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Project MANagement

Page 4

by Kirra Pierce

  My back arced with the pleasure.

  “Just tell me what you want.” John twisted his fingers into my hair and pulled my head back, to cover my mouth. I grabbed his braids, needing something to hold on to.

  A current of pleasure ran through my body. Expertly, they first teased and then withheld. Three sets of lips, three pairs of hands, holding, stroking, kissing until I wanted to scream, until they let me peak and I did scream against John’s lips. Shaken, I fell back into their arms.

  Hands gentled me, petting and stroking my body, but John’s mouth remained hard, desperately hungry against mine. He grabbed me up in his arms and stood. Carnal hunger held his face in a tight mask. That look promised me things I had never been brave enough to ask for ‑‑ the kind of passion that could consume and remake me. Only when he lifted his eyes was I able to tear my own away from him.

  We couldn’t have stared like that for more than a few moments, but Larry now stood across the room from us, waiting. The black mattress from a futon that had stood against the wall was on the floor at his feet. Impatient hunger filled his face. His eyes seemed to eat me up.

  Stanley knelt on the mattress. His liquid brown eyes half closed, his expression anticipatory. He stroked himself slowly with one hand, clearly waiting for John to deliver me.

  I looked at the fullness and length of the cocks they each displayed so shamelessly, a little shocked that I had been able to take them in my mouth and my body. I wanted to see that part of John also. I knew that soon my body would be home to him as well, but the way he held me blocked my view.

  The intensity of their expressions hit me anew and a trill of fear ran through me. Their masks had come off.

  These men demanded more than casual. This was making a promise, a commitment. To take what they offered required trust on all sides. No masks for me either.

  John lowered me onto the mattress and lay beside me, his hands never leaving my body. Stanley stretched out behind me, so I was surrounded by their warmth and the spicy scent of their skin. Stanley’s lips moved from my shoulders to the space between them, placing hot kisses. All the while John’s hands ran over my body. I heard a soft moaning and realized the sound came from me.

  “So pretty.” I looked up at Larry, who was kneeling at John’s head. “I’ve been dreaming of this, seeing you, Belle, being loved by us, getting hot for us. I needed to see it.”

  I tried to speak, only to have John take my mouth once more, and I lost all thought. He tugged me on top of him. My legs spread around his muscular hips; the warm spicy scent of his skin filled my head; the length of his erection pressed my pussy lips. I slid up until the wide, rounded end nudged the opening of my vagina.

  Other hands pushed me down over that column. I saw Stanley’s nut brown hands at my waist. The feel of John stretching me, the look of pained delight on his face, filled my heart and my body. I wanted this. I wanted to be a part of every bit of them and take all the sweetness they offered. Finally, I rested, fully impaled on John’s body. I squirmed a moment, adjusting to his size.

  Stanley urged me forward and down so my bottom was presented to him while my body still held John. Warm lips kissed and softly nipped the exposed skin. I tightened reflexively around John, and heard him groan.

  “Mmm, Belle, I love the curve of your ass. You don’t know how many times I’ve fantasized having you just like this, with your pretty little rose waiting for me.” A sigh of hot breath, and Stanley’s tongue followed his words to tease the circle of that rose. The sensitive nerves danced under his delicate touch, a counterpoint to the brutal fullness of John’s shaft within me. Shivers ran up my spine and I flexed my nails into John’s shoulders, drawing a gasp from him.

  For a moment, Stanley left me, and then a cool wetness circled me. “Relax, Belle. I’m going to prepare and then take you here.”

  I turned my head a bit on John's chest so I could see Larry. He was watching us intently, his hands moving over his shaft in a slow, steady rhythm. His look demanded complete surrender. All or nothing.

  I breathed out, attempting to follow Stanley’s instruction to relax. I felt one finger, and then a second one push inside the tight circle of my anus. Very slowly, he inserted them and slid his fingers in a long, soothing stroke.

  I exhaled a shaky breath and tried to relax, tried to just enjoy the sensation. Pleasure and a little pain assaulted me, but the love beneath it was overtaking everything else. John’s breath caught and he bucked once beneath me. “I feel you through Belle, Stan. Oh God, hurry! I can’t hold still much longer.”

  “Ready.” Stanley removed his fingers. More cool gel squirted inside me. I felt the blunt knob of his cock demanding entry. “Push out, Belle. Help me.”

  Biting my lip, I complied. There was slight burning sensation at first. I pushed against his cock, and he slid inside slowly, but inexorably, until he gasped. “I’m in.”

  Full. I was so full and helpless between them. I dropped my head to John’s chest. His arms went around me while Stanley held tightly to my hips. Never had I taken two men at once like this.

  Control? I almost smiled. They couldn’t say I’d held anything back from them.

  As if he had read my mind, Larry urged me back up. John’s arms fell away to cup my breasts and help support me. I saw the need in Larry’s face, and licked and opened my lips to take him in. The taste of bitterness and salt, the male scent of him, filled me more.

  All three in my body, connected to me and, through me, to each other. They began to move. Slowly, in and out. Their pace picked up. Faster now, the sounds of their pleasure filled my ears.

