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Dark Rain

Page 23

by J. C. Owens

  Raine had never seen himself as handsome or even vaguely attractive, but any thought of his unworthiness disappeared as Taldan strode forward, shedding his robe as he came.

  The emperor was extraordinarily beautiful by any measure, with wide shoulders slimming down to perfectly proportioned hips and then powerful thighs. His skin was perfect, nothing marring it, unlike Raine himself. The emperor, with his pale blue eyes and short silver hair, looked like a creature of the ice itself.

  Raine felt so different from those here with his dark brown skin and curly black hair. Not to mention his green eyes, rare even in his homeland.

  They were so different, the two of them.

  Raine thought of Hredeen and wondered how Taldan could feel the least bit of attraction toward his plain form after being with the exotically beautiful concubine.

  His worried contemplation slid away as Taldan came to stand before him, powerful even in his nakedness, like a god coming into its body, as perhaps he was.

  His beauty took Raine’s thoughts into a new direction that might be appropriate for the moment but still seemed terribly forward to his inexperienced mind.

  No matter his reaction, he could not tear his gaze away from the vision before him.

  Taldan eyed him with the complete assurance of a man who ruled a harem, who had grown up with access to any amount of sexual congress that he wanted.

  Those icy eyes roved over Raine’s body, and far from seeming to be disappointed, there was a slow heat present in them.

  He held out a hand, and Raine took it, shaking minutely, accepting the help to crawl up upon the altar, grateful for the softness of the mattress between his knees and the stone.

  He managed to remember his instructions, positioning himself in the center, directly below the hole in the roof, lying on his back with arms and legs akimbo, feeling very much like the sacrifice this altar had once been so very long ago.

  Taldan looked like a predator, crawling on all fours to loom over him, and whatever doubts he might harbor over where this would take them, they were well hidden at the moment.

  Raine took a deep, steadying breath, immersing himself in those intense eyes, trying to shut out the knowledge that everything they did, until the moment this act was completed, was being witnessed. He was terrified, yet he also yearned for Taldan’s touch, the power of his lust surprising him. Taldan’s gentle words earlier helped him steady his nerves.

  Taldan watched him, meeting him eye to eye, before he reached up and unbelievably, removed the mask. There were faint gasps from the watchers at this breaking of tradition.

  The emperor ignored them, laying the mask gently beside them before he leaned down, placing his lips upon Raine’s and licking over his mouth.

  Raine sucked in a harsh breath, even so simple a touch lighting his body to conflagration. Even his fear could not dampen the awakened flames.

  Taldan hovered over him, bracing one hand against the bed, the other running over Raine’s cheek as though learning him, his shape. The kiss deepened, and Raine could not help himself. He opened his mouth, lapped at the other man’s lips, savoring the taste of his first lover.

  He found courage, the will to participate, not just be the sacrifice. He arched his back, bringing his body up to rub against hard muscle and bone, wrapping his arms around Taldan and bringing him down so that they lay together, no longer two but one.

  Instinct had him wrap his leg around Taldan’s hip, and the larger man snaked his hand under Raine, curving his grip up over his shoulder, holding him, pulling him into intimate contact.

  The sensation of confinement, of possessive strength, made something within Raine flare to life and he moaned into the kiss, feeling heat rise within him. Strange, unfamiliar, but beyond his control.

  This person he admired, that he wished to emulate and protect, comfort and befriend, was touching him as though he were precious, as though he mattered.

  He understood Hredeen so well in that moment of epiphany. How could you not fall in love with this man?

  He sent out a prayer to the gods that he would do right by Taldan, that although he could not fill the hole he had seen within the emperor’s heart, he could comfort him in any fashion needed.

  His arms wrapped around Taldan’s back, stroking down his spine, feeling powerful muscles flex beneath his touch. The emperor ground his hips down into Raine’s, the kiss turning into something heated, the gentle pressure becoming more forceful, turning Raine’s senses into chaos.

  He whimpered under the onslaught, but there was no fear, just a rising need that he could hardly articulate.

  Long fingers sank into his curls, gripping firmly, manipulating his face to a better angle, a tongue darting out to press into his mouth, exploring the recesses with a skill that made his toes curl.

  Taldan bit gently at his lips as he withdrew his head. Raine blinked dazedly, realizing that he could see blue flames flickering over his shoulder and chest out of the corner of his eye where Taldan held him so tightly.

  It was happening. Truly happening. The bond was flaring into complete life. The gods, amazingly, were accepting this union.

  A drop of water hit his forehead, then another trickled down the side of Taldan’s face. The emperor looked up, a bittersweet smile upon his lips.

  It was raining.

  A clear sign of the gods’ approval.

  Raine drew him back down, stroking his face, trying to convey all that he felt to give comfort.

  “We can do this,” he whispered softly. “We only have to make it past this day.”

  Taldan nodded, just a faint movement, then he bent his head to lick along Raine’s collar bone, chasing the sweat that had gathered there, a hum of approval vibrating against Raine’s flushed skin.

  The fingers in his hair tightened, that clever mouth moving to worry at his neck, nipping and sucking, laying claim. Raine let out a soft, keening cry, and Taldan growled at the noise, the flames becoming more distinct.

