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Page 4

by Bear Matthew

  “What!” Savannah bellowed. “When? Wait, What?”

  Parker said “freshman year.” Parker’s mom left right before Christmas almost two years ago. Parker and her dad came home after getting a Christmas tree, to a note on the fridge. She claimed that it was too much to handle, that she loved them both but had to leave. She said she was sorry. Parker hated her; she had not called since leaving, or written. She just up and left without even facing them. Parker spent most of that week in her room, trying not to cry. She did not have anyone to talk to; Savi moved away, Faye moved on, and Hayley was dead. She was alone.

  “I’m so sorry Parker. I didn’t know.” Savannah said.

  “I know. It’s okay I’m fine.” Parker said as she ate her homemade lunch.

  “Gosh I missed a lot.” Savannah said.

  “You have no idea.” Parker mumbled out.

  It caught Savannah’s attention. This was the moment, the moment to ask and to tell. “What happened this morning?” she casually asked in-between bites of her lasagna, which was not so bad.

  Parker looked up at Savannah, swallowed the food in her mouth and said, “What do you mean you were there.”

  “I mean with you…” Savannah said.

  Parker looked directly at Savannah. She was contemplating spilling the beans but did not want her to think she was a freak. “You were there; I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Parker said.

  “Yes you do” Savannah said. “You like couldn’t breathe, you gasped for air and it was as if you could see or hear me. Something happened. I just want to know the truth.”

  Parker took a hard swallow and said, “Fine you want to know the truth. The complete truth, well, I’m a witch, with the power of premonition.” Savannah’s mouth dropped and she became dumbfounded.

  “Is that it?” Savannah asked Parker, trying to let it sink in a little.

  “No, it’s not. You’re one too and I’m pretty sure, so is Faye.” Parker said. Savannah’s eyes widen, her insides felt like they were going to pop right out of her.

  “You’re saying that you’re a…” Savannah whispered, “Witch and Faye and I are also witches too?” Parker nodded and took a bite of her sandwich. “That explains it.”

  “Explains what?” Parker seemed interested.

  “This morning I was woken up from George’s alarm clock and when I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror I saw something.” Savannah said.

  “Saw what?” Parker desperately wanted to know.

  “Myself, but it freaked me out for a moment and suddenly poof.”

  “What? Poof, I do not understand?”

  “Poof and for a second or two I wasn’t standing in the bathroom any longer. It was as if I blinked and found myself in darkness for a second and then I was back in the bathroom.” Savannah told her.

  “No way” Parker sounded a little shocked and excited. “You blinked and poof?”

  “Yeah, blink and poof.” Savannah said.

  “That is amazing. You have the power of blinking.” Parker told her. Savannah was not as thrilled, as Parker seemed to be.

  “Blinking?” Savannah said.

  “Yes blinking. You have the power of completely disappearing and then reappearing when you want.” Parker said.

  “Like on command?” Savannah asked. Parker nodded. “So if I tried to blink right now I might just disappear and then reappear?”

  “That’s how on command works.” Parker said.

  “Okay then I’m gonna try.” Savannah closed her eyes and just tried to clear her mind – which is not easy after told that you are a witch with magical powers. She opened her eyes. “Did it work?”

  “No, maybe you can’t control it yet. I can’t really control mine it just happens.” Parker said.

  “And you said you have the power of premonition, like to see the future or something?” Savannah said.

  “It’s not that simple sounding.” Parker said. “Sometimes when I touch something or someone I see something, whether related to me or not at all. Sometimes it is something bad, like today, or other times it is just normal. I might see you cheating on a test if I touch your paper or if I touch someone’s boyfriend I might be able to see if he cheating or something. But not usually that glamorous.”

  Savannah was flabbergasted. Parker really thinks that they are witches, with some magical powers. “So you can’t breathe sometimes when it happens?”

  “When it’s bad sometimes, other times it’s like I just lose control of my mind for a minute or so.” Parker told her.