  I was lost to them and the feelings that gripped my body. It felt like my body was trying to contain the fire of too many feelings and soon they would consume me. Wave after wave of pleasure peaked and blossomed within me, causing my muscles to clamp and grip convulsively around John and Stanley over and over, in an endless spiral of intense orgasm exploding through me.

  They cried out and ground themselves against my body, their hot cum adding to the sensations that filled me.

  My own moans vibrated around Larry’s cock. I sucked with a last fierce hunger as I rode out my orgasm. He stiffened. His cock swelled even harder inside my mouth, and his own groan rang out. He gave a last few jerky thrusts and pulsed within my mouth. I swallowed the bitter, smooth liquid, wanting to take all of him as they had taken all of me. Triumphant, I let him pull back after licking the last drops from the tiny opening that had yielded so much of his essence to me.

  They had held me totally within their control, yet they had surrendered back their control to me. I smiled first at a dazed Larry and then to John, who pulled me up just enough to nuzzle my breasts. Stanley pulled free, sending a last sparkle through my sensitized nerves. I tilted my head back to accept his cheek rubbing against mine. For once, we were all quiet, all in accord.

  A long while later, after they gave me another sponge bath, we all snuggled for a nap. I stretched on my side, sandwiched with Larry to my front, Stanley behind him, and John behind me.

  Larry brushed the hair back from my cheek. His face looked more relaxed and at ease than I had ever seen him. I guess I never consciously realized how much tension he’d always radiated, even when he was joking.

  “A couple of the rooms you haven’t seen yet at our place, Belle, are a bedroom with a custom-made, very large bed and a toy room. I think we can guarantee that you won’t get too bored living with us.”

  “I know Belle wants us.” Larry elbowed Stanley, who had raised himself to look over Larry’s shoulder. He oofed out a breath and continued. “However, if she starts to chicken out, I know how to make sure she stays.”

  Uh oh. I recognized that smile on Stanley’s face: trouble.

  “All those times she’s come over on a date with one of us and was pulled into playing some game?”

  My palms felt damp; I didn’t like where this was going. They had started innocently with games like Yahtzee, poker, gin, but then…
br />   “If Belle doesn’t become our fourth roommate, we’ll tell everyone she’s a WoW player.”

  Damn. “Not that I would change my mind, but, Stanley, you promised! You all swore you would never tell anyone that I like online computer games ‑‑ and especially not World of Warcraft.”

  I put on my best I’m really steamed now face.

  “If word got out, it would completely ruin my image as a cool professional and send me to the geek room with you guys. I mean, now I can go to lunch with the marketing people. We discuss the new restaurants and plays, not whether Curly would feel compelled to order curly fries. If that got out, I would have no choice but to hang with you all the time.”

  Oh wait, wasn’t I trying to discourage them from telling?

  Of course, I considered while looking over the beautiful male bodies around me, hanging with these geeks did have its benefits. But, still…

  “Ah Belle,” Larry began, teasing written all over his face as well.

  “Stop it. Now.”

  Thank goodness. John was going to put a stop to this. I snuggled closer to his side.

  “It would be totally unfair to reveal Belle’s little WoW experience after we promised not to. However, the times we pulled out the old D&D set are fair game.”

  I slapped his thigh and tried, unsuccessfully, to scoot away. Time to pull out some ammo of my own.

  “Fine. You guys talk. I think I feel a major, long-term headache coming on. And when my head aches, I tend to be a little loose-lipped myself. For example, I know John still keeps a Miss Piggy figurine in his desk drawer behind his box of spare pens.”

  “Hey, my baby sister made that for me.”

  They didn’t look worried enough. I decided to go straight for the kill.

  “All three of you secretly read smutty romance books.” Gasps filled the air. They had no idea I’d found their stash of e-books in a hidden folder on their computer. I had them now. “Do I need to go on?”

  “Um, no.” Stanley looked perversely proud of my ability to go head-to-head with them. I felt pretty smug myself.

  “You know, Belle, you better rest up. The night’s not over yet and there’s more things I want to try before your vow of giving up control is over.” With a wicked leer of pure, unadulterated lust, Stanley let his head sink back behind Larry’s shoulder.

  I was a happy Christmas Belle. I suppressed a moan. A bad pun. They were already rubbing off on me. Maybe I should get ready for the geek room.

  I snuggled back within the tight circle of John’s arms, a little nervous, but very happy with what my Santas had left in my stocking. Err, with what they had in their stockings?

  Well that was it. Their sense of humor had definitely rubbed off. It was a good thing for them I was willing to be forgiving…given the right project incentives, of course.

  Kirra Pierce

  Bio? Kirra is spy/secret agent who disarms nuclear bombs in her spare time. Uh, wait, what was that, Loowis? The real world me? But that’s sooo boring. Oh, all right.

  I am actually a mom who used to haunt the halls of corporate research and write excruciatingly boring technical reports, but who can now be found at PTO meetings, chaperoning school outings, helping with homework assignments ‑‑ you get the idea. My homemaking seems to bounce between June Cleaver aspirations and Peg Bundy deliverables. A neat home is lovely, but wouldn’t you rather be reading? I obviously would.

  I’ve always loved fantasy and while my body may be in this world my mind is usually someplace much more interesting. I don’t care for tepid anything in fiction. Hot heroes, savvy heroines, and an edge of danger are all things I look for in a book and what I hope to deliver to you.




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