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LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4)

Page 102

by Dalia Wright

  Seth turned right. “It’s just up there.” She pointed towards the apartment building that everyone knew was for low-income families.

  He didn’t say a word about it as he pulled the car to a stop and turned to face her. “So, you’re really not going to be at the wedding?”

  “Chances are I won’t be able to find a suitable outfit.” After all, there were only malls around here.

  “Screw that. Wear whatever the fuck you want, Ally won’t care.”

  She didn’t think Ally would, but she was sure Connor would.

  “Look, at least come to the dinner. It’s only going to be a couple hours and then you can bail on the wedding without feeling bad.”

  The idea sounded less than appealing. “Thank you for the ride home.”

  He reached out, grabbing her wrist again. She spun to face him. Big mistake. His eyes sparkled as he looked her up and down. “God, you’re still as gorgeous as I remember.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as her mouth fell open.

  “You know, if you don’t have a boyfriend… and if you want someone to go to the wedding with, I’d be happy to take you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She knew he was probably just being kind, really, how could it be anything else? He was… he was a famous football star now, and she… well she worked a crappy bar job and took on any online jobs that she could find to help pay the bills. They were two completely different people.

  She forced a smile over her lips. “Thank you,” she said as she slipped out of the car and headed home.

  Her mind raced as she let herself into ground floor apartment she had. She closed the door and stared out the window just in time to see him drive away. She took a deep breath as she turned around.

  “You’re home early.”

  “Yes. I got a ride home with a friend. How was Beka today?”

  The babysitter smiled. “She was as good as she always is.”

  Danika’s heart filled with joy. “Thank you so much for looking after her. And… are you free tonight?”

  While she was at work she’d gotten an invitation to stop by Ally’s mom’s house. She wasn’t sure she wanted to go, but she did want to catch up with her high school best friend.

  “Yea, are you going out? Do you have a date?” The teenager sounded so excited. Danika laughed softly.

  “No, I don’t. I’m just going to be seeing a high school friend that is in town.”

  “Hm, I think mom mentioned something about that. A wedding, right?”


  “I’m free. Stay and catch up as long as you like! And I’ll make sure to be free for the wedding.” Without another word the teenager headed for the door.

  Danika stared after her. “Thank you, I really don’t know what I’d do without all your help.”

  The girl paused at the door. “Anytime, Danika. You work so hard; you deserve a little relaxation. Anyways, it must be really important to you, and your friend.”

  Without another word the girl left, and Danika was left thinking about her high school friend, and then Seth. Her heart skipped a beat.


  Danika gasped, turning to see the little girl who had managed to sneak up on her. “Hi, honey.” She dropped to her knees and pulled her daughter into a hug. She looked like she’d been in the middle of sleeping.

  “You’re home early.”

  “I got off early today. So I can spend some time with you, and then I’ve got to go out for a little while again.”

  “Do you wanna play?”

  Danika laughed softly. “Of course.” The little girl only cared about playing these days. Whether it was her mom or her babysitter, it didn’t matter – which made Danika’s life so much easier. She pulled her daughter into a thigh hug. “I love you, Beka,” she whispered softly.

  Danika got dinner ready and set out Beka’s pajamas before she changed into a pair of clean jeans and a tank top. If Connor had an issue with it – well, too damn bad. She was tired and cranky and she wasn’t in the mood to obsess over what she was wearing. She walked over to Ally’s moms and arrived just after 7:00, hesitantly ringing the doorbell.

  The door opened and Ally flung her arms around Danika. “I’m so happy you came!” She pulled away and looked Danika up and down.

  “Well, I got finished up work early, so I figured I’d drop in.” Danika blushed. She knew that by now Seth had probably told her sister everything.

  “You said you were between jobs, right?”

  “Um yes, but I do some freelance work on the side, just to add to the bank account, you know.”

  “Ohhh, that’s smart! Anyways, come on in.”

  Ally stepped out of the way and Danika made her way inside. Her jaw almost dropped when she looked around. She took everything in. The house was huge. She’d heard that Seth had bought the place for her parents.

  It was one of the last few historical buildings in town, and everyone wished they could live there. The place looked like it had been gutted and redone when Seth bought the place for his parents.

  The two girls made their way into the living room and sat down.

  “So, how are you doing, Danika? We really didn’t get a chance to talk last time we saw each other.”

  Danika’s heart skipped a beat. She stared at her old best friend, a mixture of confusion and comfort. The idea that they were both here together gave her a sense of comfort. “I’ve been alright. It seems like it’s been forever since we last saw each other.”

  “It really does. So much has changed.”

  “I still remember that night.”

  His voice made Danika’s heart skip a beat. Danika’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. Maybe it was just her, but had he really been talking about graduation?

  Danika turned to look at him. His eyes locked on hers. “Yeah, same.”

  Maybe it had just been a statement, but the truth was she still remembered the night they spent together. The night that had changed her life.

  Of course, she’d always had a crush on him, but he was her friend’s brother.

