Book Read Free


Page 13

by Bear Matthew

  “Oh-my-gosh Parker where were you?” Savannah seemed worried. “You weren’t in first period. Are you okay?”

  “I’m sorry. I had a premonition and hit my head. I guess I blacked out.” Parker said.

  “Are you okay now? What did you see?” Savannah asked.

  “Yeah, just a headache, the premonition was...” Parker started to say. Parker wanted to tell her but could not. This premonition was not the first time she had seen it. Parker had this same premonition the day that Hayley died. It was her first ever premonition and it was still to date her scariest. The premonition was of Savannah, Faye, and Parker all dying. Parker has witnessed them dying twice now in her premonitions, and was still afraid to tell anyone. She did not want it to come true and it probably would if she told anyone, or at least that is what she believed. “It was just something stupid. I don’t even remember anymore.”

  “Okay well as long as you’re okay I have to tell you something.” Savannah said.

  “What is it?” Parker asked.

  “Last night, after my date with Trey, I saw Sebastian.”

  “What!” Parker bellowed. “We decided not to see him again. Not until we were all ready to go back.”

  “I know but it was by accident on my part, well kind of. He was in by bedroom when I got home. Then we went to the Blackwell Manor and he showed me the book and let me tell you it was spectacular.” Savannah said.

  “What did he show you?”

  “The ‘Spellbound Spell’ for one. He told me what the spell is about; how it is the reason, our powers have become bound to each other. That is why I never blinked in California. I was too far away from you girls. However, since you girls were close to each other your powers worked. He also showed me another spell.”

  “What spell?” Parker was eager to know. She did not trust Sebastian – for a good reason – and was afraid he would do something to Savannah.

  “It’s called ‘Flames to Flames’. Once you say it, fire appears before you. It was pretty weird, but cool.” Savannah said.

  “What else did he make you do?” Parker asked Savannah.

  “He didn’t make me do anything. I wanted to do it and when you get a chance to, so will you. It was exhilarating.”

  “Really” Parker was intrigued.

  “Yeah and I flipped through the pages and found some other spells. They are super easy and could be helpful. Though Sebastian said we can’t do them.” Savannah said.

  “What do you mean?” Parker asked.

  “Well some spells he said are too dangerous. Some call for the power of three, while other’s he said are dangerous to do without experience.” Savannah said.

  “So we need to get Faye and figure this all out.” Parker said.

  “Okay, but there’s more.” Savannah said. “It’s not just that we can’t use these spells without knowing exactly what to do with them, but he also said no personal gain.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Parker asked.

  “He said using magic for personal gain will cause a backfire.”

  “A backfire” Parker said, confused.

  “Yes, like it’s going to bite us in the ass if we try to use our magic for personal gain. He said it also leaves us vulnerable.”

  “I don’t get it. Using magic for personal gain is out but we can use magic for saving the world. Sounds like personal gain to me.” Parker said.

  “He was pretty adamant about it. He also said; that we need to get Faye and be prepared for Huck’s return. He seems pretty sure that Huck will return.”

  “I agree, we need Faye to understand, and Huck didn’t seem like the type of demon to just give up. He’ll be back.” Parker said.

  “Speaking of the witch,” Savannah pointed at the entrance to the cafeteria. Faye had just walked in with Sam.

  “Let’s go have a chat with her.” Parker and Savannah got up from the table and headed towards Faye.

  Faye noticed Parker and Savannah approaching her. She did not want to talk to them especially in front of Sam. She tried to hurry to the table but she got cut-off.

  “Hello Faye” Parker and Savannah both said. They look at Sam and said, “Sam”.

  “What do you guys want?” Faye asked them.

  “We need to talk.” Savannah said.

  “Not now.” Faye told them.

  “Let’s go Faye. Leave these little people to themselves.” Sam said.

  “I’ll be right there,” Faye said. Sam walked away, “What do you want? I told you I don’t want part of this.”

  “Just hear us out. We need to talk to you.” Parker said.

  “No. I heard you out last time. I can’t do it again.”

  “Faye if you walk away we will all die, and not just us but everyone here, everyone in Charm Harbor and the world.” Savannah said.

  Faye started to walk away but stopped. She turned around and stormed off into the hallway. The hallway was empty and they walked down it a bit. “This is what I don’t want. To feel like it depends on me.” Faye bellowed. Her emotions were reaching its boiling point when suddenly all the lockers in between Faye and Parker and Savannah flung open and everything in them flying out. It was as if a twister just appeared.

  Savannah and Parker ducked for cover as Faye just let out all her emotions. Once she was down, completely drained, the papers started to fall down and so did Faye. She crumbled to the floor with tears falling down her face. Savannah and Parker noticed this and went to her.

  “Faye, are you okay?” they asked her.

  Faye just shook her head. They helped her up and headed to a private area to talk.

  Outside underneath the oldest tree in Charm Harbor was the best place to talk without anyone hearing. They sat down underneath it – getting shade was just a plus – and it gave them a perfect 360-degree view of the school. They could see everything going on and nothing could get past them.

  “Are you okay?” They asked Faye.

