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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 28

by Kimi Flores

  Was he serious? Could I say those erotic words out loud?

  Squatting down until his legs were straddling my knees and his hands were on the armrests of my chair, he leaned in and added, “I’m your husband. I want to hear all about the naughty things you’re reading.” He reached down and began to run his fingers along my thighs until he reached the bottom of my bathing suit. “Read it to me, Abby,” he breathed in my ear.

  I relented and began reading, out loud, the steamiest scene I’d ever read, while Caleb watched my every reaction.

  As soon as I was done, he lifted me up from the chair. “Time to go.”

  “Wait, let me get my stuff first.” I tried to reach for some of my things as he pulled me away.

  He took a quick scan and saw the e-reader in my hand. “Everything else can be replaced, we need to go now.”

  I could barely keep up with him as we ran across the hot sand. At one point, he turned, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a caveman, not stopping until we entered our hotel room. Tossing me on the bed, he hovered over my body, requesting I reread the scene, this time in the privacy of our room.



  After checking the time, I snuggled back up to my beautiful, blushing bride. I loved that she was still so bashful, even after everything we’d done during our honeymoon. What I appreciated even more was her willingness to experience new things with me. This woman had healed my lonely heart, and I was looking forward to sharing the rest of our days together. Caressing the soft skin on her stomach as I kissed her exposed shoulder and neck, I said, “We should get out of bed and get something to eat at some point.”

  “Mmhmm,” she lazily murmured before I slapped her bare ass to get her attention. “Ow.” A scowl appeared on her face when she turned to me, but she didn’t fool me. I’d already learned many things about what she did and didn’t like me to do to her.

  “I’m hungry, let’s go.” I kissed the sensitive skin under her ear before getting up. Feeling her eyes on my naked body as I walked into the bathroom to take a shower, I turned and she blushed once more. Damn, I was going to miss it when she was no longer so shy.



  “I wonder what Leah and Madison are doing today.” I glanced up at Caleb as I took a bite of the most delicious polenta with roasted vegetables. There was no way I’d ever be able to replicate this in the states. The food we’d been eating while on our honeymoon in the Mediterranean was so much fresher than we were used to.

  “Mom said they were having a girly day.” He snickered just as he received an incoming text. Neither of us liked to answer our phones at the table, but being this far from home, we were constantly checking our cells. “Wait, Leah has Madison today, right?” He held his phone up with the sweetest picture of Madison wearing a diver’s outfit.

  “That’s what Leah said in her text.” Confused, I picked up my phone as an incoming message beeped. Swiping my finger across the screen, I saw a similar picture of Madison. “Oh, how cute.” I showed Caleb the photo, and the air around us altered.

  Caleb’s demeanor suddenly changed. He looked pissed off as he aggressively tapped a text on his phone. “Son of a bitch,” he grumbled under his breath.

  “What’s going on?” Why is he so upset all of a sudden?

  “Apparently, Stefen’s with them.” A frustrated breath escaped Caleb’s chest.

  “What’s so bad about Stefen? Why’re you trying to keep him away from Leah?” Now I was worried. What did I not know?

  Looking uncertain, Caleb finally said, “I haven’t told you everything about him yet because I was hoping he’d behave himself while we were gone.”

  “Do I need to be concerned about Leah?”

  His expression said it all. Yes, in fact. I did need to be concerned for my best friend’s heart.

  The End

  An Exceptional Twist

  Book 2 – Stefen & Leah’s story

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Bonus Chapter

  Sneak Peek at Tangled Paths

  Chapter One

  My Best Friend’s Wedding


  I sat at the large, linen-covered table under a canopy of silk, poking away at my third piece of the delectable wedding cake. Yes, third piece. Briefly glancing around, I was contemplating licking the plate from one end to the other when I caught my sister, Dani, stifling a laugh.

  I paused, the dish already raised halfway to my mouth. “What?” I shrugged, but knew if my tongue touched the plate, I’d be taking it a step too far.

  Dani’s eyes sparkled with humor. As much as I loved her, my hand twitched to smack that smug look off her face. She rolled her eyes. “You’re so interested in that damn cake you haven’t even noticed Señor Caliente checking you out.”

  My head snapped up to catch the groom’s cousin, Stefen, staring at me, and Dani’s laugh finally broke free. Stefen pushed away from the bar and strode confidently toward me, never once breaking eye contact. My heart started to pound as I set the plate down and wiped the crumbs from my face.

  Becoming increasingly flustered by Stefen’s approach, I attempted to swallow down the lump of nerves in my throat. Oh god, oh god—This man was the last thing I needed in my life.

  Even his sister, Bri, had warned me about his sordid intentions when it came to females. But, damn, was he hot. I could feel the heat on my face and knew it was bright red. It didn’t help that the previous weekend he’d seen me stumbling into my best friend’s living room the morning after her bachelorette party. I’d been hung over, wearing nothing but red lacy panties and a tiny white tank top.

  I cringed at the memory.

  Stefen stopped in front of me, grinning widely, like he knew exactly what I was thinking. “You look stunning, Leah. I almost didn’t recognize you all dressed up.” His voice was smooth and deep, causing my skin to break out in goose bumps.

