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Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1

Page 4

by H. M. McQueen

  But this was way past alternative.

  A Protector living with a half-demon teenager?

  Cyn’s a father.

  Regardless of how it came to be, it was a fact.

  The fact slammed into her gut, and twisted her stomach with guilt over what she had to do. She followed Blue’s slim figure as he walked down a short hallway and showed her into a small bedroom.

  “This is where you crash. If you want to freshen up or whatever, there’s the bathroom.” Blue motioned to a doorway just past the bed. “I’ll be in the kitchen. I’m making some grilled cheese sandwiches to hold me over til dinner.” He patted his stomach. “They are sooo good. Want one?”

  Emma smiled at him. “Sure that sounds great. I’ll be there in a few.”

  Blue nodded at her and left the room, whistling as he walked back toward the kitchen.

  She tried to remember when she’d eaten last. Her stomach growled at the thought of food, confirming that she was, in fact, starving. A grilled cheese sandwich sounded perfect. And, now she wanted to talk to Blue, curious to know how it came to be that he lived with Cyn.

  The bedroom was a good size, but sparsely furnished, with only a full size bed, a nightstand and a dresser to complete the room. Emma walked to the bed and threw her purse on it. She sat down on the edge, a myriad of emotions churned through her. What was she going to do now? Her sister’s life depended on her. Could she follow through and save her only family member?

  What about this family?

  Hard as it was to accept, it seemed that Cyn was a father.

  Yet, she couldn’t allow what she found out about Cyn to distract her. She had a mission to accomplish; she wouldn’t let anything stop her from freeing Briana. The more she got to know him the harder it would be to accomplish it.

  She hadn’t expected this. Protectors were lone warriors that lived alone and died alone. Her father, a high-level demon, taught her all about the Protectors. He wanted his daughters to be aware of their existence, in case one ever confronted them. He told them Protectors took an oath, to slay demons that posed a threat to humans and that they weren’t allowed to marry and couldn’t have children.

  As the thoughts tumbled through her mind, she ran her fingers through her hair and grimaced when they got stuck in the tangles.

  I must be a wreck.

  She peered into the bathroom. It was a small bright room, with a toilet and a pedestal sink next to a glass-enclosed shower. On a clear shelf over the sink, some toiletries were scattered. Two plush beige towels hung on a chrome bar attached to the shower door.

  Emma studied the disheveled woman in the bathroom mirror, and cringed. Her hair was a tangled mess from the wind and helmet, her mascara was smeared and her clothes were crumpled.

  She took a brush out of her bag and combed the knots out, then swept it into a long ponytail. After she splashed water on her face, Emma brushed her teeth. Critically, she assessed her blouse and jeans and smoothed them down with her damp hands. Not much more could be done to remedy her appearance, so she gave up and went to find Blue.

  And, to find out more about the Protector she was to betray.


  Cyn lay back on his bed. His legs hung over the edge as he listened to his brother’s Scottish burr over the computer speakers. “Damn it Cyn, what in the bloody hell were you doing? Julian heard about you fighting demons the other day in an alleyway. I can’t believe you risked a brawl with demons before dark. Anyone could have seen you. We don’t need this shit right now. I know you’re pissed about Roderick. Believe me, I know how you feel. But, exposing us will not help. Julian is going to rip you a new one.”

  Kieran’s strong Scottish accent was a remnant of his prolonged stay and subsequent returns to their homeland.

  “Okay, Okay. Are you finished?” Cyn snapped. Everything Kieran said was true. Kieran didn’t reply. “I didn’t go out to fight the damn demons on purpose. I was supposed to meet Argos. He said he wanted to talk to me. He wants custody of Blue. Obviously, it was a set up. Demons were waiting to attack me.” Cyn sat up and shoved his hair away from his face.

  Mental note — get a haircut.

  “Shit I left you a message and told you about the meet,” Cyn said.