  She wiped her tears and said, “No… I am not okay. My life…it is just horrible. I miss Hayley, I miss you both, and I miss normal. I don’t want to be a witch.”

  Parker and Savannah knew exactly how she felt. Parker had two years to accept the fact that this was her destiny, while Savannah was still just getting to learn everything. Only for Savannah, it was a little easier as she did not have anything normal to hold onto – besides now Trey.

  “I miss her too. We all do, and I know exactly how you feel Faye. I do not really want this. I would choose normal, choose going out on dates like last night then fighting a demon on any night.” Savannah said.

  “Oh I forget you went out with Trey, how was it?” Faye asked Savannah as she wiped away her tears.

  “It was…the same as before, the same as two years ago.” Savannah said but not all that convincing.

  “Ouch that sucks” Faye said.

  “Why what’s wrong with the same, with normal?” Parker asked.

  “You don’t want to go out with the same person who you dated two years ago. Savannah’s changed and Trey has too so what happened?” Faye said.

  “It was great. We went to see the classic movie marathon at the cemetery and he brought my favorite food and held me. It was nice but it felt like two years ago. Like Hayley was not dead and I did not break his heart. I guess I just…I kind of wish he would get upset with me. Yell at me for what I did or something.” Savannah said. When she brought up the cemetery, it reminded Faye of Huck. She had to tell them.

  “I have to tell you guys something. It’s about Huck.” Faye said. Savannah and Parker both looked at her, “I saw him and he saw me.”

  “Wait, What, When, Where?” Parker asked.

  “Slow down. It happened the night after I left Sebastian’s with you all there, I went and saw Hayley. As I was about to leave I heard something and saw Huck going into the mausoleum. I followed him down there…” Faye said.

  “Wait, you followed him down there, alone? What were you thinking?” Savannah asked.

>   “I wasn’t thinking clearly. I had asked…Okay, this sounds weird but I had asked Hayley to give me a sign about what to do with all this, and then he showed up. Therefore, I went down there and he is injured. I did not think he would see me but he did. Let’s just say just because he’s injured doesn’t mean that he can’t throw lightning balls.” Faye said.

  “Did you get hurt?” Parker seemed worried.

  “No I’m fine. I tricked him and then threw him against the wall down there. I ran right out of there after I threw him and didn’t look back.” Faye told them.

  “You were stupid,” Savannah told her “Especially after what I learned last night”.

  “What’s that?” Faye asked.

  “We are stronger together as one. That is what the ‘Spellbound Spell’ did to us. It essentially made us one. That and I did my first spell by myself.”

  “What? What was it like?” Faye wondered. She did not want to be a witch but she knew there were some interesting parts.

  “It was called ‘Flames to Flames’ and it starts fire.” Savannah said.

  “Really” Faye said.

  “Yeah, but there is so much more, Sebastian knows a lot and he has the book which has hundreds of spells and potions and a bunch of demons that former owners of the book have come up against. It’s actually addicting.” Savannah told them.

  Faye knew she could trust them, and she desperately had to get it off her chest. “Guy’s speaking of addicting. I have to tell you something that nobody else knows.” She seemed serious.

  “What is it?” Parker asked.

  “I’m an addict, a recovering addict.” Faye told them.

  “What?” They both said at the same time. They could not believe it. Faye Duncan an addict.

  “What type?” Parker asked.

  “I’m a drug addict. After everything that happened two years ago, things started to get hard for me and so I needed something. I couldn’t talk to either one of you about it and Hayley was dead so I found a release.” It was hard for Faye to tell them this.

  They could not believe it. Faye was a drug addict. “Are you clean now?” Savannah asked.

  “Yeah, I’m clean. I just needed to tell someone and I know I can trust you both. No matter how much I might hate your guts.” Faye laughed.

  Parker was inspired, “I just had sex in the Sex-Ed classroom during first period for the very first time.” She blurted out.

  Savannah and Faye’s mouths just dropped. “With whom?” they both wanted to know.

  “His name’s Micah. He’s new this year,” Parker shyly said.

  “How was it?” Savannah asked.

  “It was…well, he was…perfect. It was amazing in every way.” Parker told them.

  “Just wait for your second time.” Faye said. “I just can’t believe you were a virgin.”

  “Yeah well I’m not any longer.” Parker said. They all laughed and leaned on each other – just as if they were best friends again. “Savannah, it’s your turn to share a secret now.”

  “I don’t have any secrets.” Savannah said.

  “Oh come on. You have to have something to share. Just spill it already.” Faye said.

  “Fine… my only secret is… I kissed Sebastian.”

  Parker was not so much surprised but worried, “What!” she shouted in an angry tone.

  “Geez, calm down, it was just a kiss.” Savannah said.

  “He kissed you?” Faye asked.

  “No. I kissed him. It was impulsive, dangerous and amazing.” Savannah said.

  Dangerous all right, thought Parker, “You can’t do that again. He’s dangerous and something’s not right with him.” Parker said.

  “You keep saying that but you don’t say what you know.” Savannah said to Parker.

  “Can’t you just trust me?” Parker said.

  “Trusting you can only go so far. He is here to stay. He’s our protector, not some demon.” Savannah said.

