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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 26

by Kimi Flores

  Sitting on my couch, I glanced around at my closest friends and couldn’t help but feel sentimental. Leah, Dani, and Bri had all stopped their lives for the next week so they could be at my disposal.

  “I’m so glad both of you are in town already so we can do this girls’ night in before the madness starts this week. By the way, you guys are amazing for taking the time off to help out. I can’t thank you enough.” I spoke to Bri and Dani while Leah looked on. “And you know how crazy amazing you are, my friend. I don’t even need to tell you.” I patted Leah’s thigh next to me on the couch.

  “Are you kidding?” Bri shook her head. “I’ve never seen my cousin happier than he is right now, and I do mean never. I wouldn’t miss helping out for anything in the world.”

  Hmm. What did she mean by never?

  Getting up from the sofa, Dani clapped her hands and rubbed them together. “Okay, enough of the sappy talk. Where’s the vino?”

  “Ah, a girl after my own heart.” Bri put her arm around Dani’s shoulder and led her to the kitchen.

  I yelled after them, “Not too much, though. We have to meet the guys tomorrow for breakfast to finalize a few things.”

  “When have you known me to go overboard?” Dani questioned as they returned with two bottles and a bottle opener I had never seen before.

  Bri stepped up from behind her with four stemmed glasses.

  “Don’t answer that, Abby,” Leah said teasingly. “Dani knows you have almost as many stories in your files as I do, and look, she even brings her own bottle opener with her.”

  “I just know how to have a good time, that’s all. Like Marilyn Monroe said, ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’, and I plan on making sure everyone remembers me.” Dani winked and slapped her voluptuous behind. “Let’s get the pretty part of this party done first.” Dani grabbed a large suitcase-looking thing and brought out an arsenal of nail products as she sat on the floor by the table. “Everyone, pick out your color first.”

  “Do you sell these?” Bri asked, searching for her color in the crapload laid out on the coffee table.

  “No, I just love nail products. I used to go to the salon, but now I just do them at home.” She picked up one of the small black bottles and showed everyone. “Orange, this is my color.”

  “Red here.” Leah shook her bottle in the air.

  “I can’t decide between the pink or this shimmery glitter-looking one.” I held the two bottles in my hands.

  “It’ll still be on for the wedding next week unless you decide to change it, so pick the one you want for that.”

  “Okay, then the sparkly, glittery one it is.” I grinned with satisfaction. “I’ll try pink next time.”

  “Purple for me as usual.” Bri motioned to her purple halter-top, matching purple jewelry and finally purple-heeled sandals.

  “I’ll show you how to apply it, but I only have two lamps, so we’ll have to take turns.” Dani held up two devices that looked like cell phones.

  “Why do you have two?” I asked.

  “I normally do my toenails at the same time.” Dani placed them on the table, and they popped open like mini transformers.

  “So, you stick your funky toes in one of those?” Leah frowned. “I’ll pass. I know what your feet smell like, hermana.” Leah and Dani always had something funny to say about each other.

  “Be quiet. I clean them afterward.”

  Everything was on the coffee table and ready to go by the time we were sitting on the floor with our glasses of wine.

  “So, Leah, you know Stefen’s here already, right?” I casually dropped.

  Bri raised her eyebrows. “Why does she care if my brother’s here?”

  “I don’t,” Leah said quickly. “There’s nothing to tell, right Abby?” Leah gave me her best evil eye.

  “Hello, hermana, you haven’t told me anything about a Stefen. What’s up with that?” Dani chimed in before taking a sip of the Cabernet Sauvignon in her glass.

  “Nothing, I said. There is nothing up with that.” Leah grabbed her sangria and gulped. She looked a little upset.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, regretting mentioning it now. “I was just giving her a hard time. They were a little flirty when he was here for the engagement, but Caleb kept stepping between them, and he won’t tell me why.”

  Leah’s face now glowed the same color as the polish she’d picked out.

  “Sounds about right,” Bri commented.

