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Passion Page 3

by Silver, Jordan

  We ended up in an abandoned classroom with me up against the door as he bracketed me with both hands on either side of my head.

  “You believe me now huh! Still think I’m fucking around?”

  Where do I begin, I know I’m crazy, but this fucker is a whole other breed of demented. I still wasn’t ready to give in to him though, not by a long shot.

  He took my throat in his hand, holding my head up and back as he brought his mouth down on mine to plunder. Sweet merciful heaven.

  I was gasping for breath when he finally released me.

  “I’m gonna spank your ass red, you won’t know where, or when, just know it’s going to be soon. Mouth off at me again and it’ll go worst for you.”

  He waited as though watching to see what I’ll do, I wanted to blast his ass, but I think I’d had enough for the day. My panties were soaked as it is.

  “I can smell you.” he whispered those words just before biting into my neck with enough force to leave a mark and walking away.

  I need a new game plan, he kept upping the mother-fucking stakes, no way was I gonna let him win. I’d have to give him this round though. Damn.

  Chapter 11


  I knew just how the fuck to deal with Joshua fucking Steele, he was getting his way too fucking much and I was sick of that shit.

  I called up Paula to set my plan in motion, of course she tried to put me off but I wasn’t having that shit, this was damn near a life or death situation, no time for games.

  I simply told the old man there was a situation and Paula needed me for a week or so, he would have to deal with the school however, I wasn’t worried about it, I’m an advanced student so there should be no problem, I’ll cover that shit when I came back, right now I had to get the fuck out of dodge, it might seem like I was running but I wasn’t I was showing this fuck who he was up against.

  I landed in London in the early morning hours there was a car to pick me up, Paula didn’t have to worry about me after I landed just have a hotel room ready for me, some extra spending money in my account and she could carry on as if I wasn’t even here.

  I hit the streets running from day one; I had no real direction, no real plan other than to get the hell out of that rinky dink town for now before one of us killed the other.

  I spent my first day shopping and visiting the museums that abound around the city, my phone was ringing off the hook for the first part of the day before I turned it off, Nessa had called a fuck load of times but there was no way I could tell her, she wouldn’t be able to holdout from her brother I was almost sure, and the whole point was to make him sweat.

  From London it was off to Greece, might as well get my tan on while in Europe, I’d seen my mom a total of once since I flew to London but that was to be expected, the thing I liked about Europe was the freedom a girl my age could enjoy without too many raised eyebrows, no one questioned why I was alone, I was smart enough to be on the lookout for predators though, I’m not a complete ninny. Though I did enjoy flirting with this fuck hot guy the whole time I was there, too bad I didn’t feel even a mild interest in him.

  I shopped my ass off and was able to put thoughts of the asshole out of my mind for longer spurts as time wore on.

  The shit that bothered me was that the night before my return I was nervous as fuck. I hadn’t given much thought to my reentry, what would he do, what has he been doing the last two weeks, did he look for me, did he try to find out where I’d gone?

  I snuck home in the late hours of the night having taken a car service from Chelsea airport; I couldn’t believe I was actually happy to see this place again. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

  My dad’s cruiser was missing which meant he was pulling the grave yard shift, I’d missed fucking Michael too, he was growing on me or some shit. It helped that he stayed the fuck out of my way and understood I needed my space.

  I was tired as fuck so I dropped my bags downstairs, crawled upstairs, and stripped before falling flat on the bed. I was asleep in five minutes flat.

  Something, or some sound woke me from my slumber, I turned over, and he was just...there.

  “What the fuck?” I started to climb off the bed but he pressed me back down with his body straddling mine. His eyes were hard and cold, my heart was running out of my chest was it fear or something else? I couldn’t be sure.

  “Had fun on your little European jaunt Carissa, you’re lucky you came home on your own when you did, if I’d had to come after you who knows. If I remember correctly I owe you a spanking that’s now two weeks overdue, now with this little stunt of yours I have to think of something else to add to your punishment so you’ll know never to play this fucking game with me again.

  “Listen you fucktard, you don’t own me, you can’t tell me what to do, now get the fuck off of me before I scream.”

  “Go ahead, scream, the Captain won’t be home for hours, your closest neighbor is the old lady across the street, besides I think I might like hearing you scream. He dragged me up and off the bed, I’d forgotten my nakedness.

  He pulled me over his knees and I froze in shock, he wouldn’t, would he?

  He brought his hand down on my bare ass, that shit stung, but I was more pissed off at the tears that started to form in my eyes.

  “You’re fucking dead you fucking pig.” I kicked my legs and fought the best I could but he didn’t stop, he just held both hands behind my back tighter. I lost count around fifteen I think, my ass was on fire, I had tears running down my face and my pride was bruised.

  “Go get me the cream off your desk.” He pushed me off his lap. I looked at him to make sense of what the hell was going on, this couldn’t be right could it? I had just come home from a trip where I was trying to avoid him, how did I come back to this? Who was this fucking guy?