  Ally stood. “I think I heard the kettle pop. Excuse me.” She ducked out of the room.

  “You never returned my calls after that night.” He said, his voice low.

  Danika’s stomach turned. She thought about the little girl waiting for her at home. “Some things came up,” she said, dismissing the comment.

  “Things? Like what?”

  “Things that are none of your business.” She’d made her choice and she wasn’t going to question it. She knew that what she had done was the right choice to make. Seth was a successful football superstar, and that was because he’d managed to get away from this crap town, just like she’d always wanted to.

  They stared at each other, their eyes locking. Danika’s heart raced as she seemed to stare right through her. Neither of them said a word for what felt like ages.

  Seth cleared his throat. “Anyways, I’ve got to get going. The guys want to take me out for a drink since I’m back.”

  “Have fun with that. I’m sure the girls will be thrilled to see you out and about.”

  “You’re going to come to the dinner, right? I still need a date; I can’t think of another woman I’d rather take.”

  Danika’s heart skipped a beat. “I’ll see if I can make it.”

  “I’ll pick you up at 5:00.” His eyes sparkled as he stepped away from her and headed out the door.

  She stared after him until she heard Ally coming back towards the room.

  “Did he leave already?”

  “Yes, something about the boys taking him out to the bar.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t sound happy.

  Danika took the cup of tea that was offered to her. “Is everything alright?”

  “It is… I just… I wish he hadn’t gone out with them.” Danika watched her friend carefully. Why would she wish that? Ally gave her a soft smile. “I know, it sounds so bad, but I just don’t want him getting hurt. I
know it’s been hard on him coming back. When he first signed his contract, everyone from town suddenly wanted to be his friend. Everyone suddenly wanted to try and spend time with him. I just hope that the guys aren’t trying to take advantage of him is all. Or the girls for that matter.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t mind a little female attention,” Danika joked, trying to ignore the jealousy that tugged at her.

  “I wish he’d find someone special. You know, someone who loves him for who he is… not for what he is. I know he tries to hide it, but there is something nagging at him. I think it’s a girl, but he won’t tell me anything.”

  Danika’s heart skipped a beat. She had no clue what she was supposed to say.

  Ally shook her head. “Anyways, you didn’t come here to hear my sorrows.” She forced a smile on her lips. “Actually, there was a reason I asked you to come over.”

  “There was?”

  “Yes… you see, this is kind of embarrassing, but I have some clothing that um… doesn’t fit anymore and you look like you’re a little bit smaller than me so… I mean, if you don’t want it, that’s okay. It’s just I’d hate to toss away Hermes without at least offering it to you.”

  Danika’s heart skipped several beats. It took her a couple seconds to process what her friend was saying.

  Chapter Six

  Seth let out a soft sigh. “Um, yea… thanks.” He tried not to sound snarky, but he was getting sick of random women coming up and just handing him a piece of paper after asking to get a picture with him.

  “Seth!” It was Micky.

  “Hi.” He forced himself to be polite to his sisters’ maid of honor.

  “I’m so glad we got to see each other again before the wedding,” she stepped closer to him, moving into the personal space zone, “I really think we should talk… er, you know, in private.”

  “Really? What about?”

  The girl’s eyes went wide. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Seth smiled turning back to his friends. They all grinned.

  Be nice. “Anyways guys, I actually think I’m going to head home. I’m sure Ally needs help with something related to the wedding.”

  He’s stayed for a couple beers, which was more than he’d meant to do. But the thing was, once he was separated, all the girls jumped.

  He had been waiting to see if one of his friends went out for a smoke or something, but it didn’t look like he was going to get that lucky.

  He slipped out of his chair while Micky still stood there speechless. He rushed for the door as fast as he could. A couple girls tried to reach out for him, but he managed to dodge them without much effort. Compared to the football players he was used to practicing with, these girls were hell. You’d think the professional NFL stars would be worse, but no. These girls really are worse than them. He mentally shook himself as she climbed into the car.

  He gunned the engine but didn’t move. Instead, he closed his eyes blowing out a deep breath. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. The way she had looked at him when he brought up their last night together. I wish she’d just tell me why she doesn’t want anything to do with me. Was that too much to ask?

  Well, I know where she lives. I can go ask her myself. He glanced down at the clock. It was only 9:00. She was probably still awake.

  He shifted into drive and headed for the house.

  When he got there he walked straight up to her door and his fists hit the wood three times before he stepped back. His heart raced. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this. Maybe I had too much to drink, he thought.

  No. He might have had a little too much, but that didn’t matter. What mattered right now was talking to Danni.

  The door didn’t open right away. He stepped towards it and knocked again. “Danni, I’ll stay out here until you open the door!” he called, his fists banging against the door again.

  He waited a couple seconds, stepping back. I will. I’ll do this all night, he thought. He was just about to start knocking again when the door opened.

  “Danni, I-”


  The voice shocked him. His gaze shifted from Danika’s bright blue eyes to the little girl hiding behind her.