  “Which part?” Dani asked, curious.

  “All of it. My brother is, well, let’s just say he enjoys the ladies, and Caleb will protect anyone he cares about from it,” Bri proclaimed sadly.

  “Why did Caleb invite him then?” Dani asked, applying the gel polish to Bri’s fingernails.

  “Surprisingly, they’re still best friends. We all grew up together and were inseparable until Caleb met Rene and Stefen started working at my uncle and dad’s firm. I love my brother, but I would protect you from him, too,” Bri gave Leah a nod, “unless you’re into that sort of thing, of course.”

  “Not sure what sort of thing you’re talking about, but I know he’s a player. No guy looks like that and isn’t one. I’m not interested, though.” Leah took a smaller sip this time.

  “So, he’s hot, huh?” Dani was suddenly more interested.

  Leah’s eyes widened just as her smile did. “Yeah, he’s pretty much the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in person.”

  “Ewww, that’s my brother you’re talking about, Leah.” Bri pretended to be grossed out. At least I thought she was pretending.

  “Hey, every hot guy is someone’s son, brother, or cousin,” Dani pointed out, “but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s hawt.”

  Everyone laughed loudly at that, and I couldn’t help but notice the look on Leah’s face, almost like she was lost a little. I’d have to ask her about it when we were alone.


  There was a knock at the door, and it took all my energy to get out of bed. What time is it? My head was throbbing. I grabbed my robe, threw it on, and headed for the door, passing a completely knocked out Bri on the couch. Bri looked comical wearing only one shoe and had make-up smeared all over her face.

  Another loud knock sounded. It seemed like the more steps I took toward the door, the further away it got. When I finally reached it and yanked it open, I saw my beautiful man with a worried look on his face.

  “Oh, baby, are you okay? I tried calling you, then Bri and Leah. None of you answered.” He pulled me into his arms and held me.

  “I’m fine, just sleepy, and my head is pounding.” I felt someone walk past.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, time to get up.” Stefen laughed at Bri, who was starting to stir.

  “Be quiet, asshat, the room is spinning. Ugh, I think I might be sick.” She jumped up and ran into the bathroom, rising and falling in her one heeled sandal.

  “Damn, how much did you girls drink last night?” Stefen plopped onto the couch and put his boot-covered feet up on the coffee table.

  I spotted Leah leaving the guest room, staggering toward us, but couldn’t do anything to stop her. Everything hurt and Caleb was the only thing keeping me upright.

  “What’s going on?” Leah stepped directly in front of Stefen, wearing nothing but a pair of fire red panties and a small white tank top as she rubbed her eyes. She was still clueless. “I feel like a truck ran me over.”

  “Well, you look absolutely mouthwatering.” Stefen’s deep voice slapped Leah into consciousness as he leaned forward. Even I saw the hunger in his eyes as he appraised her barely covered body.

  Her eyelids popped open and she blinked a few times. “Shit.” She turned and ran for it.

  I heard Caleb start to scold Stefen as I tried to catch up to my friend, who suddenly had the speed of Bionic Woman. The bedroom door slammed in my face, making my head throb even more. Reaching for the knob, I opened it cautiously and stuck my head in just to have the corner of a pillow slam onto my pounding temple

  “Ouch!” I yelped.

  Leah was freaking out. “Holy shit, Abby! I just walked into the living room half-naked, looking like a contestant in some spring break contest, and Stefen and Caleb were there. I’m gonna throw up.” She ran into the bathroom and literally began to hurl.

  Still disoriented, I crawled back under the covers and curled up with my pillow just as I heard a knock on the door.

  “Can I come in?” Caleb spoke from the other side.

  “Hold on—Leah, are you staying in the bathroom?” I regretted yelling as soon as I did it.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna jump in the shower,” she moaned before closing the bathroom door.

  Poor Leah. It sounded like she was crying, but I just couldn’t get back up to comfort her.

