Book Read Free


Page 1

by Silver, Jordan


  By Jordan Silver

  Copyright © 2013 Alison Jordan

  All Rights Reserved

  Spread those wings butterflies;

  Now fly.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 1


  I hate this fucking town it sucks my ass, who the fuck wants to live in the damn rain twenty four seven, what the fuck? And what kind of name is Sea Crest for a place with no beach? I think the closest one is like an hour away. At least that’s what it said on Google earth.

  My skanky ass mom got herself a new dumber model and now she’s off jetting all the fuck over while I get stuck here with Gomer Pyle. My dad’s a real heel, no wonder Paula fucked him over, mother-fucker was so laid back he was comatose.

  What the fuck ever, first of all who the fuck does he think is driving that piece of shit truck out there, not this bitch. And what’s up with that Derrick dude who supposedly fixed the heap, do they not have barber shops in this rinky dink shit hole? What the fuck ever.

  First day of school and I’m driving this piece of shit, Michael had put his foot down what the fuck? I haven’t had parental control since the age of six, nobody told me what the fuck to do, he’ll learn that shit real quick though.

  None of these hay seed mother fuckers better not make fun of me or I’ll go postal on a mother-fucker, just saying.


  Everyone’s buzzing about the new girl, apparently the Captain’s daughter is starting here today, and this is big news. I’ve been going here for four years and don’t recall any out of towners enrolling. This was the first newbie that I’ve heard of.

  Well, it had nothing to do with me; I usually didn’t mix with the masses. I’m kind of a nerd but not really, my family says the only thing that saves me from that distinction is my hot as fuck body and my matinee idol looks.

  Whatever, I like learning. My brain holds more information than an encyclopedia, I listen to classical music, play piano like a pro and sing like an angel. Add my crazy as fuck golden bronze hair and jade green eyes and fuck, I’m hot if I do say so myself.

  The kids around here steered clear of me and my family, because we were rich as Croesus they thought we ought to be stuck up, if they only knew how much my mother would just love to open the gates to our estate and throw wild Barbecue parties for the whole town.


  This shit is so fucking lame, what kind of one horse town shit is this? The school is a one story building with other one story buildings scattered around it. First chance I get I’m outta dis bitch, no doubt.

  I saw those fuckers checking me out; damn straight I know I look fuck hot. I have my strawberry blonde hair hanging down with its natural bouncy curl which only needed a little help from the hot rollers this morning; and my light brown eyes were outlined to show their best effect. I’d chosen to wear my Prada knee boots with my black skinny jeans and a winter white cashmere sweater that showed off the girls, my diamond studs a little strawberry gloss; lashes all plumed and shit, fuck yeah.

  I walked in that bitch like I owned the place; these hayseed fucks were eye fucking me. Why don’t you buy me a drink first mother-fuckers?

  Bitches were checking out the new competition, not to worry hoes I don’t do Opie mother-fuckers, okay I don’t do any mother-fuckers but still, just saying.

  I checked the direction slip in my hand; I had biology first period, right down this hall.

  None of these fucking jerks had the nerve to approach me as I made my way down the hall. I didn’t look left nor right, I don’t check people out, people check me the fuck out.

  I found my class and walked in; I gave the douche at the desk my admission slip and sat down at the only available seat. Next to this kid that was looking out the window, he sure had some fucked up hair.

  The douche better not call on me to share my life story, I wasn’t down with that kindergarten bullshit, and bitches better stop clocking my ass.

  I heard a sniffing sound and turned to see motor head, wait...was he...?

  “Mother-fucker why the fuck are you sniffing me?”

  Chapter 2


  Scared little tough girl, please, who does she think she’s fooling? I can see right through her bullshit. If I said boo she’d probably jump a mile in the air. Instead I did something I’d never done inside these walls, I smiled at a girl with interest, not that she’d know, what she saw was probably more like a predator of the wild with a little lamb in his sites.

  I ignored her rude ass and opened my book, I saw her out the side of my eye sniffing her hair and sweater, good. Let her wonder if I found her scent offensive or not, then watch her try to please me.

  This sure was going to be a change from the norm, this one wasn’t going to be an easy fuck, thank fuck, I was tired of easy as pie pussy. Not that I ever fucked anyone in my hometown, never shit where you eat, though the females in this school from the youngest to the oldest would drop trou in the blink of an eye if I said the word.

  I don’t usually go for foul mouthed immature chicks, my pussy usually came with a high end price tag, not that I paid for pussy mind you, nah, it just meant I leaned more towards high society debutants who thought their pussy was golden until I hammered the fuck out them, showed them who’s boss. Of course after one course they were always on my dick but hey, dem’s the breaks I never went back for seconds, not unless that shit was diamond. Except for this side piece I’ve been hitting for a while now.