  Yeah, he definitely knew what was on my mind. I’d have to find a way to get the upper hand, or I was going to have a difficult time with him later.

  Lifting my eyebrow, I replied, “I'm not surprised, Stefen, considering I'm upright and clothed, not the typical woman you're used to.”

  “The night is young still.” His cocky smile and retort came even quicker than mine.

  Avoiding his intimidating stare, I scanned the backyard, which had been turned into an elaborate wedding reception. My best friend, Abby, was swaying to the music on the dance floor with her new husband, Caleb, and stepdaughter, Madison. The three of them made such a beautiful family, all moving together.

  I stood up, sauntering around him. My long black hair cascaded down my tanned back as I peered over my shoulder and smirked. “In your dreams. I’m not that kind of woman, but I wouldn’t mind a dance.”

  Confident that he’d follow, I made my way around the pool and headed toward the makeshift dance floor. The candles that floated on the water reflected all around as I soaked in the romantic atmosphere. Approaching the crowd, I was momentarily distracted by Abby’s new happy little family.

  I couldn't help but wonder if it was in the cards for me, to find someone who could love me as much as Caleb loved Abby. It wasn't like I was an old hag or anything. My twenty-sixth birthday had been a few
months ago, but something about being at weddings brought doubts to the surface. Being a florist, I had to attend these damn things a couple times a month.

  I stifled a gasp as Stefen took me into his strong arms and held on tight, instantly pulling me out of those depressing thoughts. Damn, he can move. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d taken dance lessons.

  Completely in my element, my nerves dissolved, and I matched him step for step. This was something I was very comfortable with, since I taught dance classes at a local studio a few times a month.

  At ease, I lost myself in the rhythm, swaying my hips to the slow melody. Stefen’s hands slid around my back as he pulled me in closer and I smiled up at him. He was gorgeous, in that ‘naughty boy attempting to appear honorable’ way and damn did it feel good to be in his arms. He had the whole wicked hot vibe going for him—perfectly styled dark hair, devious look in his dazzling hazel eyes, crooked smile, and attitude to match. His slight overbite drew my eyes to his full kissable mouth.

  “I’m impressed. Your moves are flawless,” he complimented, running his hand down my lower back until it rested on the very top of my behind. He gave me a suggestive smirk. “And extremely sexy.”

  Caught off guard, I lost the rhythm and almost stepped on his foot. I’d have to keep in mind what Abby had warned me about the first night I’d laid eyes on him, back at the engagement party. Hot men were always trouble, something I definitely didn’t need.

  When Abby had told me he was taking some time away from his office and would be in Santa Barbara while she and Caleb were on their honeymoon, I had volunteered to show him around town. Now, I wondered if that had been such a good idea.

  I sighed in resignation. Too late to take it back now. I’d just have to be careful not to fall for his charm. Making our outings minimal would help.

  To keep things light, I twirled out of his arms and created some much needed distance. I looked back up to give a sassy comment but found myself caught in his hazel eyes, and I was lost for words.

  Oh yeah, without a doubt, this guy is serious trouble.

  At the same time, I saw a spark of something deep within him that he kept trying to mask—a longing in his eyes that had nothing to do with his obvious lust. What that was, I had no idea.

  He pulled me close once more. “We’re definitely doing this again while I’m here. When can I see you again?” His hands glided up my hips and lingered at my waist, once more leaving the skin underneath tingling at his touch. His words and mere presence overwhelmed my senses, making me just a little lightheaded.

  I took a deep breath. “I have to work most days, but I’ll try to make some time to show you around. I wouldn’t want you to have to fend for yourself the whole time,” I teased, forcing myself to look away from his blazing gaze.

  Leaning in, he spoke softly into my ear, and a shiver ran down my spine. “I’m sure we’ll spend plenty of time together, but I need to work on a handful of things myself. Even though I can’t be in the office, I’m the only one who knows how to handle these cases. But let me know when you’re free, so I can get that tour.”

  Arrogant much? Then again, he was a lawyer, which, in my book, just added to his egotistical character.

  Pulling back, I snuck a glimpse at the mouth responsible for sending me into a spin before reminding myself how self-centered he was. My sister, Dani, and I had always said a guy’s lips and eyes had the same effect on women that boobs and asses had on guys.

  I cleared my throat, trying to appear unaffected by his proximity. “I was planning on coming back here tomorrow to make sure everything is in order after the cleaning crew takes the tents, tables, and chairs. Afterward, I have some time.”

  “What time is that?” He cocked his eyebrow.

  “Abby has them scheduled to show up at ten, so I'll be here by then.” I glanced around at everything in the yard, dreading how long it would take them to finish in the morning while I waited.

  He grinned. “Not soon enough. I don’t know if I can wait that long to have you all to myself.” He was trying to make me melt, and damn if it wasn't working. My pulse was racing, and I cursed myself for the way my body reacted.

  Taking a deep breath to regain control, I asked, “Are you still staying here?”