  The emperor let his fingers trace downward, over Raine’s heaving chest, to gently trace the length of his erection and then enclose it in a steady, firm grip.

  Raine’s hips rose and fell of their own accord without the slightest input from him. It was as if he became something that operated on senses alone, no thought required.

  Taldan enfolded him, pressed against him, so that he was cocooned in heat, shielding him from prying eyes.

  His gentle strokes brought Raine to instant, almost painful hardness, and he writhed under the experienced touch, helpless to respond in kind, overwhelmed by sensation and heat and a rising taut feeling that stole his breath.

  The tension rose, his thighs tightening, only to stop in time as Taldan suddenly ceased his motions, leaving Raine suspended between pain and pleasure.

  He whimpered, half wondering if Taldan had chosen this torture deliberately, only to clutch at his lover as oiled fingers pressed against the entrance to his body, circling, preparing, before sliding a single fingertip past his defenses.

  Heated as he was, he immediately wanted more, impatient, desperate for—something. Whatever it might be that his body was demanding.

  He jerked, breath suspended, as that finger slid deeper, careful but oh so knowledgeable. He could only be grateful for that experience that guided him so easily. Then Taldan stroked over something that had Raine biting his lover’s shoulder, a stifled yell echoing in the chamber. It would have been embarrassing if he had been in any state to truly comprehend.

  Instead, he writhed upon the impalement, soft cries falling from his lips, eyes wide and staring, unable to discern anything but the two of them.

  Another finger slid in with amazing ease, and a whisper caressed his ear, telling him not to tense, not to bear down, to accept this newborn possession that was so strange and yet so right.

  He obeyed, feeling a need to submit completely, to give himself over to this touch, to this man.

  Another finger worked him open, stealing his breath and leaving hi
m panting.

  Then the fingers retreated, leaving him empty, cold. His grip upon Taldan tightened, a moan of protest that was greeted by soft words, comforting sounds.

  The press of something far larger than fingers, a moment of pain as his body protested the intruder, then a slide of flesh within him, an intimacy that he could never have imagined. For this moment, they were one.

  “Leave us.” Taldan’s voice echoed in the chamber. There were retreating footsteps, then a peaceful silence fell upon the room.

  A strong hand curled around the back of his thigh, lifted his leg, angling it around the emperor’s hip, splaying him for the taking. The pressure increased, the bar of flesh within him sinking ever deeper, and he could not tell if it was pain or pleasure, the two were so intermingled as to be unrecognizable.

  He felt complete, as though this moment had always been meant, and he just had never known of it. Never realized that he could feel linked with someone so beautifully, so completely.

  The intimacy, so beautiful in a life of abuse and mockery, made tears start to his eyes, and a choked sob rose to his lips.

  Taldan soothed him, a thumb gently wiping away the trickle of wetness upon his cheek.

  Before he could respond, his lover reared up, looming over him, his hips beginning to thrust, slow, shallow movements that drove away emotion and brought overwhelming sensations that left him gasping.

  It ached. It burned. Then Taldan’s presence, the link between them, seemed to flare, blue flames encasing them utterly.

  Raine blinked away tears. No, not tears, rain. It was pouring over them, wetting them, running over straining flesh and flexing muscle. Over him, the emperor shone with moisture, the candles reflecting off his skin making him seem otherworldly.

  Perhaps he truly was, as the legends said, a being that bridged the two worlds, of the gods, of humans.

  Then it was as though some barrier, some restraint on Taldan’s part, broke free, and he began to thrust deeper, a feral snarl contorting his lips, eyes wild and animalistic.

  Raine felt himself respond in kind, a growl vibrating his chest as he forced his body up, obeying an instinct only barely understood as he bit Taldan’s chest, teeth sinking in, a taste of blood within his mouth. He felt a shaft of terror, presuming to mark the emperor himself, but he could not restrain the impulse.

  Taldan only responded with harder thrusts, deeper, more intense, as though trying to reach the core of Raine’s very soul. Their dance quickened, Raine felt desperation steal over him, a needy cry breaking free.

  Please. Dear gods, please -

  It felt like their bodies, their essence was blending into one, the flames rising to obscure them, growing larger despite the rainwater that fell.

  Raine felt the link swell, then flare into a complete, unbreakable link.

  His body spasmed, a rush of heat—and he was flying.

  * * *


  Taldan rose from their shared bed, the royal bedchamber flooded with moonlight. Raine was sleeping softly, naked and bathed in the moon’s glow. A wave of powerful emotion swept through Taldan at the sight of the man. They had both been through so much, only to end up here. Together.

  Restless, he wandered toward one of the windows. The mask was lying on one of the end tables, but he ignored the hated thing. He might be forced to wear it in his rare public appearances, but he would be damned if he would wear it when he was with Raine.

  Tomorrow, he would be meeting his council to declare war against Raine’s brother and the army he’d used to invade Bhantan. His Chosen would be at his side with silent support, something that Taldan was growing to appreciate. Raine never imposed himself, but was always aware of circumstances in an almost eerie way, perhaps a product of survival in his childhood.

