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The Beast 3: Old Ways, New Days

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by Renee George

  The Beast 3: Old Ways, New Days

  Reneé George

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2006 Reneé George

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  ISBN (10) 1-59596-390-1

  ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-390-1

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1561

  Shepherdstown, WV 25443-1561

  Editor: Chrissie Henderson

  Cover Artist: Angela Knight

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


  “Doom of the Lord was law o’er the deeds

  of every man, as it is to-day.”


  Doom, Tyr Madds thought. How appropriate.

  Min, the Egyptian master vampire, covered Guillermo, reaching into his chest to tear his heart out by the roots. Tyr swung his sword, lopping off the head of the nearest foe. He hated his master, but knew the value of loyalty, and looking upon Guillermo Perez with nearly as much hatred, he felt the pain of betrayal.

  Tyr had been in Min’s service since his conversion in 1306. Seven hundred years as a plaything to a powerful vampire could make any man’s brain go soft, but it had only served to harden him. Caught up in the fight with four vampires, he failed to notice when the youngling, his throat bloody and raw, plunged the splintered chair leg into his master’s back, forcing Min’s heart out the front of his chest.

  Tyr nearly dropped his sword when the connection to his master snapped. “Kullervo’s curse,” he swore and awaited final death to take him. When it didn’t, he kissed his exquisitely wrought gold ring and said a word of thanks to Odin. He was free. After all these centuries, Tyr was free.

  The jubilance dissolved to near despair as the compulsive need to protect, serve, and unquestioningly obey drew him toward Guillermo and his… youngling?

  Guillermo barked the order to chop off Min’s head. Tyr gladly volunteered. “I will do it.” Even in death, Min was making his life miserable.

  He swung his jeweled sword in a precise sweep, cleanly severing Min’s head. Black blood oozed from his master’s neck, sickening him. Tyr gestured to his guards, who quickly sprang forward to dispose of the body. Looking upon his new master, he wondered if the youngling was up to the task.

  Chapter 1

  Dr. Nathan Greer woke up to a candlelit bedroom in Guillermo Perez’s private quarters at the back of Corazon de la Muerte, a nightclub owned by the Hispanic master vampire. Nathan gripped his semi-erect cock with one hand, and reached across the bed with his other arm, feeling for Gui.

  Empty? He lolled his head to the left and peered from sleep-squinty eyes. Where the hell is Guillermo?

  They’d gotten into an argument just before daybreak about whether Nathan was ready to go back to work. Nathan, of course, voted on the side of working. His throat had healed over the past couple of weeks since the incident with Min, but Guillermo insisted Nathan allow more time. If truth be told, Nathan loved spending night after night with the master vampire. Gui made him feel vital, and after three years and some change of being undead, he relished every moment. But even vampires needed to make a living.

  Just thinking about the Gui made Nathan’s cock fully hard. Guillermo had taught him that sex was nearly as important as blood for a vampire. It was a lesson Nathan had learned almost too late. His Beast had threatened to take over, to do what was necessary to survive.

  Leaning back onto the plush pillow, Nathan closed his eyes, drawing his fingers over the tight smooth skin of his cock. A tingle of electricity ran through his hand and up his arms. He’d always been prone to static problems, but since becoming a vampire, the electric currents had become stronger when aroused, which lately was always. The charge had become strong enough to start Guillermo’s heart when Nathan would orgasm, and Nathan wondered if he’d have the same effect on other vampires.

  Or is it just Guillermo?

  An image of the master vampire, head thrown back, mouth slack with pure pleasure, fine beads of moisture dampening his forehead, made Nathan both hungry and horny. Where the hell is Gui?

  His cock throbbed, aching to be touched. Ah well, as the song goes, if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.

  Nathan smiled at the thought. He hadn’t masturbated since hooking up with Gui. Reaching into the bedside stand, Nathan grabbed a bottle of ylang ylang and sandalwood scented oil. The scent alone -- masculine and erotic -- made Nathan sigh with longing. Pouring a generous amount onto his palm, he closed his eyes and slicked the oil from the crown of his cock to the base. Music sounded briefly as the door opened and closed.

