Distraction: The Distraction Trilogy #1

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Distraction: The Distraction Trilogy #1 Page 35

by A. E. Murphy

  I rub my eyes and place my feet on the couch. Elle would kill me if she saw me wearing shoes while my feet are on the couch.

  I send her a picture of my feet in shoes on the couch and hope that it at least spurs some kind of response.

  It doesn’t. I wait until nine before I throw my phone on the sofa and run my hands through my hair. Her exams are over. I’ve called her six times today. Why isn’t she answering? Why isn’t she calling back?

  When I wake up in the morning, still dressed and on the couch, I pick up my phone and my heart breaks.

  Is this it now? Has our relationship finished? I know we never agreed on me still seeing her while she lives in Cambridge, but I’d hoped that after everything she’d want to try.

  I refuse to give up that easily.


  Lips, touches, caresses, my back tingles. Hmm… that feels good.

  I startle awake, my swollen exhausted eyes barely opening, even though I’m being molested in my bedroom.

  I turn to face my attacker, who is running his fingers up and down my side, and my heavy heart slows when I see his beautiful face in the moonlight. “You’re quite possibly the most handsome man I’ve ever met.” I lie back on my side and shut my eyes.

  “You think?” His lips touch my jaw before his teeth nip my ear.

  Holy fuck. I’m not dreaming!

  “Isaac,” I hiss, my exhausted eyes pinging open as I look around me for the source of his break in. The window is open. He climbed up the same way I do when I’m sneaking out. “My mum and dad…”

  “Aren’t home,” he says softly, pushing me back down onto the bed. “You haven’t called.”

  He’s not wrong. “I didn’t want to.”

  He stiffens and pulls back sharply. “You want me to go?”

  I shake my head frantically as my hand cups his cheek, prickly with stubble. “No, God no. I just meant that… hell… I’m not sure what I meant. I just couldn’t face you.”

  He relaxes and his eyes soften. “Why?”

  “Because I’m certain I failed and I felt like wallowing.”

  “There’s no way you failed, no way at all.” His arms wrap around me and pull me into his chest. “Do you want to get out of here for a while?”

  “Honestly? Not really.” I pull away and roll back onto my side. “I just want to sleep. I’m so tired.”

  “I haven’t seen you for three weeks, Elle.”

  Yeah, I know. I’ve been avoiding you and everyone else for three weeks. “I’ve needed to focus. I couldn’t handle the distractions on top of everything.”

  He grabs my arm and pulls. “And now you’re past your exams you can come out and spend some time with me.”

  “Stop,” I groan. I’m really not in the mood for this. He pulls on my limp arm again. I try to pry his fingers off with mine, but he won’t relent. Now I’m getting stressed. “For God sake.”

  “Stop sulking.” He looks happy and excited. “Please?” And now he’s pouting.

  I know I’m being a bitch and I know he deserves my attention and I know if our situations were reversed I’d be heart broken right now, but I’d like to think I’d give him the space he needed. He’s not giving me that.

  “Tomorrow.” I try again to pull free. “Isaac…”

  “Elle…” He mimics my tone comically and effectively drags me from my bed. I stare at it longingly as he pulls me to my closet and opens it. “What do you want to wear? It’s not too cold.”

  “I don’t.” I look down at my pink and white pyjamas. “I’m happy in these.”

  “Elle, come on, I’m asking for a few hours.” He snaps, no longer happy but annoyed.

  “I don’t want to!” I snap back, equally as annoyed. “I can’t be bothered with the sneaking tonight. I’m too tired. I’ve had a long day, a long fucking week…”

  He releases me and chews on the inside of his cheek. “Elle…”

  “Not tonight. Can I please make it up to you tomorrow?”

  A laugh escapes him as he takes a step away from me. “You’re going to break up with me soon aren’t you?”

  Sigh… “I’m not doing this tonight.”

  “That’s not a no.” I hear the defeat in his voice. “That’s not even close to a no.”

