Book Read Free

In the Dark

Page 13

by Alana Sapphire

  “Show me.”

  I watch the muscles in his jaw work as he clenches his teeth. All the time, I’m still aware of Gage observing us.

  “Cut the bullshit innocent act. Just tell me it was him and let me kick his ass,” he seethes.

  Chris steps forward and gets into Gage’s face.

  “This is none of your business. If she’s hurt, it’s my problem to deal with. She’s my girlfriend.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Well, you’ve been doing a bang-up job so far.”

  I grab Chris’ arm and try pulling him out of the alley. He shrugs from my grasp and turns his anger on me.

  “Show. Me.”

  I sigh and pull up the sleeve of my blouse. He reaches out to touch the bruise but I cover it back up.

  “Raven, what –?”

  “Let’s go. Please.”

  “Okay. But we need to talk about this.”

  We start to walk away but I turn back and approach Gage. He looks down at me and I see that his anger has turned to concern again.

  “I promise, Chris isn’t hurting me. No one is. Just stop.” I fish the hundred dollars out of my pocket and hand it to him. “You left this at the diner. I don’t want to see it or you again.”



  “What’s got you in such a pissy mood?”

  I grab the swinging punching bag and glance up at E as he steps into my room. I’m not pissy; I’m livid. It’s taking every ounce of my self-control to not storm over to her house and demand to know what’s going on. She walked into a door. Yeah, right. I’m not only angry, I feel so fucking helpless. I can’t tell the last time I felt helpless. I’ve always had the answers. That’s why my club members respect me so much. I lay into the bag once more.

  “Close the door.”

  He does as I say and walks over, grabs the bag, and holds it steady. I wipe the sweat from my brow with my forearm and continue to work out my frustrations on the bag.


  I stop mid-punch and look at him. The fucker knows me too well. I sigh and drop my arms.

  “You find out what’s going on?” he asks.

  “Not really.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “After you guys left, I tried talking to her. She got upset and stormed out.”

  I sit on the bed and start removing the tape from my hands. He grabs a chair, turns it backwards, and straddles it.

  “I take it you followed her.”

  “Yeah. Found her crying. Also found a fist-sized bruise on her arm.”


  “Gave me some bullshit about walking into a door,” I scoff.

  “Any ideas on how she got it?”

  “I confronted the boyfriend. He seemed as surprised as I was.”

  “What do you mean confronted? Chris isn’t lying in a ditch somewhere is he, Reaper?”

  “Of course not. I roughed him up a bit, but she was right there.”

  That’s when I realize he referred to the boyfriend by name. I narrow my eyes at him.

  “You knew about the boyfriend?”

  “I figured that wasn’t something you’d be interested in since you were staying away. I guess this changes everything.”

  “I’m still staying away.”

  Am I? Seeing her this morning brought back everything I’ve been trying to avoid these past weeks. But she’s still underage, and I’m still no good for her.

  “I just can’t stand by knowing someone’s putting their hands on her.”

  “Right. How are we going to do this?”


  “Of course. I’ve gotten to know her a bit, your connection notwithstanding. I want in.”

  “Okay. We gotta find out who it is. She’s not talking.”

  “You wanna put one of the boys on her?” E asks.

  “No. I don’t want to spook her. She’s already pissed at me. I’ll figure something out.”

  “Okay. Let me know. I’m off to work.”


  He returns the chair to its place and heads out the door. I need a shower. Besides, I do my best thinking in there. Halfway to the bathroom, my phone rings. A part of me wants to let it ring but then again, it’s the burner phone so it might be important. I sigh and pick it up.


  “Gage, it’s Millie.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Had a talk with Raven after you left.”

  “Oh? Did you find out what’s wrong?”

  “Not really. She did say she needs money for an apartment, though. Asked for more hours.”

  Money? Apartment? What does she need an apartment for? Then again, I can’t blame her. It can’t be easy living with Lonnie. People do strange things when they need money. I hope that bruise has nothing to do with it.