  He stared with wide eyes. She couldn’t be much younger than four. I don’t remember Danika being… the thought trailed off in his mind.

  “Mommy, who is this?”

  “It’s no one, sweetheart,” said Danika, her voice soft. “Will you go pick out a bedtime book for me? I’ll be right there.”


  Seth stared at the little girl as she walked away. His couldn’t stop looking at her. His mind raced. She looked so much like Ally had when she was little. When the girl was out of sight he turned his attention to Danika. The woman the little girl had called her mother.

  “What do you want?” Her eyes blazed with anger.

  “I… I came to see you.”

  “Well you can leave now.”

  “Wait, Danika. That little girl, she…” His mind raced as he thought about the night they’d spent together. They had been young and stupid; they hadn’t used protection. “Is she mine?”

  Danika stared at him with wide eyes. She was quiet for a couple seconds.

  “You’re drunk. How did you get here?”

  “I… drove. I just needed to see you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Danika.”

  “Great,” she muttered, stepping out of the doorway, “well get in here. I can’t let you drive home. If something happens to you right before your sister’s wedding, it will ruin everything.”

  “So… we can talk?”

  “No. I’m going to read my daughter a bedtime story, and then I’m going to bed. And if you so much as try to bother either one of us… well, you know what this small town is like- I have a gun beside my bed, and I will shoot you.”

  It sounded like she meant every word of it too. She tuned on her heel and headed for the hallway her daughter had went down. Seth made his way into the house, closing it behind him. She paused at a closet and pulled down a blanket. When she turned to him she practically shoved the blanket into his hands and walked away from him.

  “Danni…. Is she really… not…?”

  “No, she’s not. It may come as a surprise to you, but you weren’t my only partner, or my first.”

  She felt bad the second it came out. The truth was, he had been her first. And he had been her only one. But she wasn’t going to tell him that.

  She made her way into Beka’s bedroom.

  “Mommy, is that man staying here tonight?”

  “Yes. He’s one of my old friends, but don’t worry, he’ll be gone tomorrow.”

  “Okay. I want to read this one.” The girl held up her favorite book. Danika gave a soft sigh. She should have known.

  “Alright, come on let’s cuddle up.”

  Danika blinked a couple times. She sat up. What? She looked around. She must have fallen asleep after reading. Normally she gave Beka a backrub to get the little girl to sleep. I’ve been so tired recently. I don’t get it. It’s not like she was doing anything she hadn’t been doing for months, or years.

  With a sigh, she pushed herself up and padded towards the bedroom. She stepped out of her daughter’s room and paused. Her brow furrowed. The shower.

  Seth must not be asleep. Without thinking she headed towards the kitchen and was met by the scent of coffee. The shower shut off and seconds later she heard the bathroom door open.

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  Danika turned to Seth. Her jaw almost dropped as she stared at him. It wasn’t those eyes, or even the smile on his lips. It was his muscular chest and the way his arms flexed as he ran a finger through damp hair. Her eyes lingered on his six pack abs. Just what you would expect from a football player. She swallowed dryly.

  “Um, no you didn’t.” She forced herself to speak.

  “Good. I’m sorry for earlier. I made some coffee and I hope you don’t mind I raided your fridge.”<
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  Danika’s cheeks flushed. She knew there was hardly anything in the fridge. “I hope you found something, I know I haven’t done the shopping in a while.”

  “I did.” He closed the distance between her. Thankfully, he had a pair of jeans on, but that didn’t stop her from staring at him.

  Danika cleared her throat, forcing herself to look away from the man she had once been in love with. Yea, those feelings are still there. She thought as desire pooled in the pit of her stomach. She mentally shook herself.

  “I am really sorry for earlier. I didn’t scare your daughter, did I?”

  “No. Beka’s a lot stronger than she lets on.”

  “Just like her Mommy,” he smiled, his eyes sparkling as he came to a stop in front of her.

  Danika felt her cheeks grow warmer. She looked away from him, unable to bring herself to look at him. So many emotions rushed through her body but she couldn’t pinpoint one. She was mad at him for coming here. She was happy he’d come. She wanted his arms around her.

  Her cheeks flushed thinking about the night they had spent together years ago.

  “How old is she?”

  Danika raised an eyebrow. “Does it matter?”

  “I guess not.” He looked away from her without saying a word. A soft sigh passed through his lips. “I guess the idea of you being with someone else… just… I guess I never really closed the doors on us…”

  Guilt tugged at Danika. I did what I had to do. She told herself.

  “If it makes you feel better, I’ve always had a place for you in my heart, Seth.”

  He reached out, his warm fingers touching her hips softly. “Is that true?”

  “Of course.” She wouldn’t lie about that. The truth was, she hated lying. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t do it if she had to.

  His lips crashed against her, pulling her closer to him. A soft moan passed through Danika’s lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to him as the kiss became something Danika needed.

  Seth pulled away from her. “Danika… When you stopped talking to me, you broke my heart,” he confessed.


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