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Page 16

by Silver, Jordan

  I know that Travis had been the one to take me because she’d gone to him first, stupid bitch.

  Travis was behind bars without bail while Patti and Rodney had been released on bail.

  I’ve had lots of time to think and get pissed the fuck off.

  I’m not too fond of people messing with me and getting away with it.

  Travis was out of my reach but the other two were fair game, and I know just where I wanted to start.

  I waited until Joshua was out of the room for a good ten minutes, I knew I didn’t have much time, he’s like a general when I’m sick, watching everything I do, making sure my every need is met. Along with the crazy I got the sweet, it was nice.

  He’d taken such good care of me since bringing me home with him.

  I snagged my phone from the bedside table and called Vanessa’s cell that bitch owed me and she knows it so I was pretty sure she’d do anything I asked.


  “Come to your brother’s room.”

  “Be right there.”


  I hadn’t realized planning a party last minute around the holidays was such a pain in the ass, or that it would take up so much of my time.

  It was almost time for Carrie to wake up if she hadn’t already.

  I didn’t want her alone too much, not this soon, I want to keep her well occupied until we got through this party and then jetted off to the island for some much needed R and R.

  “Mom I have to go see Carrie, I’ve been down here for a couple hours already she’s got to be hungry by now.”

  She smiled at me like I’d accomplished something note worthy.

  I guess she’s not accustomed to seeing her son being this caring towards a female other than family.

  “Go ahead son, how about I make something special for dinner, Carrie likes my pumpkin ravioli.”

  “She’s still building her body back up, she needs red meat.”

  “Yes Dr. Steele, one half of a cow coming right up.”

  She laughed as I got up to go.

  “How about a nice prime rib, I think that might be good and some spinach or something, that’s on her list.”

  “No problem I can certainly see about that.”

  I took the stairs two at a time suddenly needing to see her, to touch her, to celebrate the fact that she was here and whole and that we’d have another day together, lots of other days.

  My wrist alarmed just as I reached my room.


  I checked the bedroom, the bathroom, my whole floor, no Carrie.

  My heart started racing in fear, where the fuck could she be, there’s only one way out and that was through the front or back door both of which I would’ve known if she’d used.

  Fuck me, my window was slightly ajar, had someone come in after her, but no, that didn’t make sense, she would’ve had to let in anyone who came to the window, which meant she’d left through the window on her own.

  The question was why, and where the fuck had she gone?

  I checked the tracker; she was moving fast which meant she was in a vehicle.

  I took the stairs two at a time yelling for my brother on the way down.

  “What’s up?”

  Matt was trying to come to terms with the fact that he’d wasted so many years on a psychotic bitch, as much as I hated the bitch, I respected the fact that he’d had real feelings for her, so I hurt because he hurt.

  “Carrie’s gone.”

  “The fuck?”

  We were moving on the run by the time we reached the garage.

  I checked the coordinates on my tracker as soon as I got in Matt’s jeep and my heart almost gave out.

  “Fuck I know where she’s headed.”

  Chapter 41


  “What the fuck is she doing, I don’t want her anywhere near these fucks, why doesn’t she ever do what I expect of her?”

  “Bro, you want her to humble herself to just you or to everybody else?”


  “Just because she’s supposed to be all nice and easy with you doesn’t mean she has to be that way with other people, just hear me out, I think the reason you fell for this girl in the first place is because you like that fire in her, you know the fire you told me about ad nauseam, when you first met? Yeah that. Well she’s only supposed to be that way with you bro, that’s the idea, when two people meet and fall for each other that’s how it works that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop being her own person, you know what I mean?”

  “So you’re saying I should be totally fine with her going to confront someone who almost got her raped and killed alone?”

  “Nessa’s car was missing...”

  “Great, what’s Nessa going to do, throw her Hermes bag at them?”

  “Look, all I’m saying is don’t go all crazy on Carrie try to understand where she’s coming from.”

  It didn’t escape my notice that my brother who hardly ever stuck his nose in was giving me relationship advice. How could I make him understand my way of seeing things, how could anybody, I know I’m a whole other breed when it comes to this shit, especially where lamb is concerned, I don’t want her involved in any of this shit, that’s my job. I guess on some level I get what she’s doing and why, that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Hardheaded as fuck.

  “Drive faster Matt, maybe we can get there before anything happens.”

  “I don’t think so bro, I think we’ll be doing clean up.”

  I shoulda tied her ass to the bed, that’s what I should’ve done, sneaky little brat, played me, I’m sure she heard everything when I thought she was asleep, it’s okay though, I was learning all her little tricks, by the time I get a ring on her finger she won’t be able to pull the wool over my eyes.


  “Hurry up Vanessa, I’m sure your brother is going to be checking on me any minute and he’s going to freak if I’m not in that bedroom.”

