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The Beast 3: Old Ways, New Days

Page 7

by Renee George

Nathan sat up, leaned over Tyr’s groin and licked the Viking’s shaft from the head to base. “You want?” He spread Tyr’s thighs and ran his tongue along the sensitive skin under his testicles, feeling the sacs tighten with each little flickering. A mantra started up in Tyr’s head. Please let this be real. Please let this be real.

  “It’s real,” Nathan told him, taking one testicle into his mouth, then the other. Tyr’s cock jumped on his stomach in response. The bed moved as Guillermo got up and retrieved lubricant from the nightstand.

  “Now, what do you want?” Nathan asked Tyr. “You won’t break. I promise.”

  Tyr went up on his elbow, his face full of secret longing, scared to share, scared of being hurt. He’d buried his emotions to long, too deep. Now he worried what bringing them up again would do to him.

  Nathan teased his way up the engorged shaft, as he situated himself between Tyr’s legs. “I promise,” he whispered before taking the large thick cock into his mouth.

  Tyr emitted a low rumbling moan. “I want to be fucked like I mean something. I don’t want to be a toy. I want to be a man that is seen.” A choking sob caught in Tyr’s throat. “I want someone to see me.”

  Nathan traversed the length of Tyr until he lay on top of him, face to face with his new servant. “I see you, Tyrsgard Madds. I see all of you.”

  “Sweet Odin’s breath,” the Viking sighed, but Nathan could still feel him holding back.

  Nathan slid down Tyr’s long torso, until his body rested between the Viking’s legs again. He lifted Tyr’s left thigh as Guillermo kissed Nathan’s neck and handed him the Astroglide.

  Gui positioned himself behind Nathan. The master vampire’s nimble fingers found their way to Nathan’s ass. Nathan felt the cool lubricant as Guillermo probed gently at his anus with one finger. Nathan forced his hips backward to meet the digit. Think, Nathan. This is for Tyr.

  Nathan squirted a generous amount of the slick substance in his palm and set the tube aside. He rubbed gentle circles between Tyr’s buttocks, easing his way to the Viking’s puckered hole, preparing the way for penetration. He didn’t have to be tender with Tyr. The Viking was used to being treated roughly, but for that reason, Nathan had determined to act with passion and compassion. He slipped a finger through the tight muscle, slicking the interior wall of Tyr’s channel. He turned the finger, stretching and relaxing the anus, until he heard Tyr beg for more.

  In sync, Guillermo pushed a second finger into Nathan, as Nathan did the same to Tyr. Tyr thrust his lower body forward, forcing Nathan’s fingers to the hilt. “Don’t wait.” He pushed again. “Fuck me now.”

  Nathan moved his hand out of the way, slid his cock past the first tight ring, and waited a moment for Tyr to adjust. He pushed again, resisting the urge to viciously impale the Viking. Three torturously slow advances put Nathan completely into Tyr’s smooth channel. He withdrew slightly with the intent of moving into Tyr slowly, but Guillermo thrust a third finger into Nathan, causing him to jolt forward and advance deep into the Viking.

  A moan of pleasure released from Tyr’s throat as Nathan growled with greedy desire. He leaned back into Guillermo’s arms. “I want you in me, Gui.”

  Guillermo kissed his earlobe and whispered, “Let our rhythm be as one, amante.”

  Nathan leaned forward, holding himself up on one arm as Guillermo filled him from behind. The sensation of having his cock squeezed by Tyr’s ass and Guillermo’s engorged shaft sliding into place felt like a circuit being completed. Nathan thrust forward again and began stroking his cock in and out of Tyr, as Guillermo kept the same rhythm as if Guillermo’s cock were an extension of his own. Nathan kept Tyr’s face in sight, taking him in. Seeing him as he’d promised.

  “You feel so good,” Nathan moaned, talking to both vampires. Guillermo’s hand spread his buttocks farther apart as he continued rocking backward and forward with Nathan, never missing a beat. Nathan’s free hand slid to Tyr’s cock and balls, fondling the Viking, fisting his rigid shaft.