  Parker knew she was right, but Parker also knew something she had not told them yet. Who Sebastian really is and why she does not trust him. Telling them could put their lives in danger and Parker did not want that.

  “You’re right” Parker lied. “I should just let you do what you want.”

  “Thanks’ I guess.” Savannah said. She did not believe that Parker had just changed her mind but did not feel like getting into an argument with her either.

  “So what are we going to do about Huck?” Faye asked.

  “We” Savannah and Parker said caught off guard.

  “Yes, we like you girls said. We are three in one now. You girls need me to vanquish him.” Faye said.

  “How do we do it?” Parker said. “I don’t think we can just try and fight him off. We need to kill him for good.”

  “What if I get a spell from in the book from Sebastian? I can go after school.” Savannah said.

  “That’s a good idea,” Parker said. She did not really think so, but had a plan to get to him first.

  “But when do we kill him? I have the game tonight and I can’t miss it.” Faye said.

  “Then we do it tomorrow in the early morning. We go to where you saw him and hope he’s there.” Parker said.

  “Okay, well since we are normal teenagers for tonight, why don’t you both come to the game tonight?” Faye offered.

  “I already told Trey I would come so I’m going.” Savannah said. Faye and Savannah looked at Parker.

  “I don’t really do football games.” Parker said.

  “Come on, be a normal teenager for once and just come.” Faye said.

  “Yeah you can sit with me. I don’t really follow football or sports so you can help me out.” Savannah said.

  “Fine, I’ll go but I won’t like it and you can’t make me,” Parker said.

  The bell rang and they all got up. “So what does this mean?” Savannah asked them.

  “What do you mean?” Parker asked.

  “I mean, are we all okay again?” Savannah wondered. Parker and Savannah looked at Faye.

  “Yeah we are all okay and I guess we will just have to figure out the rest of this witch stuff.” Faye told them.

  “We all friends” Savannah asked Faye. It was really up to her. She was the one who did not want seen with them.

  “Friends but don’t expect everything to just change overnight, okay?” Faye said.

  They all hugged and headed back inside. Each with something different on their minds; Faye was thinking about the game tonight and trying to figure out a way to balance out being a witch in high school, Savannah couldn’t stop thinking about Sebastian and Trey, she couldn’t decide who she liked more, meanwhile Parker was more worried about them. Parker has had premonitions about Faye and Savannah, and it was not pretty. As they walked back into school, Parker was worried about tomorrow. Fighting Huck without knowing exactly how to defeat him could certainly mean death – and with her premonition, anything was possible.

  Chapter 27-

  Parker had a plan to get to Sebastian before Savannah. Parker’s last period of the day was a free period that she would normally use to either catch up on homework or play tennis, but today she was skipping it. She left school early and headed straight for the Blackwell Manor.

  She got to the Blackwell Manor and instead of knocking, she went right in. “Sebastian?” She called out, looking for him. Nobody answered. She went over to his table and started to look at all the things on it. The book was there, things in jars, and weapons – sharp weapons.

  “Is it not custom to knock in this day and age?” Sebastian asked. Parker turned around and saw him, shirtless, wet, and only a towel on. No matter how much she did not like him she could not deny he was hot.

  After staring at him for a moment, she shook it off, “Um, I didn’t think you would mind.” Parker said.

  “I never mind when it’s a pretty girl.” Sebastian said.

  She was not falling for his charms. “What’s all this stuff?” She asked.

/>   He walked over to her and she could feel the heat radiating from his body. “This stuff is necessary for me to keep my charges protected.” He told her. She was not buying it.

  “From the looks of it, this doesn’t seem that entire angel like.” She said. He knew that she knew who he really was.

  “Parker, say what you came to say.” He said to her.

  “I know who you are, who you really are.” Parker said.

  “And who do you think I really am?”

  “You’re really going to play it like that?” He waited for an answer. “You’re Sebastian…Sebastian Blackwell.”

  By the look on his face, she was right. He was Sebastian Blackwell, the son in the original Blackwell family. “You caught me. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “You know what it has to do with it; it has to do with everything. I will not let Faye and Savannah get hurt by you. I know all about your family and what you were.” She said. According to legend, the Blackwell family was one of the first witches to settle on the west coast, only they were not your normal witches. They were dark witches – evil – and they used their dark magic for evil. A powerful good witch, who died in the battle as well, reportedly killed them all. That is all Parker could find out, that and the fact that they are responsible for bringing evil to the town of Charm Harbor.

  “You don’t know everything,” he said to her.

  “I know enough.” Parker said.

  “So what do you want?” Sebastian asked.

  Parker ran her fingers across the athame’s and daggers. She thought about picking one up and feeling how they felt in her hands, but she decided against it. Even if she tried to kill him, he could probably kill her faster.

  “What I want is for you to leave. To get out of town and don’t come back.” Parker told him.

  “I can’t do that. I have been assigned to you girls.” Sebastian said.

  “Well think of it as a reassignment. I do not know how in the hell a dark witch could have become a protector but somehow you must have fooled them. However, you cannot fool me. I want you gone and to leave Savannah alone. You’re messing with her and I don’t like that.” Parker said.


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