  “The cream Carissa.” I jumped out of my reverie and walked over towards my desk where he had placed a jar of cream. I picked it up while looking over the other items he had laid out there. It looked like pictures of...

  “Bring those with you.”

  I grabbed them and returned to the bed where he remained seated. He took my hand and brought me back over his lap, I tensed up expecting another slap but he just soothed some cream into my burning flesh. See I knew he was crazy, who soothed the hurt they caused?

  I didn’t even realize I was sniffling until he told me to stop.

  “Your punishment is over for the time being, stop crying now.” He had the nerve to dry my tears before kissing my lips softly, what the fuck?

  He sat me across his lap which was not the most comfortable thing at the moment, my ass really hurt, damn, I think my mind had yet to come back to my body because I couldn’t process what had just happened.

  “Were you having fun here Carissa?”

  Shit I’d forgotten about the pictures.

  “Where did you get those?” They were pictures of me on my trip, some alone, some with the guy I had met in Greece, the one that had been nice but had done nothing for me, which pissed me off, I had wanted to be attracted to the tanned Greek hottie with the kick ass body, but the nut was front and center in my fucked up head.

  “Answer me.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Did you enjoy flaunting what’s mine for other men to enjoy?” The next picture was of me on the beach in my tiny white bikini, I looked hot as fuck in that shit, and of course men were enjoying it, that’s the whole idea. Of course I didn’t say any of this to the crazy man; he was already scary enough without me pushing his buttons.

  “Stubborn to the end huh, okay, let’s set some ground rules shall we, from now on in case you didn’t get it, you’re mine, you don’t go anywhere without me knowing, you don’t take off for weeks without telling me first and you damn sure don’t flirt with other men. Lucky for you the report said you gave him the brush off or he would’ve made front page news the next day and you wouldn’t be able to sit for a month inst
ead of just a week.”

  “How the fuck did you find me?” this was too much.

  “My man picked up your trail at the tower of London and stayed with you until you got off the plane here and called in the ride from the airport.”

  “Your man, what the fuck are you talking about?”

  “My family retains the services of a detective agency.”

  “But why, just because of some stupid game?”

  “This is no game babe, haven’t you figured that shit out yet?”

  “Then what the fuck is it?”

  “It’s who we are, this is what you need, you need to be tamed, and I need to be the one to tame you, only after it’s all said and done I choose to own you.”

  Chapter 12


  Okay I see what’s going on here now, I’ve gotten myself mixed up with a real fucking player, this guy was the real deal, this is no high school Casanova wannabe, this fucker was playing for keeps. I was playing with the big dogs, fuck. Who would’ve thought it, in fucking Sea Crest?

  Well then it was decision time, do I play his game, and how? I’m nobody’s bitch, I call my own shots, been doing it too long to let that shit change this late in the game.

  He wanted to play we’ll play, but by my rules, though he’s been beating me at my own game so far, I hope he wasn’t expecting me to just give in to him, but he’s shown that he’s serious about this shit and I didn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of me, this was between him and I. So be it. Let the games begin.

  After he finally left my house in the early hours of the morning before Michael returned I’d laid in bed thinking. He was some kind of strange, first taking care of my ass with the cream, then holding me until I fell asleep, it was like he was training me or something, but as what I don’t know.

  I’m not in to that bondage and pain bull shit so he could kill that noise, though I don’t get the sense that he is either, I think he really was punishing me for disobeying him, which I’m not even sure what to think about that shit, Paula hadn’t spanked me since I was old enough to hit back.

  I knew one thing for damn sure whatever game this is we were playing I was going to make sure and take care of me.

  Monday at school was a trial, I had to collect all my missed assignments, and shit plus all the new shit from today, I planned to go to the library, and knock most of that shit out during lunch.

  I’d barely put my books down before he was there next to me in the library with an apple and a water.

  He placed them in front of me and sat down.

  I didn’t even ask how he knew where the fuck I was what was the point? I just opened up my books and got to work. He took out his iPod and put his headphones in.

  I was so engrossed in what I was reading while being extremely aware of him sitting next to me that I missed Tiffany Roberts’s approach.

  She was sitting in his lap before I became aware of her.

  I felt my heart hitch and my stomach curl, I checked him from beneath my lashes to see what he would do but he was just looking dead at me, headphones on, not saying a word, while she looked at me like I was her bitch. Alright then.

  I got up from my seat, grabbed the bitch by the hair, and threw her to the floor.

  “Step the fuck off bitch.”

  I grabbed him behind the neck and kissed the fuck out of him before biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.

  I collected my shit and left the room to his laughter, while she scrambled away like a crab.

  He caught up to me in the hallway.

  “I’m picking you up from now on; I don’t want you in that death trap you drive.”

  I opened my mouth to give him shit but he stopped me cold.

  “Don’t even think about arguing with me, unless you want to see that piece a shit catch fire in your driveway.”

