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Distraction: The Distraction Trilogy #1

Page 34

by A. E. Murphy

  He really, really doesn’t like Justin. Not that I blame him. I’d be jealous if our situations were reversed, but I’d like to think I’d have faith in him.

  I’m not sure why I felt the need to wind him up. He was grumpy with me all day yesterday.

  I’m not looking forward to his lesson this morning. I hope we can make up during or afterwards.

  I keep my head down when I walk into class, hoping he’ll see how miserable I am and take pity on me.

  He doesn’t. He only glares, clearly still very pissed off.

  Sighing, I take my seat and wait for class to begin, ignoring Hayley as she calls me PMS Princess and laughs at herself.

  This is not PMS; this is boyfriend blues. I hate it when we fight.

  I should have just given him my phone, but I hate people looking through my phone. It’s private. My conversations are private.

  Isaac: Stop sulking. I forgive you.

  Eloise: Really? You’ll drop it? :-D

  Isaac: Of course.

  “Eloise Blackburn,” he suddenly yells. Everybody turns to look at me. I go wide eyed, feeling horrified. “Bring me your phone.” Oh that clever bastard! I walked straight into that one. “You can have it back after class and that goes for the next person who even thinks of answering their phone. You’re here to learn. Text your friends in your own time, understand?”

  I stay seated and in shock as Isaac snatches my phone from me and tucks it into his pocket. Hayley leans into me and whispers, “Okay, I take that back. He’s the PMS Princess.”

  I want to laugh but I’m far too pissed off. What an arsehole!

  It’s not until after lesson that he checks my phone and realises that he was wrong and I was right.

  “I don’t accept your apology and nope, I’m not coming for two weeks.”

  He pouts petulantly. “I’ve said sorry.”

  I flip him off and saunter from the room with my phone in hand. No way am I putting up with that.

  No way in hell.

  “There’s a rumour,” Hayley whispers as we sit in the library catching up on our homework. “Do you want to hear it?”

  I shrug. “Is it a good one?”

  She glances around, looking for listeners before leaning in even closer. “Shannon’s pregnant.”

  My stomach twists painfully and my eyes go wide. “No shit?”

  Hayley nods, her face reflecting how I feel inside. “Yep. How bad is that?”

  “Where did you hear this?”

  “Apparently Gemma Allen was with her when she took the test.”

  “Holy shit. For real?”

  Hayley nods again and sits back. “I feel really bad for her. I wonder who the father is. She never mentioned that she was seeing someone.”

  I only need one guess as to who it is. Holy fuck. This is so bad.

  What do I do?

  I don’t even like Shannon, but this must be awful and I feel so badly for Diplock’s wife.

  I have no idea how I’m going to sit through his classes, no idea whatsoever. I want to bitch slap the fool. He should know better!

  I really hope she’s not and I really hope it’s just a rumour. Come to think of it though, she has missed a few days over the past couple of weeks.

  It’s not until I see her walking home looking extremely solemn that I realise that the rumours are true.

  Eloise: Shannon’s pregnant according to school gossip.

  Isaac: Fuck.

  Eloise: Are you going to tell your dad?

  Isaac: I don’t think I’ll have to.

  Eloise: I’m still pissed off at you.

  Isaac: I’ll make it up to you later.

  Eloise: I can’t come tonight. I’m working and Dad gets back from York today.

  He doesn’t respond and I don’t text him again for the rest of the day.


  It’s a dark day for everybody when the truth comes out in the middle of April. My dad had to sack one of his favourite members of staff and the entire faculty have been questioned by the police, myself included.

  I was so paranoid but, then again, so were the rest of the staff. Nobody could believe it. The only reason they believe it now is because Shannon is definitely pregnant. Because of Diplock’s lack of support, she told the school board herself, showing evidence of their affair.

  Our school has been all over the newspapers and Eloise isn’t herself. Neither am I.

  This is awful.

  The same thing will happen to us.

  Shannon has been dubbed a home wrecking whore and Stuart has had his teaching license suspended as they finish their investigations. His wife has thrown him out and nobody will hire him in town because they’re all appalled at his behaviour.

  I can’t stop running it through my mind as I eat my food in silence. It tastes like ashes. My dad and Elle do the same, all of us sat around the table. Mum is watching TV, having already eaten. It’s all she does at the moment. She gets frustrated with everything else.

  Elle and I share the occasional look, her eyes full of worry for me and my dad, who looks exhausted.

  We’ve had to reduce our sneaking time. She has her A Level exams next month and then she finishes school. Our time together is limited. So fucking limited. I don’t know what we’re going to do when she actually leaves.

  I have to spend more and more time at home due to my mother’s fairly severe decline. I don’t want to miss her good days, even though it’s breaking my heart to see how much she’s changing on a daily basis.

  Elle finishes her food and quickly drops her plate into the sink.

  “I’ve got parents calling me every second of every day,” Dad says softly, his tone sad and tired. “They’re scared for their kids.”

  I wince and look at Elle again. My dad doesn’t notice how longingly I stare at her. We’re going to have to really separate for a while. If the police continue investigating, they might look into the rest of us too. All it will take is one rumour and I’ll be joining Diplock.

