Book Read Free

In the Dark

Page 11

by Alana Sapphire

  “Ugh! Give it up. She don’t want your corny ass.”

  Before either of us can say anything, the roar of motorcycle engines disturbs the peaceful morning. Peeking around Christopher, I watch the advance of at least a dozen bikes. Even from this distance, I know the rider in front is Gage. Damn, he looks sexy on that thing.

  “That’s the Death Dealers, but I guess you already know,” Chrissy says quietly.

  “I’ve only been here a week and I know more than I care to, Chrissy. Can’t say I like what I’ve heard, though.”

  “They’re just a gang hiding behind the front of a motorcycle club,” Christopher says through gritted teeth.

  He’s shooting a death stare in the direction the bikes are coming from. Guess there’s no love lost there. I have a better view of them now, and Gage makes some kind of hand signal. The others pass by him and he slows down. Oh, God. Please don’t come over here. Please, please, please. The moment he looks over his shoulder, I know he’s going to cross the street. Damn it.

  “Oh, shit. I think he’s coming over here.”

  My brain isn’t processing Chrissy’s words because I’m focused on Gage. He crosses over, parks at the curb, and removes his helmet. He jerks his head toward the twins in a half-assed attempt at a greeting and settles his gaze on me.

  “Where you off to, Raven?”

  I can feel the twins’ eyes burning a hole into me. This is not good.

  “I know I told you to stay out of my business.”

  He dismounts and saunters over, a smug smile on his lips. My heart skips just a tiny beat when I remember I was kissing those very lips last night, just a few measly hours ago.

  “Can I get a minute?”

  “A minute for what?”

  “I just wanna talk.”

  “About what?”

  He glances toward the twins. I totally forgot they were there. I can’t even imagine what they must be thinking about this exchange. I sigh and offer an apologetic smile.

  “Excuse me.”

  He leads me far enough away so the twins can’t hear our conversation and faces me, his back to them.

  “Why are you so hostile?”

  “Why are you so nosy?” I shoot back.

  I fold my arms under my breasts and give him the most defiant expression I can muster. He slowly drags his gaze down and it rests on my cleavage. He shifts uncomfortably and clears his throat before looking me in the eyes again.

  “Just curious. No need to be defensive.”

  “Well, that information is available on a need-to-know basis, and you don’t need to know.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, baby doll. I need to know everything about you.”

  “Oh, really? I wonder why.”

  He tilts his head to the side and narrows those baby-blues of his. Why does he have to be so frickin’ hot? His hair is all beautifully messy and he somehow makes a simple, white T-shirt, jeans, and leather cut look like they belong on a fashion runway. Even the chain dangling across his thigh and the black combat boots, though cliché, add to his overall appeal.

  “Because of the way your body came alive from my kiss.”


  “I’m not the only one. I hear you had quite a night.”

  His brows knit in confusion and he crosses his arms over his chest. Those arms, they were holding me last night. I was crushed to that chest, felt its hardness. I want to feel it again. Shit. Focus, Raven!

  “What do you mean?”

  “Deena was very forthcoming with information this morning.”

  “Deena? Who’s that?”

  “Wow, one would think you’d know the name of the woman who had your dick in her mouth last night.”

  His face relaxes and he places his hands on his hips.

  “She told you that?”

  “Not exactly. She and Lonnie were talking over breakfast and they thought I couldn’t hear.”

  I show him my earphones as a way of explanation. “Chick could barely talk. You really did some damage with, as she put it, your ‘monster dick’.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Raven, look –”

  “It’s cool. I just think I should get some kind of compensation if I’m going to be your fluffer.”

  “Fluffer?” he exclaims. “What the fuck do you know about fluffers?”

  “I know a lot of things,” I say with a smirk. The majority of my ‘knowledge’ comes from books, but that’s totally irrelevant. He doesn’t need to know that, right?

  He steps closer and I consciously have to try to control my breathing. That smirk? Gone. I need to stop letting him affect me like this.

  “That’s great, but there’s a lot more I plan on teaching you.”

