  Aedan smiled, and nodded slowly behind Maya, letting her know it was okay. “Maya’s assured me she won’t let me drown.”

  “All right, Aedan. You go have fun.” Edy stalked off to the kitchen with what Aedan thought was a wistful look.

  Maya turned and pulled her shirt off revealing a very tiny bright blue bikini top. Aedan felt the familiar burn start in his gut but pushed it away with a firm nudge. Not today. He led the way to the sliding glass door, and Maya rushed by him tugging off her bottoms. Aedan froze in his tracks as she did a perfect dive into the deep end. Wow.

  “Come on in!” she called, breaking the surface, and smoothing her hair back from her face.

  Aedan felt himself grin. He may not like the water, but he’d brave an iceberg to get close to nearly naked Maya. He walked around to the shallow end, pulling his own shirt over his head, and with a deep breath stalked down each step, toe first until he reached the bottom. The water came up to his hip, and he was already shivering. Breathe, he reminded himself. And he turned up the heat in his legs with a sigh.

  Maya snorted, and Aedan looked up to find her standing about a foot away with her hands on her hips.




  “It’s just… You look like an old man. Come further in.”

  Aedan pursed his lips. Maya walked forward, water sloshing around her until she stood on the bottom step behind him. He turned to keep her in his sights. He still didn’t completely trust that she wouldn’t somehow drag him into the deep end.

  The surface of the water wobbled right at the top of her thighs, and his eyes trailed upward. He wasn’t completely surprised to see that her navel was pierced, and the sight brought heat to his insides.

  “You like it?” she asked seeing his gaze fixed on her stomach. She wiggled a little and ran her hands down along the sides of her belly button to show it off. “I’m thinking of getting something else done, but I’m not sure exactly what.”


  “Come on, it’s more fun the farther in you go.” She trudged forward, grabbing his hand and hauling him along toward deeper waters. Aedan tried to control his speeding heart. He’d agreed to this after all. He was just having second thoughts.

  But when they reached five feet he dug his heels in. Literally. And Maya was yanked back off her feet. Instinctively, he reached down into the water to pull her up and held her tightly to his chest. Her skin was slippery and brought a tingle from his fingers to his toes.

  Maya laughed. “Guess that’s as far as you go, huh?”

  “Sorry. This is really pretty good for me. But you were right,” he said, holding her tighter.

  “I’m right about most things, Sparks,” she said. “What specifically are you referring to?”

  “That it feels better further in.”

  Maya relaxed into his embrace and ran her cold, wet hands up his chest to his cheeks. Aedan squeezed his eyes shut as she guided his face down to hers. She tasted like chlorine mixed with chapstick. Take it slow, he told himself.

  After all, he didn’t want to boil her to death.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Maya had never waited so long to kiss a guy. She tried to justify it by remembering that they’d already kissed. But nearly an entire month? That was some kind of new world’s record.

  It was worth every second. Aedan’s lips were just as incredible as she remembered. And then some. It was like he’d been practicing. There you go blaming everything on everyone else, she scolded herself. It had to be the waiting that made it that much sweeter.

  Making out in the swimming pool was definitely a nice touch. When he took his shirt off she thought she was going to start hyperventilating. This guy worked out. That was clear. He wasn’t rippling with disgustingly huge muscles or anything, just perfectly defined in all the right places. Completely baby-smooth too, no surprises in the hairy back department. And how cute was it that he was afraid of water?

  The thing was, Aedan had grown on Maya. He was sweet, and smart, and surprisingly funny in a way that snuck up out of nowhere when she least expected it. The only problem was the nagging voice in the back of her head that had grown louder just yesterday when she’d crossed the second to last name off her list.

  She was getting really good at ignoring it though. It had to be Carlos because it couldn’t be Aedan. She knew evil, and he wasn’t it. And Edy Sparks? Forget about it. She’d stake her life on that. The Target had to be born of the Scimitar. It was one of the signs.

  Still… said the little voice, and she shut it up by jumping up in the water and wrapping her legs around Aedan’s waist. He threw his head back from surprise and excitement. She knew it was excitement because the only thing between them was the thin material of their bathing suits.

  “Maya,” he said as she attached herself to his neck with her mouth. “Maya we need to stop.”