  Fortunately I think Elle understands. She’s as terrified as I am.

  “I love you.” I mouth these words to her when she catches my eye again. She smiles and mouths them back.

  Her fingertips gently graze my shoulder as she passes me and heads into the room to sit with my mum and Susanna, who she now hates but always acts pleasantly towards.

  I’m not sure that Susanna is too fond of Elle either, but I’m not sure why.

  “Are you well and truly prepared for your exams?” My mum asks Elle, who shakes her head. “Why not?”

  “I’m studying and preparing. Most of my coursework is done, but…” Elle’s eyes drift to me. “I’m really nervous.”

  “You’ll be fine.” My dad smiles softly at Elle. “I know you’re under a lot of pressure to get the grades you want, but you’re going to do absolutely fine. Have you started looking for accommodation?”

  She nods. “There’s a co-ed dorm about half a mile from campus. It’s more of an apartment building.” What the hell? Why didn’t she tell me she’d sorted out a place to live? Is she forgetting that I lived in Cambridge for five years? “It’s lovely.” And that’s my good mood gone.

  “Someone suddenly looks sour,” Susanna comments, her brow quirking at me.

  Now I wish she had quit.

  “He’s just jealous because he wanted to go to Cambridge.” My dad laughs, clapping me on the shoulder.

  No, I’m jealous because she’s going to be in a freaking building full of guys and probably wild parties. I remember University.

  I have the horrible feeling that I’m going through all of this and in the end I’m just going to lose her to some University twerp with a trust fund.

  “I’ll send post cards and pictures,” Elle jokes, but I can see the worry in her eyes. “I’m going to go and do the dishes before I leave.”

  “I’ll do them.” I stand but she shakes her head.

  “I got it.”

  I can’t do anything now she’s i
nsisted, so I thank her instead. If I make a big deal out of it my dad will wonder why.

  I want to join her so I can talk to her, but I’m worried that will look suspicious too. It’s funny how, back before we first started this, I’d do stuff like that and wouldn’t deem it suspicious because I felt totally platonic feelings for her. Now… well now everything I seem to do feels like it could be read wrong. What’s worse is that the more I withdraw from her, the more paranoid I get that she’ll find attention in other places.

  Sometimes I forget how young she is.

  I just don’t want to lose her.

  I’m not sure I’d ever recover.

  I can’t believe she finishes college in less than a month. How will I cope no longer seeing her walking around on site? It’s going to be torture.

  “Are you giving Eloise a ride home?” My dad asks quietly.

  “I’m not stupid. I know how it’d look if the wrong person saw.” I say, frowning. “It’s ridiculous. She’s a friend of the family. I’m not sure why it would matter.”

  “Yeah.” My dad agrees. “It’s one messed up situation.”

  “I don’t think it’s appropriate due to the fact she clearly has a crush on you,” Susanna states and my father and I look her way. I’m glaring at her for opening her mouth and my dad is just looking, his expression blank. “That’s just my opinion.”

  “Well keep that opinion to yourself,” My dad snaps, shocking the hell out of me.

  Susanna’s mouth falls open. “I didn’t mean any offence by it.”

  “Well you offended.” My dad says in a sharp tone. “So what if she has a crush? How would that make my son driving her home inappropriate? Unless you think less of him than he deserves?” He has a point. I wait for her to respond, feeling smug when she only looks away. “Exactly.”


  “I’m done!” Eloise calls, racing to the living room, her hands still wet. “I’ve got to run. My dad needs me down at the Trinity building thing.”

  Her phone rings as a car pulls up at the end of the driveway.

  “Who’s that?” My dad asks, smirking as he looks at the car. I figure that’s permission for me to look and see.

  “Justin Fletcher.”

  “Fletcher…” My dad looks at Susanna for a moment before looking back to the car.

  I can’t look at the car. I can’t look at her. I swear my face is turning red. My temper is getting the better of me.

  “Yeah.” Eloise hugs my mum, kisses my dad on the cheek and waves to Susanna before patting me on the head and racing from the house.

  We all watch as Justin hugs my girlfriend and kisses her on the cheek before holding the door open for her. I grind my teeth. Since when is any guy his age suddenly a gentleman?

  “Isn’t that your brother, Susanna?” My dad asks and the car pulls away.

  I try to calm my breathing, but the feeling of betrayal makes it impossible to be calm at all.

  “Yes, they started dating Valentine’s Day, as far as I’m aware.” I realise her eyes are narrowed suspiciously on me. “My brother is smitten. They knew each other a while back.”

  “Young love?” My mum smiles wistfully and Susanna nods.

  Love? What does Susanna know that I don’t?

  “Is he a good man?” My dad looks aggravated as he stares at the empty spot the car just vacated.

  “He’s a very smart, young, talented and extremely hard working boy.” Susanna states proudly. “Any woman would be lucky to have him.”

  Yeah right.

  “He paints buildings,” I scoff without thinking and stand. “I’m going to get a drink. Anyone want anything?”

