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7 Erotica Short Stories: Pleasures in Pain, Punishment, and Submission: (7 Story BDSM Anthology, Bare Bottom Spanking, Submissive Training, Domination and Submission, Domestic Discipline)

Page 9

by Lexie Syrah

  The clock read midnight when I was finally pulling into the drive. I wished that it didn’t take two hours to get to where most of my work would take place. I found myself shocked. It was him, that amazing piece of ass that I now only know as Michael. That utterly perfect man that had shown me that I didn’t need to have one man to take care of me, that by using many men, I could take care of myself and thoroughly enjoy doing so. He was sitting on my front porch, and I realized that he must be here to take his portion of the payment. A price I would gladly give him for bringing me into this secretive world.

  I invited him in and handed him the engorged envelope as I offered to make him a drink. He politely declined as he asked me how my night went. When I replied that it went quite well, he took my hands in his and told me, “Let me rephrase my question, my little Veronica, tell me everything you did tonight.”

  As I began to tell my story, he slowly lowered me to my knees.

  While I was mesmerized by the delicate caress of his hands on my face and finished telling him about the young man I used to finish myself off. I had not even realized that he had pulled his cock out until the moment he pressed it against my lips.

  I started to feel my body begin to swirl in pleasure as he took one finger and opened my mouth wide. He gently pushed his cock down into my throat. His cock was as deep as possible in the back of my throat, and I had no chance of sucking it. He was thrusting it in so deeply and without care that it seemed like I was simply a tool for his pleasure.

  I went from gagging and gasping for breath as he proceeded to tell me that I had done such a good job that I deserved to be thoroughly used. He said that he would not allow any of his girls to be left with a single hole unattended at the end of the night. As I started to feel an orgasm sneaking out of my body, his cock gagged me and I started to choke. Just when I felt my body could not possibly take any more, I feel him shoot his seed powerfully into the back of my throat. I happily swallowed, licking my lips in satisfaction as he pulled his cock out. I was holding my body up with my arms to keep from falling over from the massive amount of exertion that it had endured.

  Michael sat intimately close to me, rubbing my back to calm my overworked body.

  “Veronica,” he spoke “you have done exceptionally well tonight. I was worried when you expressed the desire to go on a date without ever being tested, but the review I received was outstanding for a first time. Now I have other girls that require my attention. I’ll send you an email regarding the needs of your next date.”

  He left surprisingly quickly, leaving me there on my living room floor trying to gather enough energy to pull my used body up, to drag myself to the shower.

  It was while I was taking my shower that I marveled at this amazing man. While some women might go on and on about his beautiful deep tan surrounding his fairly chiseled body, it was his eyes that got to me. Oh my, how they got me. They were a soft green and looked so honest, so safe, he could have persuaded me to do almost anything with those perfect green eyes. The color of them reminded me very much of the emerald necklace I once saw but knew was far out of my reach.

  Seeing Michael’s eyes reminded me of some of the beautiful things that I have been depriving myself of just like these simple physical and mental pleasures my entire life.

  Now I know that I will get what I want when I want it because the only person that can say no now is me. My shower felt better than any I had ever taken. My body was so deserving, my muscles so needing. As I was picking out my sleeping clothes, my favorite caramel colored silk nightgown, the use my body had taken tonight was remembered and felt. Even my soft, silky nightgown made my tender ass hurt. I decided that it was definitely time to pull out my favorite bottle of Syrah in an attempt at numbing the rest of my aching body.

  Every time I took a step in my nightgown, it gently brushed against the various tender spots and I decided that tonight I would definitely sleep in the nude. I’ll make sure to leave my bedroom window open so the perverted 80 something old man next door could see me.

  I know I’m awful, but he is just so old, and he’s been alone ever since I moved into this house well over two years ago. What’s the harm anyway?

  I was just about to crawl into my cozy bed when my cell phone went off to alert me to a new email from Michael. As I started to read through my next John’s likes and dislikes, my mind went from about to fall into a deep sleep to wide awake. Even though the email said I had an entire week to prepare for this next date, it would be impossible for me to get my mind calm enough for sleep even with half a bottle of wine coursing through my veins.

  From what I was reading, it sounded like this next John enjoyed giving pain and turning it into pleasure. It explained that I am to have no makeup on and to only wear a simple white cotton dress. This couldn’t be accurate. Michael must have made a mistake. Plus, I just spent a ton of money on all of this whore makeup, and I am definitely going to wear it. I’m sure that he would prefer me all made up. That’s why I’m recording my evening’s adventures tonight, even though I had planned on writing this entry tomorrow morning.

  I simply cannot sleep. So now, here I am at 2 o’clock in the morning, finishing up the details of my now more than mentionable life.

  Until next time,


  Book Six

  Submission to My Billionaire Boss

  My phone buzzed on my desk as I took another bite of the BLT in my hands. I put the sandwich down and looked at the text message from my boyfriend, Chad.