  Maya’s eyes closed as she tried to get a grip on her anger and disappointment. She straightened up but didn’t release his waist. “Why?” sh
e asked as evenly as possible.

  “Because Edy can see us from the kitchen window.”

  Maya’s eyes opened, and he was smirking down at her in a way that curled her toes. She grinned back and slid off of him. “Sorry. Didn’t think of that.”

  Aedan’s laugh warmed her heart. “You couldn’t help it. I am irresistible after all.”

  Maya splashed at him, and he raised his arms to protect his face like he was afraid it would burn him. He turned around, still on his feet, and sloshed back toward the steps with both hands raised above his head.

  She dove for it, gliding beneath the water and popped up right in front of him just as he reached the first step. He actually jumped, and she laughed.

  “Going somewhere?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m getting out of the war zone.”

  “We haven’t been in here very long,” she said, unable to hide her disappointment.

  “I was actually hoping maybe you’d come with me,” he said in a low voice, and he was staring at her again in that serious way that made her heart drop into her stomach.

  “Where to?” she asked, straightening the spaghetti strap on her suit that had slipped down her shoulder.

  “Somewhere a little more private,” he said moving toward her. God if he kept this up, she’d jump him in the pool whether Edy was watching or not.

  Then something occurred to her. “Aedan why do you call your mother by her first name?”

  “Wow, that wasn’t quite the response I was going for,” he said, and he sounded like a little boy. His newfound confidence shattered like delicate crystal.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Yes. I’d love to go somewhere more private. Just lost on the thought train.” The truth is she would have followed him anywhere right then.

  Aedan considered her for a minute before stepping out on the deck. Water spilled from the bottom of his shorts that were weighted down so that they may as well have been painted on his behind. Oh, she definitely needed to get somewhere private with him like now.

  He turned and reached out a hand to help her from the pool. She took it shying away with guilt for having been caught looking. But he only looked amused and she wanted to smack him. And then kiss him again. And maybe a few other things…

  “I’m adopted,” he said, as they dried off.

  “What?” She spun around dropping the towel to the deck.

  “I guess that’s why I call my parents by their first names. It’s silly though really because I’ve never known any parents but Sam and Edy. At least that I can remember.” He shrugged.

  Maya forced a smile, but inside she was screaming.

  “You know I really should get home before Toby starts worrying about me,” she said snatching her shorts and shirt from the ground on her way back inside.

  “I thought you wanted to go somewhere more private,” Aedan said in her ear as the shirt slipped back over her head. He was directly behind her, and his body so close to hers made every hair on her neck stand on end. She longed to lean back against him, have him wrap his warm arms around her.

  His very warm arms.

  Maya spun to face him, her game face firmly on. “Oh, I think somebody needs to learn some patience. Besides, I’m not allowed in your room, and Mommy’s watching our every move.”

  She stood on tiptoe, kissed him deeply, and when she pulled away she couldn’t help but notice that both the front half of her clothing and his suit were completely dry.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Shit.” Maya stormed through the door and threw her keys down on the old recliner so hard they bounced onto the floor scaring Toby’s stupid cat, who sprung up and out of the room so fast you would have thought he smelled fresh tuna.

  “Good afternoon to you too.” Toby’s head popped up from the end of the sofa where he was lying and watching TV. She hated the stupid grin on his unshaven face. And his long brick colored hair that looked like he belonged in 1969. And his plaid shirt that he always wore open over a white undershirt.

  “You’re a slob, Toby. Get a haircut. And a razor. And some new clothes while you’re at it.” Then she stormed over to the opposite end of the couch where his long legs were and bounced down, barely giving him enough time to move out of her way.

  “Someone’s in a mood. I think Copernicus had the right idea.”

  Maya glared.

  “What happened?” he asked, leaning forward, and fixing the wire rimmed glasses on his nose. “Did someone try to open a door for you or something? Poor pathetic bastard.”

  Maya threw a pillow at him and burrowed back into the old suede sofa hugging her knees to her chest. “I’m down to two names, Tob.” If she told him about Aedan, he’d force her hand by reporting it back to the Circle. And she wanted some room to breathe. She still had plenty of time.

  “I think I’m missing something here,” Toby said, rising and stretching his lanky frame. “How is that a bad thing? You have too much fun crossing off names, May?”

