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Page 10

by Bear Matthew

  She did not have anywhere to go or anywhere to be, when she drove past the cemetery. She looked outside her passenger window as she drove by. Faye decided to park.

  The cemetery was empty at this time of night and it was utterly spooky to Faye. There was only one person that Faye knew inside this cemetery, and that was Hayley. She walked pass countless of graves, until she found Hayley’s. It was underneath a large blooming tree that had been there forever. The moon was shining down on Hayley’s headstone.

  Faye just sat down next to her headstone and stared at it. She missed Hayley more than anything and anyone, right now. She could really use someone to talk to right now about everything that is happening, everything that Sebastian said. How could this happen? She wondered, How could she be a witch and her destiny ruin her life?

  “I miss you Hayley,” Faye said to Hayley’s headstone. The headstone read, “Hayley Roads, a loving daughter, sister, and friend”. Faye laughed at that. She could not believe how bleak it was. Hayley was so much more than a loving daughter, sister, and friend. Faye played with the grass by the headstone, thinking about Hayley. She was feisty, smart, irreplaceable, and imperfect. Hayley Roads was Faye’s best friend in the whole world – besides Parker and Savannah. She could not believe that Hayley was gone. It had been two years since she died and Faye crumbled down.

  Faye started to tear up; thinking of Hayley always caused this for her. She would hate thinking of Hayley around everyone. She only felt safe thinking of her here – with Hayley. “I still can’t believe you’re gone.” Faye said to Hayley. When Hayley died, Savannah left town, and it became too much for Faye to be around Parker, Faye found drugs. She started to lose all her weight, became popular, became an addict, and tried so hard to forget Hayley, but it became impossible. Therefore, Faye decided to slowly come and visit Hayley and it was with her, at her grave, Faye decided to give up drugs this past summer. The place helped Faye move on and grieve. She hated it here but at the same time loved it. It was her safe haven.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.” Faye told Hayley. “I’m a witch. A freaking witch!” she just sat there for a little while longer, talking it over with Hayley. “I just can’t do this. I cannot be a witch. Right now, more than anything, I just…I just want you back. You could help me through this, help me get over it and maybe I would not be craving a high right now. I miss you more than you know Hayley. Maybe you could just give me a sign on what to do.”

  Faye knew it was not going to happen. Getting a sign from the dead was pushing it, as learning that she is a magical witch whose duty is to save the world. Get real, she thought. She stood up and looked at Hayley’s headstone. “Come on, just a sign, anything to tell me what to do.” She said.

  That is when it happened. Faye heard someone walking around the cemetery. She started looking around, when she spotted a shadowy figure rushing by. She jumped behind the large tree, hiding from whoever it is. She twisted her head around to get a closer look of the person. They headed towards the mausoleum in the cemetery. She looked closer, and the moon shined right on him and Faye got a glimpse. It was Huck – the demon.

  Faye said “Shit!” loudly, causing Huck to turn around looking to find out who was around. Faye covered her entire body back up by the tree, avoiding Huck from seeing her. A minute passed and Faye heard the door of the mausoleum loudly shut. She let the breath she was holding in, out. Was this the sign? Faye wondered. It has to be. Faye slowly made her way towards the mausoleum, checking around to make sure the coast was clear. It was. She carefully opened the door and snuck in. She silently closed it behind her.

  Faye slowly walked down each step of the mausoleum, hearing some type of noise. It was Huck making a sound. She slowly made it down towards some sort of light. She poked her head around the corner and noticed the light was fire. She did not get a good look at Huck right away but then noticed him. He was up against one of the tombstones on the wall. He was groaning. Faye looked closer and saw blood. I guess demons bleed, thought Faye.

  Huck was bleeding from the knife that Savannah had thrown at him. The knife was now sitting on the floor, next to him, and he was trying to mess with the wound. It was making Faye woozy and she said – without thinking – “gross”.

  Huck shot his head up and without even hesitating threw a lightning ball straight towards Faye. She moved back behind the stair wall and gasped.

