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Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1

Page 6

by H. M. McQueen

  Rachel leaned on the railing next to him, with a crinkled brow. “I don’t know what she is. I know she is at least part human. Perhaps she is part Fae, but I don’t sense she’s only human.” Her brow wrinkled. “Maybe demon, very recessive, but it’s possible.” She began to pace as she tried to figure out Emma’s origin. “Have you tried to seduce her?”

  Cyn didn’t mind telling her. “We kissed and she was willing. I didn’t use any mind control. She didn’t deny me. Although I got the feeling she wasn’t too happy about it after.”

  “Interesting.” Rachel shrugged and held her hands up. “Well, I’m stumped. A human is easy to seduce with mind control and demons are tricky and prefer to do the seducing. The only species that can block your prowess would be a shifter or another Protector.” She smiled at Cyn’s offended expression. “I know, I know. Protectors are only males and you don’t swing that way, but it was worth saying just to see the look on your face.”

  Cyn huffed and turned away from her. “Rachel, I am going to go to the demon compound. I need to rescue that girl.” He heard Rachel’s intake of breath and she placed a hand over her heart. “You’ll keep Blue for me, won’t you?”

  “It’s not worth it Cyn,” Rachel told him, her calm façade gone. “The girl is in all probability there willingly or dead by now. We both know it. The demons won’t let a human remain there against their will and live this long.” Cyn heard her voice crack. “First Roderick disappears and now you want to follow? I can’t bear to lose you right now Cyn. Who’s next? Is Kieran planning to go too? When is enough going to be enough?”

  Something squeezed in his chest when he saw the angst on her face and unshed tears glistening in her eyes. But he had no idea how to comfort her.

  “Of course you can leave Blue here, but don’t tell him where you’re going.” She wiped a tear away with the back of her hand. Cyn’s heart jerked.

  Without another word, she went back into the house.

  Cyn stood for a while, listening to the crickets’ melody in the background. It was well worth it to risk his life if there was a chance Roderick was alive. He had no doubt the Spartan would do the same for him. He couldn’t ignore the gut wrenching sensation that had eaten at him since they arrived at Roderick’s home tonight at seeing his wife and son’s struggle to act normal in his absence.

  Cyn walked back into the house a few minutes later. Emma sat in a chair in the living room and watched the boys play. She concentrated on the screen as if she were really trying to figure out the game. Cyn went over and put his hand on Blue’s slim shoulder.

  The boy glanced up with a frown. ”I’m not ready to leave yet Dad. Can I stay over?”

  Cyn nodded. “Yes, you can sleep here. I need to talk to you for a minute Blue.”

  Blue jumped up, obviously sensing Cyn’s tension. “What’s wrong Dad?” The boy’s entire body appeared taut, apprehension evident in his stance.

  Cyn took the boy by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “Nothing’s wrong. I have to go on a job, so I need you to stay with Rachel and Brock.”

  “For how long?” Blue didn’t relax.

  Emma watched the exchange between them, transfixed. Cyn didn’t like that Blue’s fear of being away from him for too long was so obvious. He’d not gotten over his fear that one day his birth father would demand his return.

  He shook him playfully, grinning to assure Blue. “Just a day or two at the most.”

  Blue relaxed. “Oh okay.” He glanced at the screen then back at him, clearly torn. “Just for a couple of days at the most. Right?”

  He nodded, and smiled down at his son. “Yes Blue, I promise I’ll be back in two days. Don’t get into any trouble. Come here.” Cyn hugged his son and laughed when the boy tried to squirm out of his hold.

  “Geez Dad, you don’t have to get all mushy and junk.”

  Belying his words, the boy appeared to be reassured as he flopped back down on the couch and began to play again.

  Cyn observed his son for a few moments before they headed out. He hated goodbyes, even short ones.


  The drive back to Cyn’s house was quiet. Sure that her voice would not get past the huge lump in her throat, Emma decided it was best to remain silent. How she wished she could come clean. The exchange between Cyn and his son tore through her like a knife and ripped her heart to shreds. How could she play a part in causing Blue to deal with the loss of his father?

