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Passion Page 4

by Silver, Jordan

  lifetime motherfucker. So I called up Vanessa, told her to come get me and not to let her brother know what she was doing.

  She knew there was something going on between us, especially after the whole throw Tiffany on her ass debacle, but she didn’t know what.

  Now here we are, perusing the racks of one of the so called high end boutiques in this half a rinky dink shit hole.

  “So what’s with you and my brother anyway?” That sure didn’t take her too long.

  “Fuck if I know, he’s crazy.”

  “This I know. Seriously though what’s with you two? I’m only asking because you’re not his usual type, which if you ask me, is a very good thing.”

  “What do you mean, what’s his usual type?”

  “He usually goes for the debutantes, girls from high society families who thinks their shit don’t stink, especially this one chick Josie who’s always on his dick, ugh.”

  For some reason that shit didn’t sit too well with me. Was he fucking playing me then, is that what the fuck this was?

  Suddenly I didn’t feel too much like shopping anymore, it’s like a cloud suddenly blocked the sun.

  Okay I’ll admit I’ve been enjoying this little game we’ve been playing so far. Though he could be a bit intense there was no way he was going to best me. I had my shit locked down tight.

  But hearing this shit about debutantes and shit made me feel almost like I didn’t measure up. Like he was trolling or some shit.

  I don’t like feeling this way, not one mother-fucking bit.

  “Hey Vanessa, I think I’m gonna run back to that store and get that blue top I tried a while back, how about meeting me there when you’re done?”

  I didn’t wait around for her answer I just turned and rushed out the store. She called after me but I didn’t look back.


  Why the fuck is my sister calling me? I didn’t even know she had left the house.

  “What’s up pipsqueak?”

  “Joshua I’m so sorry, I think I might’ve fucked up.”

  “Why what’s wrong?” I sat up at full attention, she sounded close to tears.

  “Don’t get mad okay.”

  What did she do, crash one of my rides or some shit?

  “Tell me what’s wrong Nessa.”

  “Okay, so Carrie and I were out shopping.”

  That made me smile, I knew my crack about staying inside would make her retaliate, good, now I had an excuse to ride her ass, not that I needed one.

  “Go on.”

  “And I might have said something about her not being your usual type.”

  “What the fuck Vanessa?”

  “That’s not the problem, she left me over an hour ago to head to this one store but I showed up and she’s not here. I’m getting worried, it’s dark out already and she’s not answering her phone.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  I ran downstairs and hopped in my car, my heart was beating the fuck outta my chest. The fact that Vanessa had spoken out of turn I’ll deal with later, right now I just needed to find little lamb and make sure she was okay.

  “Yo Josh what’s up bro you look fucked.” Matthew stopped next to my window.

  “Carrie’s missing.”

  “What the fuck?”

  He ran to his jeep since I peeled off, I didn’t have time to wait for him. In the rear view I saw Andy and Patti climb in with him.

  They followed me for the next forty minutes on a ride that should’ve taken an hour and some.

  I’d tried calling Vanessa en route and knew where she was and the fact that she still hadn’t seen Carrie. I tried calling Carrie for the tenth fucking time with no answer, now I was pissed.

  The streets were almost deserted since the stores were closing down. I combed the alleys around the store Vanessa mentioned looking for any sign of her to no avail.


  I’m such an idiot, how the hell did I get lost in this little piece of shit one horse town?

  I’d spent way more time in the store than I’d intended trying to calm the fuck down

  before going back to meet Vanessa again. When I got this fucking pissed it was better if I

  steered clear of the human population.

  Now it’s more than an hour later, darkness has fallen and I’ve become completely turned around.

  There’s a group of what appears to be drunken college boys up ahead a ways. I decided to

  slow down and let them turn the corner so I didn’t have to deal with any bull shit, but one of

  them looked back and saw me.

  “Ooh, hoo, hoo, what have we got here boys!”

  They all stopped and turned to leer at me. The cat calls, whistles, and suggestive comments started and I started to psyche myself up to protect me.

  Fuck Carrie how the fuck do you get yourself in this shit?

  I reached in my bag for the pepper spray the Captain had insisted I carry. Good thinking dad.

  Well, there’s no sense in trying to avoid them now, if I tried to head back the other way they’d just corner me in the alley and that would be worst.

  I walked ahead, head held high, shoulders back. The picture of confidence.

  “Come here baby, let me show you a good time.” The first idiot tried to grab my hand but I evaded him.

  “What you got behind your back there sweet face?”

  “Leave me alone assholes.”

  “Ooh, she’s spunky, I like that in a woman, let’s see how feisty she is with my spunk in her ass.”

  When he grabbed again, I brought up the spray and let him have it. This was no pansy ass little nozzle either, this was some police issue shit.

  I sprayed three of the six in one fell swoop. They started screaming and grabbing at their eyes while the others tried to figure out how to get it away from me.

  “Try it mother fucker, you’re next.” I faced the one closest to me.