  Okay, that low, seductive voice just did things to my body a voice should have no ability to do. I desperately need to turn this situation around. I unfold my arms and slowly trace my cleavage with my middle finger. The action draws his attention and he licks his lips.

  “Tell me…when she was on her knees in front of you…were you thinking about me?”

  The guilty expression confirms what I already knew. “Were you imagining my mouth wrapped around you?”

  His Adam’s apple rises and falls as he swallows hard.

  “Let me guess. You know about that, too.”

  “Well, I’ve done some things, too, Mr. Hunter.”

  He clenches his jaw. Hard. Uh oh, have I gone too far?

  “You shouldn’t talk like that.”

  “Why not? You’ll have more material when you’re with Deena later…or Lonnie…or whoever.”

  “I admit it. I was thinking about you. And you know what? It pissed me the fuck off.”

  Ouch. There’s a blow to my ego.

  “I meant I shouldn’t be thinking about you like that. At least not yet. And you talking like that doesn’t help my situation.”

  “I’m sorry you can’t control your urges, but it’s not my problem.”

  “I want you. I can’t help that. I just need you to know that the moment I can, I will have you.”

  Oh. My. God. That’s it. I have no smart-ass comment or comeback for that one. He makes me want to believe his words. As much as I seem to be attracted to him and as confident as he is, that can’t and won’t happen. I need to stay as far as I can from him and his club. Thank God, I hear the bus coming.

  “That’s my bus. I gotta go.”

  “Let me give you a ride.”

  “No, thanks.”

  He takes my hand as I walk by him. The simple touch sends a shiver all the way from the tips of my fingers to everything north and south of my waist. I hope he doesn’t notice I’m holding my breath.

  “Are you scared that you want me, too? There’s no need to be afraid of what you feel, baby doll.”

  “Stop calling me that, and I’m not afraid of anything.”

  He gives me a smug grin, displaying those perfect, pearly whites.

  “If you say so, Raven.”

  I pull my hand from his and start moving back toward the bus stop. One last look over my shoulder and I catch him watching me. The stubbornness in me wants to have the last word.

  “See ya later, monster dick.”



  Fuck! Fuck my fucking life. It’s too early to be having these thoughts. Why the fuck did I stop? I should have kept riding. I would be at the clubhouse right now, passed out, and not having indecent thoughts about this chick. Now I’m left here with a hard dick, watching the bus drive away. Sleep. That’s what I need. At least if I’m sleeping, I’m not thinking about her.

  I hop on my bike and ride like I’m being chased by hellhounds. When I get to the clubhouse, I see the others who rode with me last night gathered around the bar. I know we had a rough night, but I can’t drink this early. I try to bypass them and head to my room, but E pulls me aside. He wasn’t with us last night, and as my VP, I know he’ll want a briefin
g. Why does it have to be now?

  “Not right now, E.”

  “Heard there was a…mishap. Was it at least clean?”

  “Of course. Took care of it myself. But like I said, not now.”

  “Good. But when? I’m heading to work soon.”

  Work. The man’s a fucking doctor. I don’t know why he’s even a member of this club.

  “Later. I need to crash for a few hours. We’ll have church. Just let everyone know before you leave. Ten good for you?”

  “Should be, but if not, I’ll just drag your ass out of bed when I get off.”

  “Thanks a lot.”

  He chuckles at the sarcasm, slaps my back, and walks away. He’s my best friend, but sometimes he seriously gets on my nerves.

  In my room, I strip down to my boxers and fall face-down on the bed. I close my eyes and I see hers. Raven, Raven, Raven. Her name plays on a constant loop in my head. I groan, flip over, and stare up at the ceiling. What the fuck is wrong with me? I haven’t been this hung up on a chick since high school. I mean, she’s hot, but I’ve seen and fucked a lot of hot girls. It’s got to be the anticipation. It’s been a long time since I had to actually put any kind of time or effort into a woman. Maybe I’m getting soft.