  “Give her the hours. And double her pay. Tell her you’re doing it off the books. I’ll cover it. Just don’t let her know I’m involved.”

  The line is quiet and I think maybe I’ve lost her.


  “I’m here. It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “You’re a good man, Gage. What’s your interest in the girl? You know she’s –”

  “I know, Millie. There’s nothing inappropriate going on.”

  “Okay. She’s a good girl and she means a lot to me. Kinda like my own daughter. Not that I’m old enough to be her mother.”

  I chuckle and shake my head, and Millie giggles on the other end.

  “Of course not. More like her sister.”

  “You got that right. I’ll talk to you later, baby boy.”

  “Bye. And thanks.”

  “No. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”


  “Hey, Millie? Send me her number, will you?”

  “I’ll text it to you.”

  I drop the phone on my bed and trudge to the bathroom. I still haven’t slept, so I’ve been up for the last forty-eight hours. After seeing Raven this morning, there was no way I could sleep. I spent the day at the gym fuming until the end of her shift. I stand under the spray of the shower and remember the feeling that overcame me when the boy said “my girlfriend”. I could have clocked him just for saying the words. Has he been touching her, kissing her? Has he been…? Fuck, no. His dick better not be anywhere near her. His girlfriend? Fuck that. She’s mine.

  Wait…what? I’m seriously fucked in the head. Must be the lack of sleep. I shake it off and reach for the soap. I need to find me a woman. And not the bitches hanging around here. Someone who hasn’t fucked half the state. Fuck. I must really be getting old if I’m thinking about getting a woman. Why is it that the option is only appealing if that woman is Raven? Fuck my life.

  I hop out of the shower and realize that I haven’t even thought about how I can help her situation. Hell, I don’t even know what her situation is. I retrieve her number from Millie’s text and decide to call her. Then again, she might not talk to me. I store her number in my Samsung S5, my personal phone, and drop it on my bed while I get dressed. I put my boxers on, but the moment I stick one leg into my jeans, my bed calls to me. Fuck it. I’m going to get some fucking sleep. I kick it back off and climb into bed. I reach for my phone with the intention of texting her. What the hell do I say? I tap the side of the phone until I realize there’s only one thing I can do – apologize.

  G: I’m sorry. It just kills me to know that some1’s hurting u & that I can help but u won’t let me. Plz reconsider. I’m here 4 u. – Gage


  I stare at the message on my phone, not quite knowing what to do. How did he even get my number? And why the hell does he care? He barely knows me. We shared a few kisses, so now he thinks he’s responsible for me? I have to admit, it’s touching. If he’s this protective of me, I can just imagine how he is with people he actually cares about. Chris is hurt and angry and
wouldn’t leave me alone. I had to tell him I was going to bed just to get him off the phone. I don’t know how to convince them both to drop the issue.

  My thumb hovers over the delete button, but for some reason, I end up saving his number instead – as Minion Boss. I can’t risk Lonnie going through my phone and seeing his name. I then delete the text he sent. Should I reply? What would I say? I gather a man like him doesn’t apologize often, if at all.

  R: Thank you, but I’m fine. No one’s hurting me.

  I hit send, hoping it’s the end of the conversation. I place the phone next to me, pop in my earphones, and pick up my copy of “War and Peace”. A minute later, my phone vibrates.

  G: Why are you protecting the asshole?

  R: I’m not protecting anyone. I told you, I walked into a door.

  G: A door shaped like a fist? Stop lying to me, Raven.

  R: Why won’t you just leave it alone? I’m not your concern.

  G: Who’s going to take care of you? That so-called boyfriend of yours??

  R: Is that what this is about? Are you jealous???

  G: I’m not jealous of some pimply-faced BOY.