  “You expect to kick somebody’s ass and get back home in time for Joshua not to miss you? Dream on crazy person. He’s going to find out and I’m going to be dead five minutes after we get back. Why did I let you talk me into this mess?”

  “Because you owe me for acting like a douche when your brother and I were on the outs.”

  “I told you, it wasn’t like that, he’s my brother, I’ll never go against him for anyone I’m sorry if you don’t get that but that’s just the way it is, but with you, Matt and I both stayed on him to make things right, we’ve never done that before.”

  “It’s fucked up is what it is, but whatever, you’re here now so we’re good, how much farther?”

  “We’re here.”

  We pulled off to the side of the street out of sight of the mansion at the end of the

  Cul de sac.

  There were lots of trees which was just perfect for my purpose, Vanessa had already made the phone call, I just needed my prey to make an appearance.

  “How long?”

  “Not much longer, should be any minute.”

  “Tell me again what you said?”

  “I said that I knew something that would help, something about you that would make all this unpleasantness go away, and since you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder for the last few weeks I was very believable apparently.”

  “She bought your story about meeting in secret because you didn’t want anyone to know what you were up to?”

  “You were there Carrie you heard everything.”

  “Just checking, still not sure about your loyalties, I mean she was part of your little

  family posse.”

  “My loyalty is to my family why can’t you get that? Patti went against the family for her own selfish purposes, she’s not a part of our family, if she was she could never have done what she did to you, on top of that, that shit was just wrong, you could’ve been killed.”

  I heard the rustling of leaves as the bitch came through the back of her famil


  I stayed well out of sight as she approached, just the sight of her made me see red, I always knew this day was going to come, smarmy bitch.

  “Thanks for meeting me here Vanessa; my dad is being such a jer...”

  She never finished the sentence, how could she with a mouthful of coins in a sock.

  I’d filled one of Joshua’s socks with coins from his bank, this shit had a nice weight to it, and I wanted to really hurt. No one knew she was meeting us, she had to sneak out because her father had grounded her or some shit, a bit late if you ask me, maybe if he’d leashed her stupid ass she would be half human. Since no one knew I was here she had no witnesses against me except Vanessa and I’m sure Joshua would never let that happen.

  “That’s for talking shit bitch, and this, this is for trying to fuck with my relationship.”


  Her bleeding mouth never formed another word as I swung into her stomach with all my might.

  I beat that bitch like she stole something, there wasn’t a part of her I didn’t attack, bitch couldn’t even fight, it was almost pathetic the way she tried to deflect my blows.

  “You know for someone with so much mouth you shoulda really learned how to back that shit up.”

  I lifted my foot to stomp her ass as she fell to the ground, all I saw was that dark road and the fear when that hand first covered my face.

  My foot was back and coming in for landing, but a voice came out of the dark and stopped me cold.

  “That’s enough.”

  “Shit, how the fuck..?” I jumped back in surprise.

  “Never mind that get in the car.”

  Joshua and Matt were suddenly there, Matt looking down at Patti, I felt one moment of sadness for him but that didn’t last long, he was so much better off without her poison.

  I walked over to where Joshua was standing looking all kinds of pissed off and did what I know he least expected.

  Rising up on my toes I grabbed his hair and kissed the shit out of his surprised mouth.

  “Sometimes a bitch gotta handle shit, I just did what you couldn’t, and don’t even try to tell me you’re not planning on going after Rodney Dyson.”

  He grabbed my ass as he took my lips again.

  “I’m still going to beat your ass.”

  He smacked me on the ass but I just smiled, there wasn’t much heat in his words. See I’ve been paying attention and though Joshua is always going to be a hard ass I believed he loved me, he’d never hurt me, I wonder if he knows how much power that gave me?


  Okay that shit was hot; it reminded me how long it had been since I’d touched my girl, not since before thanksgiving that was way too fucking long.

  I’d been giving her time after her illness but if she could be out here whipping Patti’s ass she could handle me.

  “Matt, what do you want to do?”

  He was standing over Patti not saying anything, just looking at her.

  “I don’t even know what to say to you, who the fuck are you really, how did you hide this person for so long?”

  “Look at what that bitch did to me, how can you just stand there like that...?” Her words were slurred and blood ran down her face, the princess wasn’t looking so hot.

  My girl had fucked her shit up; I looked back to where she had retreated to the cars and just shook my head.

  “Are you crazy, you went after my brother, how many times did I tell you about that shit?”

  “I didn’t go after him, just her, I hate her, she ruined my life.”

  “No babe, you did that all on your own, if I were you I’d just let this shit end here...”

  “She busted my face; I’m having her arrested...”

  “She was never here.”

  “What...Matt, you, how could you turn on me like this?”

  “Do you even understand what you did?”

  “It was just a stupid prank...”