  Cyn appeared to be lost in thought as well, or maybe he attempted to read her mind, she wasn’t sure which. The silence allowed her time to think and plan for the days ahead.

  When they arrived back at Cyn’s home, he removed her blindfold. The security system scanned her again before they entered the house. With a pensive air about him, Cyn maintained a noticeable distance from her. Maybe time with Roderick’s family had affected him after all.

  It was too quiet in the dark room as he engaged the security system. Cyn turned to her. “We need to get some sleep. Tomorrow we’ll see about your sister.”

  Emma closed her eyes and thanked heaven. Her sister — he was going to help her get Briana back! Another night of worrying about Briana would not be as bad knowing that it would all end soon.

  He pointed toward the kitchen. “You remember where the spare bedroom is right?”

  She nodded but followed him as he headed in the opposite direction. “What is the plan? I think we are going to need weapons and more men.” He ignored her and went into his bedroom. She hesitated for a moment, at the doorway and then walked in after him.

  “Who is going to help us?”

  Cyn stopped and faced her. “I am not going to share the plan with you. For all I know you are on their side, a damn decoy, and your sister doesn’t even exist.”

  “If you don’t trust me then why are you helping me?” Unjustified rage filled her, perhaps because his words were too close to the truth. Emma stepped closer to him. She hated that she had to bend her neck back to look up at him. “Maybe this is a mistake, maybe I should just figure this out by myself.”

  He held her by the forearms and drew her to him. First his eyes were piercing, his stare hard, but they softened when he spoke, “I don’t know why, but I want to protect you.” His tone and expression carried both surprise and confusion in equal measure.

  No one had ever spoken such words to her. Emma almost couldn’t breathe as soothing waves of emotion flowed through her. She continued to hold his gaze even though her knees almost buckled when his eyes darkened with hunger. The urge to kiss him slammed into her. Of their own accord, her hands moved up his arms and behind his head. She drug her fingers through his silky hair and brought his face down to hers.

  As if he’d held back, he let out a soft growl before his mouth crashed down on hers and she was lost to the taste of him.

  The feel of his hard muscular body against hers drove her crazy with desire. The contradiction of the softness of his lips and his powerful build amazed her. Emma’s pulse quickened when his tongue dove into her mouth. She moaned and swirled hers around it and was rewarded by his sharp intake of breath. To have this effect on such a man made her feel powerful, feminine.

  His hands trailed down her back. He cupped her bottom and held her in place against him. His hard-on pressed into her midsection sending a rush of heat between her legs.

  Mouths joined, she splayed her fingers and ran her hands across his back to touch more of him. Cyn’s mouth moved across hers, as if he couldn’t get enough.

  When his mouth slid from her lips to her ear, Emma’s heart beat so fast she could not catch her breath.

  “Talk to me,” he whispered gruffly in her ear. “Tell me to stop.”

  Control was lost. Emma grabbed his butt and thrust her hips into him sending a clear message.

  “I don’t want you to stop. Don’t you dare stop.”

  He cupped her face with both hands and kissed her hard, a promise of what was to come. Emma fisted the front of his shi
rt to keep him from moving away from her. She did not want to break the spell of his nearness. A hiss escaped when he began to trail kisses down her throat while his capable hands slipped her jacket off her shoulders.

  Emma did not object when she felt his touch under her t-shirt and he began to caress her bare skin. His rough hands were gentle as he moved her bra aside and cupped her breasts. She tugged at his shirt with trembling fingers.

  Cyn backed away from her and removed her shirt. Then without taking his eyes from hers, he unzipped her jeans with unhurried and precise movements. They slid down her legs, his fingers skimming her skin along the way. She stepped out of the pool of denim, mesmerized by the hunger in his face. All she wore now was a lacy bra and matching panties made of the sheerest pink fabric.

  Once again she crashed against him and held her face up to him in a silent plea for more of his kisses.