  R: That’s it! You’re jealous! Lol…btw, there are no pimples on his very handsome face :)

  There’s a huge grin on my lips as I hit send. I can’t believe he’s jealous of Chris. After one encounter, I had that much of an effect on him? I know he said he’d wait for me, but I haven’t seen or heard from him in weeks. Was he staying away to avoid temptation?

  G: He’s ok…if that’s what you’re into.

  R: That’s what I’m into.

  G: Really? If I kissed you right now, you wouldn’t even remember his name.

  R: What if I told you that he’s a better kisser than you?

  G: Is he?

  Hell no, but I can’t tell him that. Chris is handsome, smart, kind, sweet, caring, and all the qualities you would ever want in a man. He’s also a good kisser, just not as good as Gage. Then again, he’s had years and years of experience. I can’t really compare the two.

  R: He’s the only one I’m kissing, so what does that tell you?

  G: It tells me that you’re a 1 man kinda woman…and that you’re settling for the boy because you can’t have the man...yet.

  R: I don’t want the man. I don’t KNOW the man.

  G: Do you want to know me?

  If I’m honest with myself, my answer would be yes. I want to know him. I want to know everything about him, but he’s the reason I’m in the situation I’m in.

  R: Yes…but we can never be more than friends.

  G: Why?

  R: That’s just the way it has to be.

  G: I won’t accept that. I’ve told myself I’m no good for u. Tried to stay away but I can’t stop thinking about u, the way u felt, tasted…

  Oh, my God. He’s been thinking about me? No. I can’t even entertain this conversation. He belongs to Lonnie.

  R: I have a boyfriend.

  G: Do you love him?

  Do I? I like him, but it’s way too early for that emotion.

  R: We haven’t been together that long, but I feel like I’m heading there.

  G: Do you ever think about that night?

  Do I ever? Only almost every minute of every day. He’s not the only one afflicted with persistent memories. I remember how his chest felt against mine, the way he grabbed my ass, how wonderful his lips felt, tasted. Sometimes I wish he had continued and not asked me my age.

  R: What night?

  G: Liar. You’re thinking about it right now. You’re thinking about how you want me to do it again.

  R: No. I’m not.

  G: Are you alone?

  R: Yes…

  G: In bed?

  R: Why?

  G: Are you?

  R: Yes.

  G: What are you wearing?

  R: Really???? Oh, please!

  Instead of replying by text, I see Minion Boss flashing on my screen. Shit. If he thinks I’m having phone sex with him, he’s grossly mistaken.

  “We’re not doing this.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  His low, husky voice sends a chill up my spine. He sounds so fucking sexy.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “Boxers. Your turn.”

  “We. Are. Not. Doing. This.”

  “Is your light on?”

  “Yes –”

  “Turn it off.”

  “Are you deaf?”

  “I said turn it off.”

  I swallow hard at the authority in his voice. Before I know it, I’m flipping the switch, and my room falls into darkness.

  “Good girl.”

  What the…how does he know?

  “One more time. What are you wearing?”

  “Pajamas. Shorts and a tank top.”

  “Good. Now I want you to kneel on the bed.”

  I get on my knees, my heart rate increasing by the second. Fuck. Why am I getting so turned on?

  “How do you feel?”

  “I feel…good.”

  “Turned on?”

  “Yes…” My voice comes out as a whisper.

  “Touch your breasts for me. Tell me how they feel.”

  I reach up and cup my breasts, squeezing them gently. My nipples are hardening.

  “They feel…firm but soft at the same time.”

  He moans and my pussy jumps. Dear God.

  “You’re making me hard, Raven. Does that turn you on?”

  Fuck, yes!

  “Answer me.”


  “Take off your top.”

  Somehow, I get out of it without removing my earphones. There’s no way I want to miss a second of this. My body shivers as I anticipate his next command.

  “Is it off?”


  “Good girl. Keep touching your breasts. Squeeze them for me, Raven. Squeeze them hard. Imagine that your hands are mine.”