  “Come out witch!” Huck said. Faye heard him make moaning sounds as he got up onto his feet. Faye waited a moment and was about to go out when another lightning ball hit the wall. Pieces of the wall shattered to the ground.

  “Whoa” Faye said. She looked at the tiny bit of area that she could see from behind the wall and noticed a coffin like statue she could hide behind avoiding him. She made a dash for it, dodging another lightning ball. “Dude you might as well give up” she said to Huck. She knew she should have just run away, but what if this was her sign she could not leave it alone.

  “I think witch, you should just stop hiding and get this over with. The faster I kill you the least amount of pain I will inflict on you.” Huck said.

  Faye did not like that so much, “Nah” she said. She crawled to one of the edges of the coffin statue. She tried to get a good enough look of Huck to use her power but he chucked another lightning ball. She ducked back behind it. “Is that all you got?”

  “Come out and find out” Huck said.

  Faye had an idea. She waved her hand in the air for a moment, and Huck threw a lightning ball at her. Once it hit the wall, she jumped up and concentrated on Huck. He flew against the wall, causing a large crack down the wall. Faye knew it was time to run. She hurried up the stairs and out the mausoleum. She slammed the door shut behind her and quickly tried to figure out where she parked the car. She found it and ran to it.

  If this was her sign, Faye was not too fond of it. She ran past Hayley’s grave and she said, “Thanks a lot”. She ran out of there as fast as she could, hoped into her car and drove off.

  Chapter 20-

  On Wednesday morning, Faye did her best to ignore Savannah and Parker. She skipped first period and watched every corner to make sure running into her old friends would not happen. The only thing she did not count on was they wanted to find her.

  Faye went into the girl’s bathroom in 3rd period. She looked at herself in the mirror before going into a stall. Her long dark black hair was in a ponytail, as she did not have the energy to fix it this morning. She was wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt from Crosby she took a while back. She had been dating Crosby since the end of freshman year. He was an all-star football player and had moved to town during freshman year to play ball for the Charm Harbor High Gladiators. They were one of the best teams in the state. All of Charm Harbor High’s sport teams are the best.

  Faye had not put on too much make up today but enough to cover up the bags underneath her eyes. She did not get much sleep last night after the whole battle with a demon, learning her supposed destiny, and fighting Huck again by herself. She was exhausted and upset. She did not want be a witch, or want magical powers, and she certainly did not ask for any of this. She went into an empty stall and did her business. While going the bathroom two more stall doors closed next to her.

  Once she was finished she went to the sink and washed her hands. She looked up in the mirror and standing behind her in the doorway of the two stalls were Savannah and Parker. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. “What the hell? Are you stalking me or something?” Faye asked.

  “We need to talk with you. It’s important.” Parker said.

  “I don’t want to talk. I just want to forget it all happened.” Faye said. She turned off the water and grabbed a paper towel. She dried her hands and headed for the door when they stopped her.

  “You need to listen to us for a few minutes. Please.” Savannah said to her.

  “You have two minutes,” Faye told them.

  “Okay, listen. You have to do this.” Parker said. �
��I know you don’t want to, you don’t want to feel obligated to us or magic or whatever, but this is important. This is our destiny. We are, meant to save the world, protect it. We are meant to do that together, not apart.”

  “You don’t get it, Parker. Neither does Savannah. Accepting the fact that I am a witch, a powerful witch with magical powers is outrageous. It is impossible and accepting that would mean everything changes. I could never go out on a normal date again without thinking is he a demon, is he trying to kill me, is there a demon out there killing innocent people and I’m supposed to stop it. I will never be normal again, none of us will, do you want that?” Faye said.

  It struck a chord with Savannah, “Of course I don’t want that. I want everything to go back the way it was. I had a good life, but change is inevitable. Change happens and you change with it or you stay in the past and are there. Trust me Faye, I do not want to know that my life is depended on saving other people’s lives but that is what it is. Our lives are to save now everyone else’s. Being a witch is our destiny no matter if you accept that or not, you will not go back to normal. Normal is never going to be possible again.”