  Both ran their hands over each other as he walked her backwards. The fabric of the plush comforter cooled her heated skin when Cyn picked her up and placed her on the bed.

  Dazed, Emma reclined and watched through hooded eyes as Cyn began to remove his clothing.

  Without hurry, he removed his polo shirt off over his head, seeming to enjoy her rapt attention.

  She admired his broad shoulders, muscular arms and flat taut stomach. The trail of light hair that led from the ripples to disappear into the juncture below definitely begged for exploration.

  When he took off his pants, she licked her lips as need coursed through her. He was more than ready, a bead of liquid glistened on the tip of his erection.

  He was perfection.

  More bewitching than any portrait on canvas, Emma lay on his bed, her hot gaze consuming him. Her enticing chest moved up and down with each inhalation. Her body stunned him. For a small woman, she was just right — her breasts, full and supple and her legs went on forever.

  Cyn enjoyed the sight of Emma’s aroused state and took his time moving closer. He stood beside the bed and held his hands out to her. When she took them, he drew her up to a kneeling position. He kissed her again, and began to caress her breasts, his thumbs circling the pert tips. He watched the changing expressions on her beautiful face.

  He pinched each peak, not enough to hurt, and elicited a throaty moan. His breathing hitched at the affect of his touch. Emma made a stunning sight with her head thrown back, eyes closed and those pouty lips parted.

  Totally lost in the moment.

  He wanted her with such intensity. Almost too much. Every fiber of his being cried out for release — a primal instinct to bury himself inside her and thrust until both were spent. He wanted just as badly to take it slow and enjoy her.

  He lifted her face and took her mouth with ravenous desperation.

  She began to caress him with uncertain and timid movements. Every inch of his skin reacted like each nerve was on fire. Her touches triggered a path of heat that shot through him.

  Emma was a contradiction. Inexperienced, almost as if he was her first lover. At the same time, she proved bold in her desire to explore his body.

  Even after hundreds of years and many sexual encounters, tonight with her felt extraordinary.

  Cyn trailed his tongue down her throat while he slid his hands around to cup her butt. When he held her against him, an avalanche of desire made it hard to suppress a moan at the incredible feel of her body against his.

  He closed his eyes to more fully enjoy the myriad of sensations that coursed through him. Her hands traveled from his shoulders down his back to his butt and thighs. She caressed and kneaded his skin and at the same time trailed hot kisses from his throat to his chest. Her tongue darted and circled his nipple and he damn near lost it.

  At this point he wanted to throw her back on the bed and ram into her hard and fast, but he held back and enjoyed her discovery of his body.

  It’d been too long since he’d had sex. He was about to embarrass himself.

  Her hands moved to his hips and she began to suckle the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. He inhaled sharply and constricted his muscles. He couldn’t take much more.

  Cyn lifted her flushed face up to him.

  “You’ve got to stop,” he told her, his voice gruff.

  He continued at the same unhurried pace she’d set and unclipped her bra. His breath quickened at the sight of her firm breasts. He then pushed her panties off. She kicked them away.

  She was soft curves and enticing skin that glowed with a light sheen of perspiration laid bare for his pleasure.

  The woman was amazing.

  His took a moment to admire the sight of her stretched before him.

  She blushed and turned her face.

  “You surprise me,” he told her.

  Her widened eyes flew to his. “Why?”

  “You are bold and shy at the same time. I find it fascinating.”

  “I find you enthralling too,” she replied, staring boldly.

  They sunk into the bed together.


  Emma wanted to moan when he rolled on top of her and his arms closed around her. When his lips crushed hers, she was astounded at how perfect the moment felt. Emma reveled in the taste of him and the feel of his skin against hers.

  His hair was soft and thick as it flowed through her fingers. It fell forward and formed a silken tent around them as they continued to feast on each other’s mouths. She wished time would stand still at that moment. If only she could freeze these fantastic sensations forever. When his mouth suckled at her throat, she arched back to allow him more access. He nipped at the sensitive skin for a few delicious moments after which his warm lips moved down to her breasts.