  Guillermo. It was about time. Nathan kept his eyes closed, stroking his cock in firm smooth movements, waiting for his lover to join him in bed. With his eyes closed, there was a heightened sense of danger, adventure even. The padding of soft footfalls came toward him.

  Eagerness and anticipation filled Nathan, sending a tingling ripple along the skin of his abdomen. A whisper of hair trailed against his thigh. Nathan reached to caress his lover’s face as cool lips wrapped around the head of his cock.

  What the hell? His eyes flew open.

  Kneeling next to the bed was not Guillermo, but a large man with long blond hair. Nathan, fully alert now, could feel fangs sliding against both sides of his shaft as the vampire took his cock deep within his mouth.

  “Who are you?” Nathan growled, holding very still. He feared getting his dick bitten off if he tried to jerk away.

  The blond vampire slid his tongue along the large vein on the underside of the shaft before removing his lips from Nathan’s cock. “Tyr.”

  “What?” Nathan, with his cock now free, took the opportunity to scoot out of reach.

  The blond vampire’s eyes were wide and the color of icy water, a clear bright blue, which complemented the true-blue tuxedo shirt he wore like a second skin. A thin scar ran through his lower lip and his nose had a slight hump from being broken at one time or another before he had been turned. The one thing that really struck Nathan though was the look of sheer determination.

  “You asked who I am. My name is Tyr Madds. By Vampyric law, I am yours to command.”

  “What are you talking about?” If Nathan had a vampire to command, it was news to him. The guy looked familiar. Nathan had seen him before somewhere. “Do I know you?” He caught a glint of a jeweled sword hilt at the man’s side. That’s when it hit him. This was the large blond vampire who worked for Min, the one who looked like -- “Thor.”

  “The God of Thunder?” Tyr shook his head. “I stopped praying to that bastard a long time ago.”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. You were part of Min’s entourage, right? The one who chopped off his head after he died.”

  “You mean the one who chopped off his head after you killed him.”

  Slowly, it began to dawn on Nathan. “Oh.” Nathan stood cautiously from the bed. “I’ll get dressed now, if you don’t mind.”

  Tyr said nothing.

  “Let me see if I understand this,” Nathan said, tugging on a pair of jeans
. “I killed Min, so, someway or another, that makes you mine to boss around?”

  “Yes.” There was no humor in that one little word, only simple stoicism with a hard edge.


  “No bullshit. I was Min’s second, his master of the guard. And now, by law, I am yours.”

  Nathan detected dour edges of bitterness in Tyr. “Well, I release you. Go, be free, and all that happy shit.” He pulled a soft, green t-shirt over his head.

  “Min was an ancient vampire, nearly three thousand years old. He practiced the gamle måter, old ways, no longer known to the newer breeds. He bound me to him physically and mentally when he made me. When you killed my master, the bond was transferred to you, whether I like it or not.”

  Tyr’s neck bent forward in a short bow, and his long hair brushed the floor. The vision of this large muscled man submitting himself to Nathan stirred a fire of excitement in the doctor… and shame. No one should live as a slave. Undead or human. “Stand up, Tyr.”

  Tyr complied, standing to his full height which Nathan guessed had to be nearly seven feet. He wore tailored black slacks, no doubt specially made for a man his height. Jesus Christ, he’s a freaking giant.

  A fleeting grimace of pain showed on Tyr’s face.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I need to feed.”

  “Well, then by all means, go out and feed.”

  “I need to feed from you.”

  “Oh, hell no. I’m not anyone’s lunch, let alone a giant Viking.”

  Nathan couldn’t believe what happened next. Tyr came toward him in one long stride, dropped to his knees in front of Nathan and rubbed his face against the front seam of Nathan’s jeans.

  “Please, Master.” He bit the words through gritted teeth. “I have not fed for weeks. This is worse than death. Either feed me or take my heart and head.”