  This time Maya threw the remote, and it smacked against his chest making him grimace. “Ouch. Guess I hit the nail on the head,” he said. “That’s my cue to get back to work. I have something in the works that might just come in handy for you sooner than I thought.”

  Maya wished she could ask him to make something that would change the identity of the Target to someone else. It was ridiculous though, and she knew it. She was a trained killer. What difference did it make if she got to know him first or not?

  Maya got up and went to her room for a shower. But the hot water on her skin only made her think of Aedan’s body pressed against hers. She beat her head against the stall in frustration, flipped the whole thing off, and wrapped a towel around her body.

  She rubbed a fist against the smoky film on the small mirror so she could see her face. “It isn’t him,” she told her reflection. But her own stern face looked back at her making her feel pathetic. “Damn!”

  A list. She had to make a list because that’s what she always did to organize her thoughts. So Maya burst out into the cool air of her bedroom and rummaged right through every drawer in her tiny desk until she found a scrap of blank paper and a pen. She sat down on the edge of the bed tapping the pen against her lip. Her tangled hair dripped all over the covers forgotten as she scratched at the paper.

  Aedan couldn’t be the Target because: He’s too kind. Too sweet. Too Aedan. Aedan did fit the profile because: He’s incredibly good looking. Sometimes he felt like he was burning up. Highly intelligent. And he’s adopted.

  Adopted. It would explain everything. If somehow the Scimitar assigned to him were taken out, and a normal human being raised him, he wouldn’t know anything about the prophecies, or Morgana Le Fey, or the Circle. Or the Scimitar. He’d be completely on his own, completely confused, completely untrained.

  Would it also mean he never learned to be evil? Maya shivered and pulled her towel tighter around herself in the air-conditioned room. The scratchy material of her dull green bedspread rubbed at the bottom of her thighs and she shifted forward until she nearly fell off the edge.

  It wasn’t possible. The Elementals were by definition evil. It was innate, not nurtured.

  Wasn’t it?

  Maya shook herself. This whole thing was ridiculous. What could possibly have killed all the Fire Watchers, but not the Elemental itself? Especially if it was a baby? That would have to be one powerful baby. And evil.

  So something still didn’t compute. She’d panicked. That’s all. It still seemed far too absurd. It had to be Carlos, and she’d prove it soon enough. In fact, she was starting work on him the very next day. So one week on the outside, and she’d have him. And then she could celebrate with Aedan.

  Satisfied and back in control of the situation, Maya stuffed the towel in her overflowing hamper and pulled on a sundress. It had a million tiny rose buds all over it and was one of the few nice pieces of clothing she owned. She had to look good for the call.

  “You ready to co
nference?” Toby called from the other side of the door. Maya jumped a little at his voice. She’d been pulling a comb through her hair, deep in thought. Well, okay, deep in memory about that last kiss with Aedan. She wondered what would have happened if Edy hadn’t been around. Would someone have ended up dead?

  “Coming. Just go ahead and start,” she called back.

  Maya tugged at her skirt and propped her chin up high. She wanted to maintain her air of confidence for the Circle. And especially for her parents.

  Time to face the weekly interrogation.

  When she reached the cluttered dining table Toby was already giving his report. The laptop sat propped in the center of a sea of wire, tools, and books, some of which had spilled off and onto the floor when he’d shoved the thing on the tabletop. His goggles were parked on the top of his head, lines still etched around his eyes where they’d been digging into the skin.

  Copernicus mewed from below, and Maya glanced down to find the cat doing figure eights through her ankles. His soft orange fur tickled, and she reached down to shoo him away. With one indignant glare, he darted off for her open bedroom door. She had to remember to toss him out on his rump before going to bed or she’d be plagued by him all night, kneading her chest, rubbing against her face and getting fur in her mouth. Yuck.

  “Greetings, Noble Ones,” she recited, stepping into view next to Toby. She noticed his fingers twitch slightly at his side like he wanted to be done with this already and back at his table, working.

  “Greetings, daughter.” Maya flinched slightly. She’d have to have a talk with Aedan about calling Edy “Mom” because he had no idea how lucky he was to have someone so warm and loving and deserving of that kind of title.

  Would she have to take Edy’s only son away? That sudden thought was unbearable.

  “You are distracted, daughter. What is it?”


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