  “I really can’t do this anymore. I didn’t know about all of the baggage, all of your fears. I’m sorry, but I have to find someone that I don’t have to spend all of my time and energy fixing.”

  I knew that it would have happened eventually, but the shock was still heart-breaking. I didn’t even respond to the text. This wasn’t a new thing. Men were supposed to break up in person, but it always seemed to be over texts or voicemails these days. Was I really that broken that men couldn’t wait to tell me until I came home from work?

  Tears began to stream down my face as I pushed my sandwich to the side and laid my head down on my desk. My soft sobbing must have drawn his attention as my boss, Eli Gordon, came over to my desk and gently touched my shoulder.

  I looked up into his burning green eyes and felt slightly better for some strange reason.

  “What’s wrong Marissa?” His voice was kind and gentle, but it carried an air of strength and power with it.

  “My boyfriend just broke up with me over text message. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t let my personal life get in the way at work.”

  I was only working as a temp and didn’t want to lose my job, but the tears running down my face were out of my control—just like the rest of my life.

  His hand brushed my cheek as he wiped away a tear.

  “It’s okay. Everyone wants to cry when their heart is broken. Would you like to come into my office and chat about it? I’ve got an hour free, and it looks like you need someone to talk to.”

  He was right, I desperately wanted to talk to someone, but it just didn’t feel right to tell my boss about my love problems.

  “No sir, I wouldn’t want to burden you with my emotions.”

  “Nonsense! Come talk to me. I can’t stand to see a woman in tears.”

  I stood up and wiped away my tears before following Mr. Gordon into his office. He sat on the black leather couch, and I sat in the plush white chair across from him.

  His eyes met my gaze as my eyes ran over the sexy body that was covered by his perfectly tailored suit. They seemed to ignite something inside of me, and a warmth began to pulse within.

  “So tell me, Marissa, why did your boyfriend say that he was breaking up with you?”

  I knew I shouldn’t talk about my emotions with my boss, but for some reason, I felt like I could trust him. I felt safe for the first time, and I simply broke down.

  “I’m a broken woman, Mr. Gordon. I worry constantly, and can’t seem to find
a path in life that makes me happy. Depression is a constant, and it’s only with prescription medication that I can make it to work. I’m sure that doesn’t make me seem like a good employee, but it’s the truth. I’ve dated a lot of men, but they get tired of being around someone who’s always unhappy.”

  He looked at me in thought for a few seconds before telling me, “What’s your sex life like?”

  I was shocked at his question but realized that a lot of my relationship issues stemmed from my sexual problems, so I answered him.

  “I’m broken in a lot of ways Mr. Gordon. I can’t orgasm with a man. The only time I can orgasm is when I’m all alone and using a vibrator. My boyfriends have always been extremely frustrated with it. I’m always horny, but they never satisfy me. Like I said, I’m broken.”

  His eyes sparkled as he said, “The problem isn’t that you’re broken. Sexual satisfaction is an innate need, and you’ve never met a man that can fill that need. It causes all of your problems, and all you need is to find a man that can meet those needs. I promise you that your worrying, depression, and problems will evaporate the moment that you’re satisfied.”

  I looked down at the floor as I said, “Well, I guess that I’ll continue to be depressed and miserable then because I don’t know how to find a man that can do that.”

  Without a second thought, Eli responded, “How about I offer you a job that will help you learn enough about yourself that you can stop feeling broken?”

  I was confused at his suggestion. How would a job give me sexual satisfaction?

  “How would a different job help me?”

  “I’m like you in a lot of ways. I have an insatiable appetite that most women can’t satisfy, but I have a feeling that you could. I need someone who is always available to fill my desires. How does that sound?”

  I was appalled initially, but after only a moment’s thought I realized that Eli Gordon was the first man that ever made me feel safe. He seemed to understand me better than anyone else ever had. It was worth a try at least.

  “Okay, I’ll do it. What do I need to do?”

  “Go home and pack whatever things you want to bring with you when you move in with me. Don’t worry about packing clothes or bedding; just bring personal items that I can’t provide. Be at my house by 4 pm, and I’ll explain things better.”

  He flipped over one of his business cards and wrote his address on the back.

  My mind was doing backflips as I tried to process the 5-minute conversation that we’d just had. I shook my head slowly as I walked back to my desk to get my purse and lunch. What had just happened? Was he actually going to pay me to be his live-in sex toy? The thought of his arms around me as he filled my pussy made me ache with hunger.

  I drove back to my apartment to gather my meager belongings: my laptop, some jewelry, a few books that I’d been reading, and my vibrator. It was strange trying to find the items that weren’t useful, that were things that I’d be heartbroken to leave behind. I had a cluttered apartment and constantly complained about how I needed a larger space, but when it came down to it, my laptop and vibrator were the only things that I felt were truly a part of me. Everything else was fluff. I put these few items into an overnight bag with some personal hygiene products.