  “Faye, listen, I want to be normal, and Savannah does too. Nevertheless, we understand that life has thrown us this curveball. We have to figure out a way to be normal again, just as normal magical witches. Sebastian wasn’t saying that we can’t be normal again, he was just saying magic will have to probably come first.” Parker said.

  “Well I want normal. I do not want to be responsible for saving people. I do not want to put my life on the line everyday to save stupid people who do not even know that things like this are happening. If you both want that then that is your decision, but I do not want it and I am not going to accept it. It’s that simple.” Faye said. Faye looked at them and said, “Your two minutes are up.” Faye walked out of the bathroom and left Savannah and Parker in there.

  “I can’t believe she won’t just listen to us. She is being so stubborn.” Parker said.

  “We can’t blame her for her wanting a completely normal life. We all want that.” Savannah said.

  “I get it. I do, but she doesn’t want any part of this and it is putting not just her life but our lives too, in danger.” Parker said. Parker headed for the door. “We shouldn’t see Sebastian right now. We need to focus on getting Faye to come around, okay?” Parker left the bathroom as Savannah nodded at her. Savannah wanted to see Sebastian again. Something about him was pulling her to him. She did not know what it was, or what she was feeling but she knew she had mixed feelings.

  Savannah left the bathroom and as she turned the corner, she ran right into Trey. “Wow can’t wait for tomorrow?” Trey said with a smirk.

  Savannah was speechless for a moment, “Actually I can’t wait, but I might need to reschedule.” She said with a sorry look. She is not sure that going out with Trey right now, in the middle of whatever is going on with Sebastian and her and this magic debacle, was the best decision.

  “Seriously” Trey seemed crushed. “But I planned like the perfect date, you would really be impressed.

  Savannah bit her bottom lip, trying to picture the perfect date. In her mind, it would be them together doing pretty much anything. “Okay well I guess I can’t miss the perfect date.” She said with a smile.

  Trey leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. He started to slowly walk away and said, “You’re gonna love it. I am going to walk away now so you do not change your mind again. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She watched him walk away and could not stop smiling. She missed him more than she knew and still had those feelings for him that she had the day she broke his heart.

  Chapter 21-

  Thursday after school, Parker did not have tennis practice so she decided to help Savannah get ready for her date. The doorbell rang and Grams answered it. She opened the front door to Parker standing on the front porch.

  “Hi Grams is Savannah here?” Parker asked as she came inside.

  “She’s in her room. Having a meltdown maybe you can help her.” Grams said.

  Parker went upstairs and knocked on Savannah’s door. “Go away!” Savannah shouted through the door.

  “It’s me Parker, let me in.” Parker told Savannah. Parker felt the door unlock and she opened it. Savannah collapsed back on her bed. Her room looked like a bomb had hit it – twice. There were boxes everywhere, things all over the ground, clothes flung over everything. “I see you aren’t having the best of time.” Parker said.

  “What gave it away?” Savannah said sarcastically. Parker moved something and sat down next to Savannah. She laid back and stared at the ceiling fan move around and around.

  “Do you remember when we would all just lay here and talk about everything?” Parker asked her.

  “Yeah, I remember when Faye got sick because she stared the fan after eating food Grams gave her.” Savannah said. They both shared a smile. “I miss those times.” Savannah seemed super sad and she was.

  “What’s wrong Savi?” Parker asked.

  “I don’t think I can go out with Trey.” Savannah told her.

  “Why not, you still like him right?” Parker wondered.

  “Of course, but I just don’t think I can do it, to lie to him straight at his face.”

  “Why would you be lying?” Parker asked.

  “About a certain magical thing” Savannah said.

  “You’re not lying; you are just not telling him everything. Do not think of it as lying. Think of it as keeping him safe. Who knows what could happen if the demons found out he knew.” Parker said.

  “Yeah that’s another reason. What if some demon attacks or hurts Trey, I could never forgive myself if I’m the reason he gets hurt.” Savannah said.