  “What about Faye? Why do you think we are all this way? Like Witches?” Savannah wondered.

  “Do you remember that night? The night Hayley died?” Parker asked.

  “Like it just happened, why?” Savannah said.

  “Remember before the chandelier fell on Hayley we found that book?”

  “Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?” Savannah asked.

  “Well remember we couldn’t open it but then we all accidentally touched it and that light appeared for a split second.” Parker said.

  “Then the book just flung open and stopped on some random page.” Savannah remembered.

  “Yeah, that page it was titled “The Spellbound Spell”. We all started reading it aloud at the same exact time, as if we were to or something. Then it felt like an earthquake and well, you know the rest.” Parker said.

  “So you think we somehow opened a magical book, said some spell and now we have powers? Why is it then that I didn’t have this problem until I moved back to Charm Harbor?” Savannah said.

  “Maybe because our powers weren’t strong enough to appear, when were far away from each other. Maybe the spell is the reason why you could not use your magic in California but here you can. Here you’re close to us.” Parker said. Savannah knew she was making some sense.

  “Okay then, do you have to spell to undo whatever we did?” Savannah asked.

  “You want to undo it?” Parker seemed surprised.

  “Yes, don’t you?” Savannah seemed surprised that Parker was surprised.

  “No I don’t, I think we are meant to find that spell, meant to cast it and meant to have these powers. Besides, I do not have the book. I went back and looked but it was gone.” Parker said.

  “You really think that we are meant to be witches?”

  “Yeah I do.” Parker said.

  “How do you know about all this?” Savannah asked.

  “I’ve done my research. You’d be surprised about how much information is online about witchcraft.” Parker told her.

  Savannah and Parker just sat there, staring at each other. Savannah couldn’t believe what has happened since she moved back; she’s run into Parker, seen the new Faye, blinked and disappeared for a few seconds, and now she is seriously thinking that Parker might be true in the fact that she believes they are witches and they are meant to be this way. I’ve lost my mind, Savannah thought to herself.

  “So what do we do about all this?” Savannah asked Parker.

  “We need to find out if Faye has her power and then find that book.” Parker told Savannah.

  “Why do we need the book?” Savannah asked.

  “Because from what I’ve read up on, that book is the only way were gonna stay alive.”

  Now that was beginning to scare Savannah.

  Chapter 7-

  “Look a sale!” Sam said to Faye as they passed the show window of White OR Black Clothing Store. “Let’s go inside.”

  Before Faye could even respond, Sam grabbed her hand and dragged her into the store. White OR Black was one of the nicest clothing stores in town. It sold name brand designer clothing – the only one in town besides the mall right outside of town. Faye had a closet full of name brand clothing – so did Sam – but that did not stop them when a sale was going on.

  Faye and Sam started to search the sale racks for the best items of clothing that they did not already own. “What about this?” Faye put a dre
ss up close to her body for Sam to see.

  “No, to slutty” Sam said. She grabbed two things and went to the dressing room. Faye looked at the dress again, hoping Sam would have told her to try it on. It was pretty.

  “I think you would look great in that.” A male’s voice said. Faye looked around and saw a cute guy standing by her, just looking at her.

  “Excuse me?” Faye said. “Do I know you?”

  “I’m Sebastian.” He said to her. She was not as impressed as Savannah was.

  “I’m Faye.” She said.

  “I know. You’re Faye Duncan.” Sebastian said.

  “Do you go to Charm Harbor High? Should I know you?” Faye asked him.

  “I used to a long time ago and I don’t know. Should you know me?” Sebastian coyly stepped around her questions with his own form of them. It was kind of creeping Faye out.

  “Well it’s nice to meet you, I guess.” Faye said.

  “You too, Faye” Sebastian headed for the exit when he said, “Remember you would look great in that dress.” Then he left. Faye just watched him leave and go across the street. She gave the dress another look then put it back on the rack. She did not need a stranger to tell her she would great in a dress, but when she did, she would prefer it be less creepy.