  Tyr’s cock went impossibly hard, ready for release. His canal constricted, tightening around Nathan. Burning and tingling settled into Nathan’s groin as he felt his balls tug sharply upward with his own orgasm building.

  Guillermo wrapped an arm around Nathan’s waist. “I cannot hold back, mi amor. Come for me, amante. I want to feel you come.”

  Guillermo’s silky smooth, sexy voice sent Nathan over the edge. The energy in his body gathered to his groin with electrifying speed as he plunged a final time into Tyr. Nathan cried out as his cock exploded in an onslaught of wave after wave of ecstasy, and his body did something it had never done. It lit up. Literally. A flash of light hit the room as Nathan sent jolting shocks through both Tyr and Guillermo, throwing Guillermo off the bed.

  “Thor’s hammer!” Tyr swore before rapturous moans took his breath and he came, spurting semen all over Nathan’s hand.

  Guillermo, gloriously spent, began to laugh and Nathan heard the swoosh-swoosh of his heart, along with a woosh-woosh of Tyr’s.

  They kept beating for nearly a minute. When the hearts stopped, Tyr asked, “What did you do to us?”

  Guillermo smiled. “I think he gave us back a piece of our souls.”

  “Well,” Nathan said. “I have to admit I’m a little spooked out. I lit up like a freaking Christmas tree.”

  “No,” Tyr added. “It was more like lightning.”

  Guillermo lay back on the bed with Nathan between him and Tyr. “I think being with two vampires must have provoked the incident.”

  Nathan propped up on an elbow. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m not positive, but I think you might have some natural skill as a necromancer. You know, animating dead flesh.”

  “No fucking way, Gui. That stuff Mom was talking about is a fool’s tale.”

  “Eh, it’s just one theory for your electric nature. Not the only.”

  Nathan lightly punched Gui in the shoulder. “I’d like to forget about theories right now.”

  Guillermo shrugged then snuggled his way under Nathan’s arm. Tyr did the same on the other side.

  Nathan stroked both of them. “Are we okay now?”

  Tyr spoke first. “Yes, I think so.”

  “Yes,” Guillermo agreed.

  “Good. Because I’m beat.”

  Chapter 9

  Things had progressed smoothly since Tyr and Guillermo had worked out their differences. Nathan figured he’d hold a public auction and get rid of Min’s property, maybe divvy up the proceeds for charity. Tyr agreed to be Guillermo’s new lawyer and he took the apartment directly above Nathan’s. In general, the Viking didn’t let Nathan wander too far. Nathan might not have been ordering Tyr around, but as Tyr put it, “You’re still my master. Your fate is mine and I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Only once had Tyr worried Nathan. He’d come rushing into Nathan’s apartment, whooping because he’d been able to have an orgasm without Nathan being in the room. It was a good thing, because Nathan had already promised Guillermo exclusivity, with the exception of mutually agreed upon liaisons, and didn’t relish the idea of being there every time Tyr had sex with someone. Yep, life was good.

  Nathan rolled over in Guillermo’s bed and squeezed his lover’s ass.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, amante?”

  “Immensely.” It’s a damn fine ass.

  There was a knock at the door. Nathan sighed. He hated knocks. Knocks had come to mean bad news or unnecessary interruptions.

  “Entre,” Guillermo said as Nathan covered himself. He couldn’t get used to the immodest open door policy.

  Nadine walked in wearing a black silk shirt that was actually opaque, and a pair of brown leather pants. She was still wearing her standard six-inch heels, but for the most part, she did not look like her normal self. “Uh, I need to talk to you, boss.” Even the tone of her voice seemed somehow gentled.

  Gui sat up, looking a bit mystified. “You all right, chica?

  “I’m fine.” She looked from Gui to Nathan, a hard expression growing in her eyes. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, you act as if you’ve never seen me in clothes.”

  Guillermo shrugged. “You wanted something?”

  “Yes. I want a night off.”

  “A night off?”

  “Yes, I have a date.”

  “You have a date?”