  I moan as I massage my breasts. I don’t want to imagine. I want his hands on me.

  “Pinch your nipples. Think about me sucking on them.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “That’s it, baby doll. Now, be a good girl and take off your shorts.”

  I dispose of them quickly and resume my position on my knees.

  “They’re off.”

  He chuckles and I wonder what the hell is so funny.

  “So eager, baby doll. I like it. I like it so much that my dick is hard for you. I’m stroking it right now, thinking about you there on your knees in your panties. Are they blue?”

  Is it possible to expire from words? I certainly feel like I’m about to pass out from horniness. Is that even a word? And how the hell does he know the color of my panties?

  “Yes, with blue hearts.”

  “Hmmm…have you ever touched yourself, Raven?”


  “Will you do it for me?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  “More than anything,” he says in a husky voice.

  Well then, of course! “Okay.”

  “Reach into your panties and touch yourself with two fingers.”

  I slip my hand into my underwear and slide two fingers up my lips. Holy shit!

  “Are you wet?”


  “You sound surprised.”

  “I am.”

  “See, baby doll? I’m not even there but your body wants me.”

  I slide my fingers again, marveling in the slippery feeling. It feels fucking awesome. Why haven’t I done this before?

  “Now I want you to rub your clit in circles for me, while you squeeze your breasts with your free hand. Imagine me here, stroking my dick as I think about what you’re doing for me.”

  I follow his instructions, my right hand squeezing my right breast as my left hand circles away at my clit. I can’t even describe the sensations I’m feeling right now. Not only from what I’m doing but knowing that he’s listening and jacking off.

  “Faster, baby. I want to hear you come.”

  I moan as I move my fingers faster. I alternate between breasts, not getting enough of myself. He grunts on the other end and a tingle travels the length of my body.


  Strange sounds begin to leave my mouth. His moans are only adding fuel to the fire.

  “I’m going to count backwards from ten. When I get to one, I want you to come, Raven.”

  What? How the hell am I supposed to do that?


  He starts his countdown and all I can think is that I need to come when he gets to one. Maybe I should go faster.

  “Nine. Faster, baby.”

  I work my clit faster, barely concentrating on his counting. My entire body is in a whole other realm of pleasure. I grip my blanket as I lean forward. My juices drip down my fingers.

  “Oh, my God. Am I supposed to be so wet?”

  He groans and grunts, and I swear I hear the sound of his hand as he strokes his dick.


  Oh, shit. When did he get to two? A weird feeling washes over me and the moment he says ‘one’, my body jerks. My muscles clench and my entire body vibrates.


  I fall back on the bed and stretch my legs out. I feel weightless and euphoric. And all from my own fingers. If this is what sex is like, how the hell does anyone get anything done? I think I’ve found a new hobby!

  “How do you feel, baby doll?”

  “I feel…amazing,” I get out between breaths.

  “Was that your first orgasm?”

  “Yes. Did…did you…?”

  “Yes. You were very hot, Raven. Now I need to go clean up and change my boxers.”

  I giggle at the image in my head. I can’t believe we just did that.

  “Me, too.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. And I’m glad you gave me the privilege. Now get some rest, little one.”

  For some reason, I don’t want him to hang up. No, scratch that, I know why. I want to do that again!

  “Good night, Raven.”

  “Good night.”

  “Just one more thing. I want you to remember, when you came, it was my name you called out and not his.”



  I woke up this morning with a huge grin. I also had the best night’s sleep in months. And it’s all because of Raven. I can’t remember the last time I fucked a woman and felt this good afterwards. And I didn’t even touch her. My dick twitches as I remember the way she said my name when she came. I’ve made up my mind. No more staying away bullshit. The second she turns eighteen, I’m hittin’ that. I just need to keep my hands to myself until then. It’s going to be fucking hard after last night. She didn’t reply to my text this morning, but I’m chalking it up to a little embarrassment.


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