  On the monitor, Kieran’s eyes narrowed in thought. The more analytical of the two brothers and although born after Cyn, Kieran was older in human years. Kieran did not become a Protector until his thirties. The stubborn Highlander fought tooth and nail against his calling, choosing to remain in Scotland with his wife, Catarina.

  To this day, Kieran always analyzed everything to death before he made a decision. One thing he could never be accused of was being impulsive.

  Cyn knew that Kieran, like him, would do anything to protect Blue. Blue was family, an important part of their lives.

  His son.

  He recalled the night he first laid on eyes on Blue, just as easily as if it had happened yesterday. One night while out on patrol, Cyn sensed the presence of a strong demon and went to investigate. He walked up just as the demon struck a little child. The child began to wail, trying to keep away from the demon’s reach. The demon spat at the child, “Worthless little half-blood, no better than the bitch that birthed and left you.”

  At the time Cyn didn’t realize that Blue was half-demon, not that it would have mattered. He couldn’t stand by and watch an innocent be harmed. He’d drawn his sword and ran at the demon, a feral growl of anger resonating. The demon picked up the child and threw him at Cyn. Cyn dropped his sword and caught the baby with both hands.

  “Take Argos, he’s worthless to me. I have no use for a damn kid,” the demon yelled, while he backed away at the same time.

  Taking advantage of Cyn’s distraction, Blue’s father took off.

  Blue, about two years old at the time, must have sensed safety in Cyn’s arms. He promptly stuck his thumb in his mouth, leaned against Cyn’s chest and let out a shaky sigh. For reasons he could never explain, Cyn knew at that moment he was meant to raise the boy himself.

  At first, it was a difficult transition for him, from bachelor to single parent. The other Protectors were extremely supportive. Roderick and Rachel’s son, Brock, was about the same age as Blue, so Rachel kept Blue most nights while Cyn worked.

  Roderick, who was already retired from the Protector force, stepped in many times and covered patrols for Cyn if Blue was sick.

  His brother was a huge help as well. From the beginning, Kieran never complained when Cyn switched nights with him so that he could be home with Blue as much as possible. The last twelve years passed by swiftly and Blue grew up to be a healthy, well-adjusted young man. Cyn would protect his son with his life.

  Kieran’s angry voice snapped Cyn’s attention back from his thoughts. “You trusted Argos to meet you? I doubt that asshole wants Blue back. He is just using him to get to you. Probably wants money,” Kieran shook his head. “When I get back I will find Argos myself and when I do, I will cut off his balls.”

  Kieran always wanted to cut someone’s balls off. He hadn’t yet, not that Cyn knew of anyway, but he wouldn’t put anything past his angry and sullen brother.

  Cyn waited before he spoke. “I brought a woman here tonight.” He got up from the bed and faced his brother’s stern face on the computer screen. “She says she needs my help. That demons have her sister.” Kieran’s eyes narrowed. “She also told me she saw Roderick and that he’s alive. I read her thoughts and it rang true. She believed it anyway. Said her sister’s being held hostage by Gerard.”

  Kieran crinkled his brow and bent his head as he began to analyze the situation. Cyn continued, “I don’t fully trust her, but I’m going to keep her close.”

  Kieran grunted. “Keeping her close huh? Is she attractive?”

  Cyn just glared at him. “I’m keeping her close to get information out of her.”

  Kieran continued undaunted. “You brought her to your house, and you seem uncomfortable.” His brother’s sly ex
pression annoyed him. “Hasn’t it been a while since you’ve been with a woman? If she’s pretty, enjoy. Just don’t let your guard down. Did you scan her for tracers?”

  “Yes, the security system didn’t find anything. The one thing that bothers me the most is… ,” Cyn said, “that she mentioned Gerard by name. Most people don’t know the Master demon’s name. That, in itself, makes me suspicious of her. I blindfolded her as a preventative measure since I can’t erase her memories yet. I don’t want to chance that she knows the location of this house.”

  “So what are you going to do now?” Kieran asked.

  “Ask her a lot of questions. Keep trying to read her mind, which is hard. We’re going over to Rachel’s for dinner. I’ll ask Rachel to try to read her as well. Are you coming?”