  “It won’t happen. I promise you that. You’re going to go and you guys will have an absolutely amazing time.” Parker said.

  “You really think so?” Savannah was hoping Parker was not just trying to make her feel better. “What about Hayley?”

  “What about her?” Parker asked.

  “What if it’s too much to be around him? What if I just can’t handle it?” Savannah asked.

  “Listen, if it’s too much, you just leave. Although I doubt it will be. Hayley is dead, has been for two years, and it is not as if he’s asking you out at random. You both dated before Hayley died. I don’t think it will be such a problem.” Parker started to ease some of Savannah’s nerves.

  “You think so?” Savannah asked.

  “Yup, so get up and let’s get you ready.” Parker sat up and got off the bed. She grabbed Savannah’s hand and pulled her up off the bed too. “What do you have to wear for tonight?”

  “I don’t have anything really.” Savannah said.

  “What does that mean?” Parker asked her.

  “It means that my dating life in California was not the best. I dated one guy and that was it. So I don’t have anything to special to wear tonight.” Savannah told her.

  “We can figure something out.” Parker told her.

  Savannah and Parker started to go through all of Savannah’s clothes. They finally landed on a cute outfit that was not “too girly” as Savannah did not want that. Savannah sat down in front of her mirror and Parker worked some magic – not literally.

  Once Parker was finished fixing Savannah’s hair and makeup she twirled her around to see. She looked beautiful. Her blonde hair was straight, her makeup was neutral and Savannah loved it. “I love it. I look normal, not too girly but great.” Savannah said.

  “I’m glad because Trey should be here any minute.” Parker said. The doorbell rang, “Speak of the devil”.

  “Can you go downstairs and tell him I’ll be right down. I just need to calm down first.” Savannah said.

  “Yeah I tell him. You look beautiful.” Parker told her. She headed for the stairs and saw Grams and Trey talking.

  “I plan to have her home before curfew, promise.” Trey told Grams.

  “She’ll be right down” Par
ker interrupted.

  Trey nervously smiled and said, “Thanks”.

  They all turned their heads towards the stairs as Savannah made her grand entrance. She looked perfect. “Hi” Savannah said.

  “You look just beautiful honey,” Grams said.

  “Completely” Parker said.

  Trey did not say anything he was just star struck. “Hi” Savannah said again. “Are you ready?” Trey did not move, his eyes beating on Savannah. She snapped her fingers and he finally snapped out of it.

  “Sorry. Yeah I’m ready.” Trey said. They headed for the door. Trey opened it for her.

  “Bye guys” Savannah said to Grams and Parker. They walked outside onto the porch. Grams and Parker just waited for the door to shut.

  “Our little girl’s all grown up” Parker said.

  “Yup, she’s a young woman now.” Grams said.

  Outside, Savannah and Trey walked to his car parked out front. He opened the passenger door for her as she stepped up to it he said, “By the way, you do look beautiful.”

  “I do?” Savannah did not have much practice at this whole dating thing. Trey was her first boyfriend, then she had another one but it ended in California. She did not have experience at this dating thing.

  “Yes, you look completely hot” he said. Savannah got into his car and smiled. Hot, at least I have that going for me already, she thought. Trey got into the driver seat and buckled up. “Are you ready?” Trey asked her.

  “Yep, I’m ready for this perfect date.” Savannah said and both laughed.

  Chapter 21-

  The night before every game, Faye and Crosby went out on a date. It was his “pre game ritual” as he liked to call it. He was very superstitious about messing with perfection. Today though is anything but perfection.

  Crosby picked up Faye at her house half past seven o’clock. She did not like Crosby coming into the house so she ran out to him in his Ford pickup truck. She had only introduced her parents to Crosby twice before. She hated her family life. Everyone in town believed that the Duncan family was the perfect all American family, but Faye knew better. Her mother was a perfectionist and liked it her way, her father was a cheater – but her mother did not care – and her little brothers fought twenty-four seven. They were anything but, perfect, no matter how much her mother – and the town – wanted to believe it.


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