  “Come in, Caleb,” I whispered, hoping he would hear.

  Opening the door, he stepped in then closed it behind him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I think we all overdid it last night.” I could only imagine what I looked like, peering up at him with one eye.

  “You think?” He chuckled.

  “Stop teasing and lay here with me.” I gestured for him to join me.

  “Okay, but only for a minute. We have to get going.” He popped his shoes off and curled in bed behind me, bringing my back up to his chest. “You gotta take a shower before we go.”

  “Do I smell that bad?” I was tempted to take a whiff of my underarms, but remembered all the times Leah had told me that was not sexy and to never do it in front of Caleb.

  “You smell like you drank too much last night, and it’s probably not a good idea to have our final meeting with the pastor smelling like you spent the night in a bar.”

  “Don’t make me laugh, I have a headache.” And boy did I.

  “Well, you’re better off than Bri. She’s still puking.” He ran his fingertips up and down my arm.

  “Should I go help her?” Sitting up too quickly, I held my head with both hands.

  “No, Stefen is in there with her.” Caleb pulled me back to snuggle.

  “Is it okay for him to be in there with Bri? He wasn’t very nice to her.”

  “They’re siblings. They fight relentlessly but love each other fiercely.” His hand felt so nice stroking my hair. I could easily go back to sleep with him doing that.

  “If you say so.”

  “So, why did you guys drink so much last night?” He pulled my hand to his lips for a kiss.

  “Oh man, I don’t know, but it’ll never happen again.” I settled further into him.

  He winked at me. “That’s what they all say.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ever-Present Cuteness


  We’d spent the last week working on final arrangements for the wedding and, besides minor details, the backyard was set up, ready for tomorrow’s big event. We’d already gone through the rehearsal yesterday, and I was more than ready to spend tonight relaxing with my loved ones. I also couldn’t wait to show Madison the gift I’d been keeping secret for weeks. There would be a little surprise for a few of the adults tonight as well.

  Madison had been put to the side a little lately, and my plan for the evening was to make it special for her. Knocking on the bedroom door, I asked, “Are you ready in there, pumpkin?”

  The door opened, and I almost squealed at the sight of her in her new brown and white, giraffe print sundress with pink trim and a pink bow at the back of the waist. “Mama, I chose the dress you got for me after the zoo, since it reminds me of Daddy asking you to marry him.” Was there anything this little girl could say that wouldn’t make my heart swell? And with her little lisp, she’d been pronouncing the word ‘since’ like ‘thince’. The cuteness never stopped. “All ready for our movie night.”

  We’d bought a projector and outdoor screen in anticipation of this night. The screen was sitting in front of Madison’s present so she wasn’t too surprised at the set up when we got into the backyard. Blankets and picnic baskets lay on the grass, to the side of where the reception would be held tomorrow. Madison’s guests for this special evening was standing in a line, holding up pieces of paper, waiting for her arrival.

  She looked confused until Caleb approached and handed her an invitation. “I heard there was something special going on here tonight.”

  Madison took the invite from his hand and read the simple words out loud.

  Please Join in the Celebration

  Where ~ Madison’s Playhouse

  When ~ Tonight

  With lots of food, snuggles & princess movies

  She looked up from the invite, still confused until Robert and Dave pushed the movie screen to the side, exposing her surprise.

  The highest pitched squeal came out of her mouth before she took off running toward the little girl-sized reproduction of the dollhouse she’d gotten for Christmas. Thanks to Robert and Dave’s carpentry skills, the structure looked exactly like the dollhouse. The front doors and shutters were open so everyone could see inside. A small sofa, coffee table, and side table were the only furniture that fit, but I’d been able to manage getting lots of girly accessories sprinkled here and there, including a lamp with a feathery and beaded shade.

  I fought back tears just as I heard Caleb’s breath hitch beside me. “Oh my gosh, you didn’t.”