  “Weeks? Why?” Nathan didn’t understand, but he knew the agonizing pain of going the day without blood. He couldn’t even imagine how bad it must be to go without for as long as Tyr.

  “Blodkausjon. Blood bond. I should have died when Min died. The bond should not have been transferred, but it was. He made me his servant in every way. I cannot survive without my master’s blood. None other will quench my eternal thirst. I won’t die, but I will waste away to nothing in the pain that never ends. I should have died, but I didn’t.”

  Tyr’s words overwhelmed Nathan. Blood bond? He’d never heard of it. “Are there others? Like you I mean, who needed Min’s blood?”

  “No, only me. He wanted to make sure that I would remain faithful and loyal to him and only him. There have been others in the past, but all are long dead, except for me. Each death of those he bound weakened his powers, so he stopped performing the ritual.”

  Tyr pressed his face once again across Nathan’s groin, causing his cock to involuntarily stir. Even if Nathan didn’t quite believe the blond vampire, he couldn’t deny that Tyr believed. “Okay.” Nathan took a step backwards. “I get that you need my blood, but what’s with the impromptu blowjob?”

  “I know you like men.”

  “Uh, point of fact. I’m mostly into women.” Though, looking at the way Tyr’s black slacks hugged every curving muscle, Nathan’s erect cock told a whole ’nother story. “And what does my liking or not liking men have to do with anything?”

  “Min preferred the company of men. Exclusively. He required certain acts of me before I was allowed to feed.” A hint of shame crept into his voice. “Please, Master,” he repeated. “I need…”

  Nathan not only heard the shame, but also felt the emotion as it rolled off Tyr in waves -- desperation coloring his crystal-blue eyes.

  “Don’t. It’s all right.” All right? I must be insane! He’d never let any vampire feed from him, not even Guillermo. But he could offer Tyr the same thing that Gui had given him. Hope. Nathan held his wrist out to Tyr. “Drink.”

  Tyr looked uncertain at first, but Nathan watched as his eyes took on a white glow and Tyr’s fangs protracted to full length. Nathan could feel the slight pain of his own eyes when they slipped from human to Beast while Tyr sunk his teeth into Nathan’s wrist. His Beast gave a shout of triumph. The small sucking noises emitting from Tyr affected Nathan like an aphrodisiac. His cock threatened to burst from his pants. The effect of feeding Tyr buckled Nathan’s legs, bringing him to his knees in front of the large vampire.

  His breath came hard and fast -- his Beast urging him to give and take. No, Nathan told the Beast. He’s already had so much taken away from him. No more.

  The Beast growled his dissent, but backed off. Nathan was finding it difficult to fight the desire, especially when Tyr’s large fingers worked the buttons on his pants, freeing his cock. Nathan’s breath caught for a moment. He struggled not to react to the pressure of the Viking’s hand on his flesh. He reached with his free hand to stop Tyr. “No. Don’t.”

  But Tyr didn’t stop. He stroked Nathan’s already oiled cock in rhythm with his sucking and the two actions connected. He could feel the sting and rush of blood both in his wrist and his cock. As Tyr drank from him, Nathan began to realize he could feel everything the blond vampire was feeling -- lust and hunger.

  “We are joined, aren’t we?” Nathan didn’t expect an answer, and he didn’t get one, except in the form of firmer strokes. He could almost understand why Min required the blowjob; the connection was intensely pleasurable. Nathan’s balls pulled tight as blood rushed to his cock, verging on orgasm. His fists clenched and his toes curled as he fought to maintain control.

  “Enough,” Nathan murmured, more as a plea than a command. Tyr’s grip tightened on both his wrist and cock. He could feel himself weakening with blood loss and he began to panic. How long have I let him feed? “Enough, Tyr.”

  But the blond vampire either couldn’t hear him or wouldn’t. Nathan did the only thing he could -- he reached for the Beast. Power rushed through him as he allowed his inner demon to gain control. Nathan’s world became cloudy then crystal clear as his eyes dilated. His fangs slid forward over human incisors. His fingernails extended to claws as the Beast surged through him.