  Expression hard, Kieran shoved a damp lock of hair out of his eyes. “I can’t. I’m asshole deep in this assignment. I have been chasing LeBlanc, through two states, now the damn demon is hiding in the middle of the Louisiana swamps. Why do I always get the ones that like to hide in swamps? I can’t stand this foul place.” Kieran glanced around, a snarl on his lips.

  “Watch your back,” Cyn cautioned his brother.

  Kieran gave a droll look. “Yeah, I’ll be back tomorrow and as far as watching my back, I would say your backside will be more exposed than mine tonight big brother. Call Julian.” He abruptly ended the transmission.

  Cyn lowered the soundproofing shields in his bedroom and office. Julian could wait. He didn’t feel like hearing his boss go off right now. The man had almost as much power as God and none of the Protectors liked to make him angry.

  Rich as Midas too, he paid the Protectors very well for their services.

  As far as they knew, their Roman commander was one of the originals recruited by a secret power to become a Protector. He was either one of, if not the first of the Protectors. Julian was also the most powerful of them. He constantly traveled around the world helping out the Protectors in each city. Julian also kept track of higher-level demon’s movements and activities. Although he was centuries old, Julian appeared to be about twenty-five and was a force to be reckoned with.

  Cyn walked down the hall toward the kitchen and stopped at the end of the hallway to listen. Blue and Emma were in the kitchen. Emma sat across the table from Blue and ate a grilled cheese sandwich while she listened to him describe his latest gaming program. He rarely saw Blue so animated with strangers. The kid waved his hands in the air as he described the different levels of the world he’d created.

  Finally, Emma raised her hand, and laughed, “Whoa Blue, I think you lost me there after the second level of the thirty-eighth realm. How do you expect gamers to keep track?”

  Blue stared at her, with a look of disbelief and then shook his head. “You’re probably too old to get it.” Emma gasped, and then threw a piece of cheese at him. It stuck to the middle of his forehead.

  Blue grunted as if he’d been shot, and after a dramatic wave of his hand across his brow, he fell out of his chair onto the floor.

  Emma giggled and shook her head at his antics.

  Blue was a charmer, already well on his way to winning Emma over.

  When he spotted Cyn in the hallway, Blue jumped up. “Hey Dad, I didn’t hear you,” he sat back in the chair and picked up a half eaten sandwich, his eyes darting between Cyn and Emma.

  The urge to hug his son was strong but he refrained, knowing Blue would be mortified with any display of affection in front of Emma. “I suggest you work as hard on your school work as you are on that gaming program.”

  Blue frowned and took a bite before replying, “Yes Sir.”

  Cyn spoke to Emma, “When you’re done eating, we need to talk.”

  Blue was already leaving the room. “I’ll be in my room…um studying.”


  Apprehension gripped Emma at being alone with the Protector. He made her feel things she didn’t understand and wasn’t prepared to deal with. Enough was going on in her life right now. Too many emotions already battled without adding attraction to the mix.

  She picked up her cup and took it to the sink.

  Cyn didn’t move from the doorway, she could sense his eyes on her as she grabbed a small dishtowel and dried off the sink area and faucet to stall for time, and attempt to try to get her emotions under control.

  Not able to prolong it any longer, Emma turned around and faced him. His too intense gaze followed her every movement, a total contrast to the casual picture he portrayed leaning against the doorjamb with his hands in his pockets. “Did you come up with a plan to rescue my sister and your friend?”

  “Not here. We’ll talk in my bedroom, my equipment is there.” Cyn walked away and she followed. They went down the hallway in the opposite direction of the guest bedroom. Emma had to move fast to keep up with his long strides. The man moved with an assured fluidity, which could only come from years of having to remain undetected.

  When they entered his bedroom she glanced over the space, taking it all in. The room was functional and clinical, a combination bedroom and office with muted gray walls devoid of a single adornment. A contemporary desk holding a flat-screen laptop occupied the alcove. Other than a small picture of Cyn and Blue next to the computer, nothing else was on the surfaces of the desk or the nightstands, not even a lamp or clock.