  “How do I look?” Sam said as she came out of the dressing room.

  “You look great.” Faye told her. She could feel someone’s eyes on her. She turned around and saw Sebastian just staring at her through the window. “Do you see that?” Faye asked Sam. Faye did not take her eyes off Sebastian and a truck honked its horn and drove by. When it passed, Sebastian was… gone.

  “Did I see what?” Sam asked as she finally looked out the window. Sebastian was gone and Sam did not see anything.

  “I guess never mind.” Faye said to her.

  They continued to look for some great finds, as they tried on different clothes. Faye went into the dressing room to try on a dress when Sam said, “So it was weird that Savannah’s back right?”

  “Yeah it was… something.” Faye said.

  “She was one of your friends right? Before Hayley died?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah she was but that was a long time ago.” Faye told Sam.

  Sam browsed the rack for something not hideous. “So are you guys not friends now? Did you know she was coming back?” she asked Faye.

  “No I’m not still friends with her and I had no clue she was coming back.” Faye said as she slipped into the dress. She came out of the dressing room to show Sam.

  “You look great.” Sam told her. Faye twirled in the mirror and then went back into the dressing room. Sam went into Faye’s bag and pulled out her phone. “So would you mind if I invited Savannah to the party tonight?” Sam went on Faye’s phone and found Savannah’s number. She sent her a text about tonight’s party.

  “Yes I would mind if you invite her. We are not friends anymore and that is it. So don’t pull anything Sam!” Faye said.

  “Oops” was all that came out of Sam’s mouth – which was smiling.

  “You didn’t!” Faye said from in the dressing room.

  “I did.” Sam said.

  Faye popped her head out of the dressing room and said, “You didn’t!”

  “I did.”

  “How do you have her number?” Faye asked her as she stuck her head back inside the dressing room.

  “You did, which by the way is a whole different subject about you keeping former friends numbers. It’s creepy.” Sam said to Faye.

  Faye felt her face turning red. She was pissed and Sam knew exactly how to do it. Faye closed her eyes and started to take deep breaths. She knew something could happen if she got too angry, but she passed that point. Sam and the sales clerk were outside the dressing room when things started to happen. Racks started spinning on their own extremely fast and suddenly Faye began to hear not only screams from Sam and the woman but also shattering glass. The store windows shattered to pieces.

  “Faye!” Sam screamed. Faye opened her eyes and looked out of the dressing room. The place was a mess, the racks were still spinning but slowing down and glass covered the concrete outside, and inside.

  “Oh-my-gosh!” the sales clerk said. “What the hell was that?”

  “Maybe this place is haunted!” Sam said. “Let’s go Faye. Let’s get the hell out of this cheap ass store.”

  Sam grabbed her purse and Faye grabbed hers. “I guess this means the sales over?” Faye said as she changed quickly and followed Sam outside.

  “What the hell do you think that was?” Sam asked in a scared voice.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you were right maybe it’s haunted.” Faye lied to her best friend and surprisingly it came super easy. It was never that easy to lie to Hayley, Parker, or Savi. Faye and Sam headed back to school.

  Chapter 8-

  “I got a text from Faye.” Savannah told Parker. Parker was surprised. In the last two years, their communication consisted of them giving each other glances at one another. That was it.

  “Are you serious, from Faye?” Parker did not really want to believe her.

  “Yeah, is that weird? It seems weird.” Savannah said.

  “It’s weird.” Parker declared. “What does it say?”

  Savannah opened the text and read it aloud, “Hey it’s Faye; you should come tonight to the party. Everyone is going. It should be fun and we can catch up. See you then.”

  Savannah and Parker gave each other a look. “What was that?” Parker said.

  “I have no clue. Should we go?” Savannah wondered.

  “No! You can go but I’m not.” Parker said.