  I don’t like the twinkle in Susanna’s eye; it makes her look devious.

  My dad’s eyes follow me too, but his are more of concern than anything else.

  Isaac: You better call me… NOW!

  Eloise: I know, but I can’t right now. I’m still in the car.

  Isaac: Are you seeing him behind my back? Be fucking honest because Susanna just said that you’re dating.

  Eloise: I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer. I’ve been working with him but no, I haven’t been seeing him outside of work.

  Isaac: When the fuck did you start working with him?

  Eloise: Two days ago but I haven’t seen you and I didn’t realise my dad was going to send him to pick me up!

  My heart settles a little bit.

  Isaac: I don’t like it.

  Eloise: Soon I’m going to be in a dorm filled with other men. You’re going to have to learn to trust in me! I won’t be putting up with this every single day that I’m away.

  I don’t respond. She’s right; I’m being crazy. I’m going to push her away myself.

  Isaac: Stay safe. I love you.

  Eloise: Stay sane… I love you too.

  “Everything okay?” My dad asks, leaning against the door jamb. How long has he been watching me? “Who’re you texting?”

  I stuff my phone back in my pocket. “Nobody important.”

  “You know,” he steps to the fridge and pulls out a carton of apple juice, the apple juice we always make sure we have in for Elle. “I found myself thinking about Valentine’s Day the other day.” He pours apple juice into a glass on the side. “And the more I thought about it, the more I realised how coincidental it was that two minutes before Eloise and her male friend left the restaurant, you left with a nasty stomach bug.” He chuckles a little and leans back against the side. The overhead fan blows his greying hair around on his head, making him look a little insane. “And then their car window was put through in a secluded spot on the edge of town that I’d never heard of before, yet there were no sightings of anybody in that area for the rest of the night.”

  I think my heart just failed. I play innocent, blink my eyes and raise a brow. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure stranger coincidences have happened.”

  “Definitely,” my dad says, finishing his drink and pushing off the side. “He paints buildings huh?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “Oh? And what does Katherine’s partner do for a living?”

  Blink. “Katherine has a partner?”

  “Yeah, she has spoken to you about him a few times. It’s odd, isn’t it, how we absorb information about people we don’t like or even know that well.” He whistles a casual tune as he leaves the kitchen.

  Holy fuck… he knows. Or he suspects.

  Or maybe he was just speculating.

  Was that his blessing? He didn’t get angry, shout or warn me off. He just whistled and walked away. What does that even mean?


  “I like this one,” I say, pointing to the beige tiles with spiralling patterns. “Lower half.”

  My dad smiles and agrees. He ticks it and orders two of his staff to measure it.

  “How’s that ceiling plan coming along?” He turns to Justin and asks.

  Justin beams. “It’ll be fit for a king.”

  My dad nods, pulls me close, kisses my cheek and checks the watch on his wrist. “You can go if you want to.”

  The funny thing is, I actually don’t. I’m enjoying this way more than I should. “No, I’m good. I was actually hoping I could just hang out with you, watch you do your thing.”

  His eyes soften and he pulls me in to kiss me again. “Really?”


  “I’m already having flashbacks of the good old days.”

  I snigger and skip over to the long desk, which has more blue prints and plans spread across it than I’ve ever seen in my life. “You’re putting in an ice skating rink?”

  “Of course.”

  “I can’t wait to try that out.”

  “You’ll be the first, baby girl.”

  I wrap my arm around his waist and look at the plan for that one particular area. “Tell me more.”

  And just like that I like my dad again and he seems to like me.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

br />   My dad drives me to school on the day my exams start and the queue of students waiting to go into the hall might not be huge, but it is daunting. He made me an amazing breakfast this morning, which consisted of eggs on brown toast, fruit and yoghurt, coffee and a gallon of water. He said this will be my breakfast every day for the rest of the week. I can live with that.

  It’s the preparation that is killing me. I can’t handle it.

  My hands are shaking at the prospect of failing and ruining my future.

  Isaac: You can do this.

  Isaac texted me that this morning.

  Eloise: I miss you.

  I responded, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with his text.

  I stare at the paper and wonder where the time has gone. It’s the end of college for me. I’ve done it. I’m finally where I’ve wanted to be for so long, yet I feel so scared and so empty.

  I wish I’d seen Isaac this morning, I really do, but I haven’t actually seen him outside of lessons for over three weeks now. I’ve been studying so I haven’t left the house much.

  Hayley is two seats across from me. She leans forward and winks.

  I sign my name, wait to be instructed to begin and then I let my pen flow across the paper.

  I only have four A Level exams this year and I need to get the best marks. That’s eight exam papers, plus my coursework. Please let it be enough.


  Isaac: It’s the final exam now. You’ve got this. Just breathe deep and remember all I taught you. <3

  She’s ignoring me. She hasn’t responded to me at all this week. She also hasn’t been into work or to visit for a while. I know she’s been preparing for her exams so I’ve been trying to give her space, but how much space does she need? I haven’t spoken to her for weeks, not properly. Nothing beyond a “Hello, how are you, good, fine, love you, miss you, I’m studying, got to go.”


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