  He took her nipple in his mouth while his hand moved between her legs.

  A quiver raced over her and Emma bucked into his hand. She didn’t understand what her body did but it felt so good. Her head thrashed from side-to-side as she tried to hold back. She lost the battle and cried out when everything spun out of control.

  Floating downward, she forced her eyes open. He watched her, his lips curved in a satisfied smile. “You are ready for me, but I want to enjoy you a bit more.” As if she could form a coherent reply at that moment? The only word that came to mind was ‘more’. Emma raked her fingernails across his broad shoulders.

  Cyn continued his sweet torture and slipped a finger inside her as his lips took hers captive again. She’d never experienced anything as glorious as this.

  Hands on her hips, he held her in place and slid lower, between her legs. When his hot mouth covered her and his tongue began to explore, Emma was sure she’d pass out from the intensity of the torrent his lips caused. He continued the sweet torment, his tongue giving her more pleasure than she ever thought possible. He suckled and licked her until her body trembled in release.

  “I need you,” Emma gasped. “I want you…” She wasn’t sure what she wanted, but she didn’t want it to end.


  Cyn panted. “Take me then.” He moved back up and his mouth took hers, as he pushed deep into her.

  The rumble of his deep voice at her ear enhanced the sensory experience. “You feel so damn good. Just feeling your heat surround me is amazing,” his hoarse tone oh so sexy, at her ear. He paused for a moment and lifted his head. Pleasure darkened eyes raked over her face. He captured her mouth in a fervent kiss.

  At this point, all she could do was let go and enjoyed the moment.

  Then Cyn began pumping in and out of her again, finding and setting a rhythm. Grunting and moaning in her ear, he moved faster and faster, taking them to the climax they both craved. He threw his head back and his incisors snapped down as he began to peak.

  His fangs sunk into her throat.

  Emma felt as if she floated into space as wave after wave of intense climaxes hit her. Her body convulsed and her fingers curled in his hair holding him in place at her throat. The connection was intense. It was as if a gateway had been opened and their emotions intermingled and flowed betwe
en them.

  He tensed and his body began to shudder. Somehow, she knew he felt as much as she did. The sound of his loud moans ebbed and flowed with hers.

  With a loud growl, he came inside her. His heated release filled her.

  He thrust one last time and collapsed on top of her.

  He retracted his fangs from her throat and licked it, sealing the wound.

  Totally spent, Emma caressed his back, her fingers tracing the muscular lines while the steady beat of his heart thumped against her breast.

  “I’m sorry, I know I’m heavy,” he mumbled a moment later and lifted off of her. He lay on his back and held her against his chest.

  “You are so beautiful.” His voice washed over her as she lay within his arms, her body sated and limp.

  Making love with Cyn was incredible. Exhausted, she lay snuggled against him with her eyes closed. Her body unsteady and her mind empty of all negative emotions.

  A few moments later, Emma raised her head and peered at him. He appeared relaxed, his eyes hooded, a soft smile on his lips.

  “Did you bite me?” Her hand went to her throat, rubbed the spot and then glanced at her fingers to ensure that she was not bleeding. She wasn’t. “Why?” Emma frowned at him in confusion.

  Her father had once told her that Protectors had vampire-like fangs that were only used to defend themselves and for their mate’s pleasure, as they did not need to feed on blood.

  Cyn had definitely bitten her.

  His eyes went from her face to her throat. Uncertainty flickered in them for a moment before he shrugged. “I’m sorry. I lost my head for a minute. Did I hurt you?” He looked into her eyes; not breaking contact.

  Unnerved by his stare, she grabbed a corner of the comforter to cover herself.

  “No, it was pleasant but I thought Protectors only bit their mates.”

  “I don’t usually bite anyone.” Cyn smirked and nipped at her lips playfully. “But, I could feast on you for days.”

  He’d changed the subject on purpose. She placed her hand on his jaw. It was hard not to urge him to, indeed devour her as long as he liked with his handsome face so close.


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