  “Will you lay with me? For a while? I’d like you to hold me.”

  “Are you going to break up with me? Because if you’re planning it…”

  Growl. “You’re like a dog with a fucking bone. I’m just tired! For the past five months I’ve worked two jobs, studied and gone to classes. I haven’t missed a day, even when I was sick last month. I’ve also sneaked out almost every single night and managed to function on only three hours’ sleep. It’s all over now. I don’t have to study. For two more days I don’t have to fucking work and if it’s alright with you, I’d like to celebrate my lack of shit to do by lying in bed and resting because Lord knows I’ve fucking earned it!” By the end I’m practically screaming. “Soon I’ll be working again, I’ll be sneaking around again and I’ll be getting the results I’m dreading. Right now I’m relaxing. Tomorrow I’m relaxing. If you’d like me to come and relax at yours tomorrow then fine, but I’m not leaving this bedroom tonight. I’m not leaving that bed and I’m not taking off my pyjamas!”

  “Teenagers full in love hard and fast, but they fall out of it even faster.” He mutters under his breath, repeating his words from when I first told him I loved him.

  “And adult males are so bloody childish.”

  “I’m sorry for coming.” He snaps. “Next time I won’t bother.” Shaking his head, he pushes open the window another two inches.

  “Isaac.” Now I feel like the ultimate bitch. “I’m sorry… I just… Please, come and lie with me.”

  His shoulders sag but he turns, scoops me up and carries me to the bed. I smile, keeping my arms wrapped around him. “I’m sorry you’ve had to witness my ultra bitch mode. I get really grumpy when I’m tired.”

  He kisses me firmly, a long closed mouth kiss that does more to me than I ever thought a closed mouth kiss could do. “No, it’s me this time. I’m pushing you and I shouldn’t.”

  “I love you. Don’t ever think otherwise.” I snuggle into his chest, tucking my leg between his. “It was nice of you to come, but don’t do it again. It’s too dangerous.”

  He lets out a long breath and kisses my forehead. “I don’t think I care anymore.”

  “Don’t be stupid.”

  “No. I only have you until you go and then I know you’ll find some young guy with everything going for him and you’ll leave me. I’ll be stuck here and you’ll be partying and having the time of your life.”

  That’s just not a future I see for myself. “If that’s what you believe, then we’ll make the most of it while it lasts.”

  “I wish I could come with you.” He blows out a breath as my heart soars at his words. “I really wish I could come with you.”

  “Your mum needs you now.”


  “I love you. We’ll get through this and, if not, there’s always five years from now.”

  He chuckles. I absorb the warm vibrations from his chest and nuzzle his neck. “Go to sleep.”

  “With pleasure.”

  My eyes drift closed as his warmth sinks into me.

  I just wish he’d realise he’s not the only one with those exact same fears. I can’t promise him my heart forever, because I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. At least I don’t think I can. Right now I feel like there’s nobody else in this world that could make me happier than he does. Sure we have our problems and our limits, but I’m in love with him and soon I’ll be leaving.

  I don’t know how to deal with that and I don’t know what will happen once we’re apart.

  I can only hope we’ll last.

  Chapter Thirty


  I sit and wait for Eloise to finish in the shower. I wanted to join her, but instead I decided to make
her lunch and to clean the kitchen afterwards, something I rarely do.

  She exits the shower with glistening shoulders and legs, and only a towel wrapped around her body. My mouth waters and my cock aches.

  Her smile when she sees the food I’ve spread along the table is contagious. “I’ll just get dressed.” And then she notices the kitchen and quirks a brow at me. “Are you feeling okay?”

  I scowl playfully and wait patiently for her to return, which she does minutes later, wearing my lucky shirt and a pair of my boxers. I love seeing her in my clothes. I wish she could wear my shirts all the time. At least then the arseholes she meets while she works will steer clear.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” she says softly, peeling back the foil that was keeping her food warm. I’m about to open my mouth and apologise too, but she keeps talking. “And the past few weeks. I know I’ve been neglecting you and that’s really unfair of me.”