  The teach gave out assignments, we had to pair up; I had no need to impress her with my knowledge let her do the impressing. She wasn’t too bad, but she was nowhere near my caliber.

  “What’re you some kind of fucking idiot savant or something?” She snarled at me.

  I’m really going to enjoy taming that mouth. For now I just look at her, not a smile, not a glare, just a steady look meant to unnerve. She held out longer than most. Good for her.


  This guy is seriously creeping me the fuck out, first he sniffs me, and now he’s looking at me like he can see right through me. The Princess is not amused. I might have to stomp a mother-fucker my first day. And what’s with his damn hair? It seems to be going in six directions at once, it didn’t matter that it worked on him, just saying, invest in a brush mother-fucker, damn.

  On top of that he was some kind of brain, how the fuck does a brain like that survive in this hick town? I know I know my shit, but this fucker got some type of rain man shit going on. What the fuck ever.

  I kept glancing at him out the side of my eye, not because I was interested, I just thought it might be pr
udent to keep track of what the fuck he was up to. After all most ass fuck serial killers came from rinky dink towns just like this one.

  He was totally ignoring me, huh, what the fuck was up with that? Dudes were usually all over my shit in five minutes flat. What was this bitch trying to prove?

  The bell rang and he sauntered out the class ahead of everyone, there was a whole lotta buzz going on, if these fuckers stood around looking at me like a pet monkey I will flip my shit.

  I went to the rest of my classes with no one approaching me, I guess my bitch vibe was working, friends didn’t choose me, I chose who the fuck shared my space, and so far zilch.

  I pegged the girls who thought they were hot shit right off the bat, mediocre at best; me and my old crew would eat them for breakfast without breaking a sweat. Kardashian wannabes, fuck those bitches I liked me, didn’t need anyone else’s identity.

  I saw one bitch who had her shit together, wasn’t too happy when I saw her sitting at rain man’s table though. What the fuck you care Carrie? Keep it moving.

  Anyway the blonde bitch had it going on but I could tell she was one those stuck up bitches with the rock of Gibraltar on her shoulders, too much mother fucking work. Looked like no new friends for the newbie, oh well. Then this goofy looking mother fucker came over to me grinning. Fucking A mother-fucker.

  “I’m eating, don’t interrupt.” I gave him my best bitch glare and he slithered away. I saw a gaggle of hens clucking at the table closest to me. They were looking at me as though I was dyslexic; I guess blonde boy was considered hot shit around these parts. Get real. What the fuck ever.


  I wonder what she said to Dyson to send him scurrying with his tail between his legs?

  I was gonna have to keep an eye on my prey, the sharks were already swarming, couldn’t have that.

  Chapter 3


  Day two in this raggedy ass bitch, and it’s raining a-fucking-gain, Paula called me first thing this morning, probably drunk off her ass, I just told her to pad my account, send me the latest shit from whatever country she was in, hopefully Paris or Milan, and step the fuck off.

  Don’t judge me, Paula is no one’s mother believe me, bitch had me from the age of three gave up any pretense of mothering by age six, and she’d only done a half ass job up until then, I didn’t need a mom now, too fucking late. She knew the deal, but if she wanted to fit in to her new life style of rich society mavens and afternoon lunches bull shit she had to play the role. What the fuck ever. I mean seriously have you heard my mouth, do you think if she’d been any kind of mother I’d be this fucked up?

  I know what people saw when they looked at me, they saw a foul mouthed deviant, but the truth is I’m doing pretty good for a teen who practically had to raise herself. I don’t do drugs, I never drove drunk, I wasn’t a slut and I’m an honor student, society could go fuck itself.


  It’s raining; I don’t think she should be driving that heap of metal on a day like this. I drove by her house to check up on her just as she was coming outside. She looked all kinds of pissed off. It made me smile. She never noticed me as I followed her on the slick roads. She was driving way too fast, not that I wasn’t a speeder, but I had more experience on these roads in these conditions, we’ll have to do something about that.

  I pulled in next to her but didn’t let myself look at her as I covered my eyes with my Ray Bans. I could feel her checking me out without being too obvious, that’s how strong the pull between us is, I can already sense her, eventually she’d be able to do the same, I’d see to it. I’m going to take over every aspect of her life bit by bit, but first I will make her crave me.

  I ignored all the too easy pussy crowding the hallways, some of them started primping as soon as they saw me, I saw my sister Vanessa and her boy Andrew in front of her locker, my brother Matthew and his girl Patti were probably still in his jeep necking. That was their routine.

  “Joshua have you met the new girl, what’s she like, is she pretty?”