  Whatever it was, they had worked well together these last few days.

  Perhaps this Chosen tradition had its merits after all.

  There were bumps of course, small misunderstandings, but Taldan was finding himself more patient than he could ever have imagined. Raine just inspired that with his innocence and his compassion.

  After crossing the room on silent, bare feet, he leaned against the window and stared out into the magical night, everything turned to silver majesty in the moon’s glow.

  He could not see the mountains, only knew that they were there, far, far away. That way led to Nartisa, and somewhere in those mountains, a mystical place lay hidden, a place of assassins. Right now, those mountains seemed mysterious, even foreboding, matching the mood inside him and the question haunting him. Somewhere beyond the city were answers to the attack during the ceremony that had cost him his first Chosen. What had the War Guild shamans seen that had caused them to send Hredeen to him…and why did they wish him to live? How widespread was the rebellion in Odenar, and could the empire make amends with Bhantan over the invasion? And what awaited him and his Chosen now that the ceremony was behind them and the gods had accepted their bonding?

  And finally…where was the man he had exiled from his presence in a fit of anger and betrayal? His chest tightened, and his hand moved to lay flat upon the glass.

  He had sent him away in a fit of petulant rage, rage that over time had burned away to leave only grief.

  Somewhere out there, Taldan’s careless words, full of vitriol and spite, lay within a unique, unforgettable man’s consciousness, eating away at what they had shared.

  Sometimes, words could not be retracted.

  Blue flame flickered over his fingers, lit the glass for a moment before fading into darkness.

  “Hredeen,” he whispered.

  The End

  Coming soon: A Night of Rain by J. C. Owens, the next book in the Anrodnes Chronicles. The thrilling fantasy story of Raine, Taldan, Hredeen, Zaran, and Naral continues! Available February 2019!

  ~ About the Author ~

  Writing has always been of the utmost importance to me, often a means of expressing frustration, anger and grief during terrible times in my life. It was also there for the joys and triumphs, a faithful companion through it all that never failed me. I do indeed love to write and have over twenty books sitting idle in my computer, waiting… I started off writing under the name of J.C. McGuire with three historical books, “My Name is Aelida” Book 1 & 2, (a two part novel of Arthurian Briton and the strength of a woman in a world where men rule and her ancient bloodline is more important than her happiness. These books have been re-released as a four part series with Etopia Press, The Ascension, The Gloaming, The Conquered, The Triumph), and “Shadow of the Sun”, a very emotional novel of Alexander the Great and his lover Hephaistion. Done from Hephaistion’s viewpoint, (we all know that he dies in the end) it was the hardest thing I have ever written. I still get tears when I read it. I still love all of those books and actually read them as if someone else wrote them!!

  “Shadow of the Sun” got me into the male/male genre and I began to write under J.C. Owens. I enjoy writing of the beauty of men loving men, plus the conflict in what a person thinks they want, versus what they truly need to become themselves.

  I love to hear from my readers and always appreciate suggestions and comments for future books. Sharing a love of reading and good, hot sensuality between men is always a cause for celebration!

  Discover more about J. C. Owens here

  ~ Coming Soon ~

  A Night of Rain

  The Anrodnes Chronicles Book Two

  J. C. Owens

  ~ Also by J. C. Owens ~


  J. C. Owens

  Black wings. White wings. From a bitter war between races comes a rare chance at love...

  Anyar was a proud, black-winged warrior until he caught the attention of Vanyae, the white-winged enemy prince warring against his people. Vanyae ruthlessly takes Anyar prisoner, enslaving him and forcing him to submit in order to save Anyar's commander from harm. But freedom is not the only thing taken from him. His
dark wings are clipped, leaving him longing for the skies and the joy of flight. He is Vanyae's slave...but the cruel master who now owns him slowly shows him another side. And Anyar begins to see there may yet be hope in the simple and powerful connection of love...

  Prince Vanyae feels no regrets for capturing and enslaving Anyar, whose dark wings and captivating looks are so different than his own white-winged people. After all, slavery is completely accepted among his people, and he is the victor. But Vanyae begins to realize Anyar is much more than a slave to him. Gentleness is difficult for the prince to master, but the feelings his black-winged slave stirs might be powerful enough to lead him down a new path, different from anything his people have ever known...

  Buy Wings here

  The Emperor’s Wolf

  J. C. Owens

  A soldier enslaved by the emperor who conquered him, with only one hope to save the man from madness...

  Jaden, a soldier sold into slavery when his country fell, survives day to day, his only wish to find his little sister and save her from the same fate. The war might be over, but the scars of those who underwent Tranaden's conquest still linger. But when he is given as tribute to the very man who conquered his country—Dersai, known as the Wolf, an emperor feared and loathed beyond Tranaden's borders—Jaden sees his last hope fading away. It is whispered that the emperor is mad, possessed, without the faintest shred of mercy. Yet, Jaden finds that the man is someone quite different among his own people, in the safety of his own world. Old hatreds die hard, but Jaden finds himself fascinated by the complex, mysterious man beneath the warrior shell. There is a darkness in Dersai, but also a chance to set things right at last.


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