  No. Fuck that. I need to calm my ass down and stay away from her for a while. And find someone to work out my frustrations on. It damn sure won’t be Super Head. Bitch has a big fucking mouth. Not Lonnie, either. Shit would just get weird. I’ve done the sister thing before, and it did not end well. Britney might get the wrong idea if I make it a regular thing. I can’t even think of anyone who’d fit the bill. Fuck, I need some new talent around here. E would probably agree. I noticed he hasn’t been getting a lot of action lately. Or maybe I need to find someone outside of the club.

  What the fuck am I thinking? I don’t need one woman – never have, never will. I must be more tired than I realized. Let’s try this sleep thing again. I close my eyes and instantly there’s a knock on my door.

  “Go away!”

  “Sorry, Prez. Nita’s here to see you. She says it’s important.”

  Fuck! I can’t say no to Aunt Nita. I drag myself out of bed and pull on my jeans before opening the door. Instead of Booker, I meet the steely stare of my aunt. This can’t be good. I take a deep breath and wait for the assault.

  “How am I supposed to run a bar without alcohol?”

  “What are you talking about, Nita?”

  “I’m talking about that fucking cunt you contracted to supply the liquor.”

  “Nita –”

  “No. Don’t ‘Nita’ me. You fucked her, didn’t you? I told you not to mix –”

  I grab her shoulders and give her a little shake to stop her rant.

  “Calm down and tell me what happened.”

  “Three days. Three days I’ve been waiting for a shipment, but she won’t deal with anyone but you. This bitch better not play with me.”

  “I’ll handle it.”

  She sneers and narrows her eyes at me, and I swear I feel ten years old again. My mom died when I was six and, being my dad’s sister, she stepped up and raised my sister and me like we were hers. She always knew how to put me in my place.

  “Make it quick, or you’ll have to find a new manager.”

  She storms off and I just stare at my bed, knowing I won’t be getting back to it soon. So much for sleep. I grab my shirt and head to my office, adjacent to my bedroom. Nita was right. I did fuck the supplier, but she instigated it. It’s no excuse, but I thought we were on the same page in terms of expectations. It was one time, months ago, and I haven’t spoken to her since. I can bet that’s her problem. Women and their fucking feelings.

  I find the contract in the filing cabinet and drop my ass in the chair. I make sure to call her business number and not her cell. Not that I could find it even if I tried. I think I tossed the piece of paper the moment I left her office.

  “Cassidy Martin,” she answers, in a sing-song voice.

  “Miss Martin. Gage Hunter.”

  “Gage. You’re a hard man to track down.”

  I can hear the smile in her voice, but I’m determined to keep this professional.

  “What’s happening with my shipment?”

  “Oh, I’m doing great. How are you?”

  “Lose the sarcasm. My aunt says you’re three days late.”

  “I haven’t heard from you. The only contact number I have is for the Pretty Kitty. This is the only way I knew I could get your attention.”

  “So, you’re purposely delaying the shipment?”

  “Why are you avoiding the conversation?”

  “It’s not one we need to have. You knew what the deal was.”

  “But Gage –” She tries to plead, but I cut her off.

  “No buts. You’ve violated the agreed-upon terms and conditions of our contract, the consequence of which is that it’s now null and void. I’m taking my business elsewhere.”

  “Gage –”

  “Goodbye, Miss Martin.”

  I hang up and search my contacts. I need a new supplier or Aunt Nita will cut off my balls. I choose the guy I was going with originally, before Cassidy fucked her way into the contract, and give him a call. After working out cost, payment, and delivery frequency, I hang up and lean back in my chair. That club is the biggest legitimate earner the MC has. I need to be more careful.

  Opening the Pretty Kitty was the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s the largest strip club in the area and the next closest one is twenty miles away. It’s not some raggedy operation, either. I only offer the best – location, food, liquor, and of course, girls. I pick them personally, making sure I have a mix – tall, short, thick, skinny, big tits, small tits, ass, no ass, real hair, fake hair, and every possible ethnicity. I keep a tight rein on them, too. There’s strictly no prostitution or drugs, and I administer random drug and STD tests. I wanted the club to be as classy as an establishment like that could be. For that reason, we get a lot of businessmen. Nita was right to be angry about the shipment; drunk men do spend more than sober ones.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s a message from E, with a picture of her. He captioned it ‘Millie’s new waitress. So that’s where she was off to all dressed up. She’s a trip. What seventeen-year-old spends her summer working?