  I sat down on my couch and realized just how little I cared for my life, how quickly I was to discard all that I owned and had worked for. I had no idea what my future would hold, but I was sure that it couldn’t be any worse than my current situation. With that thought in my mind, I picked up my bag and left to see Mr. Gordon’s house, my new place of employment and residence, for the first time.

  I pulled up to the gate, and a uniformed guard came out to see me.

  “What business do you have with Mr. Gordon?” he asked.

  “My name is Marissa Davenport, and Mr. Gordon should be expecting me.”

  “Yes, he let me know that you’d be here. Go ahead.”

  I drove through the wrought iron gate and followed the winding drive through tall pine trees. Their presence blocked my view and made me realize just how isolated I’d be in Mr. Gordon’s home. The trees slowly gave way to a clearing and the mansion appeared in my view. Its size was incredible, but the details were breath-taking. Speckled granite columns circled the intricate ebony door. The walls were made of beige limestone and were covered in various sculptures. Everything about the architecture brought the idea of historic beauty to the forefront of my mind.

  I pulled into the circle drive and walked to the front door. With a deep breath, I knocked on the oversized door. My mind was exploding with fears, and the only thread of sanity I could hang onto was the feeling of safety I’d had when I’d talked to Mr. Gordon. I kept that emotion with me as a shield against the terror that threatened to break my resolve to start this journey of discovery with my employer and future lover.

  The door opened, and Mr. Gordon smiled at me through the threshold.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d come. My offer was quite a surprise, I’m sure.”

  A wave of calm rushed through my body, and the fears retreated once again as his very presence gave me strength.

  “I nearly stayed home, but I couldn’t find a reason to stay and found a million reasons to come.”

  His eyes twinkled in response.

  “Well, come in and we can talk about your new position.”

  He led me to the couch and sat down across from me as though he were going to continue to interview me.

  “What do you expect your new position to entail?”

  “I would guess sex, but I’m not entirely sure other than that.”

  My confusion bled into my wavering response.

  “Yes, it will include sex, but it will be much more than that. In my opinion, what you need is to be broken down and then rebuilt without all of the fears and worries that the world has ingrained in you. To put it short, I’ll be in charge of your entire world, and you will simply obey my orders. For example, you will wake up to find your clothes laid out for you. You will wear all of the clothing, and nothing else. You will not be allowed to do anything that has not been commanded of you. If you have nothing to do, you’ll practice one of the many things that I will teach you.”

  His voice had become stern, and it sent a chill through me. I did not want to displease this man.

  “I understand. What about if I have to use the restroom?”

  “That’s the only thing that you do not need to ask to do.”

  “Do you have any other questions?”

  I had a million questions, but I couldn’t put words to the thoughts that flew through my mind.

  “Well, sir what happens if I do something wrong on accident? I’m terrible at so many things that I’m sure that I’ll mess up.”

  “You’ll be punished. I won’t explain the punishments until you have earned one. I do not enjoy punishing women, but I have learned that it is the only way that I can adequately train them.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “There are two other things that you need to know before we begin. You are not allowed to say ‘no’ to anything. If you ever decide that you want to end our arrangement, you are allowed to simply tell me the magic words ‘I quit’. I’ll immediately stop whatever I’m doing, and you can pack your things and go back to your apartment. The other thing is that you are not allowed to masturbate unless I command it. Do you have any questions about these rules?”

  “No sir, I don’t think so.”

  “Then I need you to take off your clothes for me.”

  That was it. It was time to stop talking and start doing. I hesitated at first, but stood up and slowly took off my blouse. I slipped off my business skirt and let it fall to my feet, my eyes continued to stare at Eli as he took in my body. I’d dated men that liked to watch me undress, but this wasn’t exactly the same thing. He wasn’t looking at me like I was a piece of meat to ravish. His eyes ran over my body but instead of staring, his eyes returned to my eyes as though he was more intere
sted in what was in my mind than what my body looked like. I unclasped my bra and let it fall before sliding my lace panties to my feet.

  There I stood, bared to my employer like a Roman pleasure slave. That wasn’t very far from the truth, was it? I still felt calm, but there was a warmth growing inside of me, urging me to walk to the handsome man that was staring at me. I wanted to sit in his lap and slowly grind against his crotch, to beg him take me and use my body. Instead, I stood still and let him watch my body.

  “Lay down on the couch and masturbate for my entertainment.”

  Such a simple command, and yet it wasn’t something I wanted to do. I didn’t want to entertain him; I wanted him to touch me, to run his nails along my back and down my sides, to leave crimson streaks where his passion got the best of him. But I did as he commanded. My legs splayed out, one resting on the top of the couch and the other firmly planted on the floor.


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