  “You will obey me.” Nathan’s voice sounded hollow, foreign… inhuman. He stood, grabbing Tyr’s hair with one hand and yanked the Viking from his wrist, tearing the flesh as blood spilled onto the floor. The Beast brought Nathan’s wrist to his mouth and licked the wound. Instantly, it began to heal.

  Tyr didn’t struggle or try to resist. He seemed dazed, drunk even. “Yes, Master.”

  The Viking’s broad shoulders and wide chest flexed with tension, stretching the fabric of his shirt. The Beast wanted Tyr naked. We shouldn’t be doing this. Nathan felt helpless in his fight against the longing and lustful desires of his vampire. “Take off your clothes.”

  Tyr unbuttoned his shirt -- his pale chest sprinkled with wispy blond hair over Herculean pecs. The Viking made quick work of his slacks. The muscles of his thighs, cut in hard edges, were impressive, but not nearly as impressive as his massive cock. The Beast approved and Nathan couldn’t help but second the motion.

  Tyr stood before Nathan, naked and vulnerable. He spoke, his voice soft, but masculine. “What would you have of me?”

  Nathan’s Beast wanted to dominate Tyr, to make the Viking submit completely. We can’t. Not like this, Nathan pleaded with the Beast. It’s too much like rape. He can’t say no to us. He knew his demon could have his way whether Nathan liked it or not, but Nathan was relying on the uneasy agreement between them. Finally, the Beast growled his dissent, but agreed not to take the man without full consent. “Do you enjoy men?”

  Tyr Madds wiped at his mouth. Nathan Greer’s blood made him feel intoxicated and powerful. He’d willingly take his clothes off, or anything else Nathan required, to drink from him again. With Min, there had been power in the blood, but nothing like what coursed through his veins after feeding from Nathan.

  Do you like men, his new master had asked. Tyr had not been allowed
to touch anyone other than Min for the last one hundred years, man or woman. It had been his punishment, and with that punishment, he was never allowed to receive pleasure, only give. Why did Nathan care whether he liked men or not?

  In his youth, Tyr had enjoyed the company of women, but they were docile creatures, barely participants. When Min turned him, Tyr had just reached his twenty-second year, and he discovered men held such passion and adventure in bed. So, to the question, did he enjoy men, the answer was…

  “Yes, I do.” His gaze traveled from Nathan’s iron erection, which stood boldly from the opening V of his jeans, up his chest, past extended canines, to the glowing green eyes. Was this one more humiliation to endure? Would his new master be as cruel as Min?

  Nathan’s blood had supercharged his senses, and standing naked before the young vampire, millions of nerves fired all at once in Tyr’s cock. He waited in anticipation of his master’s next command. Nathan cupped Tyr’s chin and turned his face from side to side, as if gauging his worth. The Viking held his composure, like a stallion being sold at auction, and he half-expected Nathan to check his mouth for missing or bad teeth.

  Inside, the large man was shaking, nervous with energy and arousal. His hard cock pulsed, heavy with need. Tyr stood at least a full foot taller than Nathan did, but even with the difference in size, he definitely felt the younger vampire’s dominance. His lips trembled as Nathan traced a path, dragging his fingertips along Tyr’s jaw, down his neck. Nathan’s palm made contact with Tyr’s chest and lingered in caresses over his pecs. Tyr noticed how pale Nathan’s hand appeared.

  I took too much blood from him. He hasn’t fed this morning.

  Tyr’s remorse disappeared when he felt a strong pinch of a forefinger and thumb around his nipple. The sharp but wonderful pain drove him back to his knees. He whimpered audibly when Nathan completely broke touch with him.

  Nathan sidestepped Tyr’s reaching hand and walked around the kneeling vampire to the bed, leaving his clothes in a trail on the floor behind him. The young vampire sat on the edge of the mattress and spread his legs.


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