  I followed his line of sight to see what he was talking about. Oh no. He wasn’t happy about the other surprise. Chancing a glance at him while all the other adults joined the squealing Madison, I saw his face was pale, and his eyes glassy. “I’m so sorry. I thought it would make you happy.”

  He rubbed his eyes with his palms, trying to avoid anyone else seeing him cry, then drew me in by my hands. “That is one of the most beautiful, selfless things I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe you had Rene’s paintings resized and replicated to fit into Madison’s playhouse.”

  Relieved, I said, “You scared the crud out of me. I thought I crossed a line, and you were going to leave me at the altar tomorrow.”

  “Not a chance in hell. You’re stuck with me.” Holding me in his arms, he leaned down to reach my mouth for a kiss.

  Feeling Madison tugging on our shirts, we looked down. “Mama, you membered I wanted a big dollhouse we could have tea parties in.” Little arms held onto my upper thighs. “Thank you, thank you so much, Mama. I love it.”

  I squatted down and noticed Grace was standing in the background, watching all of this unfold. “Did you see the paintings in there?” Madison nodded, and I grabbed Caleb’s hand, pulling him down with me and giving him a glance so he knew to continue the explanation.

  He looked choked up, but finally said, “Those were painted by your mommy in heaven, as a gift to you. She wanted you to remember her always.”

  Madison leaped up and down, yelling, “Yeah, my mommy made pretty pictures for me. I want to see them again.” She took off running, right past her grammy.

  Grace’s expression changed before she turned around and walked back to the playhouse. Her hand covered her mouth as she stared at her deceased daughter’s artwork, as though it was the first time she’d ever laid her eyes on them.

  “Babe, hasn’t she ever seen those before?” I asked.

  “No.” Caleb shook his head, regretful. “After everything went down, I just put them away, and quite honestly forgot they were there until we found them last week, but you must be rubbing off on me because I have an idea. Where are the originals?”

  Having a clue of where he was going with this, I smiled. “Framed and packed up in the garage.”

  “Follow me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  You & Me Against the World


  In a few hours, I was going to be married to the man of my hopes, dreams and wishes. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, I admired my beautiful dress. The sheer straps felt so delicate and light, it was almost as though they weren’t there at all. An intricate pattern of beads swirled over the bodice, which fit me like
a glove and accentuated my curvy frame. My eyes followed the lavish material down to the hem where the same pattern was stitched in fine detail, minus the beads. Twirling slightly, I delighted in the way the chiffon outer layer flowed all the way down to my sage heels. I sighed aloud at how pretty it was. I couldn’t stop looking at it.

  Alone in my bedroom for the last moments, I began to reflect. This time last year, I’d had no hope of ever finding a man to love me. Believing I would be all by myself for the rest of my life was a painful memory. I’d experienced so much hurt before I’d met Caleb. But then, we did meet, and my life was forever changed. Not only had this man loved me, but he’d also helped me heal from the most traumatic situation I’d ever experienced. My beloved soon-to-be husband had loved me before I’d become whole. He’d accepted me, baggage and all. What had I ever done to deserve such a gift?

  Smoothing my dress down, I imagined Caleb’s expression when I walked down the aisle to meet him. I smiled, picturing his gorgeous face. His short, thick, black hair perfectly balanced between messy and well-kept, dark brows above his beautiful coffee brown eyes, and his perfectly symmetrical nose that led to his sensual lips turned up into a dazzling smile.

  Thoughts of my father came flooding into my mind as well. Once I’d learned the importance of forgiveness for my own growth, I’d forgiven him for leaving my mom and me. Although I would’ve loved to have a father here on my wedding day, it would’ve just been for show. We didn’t have a relationship.

  Madison burst into the room, wearing her cream-colored flower girl tutu dress and ballet slippers with a feathery flower clip in her messy up-do. “Mama, it’s time to go soon.”

  The butterflies in my stomach suddenly made their presence known as soon as my mother and Grace walked in the room. As expected, both women were wearing the same ‘mother-of-the-bride’ expression—utter delight and pride.


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