  Sometimes her maturity shocks even me. I don’t feel like I’m sat here with an eighteen year old woman. “Me too. I shouldn’t have pushed you last night.”

  We share a smile and I slide the small gift box across the table towards her. Her eyes narrow with curiosity. “What’s this?”

  “It’s an end of your exams celebration gift.” I watch as she opens the dark blue box. Her eyes light up as she pulls the tiny charm from within and holds it up to the light.

  “It’s a pen,” she states, her smile never faltering. “I love it.” Her fingers carefully clip it onto her bracelet beside the rest of the charms and then she comes around the table and sits in my lap with her arms around my neck. “I love you.”

  “You taste like ketchup,” I state, kissing her briefly, and she slaps my arm and tries to move away. “I still love you though.”

  “You just had to ruin the moment,” she snaps, her eyes sparkling with humour. “I’m not feeling very hungry anymore.”

  I push my hips upwards. “I am.”

  Her smile broadens and her lips come back to mine. “Bedroom?”

  We both freeze when the lock clicks on the door. Eloise jumps off my lap, but it’s too late. The door swings open, slamming against the wall.

  I stand in front of her, protecting her from the intruder.

  “See?” I recognise the female voice to be Susanna’s. “I knew there was something going on.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill you!” In a blur of movement Eloise’s dad is lunging for me.

  Holy fuck.


  I scream when my dad tackles Isaac, sending them both crashing into the table. Plates fall and smash on the ground, cutlery going with it.

  “Stop!” I shout when my dad lifts his arm and his fist connects with the side of Isaac’s face. “DAD! STOP IT!”

  Isaac rolls them over, his face burning with anger. I look away when he plants his own fist in the side of my dad’s head.

  I don’t know what to do.

  Mr Price Senior bursts into the room, his chest heaving. He grabs Isaac around the neck from behind and throws him backwards.

  “Elle, go,” Isaac orders, but I can’t move.

  My dad lunges for Isaac again. I’ve never been so terrified in my life.

  Susanna stands by the door, her face a mask of smugness. I ignore her and move around the two men as Mr Price does the same.

  “Stop fighting!” I yell, but they don’t listen at all.

  “You fucking pervert!” My dad bellows, grabbing Isaac by the throat. “That’s my daughter!”

  Mr Price grabs my dad in the same choke hold he had his son in not long ago and my dad loses his grip on Isaac’s throat.

  I’m not sure what happens next. All I see is Isaac begin to stand, his breath racing and his eyes wild. My dad’s arm lunges, Isaac cries out and falls backwards.

  Susanna screams. Mr Price releases my dad and my entire world stops.

  My heart stops. My head goes numb. I hear screaming. I think it’s me, but I can’t be sure.

  Ambulance… we need an ambulance.

  Arms wrap around me from behind as I drop to my knees beside the man I love and place my hands over the bleeding wound on the side of his stomach. Blood, warm and gushing, pushes between my fingers.

  I feel like I’m floating. I’m not in my body. I’m seeing this from above.

  Isaac’s eyes lose focus and his face pales.

  No… no… no.

  “Keep pressure,” Mr Price yells and it echoes through my mind over and over as I put all of my weight on the wound. He turns to my dad, who still holds the steak knife in his hand. “Get the fuck out of here.” My dad stands shocked, unmoving, his eyes wide on the scene that has taken place. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!”

  “Isaac,” I cry, my throat dry and aching. His eyes come to mine as the room spins around me, washing away all noise, all colours. There’s nothing but him. Nothing. Then they close, his eyes, they close and my bloody hand slaps his face. “Don’t sleep! Don’t sleep!”

  “Come on, Son,” Mr Price shouts, placing a towel over the wound.