  “If you don’t stop repeating everything I say, I’m going to scream!”

  Nathan stifled a grin. “Who are you going out with?”

  “I don’t answer to you!” she shot back at Nathan.

  “But I do.” Tyr walked in, sans sword. “You’re going to be staying here tonight, Nathan. Right? You’re safe with Guillermo, and I thought it might be fun to get out and about.”

  “With Nadine?” Nathan was flabbergasted.

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  “Oh, let me count the ways.”

  A desperate look crossed Tyr’s face and Nathan bit his tongue. “Fine, fine. You kids go out and have a blast.”

  “Thanks, boss,” Tyr said, taking his cue from Nadine. “Oh, by the way, Nan called.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah, she wants to start a Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays group, PFLAG I think she called it, down in the Ozarks and wanted to know if you knew anybody up here in the city who could help.”

  Nathan nearly choked. “No she’s not!”

  “Yep.” Tyr laughed. “And she told me to tell you she loves you, warts and all.” Tyr and Nadine fairly skipped out of the room, both of them grinning from ear to ear.

  Guillermo raised an eyebrow. “You have warts?”

  “It’s an expression.” One that filled Nathan with relief. His mother had forgiven him, even embraced him.

  Nathan’s pager vibrated on the nightstand.

  “Don’t get it.” Guillermo stripped the covers off Nathan. “I have plans for you tonight.”

  “I have to, Gui. I’m on call. That’s what happens when you date a doctor.” He picked it up and looked at the number. “It’s Anna.” He hadn’t thought about her for several weeks. Anna had been his first real love. She’d moved back to Kansas City months ago, but Nathan had only seen her once. The encounter had ended with Nathan telling her what he was. They’d had sex, but it was definitely things are finally over sex.

  He looked at the number again. She’d added a 9-1-1 to the end. “I’d better call her back.”

  Guillermo handed his cell phone to Nathan. “Make it quick, mi amor. I plan to do terrible things to your body.”

  He dialed her number. “Hi, Anna. It’s Nathan. Yes -- You’re kidding me… It can’t be… No. Are you sure? Nobody else for six months, huh… I don’t think it’s possible… Well, I guess… No, don’t cry. We’ll get this figured out… Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Is she all right, amante?”

  “Apparently she’s pregnant.”

  “Kudos for her.” Guillermo smiled. “What does that have to do with you?”

  “Well, unless you believe in the Immaculate Conception happening twice, I’m the father.”

  Guillermo shook his head. “She must be mistaken, amante.”

  “According to Anna, I’m the only one she’s been with. I just don’t understand how.”

  Nathan scooted toward the edge of the bed as Guillermo sat up. “Maybe the way you, how do you call it? Jumpstart my heart. Maybe the same thing happened to your seed? Posible? No?”

  “Maybe.” Nathan chewed his right thumbnail. The impact of the news hit him like a sledgehammer. Vampires don’t have children. But here he was, having a child. “I’m going to have a baby. Oh, my God! I’m going to be a father.”

  Guillermo grinned. “And a nieto para su madre.”


  “A grandchild for your mother.”

  “Oh hell.” Nathan rubbed his head. “How in the world am I going to explain this?”

  The End

  Reneé George

  Reneé George was born and raised in California. She’s lived in Hawaii and Texas before settling in the Midwest. Happily married for fifteen years, Reneé lives a hectic, but fulfilling life with her husband and her sweet baby boy. (Okay, so he’s ten now, but he’s still her baby!)

  Recently, her special interests have turned to Paranormal Erotica, with an emphasis on the erotic. As a self-proclaimed voyeur, Reneé thinks there’s something distinctly voyeuristic in most people. Watching the lives, loves and self-discovery of unique characters unfold in the written word can be extremely satisfying. It’s like knowing a great secret.

  Fantasy, paranormal and science fiction have always been a big part of her life, allowing her to escape the mundane. She became hooked on alternative worlds and realities after reading J. R. R. Tolkein’s books when she was nine years old. She enjoys writing strong characters with even stronger desires.




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