  While I was busy trying to back up from one, while keeping my eye on the other, the third one came around behind me and wrapped his arm around my throat. Fuck, how am I gonna get out of this now?

  Before I could tell my body to relax and drop I heard rubber burning and a car screeching to a halt.

  “Let her the fuck go mother fucker or die.”

  Joshua; my traitorous body sagged in relief; I didn’t even care why he was here.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Don’t worry about that asshole, that’s mine you have your fucking hands on, let, her, the fuck, go.........NOW.”

  “Why don’t you come over here and make me?”

  What did crazy boy do? He drew down on them.

  “Where do you want it, your head, or your kneecap?”

  I felt the arm around my neck loosen, the other two were already trying to help the three blind mice escape, but Matthew, and Andrew had arrived and was blocking their escape.

  “Dude, it’s not that serious, we were just fooling around. No harm done.” He tried to smile his way out of it.

  “Yeah? Tell that to the teenage girl you were just manhandling.”

  He kept his gun out as he walked towards us; the idiot behind me started backing up, but way too slow.

  Joshua reached us, reached around me, grabbed dude by his neck and picked him up off the ground and stared in his eyes.

  “You fucked up, you’re a big guy, you play ball?”

  “Tight end UW.”

  “You use to.”

  I heard a crack and a scream, and then I was being lead to his car.

  Matthew and Andrew had their fun fucking up the other guys before heading back to their jeep.

  Andy got into Nessa’s car where I tried to follow but Joshua wasn’t having that shit.

  “You’re with me.”

  He placed me in the car none too gently before climbing in the drivers’ side.

  “I guess next time I tell you to stay the fuck inside you’ll listen.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do

  “Wanna bet!”

  “Who the fuck is Josie asshole?”


  “Don’t fucking lie you shit. You’ve got the nerve to fuck up anything with a dick that comes near me while you’ve got some debutant bitch behind the scenes? Fuck you.”

  “I said she’s nobody, she was nobody before you came into my life and she’s still nobody.”

  “Well if you plan on fucking this nobody slut while playing your fucking head games with me you can go fuck yourself. We’ll just see about that, two can play at this game.”

  “You even think about doing what you’re thinking I’ll make you very sorry. Now I already told you she’s nobody so calm the fuck down, buckle the fuck up and let’s go home.”

  I sucker punched his ass. Yeah that’s what the fuck I do when I get pissed, I fucking hit. I wasn’t done there either; I kept hitting him wherever I could reach while he tried to ward me off.

  “Stop it Carissa Anne.”

  “How the fuck do you know my name?”

  “That doesn’t matter now; you’d be surprised at what I know.”

  “Creepy mother fucker.”

  I still wanted to wail away on him the fucking bastard.

  “You calm now?” He asked as he wiped his bleeding lip.

  “No fucker, I’ll be calm after I stomp a mud hole in your ass. Whatever game you were playing is at an end, I refuse to play along anymore.”

  “First of all, this isn’t a fucking game, and second we’ll never be done, so get your head out of your fucking ass and let’s get the fuck home.”

  He started the car and the others fell in behind us.

  “I think you better call your dad and tell him you’re spending the night with Nessa.”

  “It’s a school night.....”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit, your father doesn’t tell you what to do.”

  “I have nothing to wear to school tomorrow.”

  “I’ll take you home first thing in the morning, one more thing Carissa, you come at me again I’ll take you before you’re ready.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  “The man that’s gonna tame your wild ass.”


  My adrenaline was pumping, if she wasn’t careful I was gonna fuck her in my car and that just would not do. What I had in store for her couldn’t be done in a car.

  I needed to calm the fuck down myself.

  When I first heard the screams I thought it was her, until I turned the corner and assessed the

  situation, when I saw his hands on her I saw red, I wanted to kill the mother fucker and maybe

  if not for the audience I might have done a lot more damage than I did, as it stood I had

  destroyed his football career; that’ll teach him to fuck with what’s not his. I don’t play that

  shit, fuck with my girl and you’ll be fucked up. I’m not even going to entertain this Josie bull

  Shit, luckily I’d already called her and let her know that whatever arrangements we had in the

  past were over I had sensed my girl would be territorial and I was right she was a fucking

  lioness when riled.

  She’d punched me in the fucking mouth, the only reason I hadn’t kissed her yet was because

  I knew once I started I wouldn’t stop, that’s why she was spending the night, because although

  I wasn’t gonna fuck her yet, I needed to be close and whether she admitted it or not, she

  needed it too. I’m thinking a couple hours of sixty nine should do the fucking trick.

  She was a worthy opponent, that’s the thought that kept playing through my head, I hadn’t missed the fact that she’d been holding her own pretty good against those six overgrown assholes until one got the drop on her; and then she’d sucker punched my ass. Fuck yeah.

  I hope she kept that fire going when I rode her for the first time.