  We’re moved out of the way, well more like yanked. I don’t struggle; I just stand, much like my dad did before fleeing, watching the scene with tears falling down my face.

  Mr Price pulls me into his side and holds me tight as my world falls apart.

  The men in neon green uniform talk to Isaac as they work on him, moving him to a stretcher after placing an oxygen mask on his face.

  “We’ll follow,” Mr Price tells them and grabs my shoes and coat from by the door. He wraps my coat around my shoulders and zips it as I tuck my feet into my shoes. “Come on, Elle.”

  People stare as we race through the hospital, startled by the blood covering my hands and face. We’re directed to the intensive care unit, but ordered by a member of staff to clean ourselves up.

  It’s when I see the blood from my face and hands swirl down the drain that I realise what just happened. My body bows with pain and shock as tears stream down my face in a continuous wave. They don’t stop and the trembling worsens.

  I wrap my arms around myself and rush back to the hall in search of Mr Price, hoping he already has answers.

  Is Isaac okay? Is he alive? He didn’t look alive when they carted him away.

  I couldn’t tell if he was breathing; I was too frantic.

  Mr Price paces the hall. His eyes come to me, red rimmed and scared. “Do you remember what I told you in the car?”

  I nod quickly.

  “Do you understand?”

  I nod even more quickly. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s in surgery.”

  The word surgery sends my nerves spiralling. “I’m so sorry.” I wrap my arms around the old man’s waist. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t… I can’t… I love him.”

  He doesn’t speak as he peels me from him and guides me to a nearby seat.

  A receptionist for the floor guides us into a waiting room, where we sit in silence. She offers us drinks, but I don’t want anything. I can’t handle anything in my stomach until I know he’s okay.

  I cry quietly, wishing it was me that got hurt, not him.

  Why would my dad do this? He’s fucking insane!

  We wait for what seems years, but in reality is only an hour and a half, before a doctor comes out to greet us. He shakes Mr Price’s hand before looking at both of us. “He’s stable. Luckily the wound wasn’t too deep and it only just grazed his lung.” Oh my god. “It did, however, cut through an artery. He lost quite a lot of blood, but we’ve stitched him back together. He’s in the process of receiving a blood transfusion and I don’t have any doubt that he’ll make a full recovery.”

  My eyes close as relief floods through me. I flop into my seat as Mr Price shakes the surgeon’s hand once more and thanks him profusely.

  “When can we see him?” I ask, my lip trembling.

  “When he’s out of intensive and on a ward, we’ll fetch you. It’ll be a few more hours yet. I�
��d recommend going home and having a shower.” He turns to Mr Price. “The police will probably want to speak to those present during the… accident.”

  “Sure.” He nods, shaking the surgeon’s hand again. “We’ll be available when they need us.”

  Mr Price looks at me and holds his phone out for me. “Call somebody to come and get you. Go home.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I think it’s best if you go, Elle. Just remember what I said to you in the car.”

  I glare at him. “I’m not going anywhere and you can’t make me.”


  “No,” I snap, shaking my head and wiping the tears from under my eyes. “Isaac wouldn’t leave me and I’m not leaving him.”

  His lips thin into a white line, though he remains silent on that matter. “How could you both be so stupid?” This time I remain silent. “I knew… I had a feeling… I saw the way you looked at each other, how you’d react to each other. I’m not blind.” I continue practising silence, but his words affect me more than he knows. “Now look where you are.”

  I pull my bare legs to my chest and hold them tight. “He loves me and I love him.”

  “And that love has almost killed him and that same love will lose him his damn license.”

  He’s not wrong. I bury my eyes in my knees and sit in silence. Right now isn’t the time to argue or to defend our relationship. How can I? Isaac almost died because of me.


  My eyelids flutter as my eyes adjust to the light. I look around, taking in the beige walls and ceilings within view.

  A machine beeps nearby and voices travel from outside of the room.

  Warm and delicate fingers trace the palm of my hand. Fuck, my mouth is so dry.


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