  “You’re lying, even the deal between you and Dyson wasn’t a prank, you were trying to destroy her life, even after everything she’d just been through, lucky for you she wasn’t harmed or worst killed, but you’re still going to pay for what you did.”

  “So what, you’re breaking up with me?”

  “We were over the moment you started planning that shit.”

  He gave her one last look, shook his head, and walked away.

  “I hate you just as much for what you did to him as I do for what you did to her; by the way I think you lost a couple teeth.”

  I walked away to the sound of her outraged screams, bitch was always screaming.

  I walked to Vanessa’s car, I’d planned to have Carrie ride back with me and send Matt with sis but I changed my mind, I knew he had to be hurting so I needed to stay with him.

  “Ride home with Vanessa baby, I gotta take care of Matt, but I’ll be right behind you.”

  I kissed her long and hard, enjoying the taste of her.

  “I’m taking you when we get back.”

  I licked her lips and walked back to my car.

  Matt was quiet on the way back, wish I knew what to do for him, this whole situation was fucked up and when I relaxed enough to think about everything that happened in the last two days I’m sure I’d lose my shit, but I was too tired to think, there was so much shit still left to do, hopefully after this we could have some peace and quiet, I’m hoping our time on the island would take care of that.

  Chapter 42


  I followed her up the stairs after having a little talk with Matt, who assured me that he was fine. I knew that was bullshit but let it go for now since I had to go deal with my issue.

  She was still on the stairs when I caught up with her and clamped my hands on her ass.

  “Does that freak you out?” I nipped into her neck with my teeth as we frog marched the rest of the way up the stairs.

  “What, your hands on my ass, your hands are always on my ass crazy guy.”

  “That’s because it’s such a good ass, now I don’t know if I should spank it or just bone you, seems like for fucking ever since I had you.”

  “Go with that then, you should definitely go with that.”

  I moved my arms up under her breast on her stomach and rubbed my hard on against her ass.

  “This is gonna be quick, think good thoughts.” For some reason that made her laugh her ass off as I rushed us the last few steps into the bedroom.

  The door was hardly shut before I was tearing at her clothes and taking her down. No finesse, my usual cool was totally gone, with her pants and underwear around her legs I opened my jeans and surged in.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Each word was followed by a powerful thrust into her body; I had a moment of panic until I realized she was with me, her ass rocking back and forth against me, taking me.

  “I can’t get deep enough inside you, what do you do to me?” I touched her everywhere; I ran my hands over her back, her hair, her neck, around to her cloth covered nipples. It’s like I couldn’t get enough of the feel of her.

  “You good lamb?” She nodded her head yes as she bit into her lip, head back, body moving, so fucking beautiful, and all mine.

  We were cumming in less than ten minutes but that was okay, we had all the time in the world.

  I didn’t get after her for her little stunt; I decided to let it slide for now, besides we had more important things to think about. After our little bout I dragged us both to the bed where I let her in on a little bit of what I had planned, to say she was surprised at what I wanted to do was putting it mildly, but surprisingly enough she went for it easier than I expected her to.

  Now all I had to do was finalize some things and we were a go. Somehow it seemed my telling her opened her up a little, she seemed freer somehow and more relaxed. I kept watching her, enjoying the new lighter side to her, it was amazing to me that she could be this way, her hair down figuratively speaking, she seemed like just what s
he was, a teenager and it startled me for a minute until I remembered that that’s what the fuck I was myself.

  We hold hands now a lot more than we had before, we talk to each other and the laughter, I don’t think I’d ever seen her laugh so much, there was only one blemish on our carefree days leading up to my big plan, and that’s when her mother tried to have a say in our lives and I lost my shit. Captain pulled me away that time and I stood by as Carrie broke all ties with the viper.

  That’s one of the things we’d decided on, that before we embarked on our life together, we would sever all ties with the unwanted people in our lives, no baggage. Captain and my dad were keeping an eye on me because they somehow got it into their heads that I would go after Rodney, little did they know that there was no way to stop me, that’s why when he was found naked and shivering staked out in the fucking woods in the middle of a cold December night damn near death they knew I was responsible but couldn’t figure out how since I’d been out with lamb, Vanessa and Matt.

  I got a lot of sideways looks but all I did was shrug my shoulders, he didn’t even know who the masked person was that had nabbed him after he’d locked up his family’s place. The fact that I snipped off the tip of his dick might’ve tipped him off though but what the fuck, I had witnesses. Lucky fuck, I’d left him there to die, some jackass had been out in the middle of the damn night setting traps of all things and found the prick, piece a shit.

  Patti had tried making noises about lamb attacking her but since no one saw the attack and my mother who really knew nothing swore that Carrie was upstairs asleep because of her illness, it was pretty much believed that she’d done it to herself to gain sympathy, it didn’t help that her family hadn’t known that she’d sneaked out of the house and so they believed that she’d been in her room the whole time. Poor Patti sucked to be her.


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