  Chapter 15


  I had to practically drag her into the house, stubborn as fuck. Mom and dad were nowhere to be found so I took her straight to my room, not that it would’ve mattered, they knew how their kids were.

  “I said I would spend the night, I never said anything about sleeping with you.”

  “Get in the damn room Carissa.” I didn’t wait for her to make up her mind but pulled her through the door with me. My blood was still up from the violence of the night.

  “I see you need another ass tanning since you refuse to listen.” I was just goading her; she’d had enough for one night.

  “Try it bitch, I dare you.”

  Don’t laugh Joshua, it was hard not to though with her looking like she was ready to kick my ass, she’s so fucking cute. Her face was still flushed and all that wild as fuck curly hair was all over the place. I can’t wait to have it covering me while she rides.

  I went to my drawer and threw her a t shirt.

  “Go change.”

  “Any of your bitches slept on that bed?”

  “No, you’ll be the first.” I smirked at her, I really wanted to keep that fire going for some reason, and she makes it so easy. My scared little grown up girl.

  She went into my bathroom and came out in my tee which reached her mid thigh.

  “Don’t try anything or I’ll castrate your ass.”

  “Don’t worry; I don’t plan to take your virginity tonight.”

  She blushed bright red, will wonders never cease.

  “Tell me Carissa, has anyone ever sucked your pussy until your toes curled?”

  “Plenty have and you won’t be one of them.”

  Score one for her, lucky for her I knew she was lying, I’d read her journals after all, don’t fucking judge me, to win the war you must know your opponent and there’s no fairness in battle. You either played to win or you lost.

  “You think so huh; let’s see how the night plays out.”

  She made a point of lining the pillows up down the middle of the bed separating us.

  Cussing at me the whole time. “I don’t even know what the fuck I’m doing here, you caught me off guard.”

  “You’re here because I want you here, now stop your bullshit before I change my mind, and beat your ass for going into Chelsea after I told you to stay your ass home.”

  “You know what, I think your debutant pussies gave you delusions of grandeur or some shit, you don’t tell me what to do, why can’t you get that through your thick skull?”

  “Oh Carissa, Carissa, how soon we forget.”

  With her back turned she couldn’t see me getting undressed, or notice the fact that I slept naked.

  I jumped on the bed and climbed over the pillows ready for the battle I was sure was coming.


  “Sshhh, your virtue is safe for tonight little lamb, but we both need this, and even if you don’t, I do.”

  “What about that Josie person?”

  She was trying to keep me from under her shirt.

  “Already answered that question, not doing that with you again.”


  I kissed her to shut her up, of course she tried to bite off my tongue, I laughed, I don’t recall laughing in bed with anyone before, it was,......different. Then again everything about her was.

  “If you bite it off, then I won’t be able to eat you, and you will miss out on one of the great wonders of the world.” I couldn’t help fucking with her; she was just too easy tonight.

  “You’re full of shit Steele.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “What if I don’t want this?”

  “I do.”

  “You’re a real asshole you know that?”

  “So you’ve said, none of that matters now, the only thing that matters is what I’m going to do to you before the night’s over, and what you’re going to do to me.”

  I kissed her again, slower this time, my lip was still a little tender from when she’d popped me, I ignored the pain as we
devoured each other.

  For someone who had protested so much she was starving for my touch, I knew what was going on in her body even if she didn’t.

  The fear, the adrenaline high, all that combined inside to make an already volatile girl even more high strung, she didn’t know what to do with herself. I did.

  I pushed the shirt up around her waist as she tried to stop me, sort of; her heart wasn’t really in it anymore. For some reason I didn’t want her to see this as a surrender which I’m sure in her mind it would be. She was really very innocent when it came to shit like this.

  I kissed her belly button down to her shaved pussy, teasing her with my tongue. The way her body tightened told me this was all new. That gave me a high like nothing else could, yes I’d taken virgins, but none of them were mine, I’d not laid claim to any of them, this one belonged to me.

  “Open sweetheart.”

  She opened her legs slightly and I pushed them the rest of the way apart.

  I started on her thighs, licking and biting, leaving my mark on her. Good I’m the only one who will know it’s there.

  I licked my way back to her heat and dove in.

  “Sweet, fuck.”

  She tasted amazing on my tongue, like fucking nothing I’d ever had before.


  That’s right baby and I haven’t even started.

  I used my mouth to torment her, giving her just enough to tease but not enough to satisfy.

  I wanted to hear her beg, scream, my name over and over and before the night was done I will get my wish.

  Her hands in my hair pulled me against her body as I made broad swipes with my tongue, her clit had come out from its hood to play.

  I sucked it into my mouth and she screamed, her back arched her legs tightened and she wet my tongue with her juices.

  So much fire, I should’ve known.

  She scissored my head between her legs turning us over.

  Oh shit.

  “You wanna play, we’ll play my way, now eat me.”

  She rode my fucking face.

  I looked up at her as she closed her eyes and enjoyed what I was doing to her, my dick was crying out for some action. Seems she was about to experience another first.


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