  Vanessa had missed school yesterday and by the time I reached home in the evening she’d been with Andy so she hadn’t had a chance to interrogate me.

  “Oh is that her? she’s gorgeous, uh oh Patti’s not going to like this, she’s wearing Vuitton rain boots, you know what that means, she knows fashion. Nope, our Patti is not going to like this one little bit.”

  She had a point; Patti was so accustomed to being the center of attention in our school she was going to have a hard time sharing the spotlight. Her personality was such that she would view Carissa’s beauty as an affront. What can I say the girl has issues?

  “I’m gonna go introduce myself, toodles.” She gave us a little finger wave before heading off. I leaned back against my locker and watched to see how things would play out. I knew my ...

  Carissa was a bit surly, but if she hurt Vanessa’s feelings I was going to have to step in and I didn’t want to have to. It was too soon to show my hand.


  When I first saw the little whirling dervish approach I was ready to blast the fuck outta her, but then she said her name, his name, I’d heard some of the idiot girls talking about him that’s how I knew, so I figured she was the sister. I decided to let her share my space for a time just to be tolerable, but then she named every designer I was wearing and I perked up, holla, I didn’t think there would be anyone in this hick town who knew what fashion was, of course her brother was rocking Gucci today, yesterday had been Ferragamo. I knew my shit, and so apparently did Miss. Vanessa.

  I tried to follow along in the conversation but girlfriend was talking so fast her sentences were running together.

  “Slow your roll chicklet, take a deep breath, and calm the fuck down.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited to finally meet you and now you’re here and you love to shop and I’m so excited.”

  And she was off again, somehow I found her more cute than annoying, I’ll keep her.

  “So Vanessa what is there to do for fun around here?” Somehow we were walking towards her brother and the nice looking blonde guy, not bad, but nowhere near Joshua Steele’s caliber.

  I played it cool when we reached them but I have to admit I was a little...unsettled. I tried really hard not to look at him but I lost that battle, why did this fuck have such a pull for me, I never let a guy have the upper hand , but this one had dominant written all over him, so not for me.

  Vanessa made the introductions and we played it like we hadn’t already met, neither of us acknowledging our first meeting. He didn’t hang around long after that, no what he did do was walk right by me and sniff my fucking neck. What the fuck was up with this guy, and why did that shit make me cream my panties? Fuck.

  Chapter 4


  I watched her from afar for the rest of that first week, after making her shudder in the hallway that day, I’d decided to pull back just a little, let her wonder, and wait. It’s a cat and mouse game, I’m always the cat.

  While watching her, I also watched the dicks that are swarming around her, they haven’t quite tried to breach the inner sanctum yet, too afraid of that tongue of hers I guess, but I know it won’t be long before one of them builds up enough courage to approach.

  The school dance was coming up soon; I’d heard rumblings of all the different assholes who were thinking of inviting her. We’ll just see about that.

  I watched as first Dyson, brave soul that one, then Eric were shot down, good girl.

  The next day Terrence was up at bat, I watched him approach her in the hallway; I watched her smile at him and felt my hackles rise. No way, no how. I don’t know what answer she gave him, he didn’t walk away looking as disappointed as the other two.

  Well now, looks like I have to show just the tip of my hand.

  I walked as close to her as possible without touching her and whispered one word in her ear, I felt pretty sure she’d know what I was talking about.

sp; “No.” that’s what I whispered to her before continuing on my way. I could feel her staring holes in my back.


  Mother-fu... this guy really had to stop this shit, and what the hell did he mean no, no what? Had I asked him a motherfucking question? I knew damn good and well what he was referring to, after all it was because I’d become aware of his stare that I had smiled at the last dude, what’s his face.

  I had no intentions of going to the stupid dance in the first place, but since he threw down the gauntlet I was gonna pick that shit the fuck up. No my ass, bitch, who the fuck did he think he was any way. No one told me what to do; I wish a mother-fucker would. Sheeiiit.

  Chapter 5


  I’ve been keeping tabs on her, whenever I show an interest in my sister’s plans I get an insight into Carrie’s since the two have been joined at the hip lately.

  It’s been three days since our little encounter; two of them were over the weekend. I only drove by her house twice to assure myself that she was there, alone, no visitors.

  I depicted which room was hers, the tree outside her window leaves room for thought, getting by the Captain is no issue, and I’m the master at covert ops. I’ve defiled many a debutante right under mommy and daddy’s nose.

  I know what you’re thinking; I’m no man whore, just a normal teenaged guy with a surplus of high grade pussy. They throw it, I catch, it’s a natural instinct. I don’t cheat, never had anyone to cheat on, and if someone’s heart gets broken! It’s because they didn’t read the fine print.


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