  “You won’t come with me? Come on, please!” Savannah said.

  “I can’t, Faye and I, well, it’s different than you and her. She just stared, blowing me off for no reason and then… I just cannot but go you will have fun. We’ll talk later about everything.” Parker said as she got up from the table.

  “Where are you going?” Savannah asked.

  “I’m gonna go and get in a practice before class. I’ll see you later.” Parker left Savannah sitting at the table.

  Parker quickly changed into her practice clothes and headed for the court. Charm Harbor High had four tennis courts but Parker only liked one of them, and everybody knew it. She headed outside and for the court, when she heard something. The sound that calmed Parker’s nerves, it soothed her, but right now, that sound seemed to bother her. She reached the court and saw someone on her court. She did not say anything, just watched his form – and him. She did not know who he was but he was cute, Parker thought.

  “Can I help you?” he asked Parker when he noticed her. She opened the court gate and went inside. He is definitely cute; with his very short black hair, and blue eyes, his muscles were bulging out from under his shirt and he had a few freckles on his face. Parker did not mind looking at him, just not on her court.

  “Yeah you can help me, who are you?” Parker asked. He squirted some water from his bottle into his mouth and then wiped it off his face. He was all sweaty. He walked over to Parker, who was standing at the net.

  “I’m Micah Hartley and you would be?” He said as he reached his hand out for a handshake. Parker just looked at it. She did not know if she wanted to make nice with the person who was stealing her court.

  “I’m Parker and you’re on my court.” She told him. He smiled and walked away.

  “I was told that court was open for anyone.” Micah said.

  “Well you were misinformed. This court is for me and only me.” Parker was being feisty. She did not like how a newcomer could just come in and try to take her court. This place was like her second home. A place she was able to move on from after being just Parker Kim, the girl who lost all her friends – and gained something. She gained her own identity. Parker was not just going to give that up.

  “Well I guess I know better next time.” Micah said. He tossed the ball up and served it to the other side of the court. He has a per
fect serve, thought Parker.

  “So you’re gonna leaving now!” Parker said.

  “Nah, I think I’ll stay.” Micah said.

  Parker was getting pissed. This was her court and she wanted him off it. “Seriously dude, whoever you are. This is my court. I play here every day. You can go find another.”

  “It’s Micah remember, and I think I’ll stick with this one. I’ve seem to get attached to it.” Micah was pulling her chain. He could tell just how much this was pissing her off and he was enjoying it.

  “Just get off the court.” Parker told him.

  “How about this” Micah came over to Parker and leaned in close, “we play one on one, winner takes the court.”

  Parker loved a good competition but was hesitant to possibly having to give it up; after all, it was her court. Parker was one of the best players in the state of Washington but she did not know how good Micah was. “Fine, let’s play” Parker said. She went over to the other side of the court.

  “You wanna serve?” Micah asked Parker.

  “Just serve!” Parker told him.

  Micah tossed the ball and served. Parker hit it back to him and he did the same. Parker finally got the first point of the game. “Nice” Micah said. Parker could not tell if he was being genuine or an ass. Deep down she wanted it to be genuine but she has been hurt before. Last year Parker was dating Peter Flay – a great tennis player, track star, and major cheater.

  Micah served again and Parker was ready for it. She pulled all her strength back with her racket and swung at the ball. She hit it back to him and he hit it back. She ran to it but did not make it. Micah now tied with her. “Nice” Parker said mockingly. Micah just smiled and stared at her thinking, she is pretty, feisty, and a great player.

  Parker threw the ball back at Micah and he served again. Parker used her anger as strength and hit the ball back to him. Micah hit it back, and Parker did the same. It kept going for a few minutes until Parker got an opening and hit the ball at the opposite side of where Micah was. That was another point for her.

  “You’re good at this,” Micah said.

  “I ought to be. I play every day with ever free moment since I was little.” Parker told him.


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