  She’s so beautiful; I can’t stop staring at her picture. And she’s smiling. She doesn’t do that enough. I definitely need to make sure I put a smile on her face every chance I get. The phone vibrates again with another message from E.

  E: You’re not in the bathroom with the lotion, are you? Cause that would be sick, bro.

  Motherfucker. He would make fun of me.

  G: No, pervert. But thanks for the info.

  E: She’s a pretty little thing. Maybe I should get her number and call her in a few months.

  I know he’s teasing, but for some reason, my possessive streak kicks in. If anyone’s calling her, it will be me. I can’t say that to E, though.

  G: Yeah. You can have her after I’m done with her.

  E: Fuck you! I don’t want your leftovers!

  G: Wouldn’t be the first time!

  E: What do you mean?! You’re lucky I gotta work, but we’re finishing this convo later.

  G: Ha! You’ll be surprised to know how many sloppy seconds you’ve had, bro. It’ll kill your self-esteem. Just let it go.

  E: You better sleep with one eye open. LATER

  I chuckle as I make my way back to my room. I’m just fucking with him, but it will be good to watch him squirm. We’re close, but we don’t share women other than the Hellhounds. They’re free game; anyone can get on those rides.

  After calling Nita and letting her know I’ve taken care of the problem, I climb back into bed. I navigate back to Raven’s picture and stare at her. What am I even doing with her? She seems like a nice girl – bratty, with a smart mouth, but nice nonetheless. Definitely not the type to be messing with a guy like me. I’m not the relat
ionship type, and she seems like the kind of girl who’d want that. I should stay away from her. I’m just going to fuck shit up. She deserves someone who’s like her – sweet and innocent. Not a man who killed someone last night.


  I thought Lonnie would still be passed out when I got home, but I find her sitting on the couch watching a novela. I kick off my heels and drop down next to her, a huge smile on my face.

  “I got the job!”

  “Good. You can start helping out with the bills around here.”


  “You really know how to kill a mood.”

  She finally tears her eyes away from the TV and turns her head toward me.

  “You don’t like it, move out.”

  Like I asked to come to Stony View, a.k.a. Small Town, Georgia. If it was up to me, I would have stayed in Miami. A few measly months and, by law, I have to have a guardian. I wish I had other family. I definitely would not have chosen Lonnie, but she’s the only family I have left. She came down after Daddy died and stayed just long enough for my last class and to tie up some legal issues, then we shipped out. I didn’t even get to go to prom or graduation. I had to leave my life behind; all my plans, my friends. I miss Toni the most. We’ve been best friends since forever and I can’t stand being so far away from her. I hate that I have to be here, but until I turn eighteen, there’s nothing I can do.

  “You think I don’t know what’s in those papers you signed? Dad’s lawyer may be handling everything, but I know you’re getting a stipend for me.”


  “So I shouldn’t have to pay you anything.”

  “Like I said, you don’t like it, move out.”

  “Don’t worry. As soon as I legally can, I will. Then everything Dad left me comes directly to me. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

  She seethes, narrowing her eyes at me, but I stand my ground. She doesn’t scare me.

  “Fine. Half the utilities and your own food.”


  I agree because I don’t want to make the next three months more unbearable than they need to be. We’ve never been close; barely tolerated each other. I don’t know why but it always seemed as if she just didn’t like me. At first I thought it was because we had different mothers. She would constantly taunt me about my ‘gringa madre’ but I’ve never even met the woman. Daddy was the only parent I had. Shit, I practically took care of him after Lonnie moved out. He always worked nights, so I had to grow up real fast with practically no one to watch me. His parents died when I was a baby and God knows who my maternal grandparents are. Whenever I did have a babysitter, they pretty much let me do whatever I wanted while they made out with their boyfriends on the couch or talked with their friends on the phone the entire time. Let’s just say I learned a lot watching and listening.


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