  Plush gray bedding folded down to show stark white sheets made his king-sized bed an inviting sight.

  While she studied the surroundings, he pushed several buttons in a control panel by the door. Emma eyed him warily as glass shields fell, fully closing off the area. She gulped at the reality that she was trapped in very close proximity with a Protector.

  In his bedroom.

  “Part of the house security system, soundproof and teen proof,” was all he said as he walked to his bed, sat down and began to remove his boots. He yanked his socks off and threw them toward his closet.

  Emma felt uncomfortable and remained standing just inside the door. The situation felt too personal. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt to keep her hands busy.

  As he picked up his boots and put them beside the bed, Cynden moved with the graceful ease of a man sure of himself.

  Did he think she would sleep with him in exchange for his help? Would she do that? Was that the only way to get his help? What about Blue? Did he not care that his son was in the house?

  She bit her bottom lip and surveyed the room purposely skipping over the huge bed.

  When she forced herself to glance back to the bed, Cyn was preoccupied reading the display on his cell phone.

  She swallowed at the blast of feral heat when he raised his eyes to her. His interest evident by the way his hungry eyes swept leisurely from her lips down her body.

  She looked away from him and lunged for a chair just a few feet away, deciding it would be easier to fend off his advances if she sat.

  For now.

  Before Emma could sit down, she jumped at the touch of a firm hand on her shoulder. He’d come up behind her without making a sound. The man moved fast. The feel of his breath on the back of her neck made her relive what had transpired between them in the alley. She almost leaned back into his warmth.

  “Turn around.” His smooth voice flowed over her like velvet.

  Emma tried to swallow but her mouth went dry. She turned to find he stood very close.

  God help her, she’d never seen a more handsome man than the one who stood before her now. Her body screamed for his touch. She wanted to be with him, her skin against his. But she wouldn’t sleep with him as a form of payment.

  What if during sex he sensed that she was part demon and killed her on the spot? But then again, maybe he would kill her just for saying no.

  She forced herself to remain calm and placed her hand on his chest only to draw it back when the urge to caress him became too strong.

  “Listen Cyn. I know most women throw themselves at you. I mean you’re extremely good-lo… but, I – I am
not going to have sex with you right now. What happened before between us, out there in the alley, that was just because of the rush of adrenaline after your encounter with the demon…,” she stopped babbling, at a loss for words.

  Cyn stood back with his arms crossed while he stared down at her. He raised an eyebrow and his lips curved into a crooked smile.

  “I was going to move the chair so you could sit by the desk and I could get some more information from you. But I see your mind is on other things.” He leaned in closer to her and his smile widened. “You said ‘not right now,’ does that mean we’ll have sex later?”

  A scorching flush of embarrassment crept up her face. Not sure of how to respond, she huffed and pushed him out of her way as she stomped toward the desk.

  A different, more methodical side of the man became evident as he asked her questions about locations and descriptions of everyone and everything she saw while at the compound. He questioned her about the types of buildings and any landmarks, how many demons, and where they were positioned when they transported her. The thoroughness of his questioning and the speed that he entered the data into his computer amazed her. His fingers literally flew over the keys.

  Emma studied his profile as he typed. The man didn’t seem real—no way a human could ever be so perfect. His plush lashes matched the perfectly arched eyebrows that framed his ice-blue eyes. Those eyes, they were a most disconcerting color. She’d never seen the like. When they locked with hers, it was as if he could peer into her soul. The slight indentation on his chin caught her attention. What would it feel like to press her lips there?

  When her eyes rose to his, he was staring at her. She almost groaned, chagrined at being caught making a fool of herself yet again.

  His eyes leveled on her lips and she gulped. Was he going to kiss her again?

  She jumped when his intercom beeped.

  Again, he cocked an eyebrow at her and his lips twitched.

  Cyn relaxed back into his chair and pushed the talk button.


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