  “Let me ask you something before this shit goes any farther, are you certifiably insane or some shit I mean is there documentation somewhere that says you’re a nut job?”

  “No babe, just a genius, not to worry, there’re no skeletons in my closet literal or otherwise.”

  “Why me?”

  “Because I want you.”

  “And when you stop?”

  He kissed my lips hard and fast, I could taste his blood on my tongue.

  “I’ll never stop.”

  He walked away, what was he talking about like forever, who the fuck thought of forever at seventeen years old?

  Huh, fucker kept changing the game up on me, I’ll catch on soon though don’t you worry, I’ll peep your game soon enough Joshua Steele and then watch out. Let’s see how long your forever lasts.

  Chapter 13


  I spent the rest of the school day putting crazy boy out of my head and concentrating on my

  studies. It wasn’t easy but I was able to do it, I’d think about his madness later.

  I was also expecting shit to pop off with that Tiffany bitch and her crew; I wasn’t worried though I could hold my own against her skanky ass.

  I didn’t even stop to think why I had reacted so strongly to her being in his lap, it wasn’t only to prove a point to him though, that much I knew.

  Of course now there were whispers and shit in the hallways and behind me in class, which I ignored, what am I five? Fuck.


  I heard whispers and rumblings, people speculating about retaliation, there’d only been a handful of witnesses in the library when she floored the Roberts chick, but by end of day it had spread like wild fire.

  I was still smiling at her reaction, she could play it off all she wanted, but I knew I was getting to her, she wasn’t where I wanted her to be yet, not by a long shot, but we were getting there, I expected her to fight me tooth and nail all the way, that was cool with me, it would just make victory that much sweeter.

  She was a little hotheaded thing though, I would have to work on that, my lamb had way too much pent up anger for one so young, I’m gonna teach her how to channel that anger for the best results.

  My phone rang as I left my last class of the day; the number was one I had seen plenty of

  but had no interest in answering. I’d told this particular skirt numerous times in the last few weeks that I was no longer interested, some girls seemed to think that they could get a guy to change his mind about that shit by giving good head, fuck what you heard, head is head, there really isn’t any bad head unless the bitch tries to bite your shit off, and some teeth play if done right isn’t that bad, anyway whatever, if I wasn’t interested in revisiting her before, now I really wasn’t even tempted.

  I let the call go to voice mail, I’ll deal with her later, right now I had a hotheaded lamb who thought she was a tigress to protect.

  I stood outside the door of her last class of the day, there was already a crowd gathering as though they were expecting something to go down, not on my fucking watch.

  I snagged her when she came out the door.

  “What the...!”

  She started to swing until she realized it was me, and then she just scowled and tried to pull away.

  “Stop.” I pulled her after me, I know she wants to be tough but no one’s laying a hand on her, not while I’m around.

  There was a wide path opened up down the middle of the hallway as we walked by, people waiting to see what if anything was about to happen.

  I kept on looking straight ahead, I knew none of them would ever think of confronting me, they knew my style.

  I didn’t say much but when pushed too far my justice was swift, sometimes brutal.

  Vanessa and Andy were soon walking behind us followed by Matt and a disgruntled Patti.

  “We heard what happened.” Vanessa came up next to her and took her hand.

  “Are you guys serious, I’m not afraid of fucking Tiffany Roberts or her dumb ass friends, let those bitches try.”

  Of course she said it loud enough for everyone to hear. I squeezed her hand to shush

  Whether she could or not was not the point, the point was that if I allowed anyone to lay hands on what I had publicly claimed as mine, it’ll make me look like a chump. That wasn’t ever gonna happen.

  We exited the building without incident, I did see Tiffany and some of the cheerleaders standing off to the side, but no one said anything.

  I walked her to her piece of shit abomination; made sure she was buckled in and closed the door.

  I reached back in through the open window, held her by the back of her head, and kissed the fuck out of her, pulling on her bottom lip with my teeth before I finally released her.

  “Get a room bro.” Matt yelled after me on his way to his car. Patti still had her face set like she was sucking on lemons or some shit, I didn’t give a fuck, my brother would always have my back no matter what.

  “I’ll follow you home.”

  I walked to my car and waited for her to pull out of the lot before following after her.

  My family had already climbed into their respective vehicles; they went one way towards home while I took the other route to follow her home.

  I watched her go inside, she never looked back, I smirked. I was sure she was very aware of me. I was going to make sure she always was.

  I texted her when I got home just to fuck with her.

  “Stay in the house, no side trips for you today.J”

  My phone buzzed three minutes later, “Piss off.”

  I laughed, fighting till the very end, that was my girl.

  Now I had to call this Josie broad and get her off my dick.

  Chapter 14


  Vanessa and I are in this metropolis ‘note sarcasm here’ of Chelsea to do some shopping. I’m

  really tempted to ask what the fuck was up with her brother, but didn’t want to give him

  the satisfaction.

  After he had texted me that fucking message what was I to do, obey his ass? Not in this


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