  “Of course.” A pompous attitude rolled off him like I should know better than to ask such an absurd question. But the one-eighty in his demeanor was just what I needed to cool my attraction to him.


  I raised my chin, keeping my wits and polite manner. I’m just keeping a promise. “I can bring breakfast if you like.” Placing my hands on his chest to put some space between us once more, I felt his chest muscles constrict under the soft material of his tailor-made suit.

  “I’ll take anything you’re willing to give me, Leah.” The bastard had the nerve to wink.

  My skin was on fire, partly from annoyance at his boldness, but mainly from the heat that coursed through me.

  Give him? What did he expect me to give him?

  I panted a little, hating that he noticed.

  Smirking, he looked toward my family members. “Who’s the woman standing by your sister? Relative of yours?”

  I glanced over to see my cousin pointing at me and checking Stefen out. “Oh yeah, that’s my cousin.” My female family members were constantly trying to embarrass me. Then again, I had no right to complain because I did the same to them.

  A broad grin broke out on his face before drawing my body even closer. “So she’s trying to figure out who the hot guy is who looks like he wants to ravage her little cousin, huh?”

  Hot? Did he just call himself hot? And ravage me? What. The. Hell?

  If I hadn't shown my discomfort before, I wasn’t able to hide it now. And there was that damn smirk again. He knew he was getting to me.

  “Why don't we give them something more to talk about?” His lips were suddenly an inch from mine as he dipped me backward.

  “Wh—what?” I stammered breathlessly, my heart pounding in my throat.

  “Relax. I'm kidding, Leah. You’re easy to mess with. I'm going to have fun with you.” He waggled his eyebrows as he lifted me onto my quivering legs.

  I tried to gain some control. Smiling, I shot back, “Mr. Hunter, you are a tease, aren't you? I'm going to have to keep my distance.” Then I turned in an attempt to walk away.

  But Stefen caught my hand, possessively wrapping his arms around my lower back as he growled, “Oh, no you don't. I've been told that I'm irresistible, and I don’t tease. You’re welcome to any part of me you can handle.”

  We were eye to eye, and I couldn’t control my heavy breathing, when he unexpectedly released me. I couldn’t tell why at first, until I saw Caleb standing next to us with his arm around Stefen, practically digging his fingers into his cousin's shoulder.

  “Enjoying the reception?” Caleb glared at Stefen, then smiled at me with gritted teeth.

  I shifted uncomfortably, wondering what his problem was. Caleb was normally such a nice guy. I’d never seen him like this before. “Uh, yeah. It's a great party.”

  Stefen no longer looked so arrogant. With Caleb still gripping his shoulder, he was retreating like a misbehaving boy who’d gotten caught doing something he’d been told countless times not to do.

  “Leah,” Caleb said through his teeth, “do you mind if I talk to Stefen for a minute?”

  I nodded, not having the guts to ask what was going on. I’d hate to be Stefen right now. “Sure, no problem.” Stepping back, I rushed back to join my sister and cousin.

  Dani was standing next to our table, pursing her lips. Grabbing my hands, she pulled me forward, sighing, “Hermana, Stefen is one fine ass man.” She picked up a napkin to fan herself. “And he sure can move on the dance floor.”

  “You’re right, he is an ass,” I said sarcastically, irritated with his cocky attitude, even though my body was still on fire from his touch. “Never gonna happen.” Though I wasn’t sure if I said it for my si
ster’s benefit or mine.

  Dani bumped my hip with her own curvy behind. “Never say never, baby sister.”



  “Stefen, I thought I told you that she was off limits,” Caleb snarled before releasing his vice grip.

  “Shit, that hurt.” I rubbed my tender shoulder. It would be bruised by tomorrow, for sure. “I didn't do anything. We were just dancing.”

  Frowning, I remembered Caleb’s warning back at his engagement party. It still cut deep that my cousin didn’t think I was worthy of his wife’s best friend.

  Why the hell does Caleb feel like he has the right to decide who Leah can and can’t hang out with? We’re not in seventh grade anymore.

  “I saw how you were dancing with her.” He lifted his arm and gestured to the crowd. “There are plenty of women at this reception who are more your style. Why her?” He stood close to me with his arms firmly across his chest. We hadn't fought in a long time, but I wasn’t about to back down.

  “I don't know,” I argued. “There’s just something about her I can’t shake.” I looked down, not believing the words that just came out of my mouth. “Why is she so special to you anyway? She's just another girl.” Although, the constant images of her that had been running through my mind ever since we first met contradicted my words.

  Her long thick black hair, lengthy, full lashes, chocolate brown, almond shaped innocent eyes, and soft tanned skin assaulted me nonstop. What baffled me the most was that her kindhearted nature had gotten under my skin. The love she freely gave out to the people around her intrigued me.

  Caleb broke through my thoughts. “You’ve obviously figured out that she isn’t just another girl. Otherwise, you’d stay away from her.”

  I rolled my eyes, feigning indifference.

  He threw his hands in the air, clearly exasperated. “I'm not kidding, Stefen. I care about her. Leah’s like a sister to me, and she’s an important member of my family now. I’m asking you to please stay away from her.”


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