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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 32

by Kimi Flores



  When we pulled up in my driveway, Stefen left the car running while going to open my door.

  What a gentleman. At least there’d be no awkward expectations about how our night would end.

  I caught him eyeing my legs as he helped me out. The cool night air blew across my heated skin as I flushed under his appraisal. I shivered lightly, wrapping my arms around my body. Not from the temperature, but protection against the way he made me feel. His mood swings drove me crazy. I didn’t need more anguish in my life.

  We can be friends, I reminded myself for the millionth time.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening, Stefen.” At the sound of my words, he looked up, a mischievous grin on his face like he knew I spotted him staring.

  I smiled at him. “I’ll call you later about Saturday.”

  “I can’t wait. Tonight was great. Thanks.”

  He bent forward, and I wasn’t sure what to do until his soft lips grazed my forehead, teasing my heart and causing my head to spin. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself a moment to enjoy his mouth on my skin.

  As difficult as it was, I pulled away, thanked him once again, then carefully walked up the back stairs that led to my apartment. At the door, I turned to wave, melting at his sexy smirk. He was so damn gorgeous, it was almost excruciating to look at him. But more than that, I loved the look behind his passionate gaze.

  Stefen was more than what he outwardly showed, and I would do anything to get a hold of the vulnerable man behind his façade.

  Closing my eyes for a moment, I reminded myself. He’s not staying. You have to stop thinking like this.

  I shut the door, removing my shoes as I thought about how every eye was on him tonight. No wonder he was so damn cocky. Everyone practically bowed down to him.

  I imagined it would always be that way, too. No matter where he went, people were bound to fall all over themselves just to be near him.

  Please, heart, I begged, don’t pick him.

  Chapter Four

  Pretty Pink Tootsies


  When I opened my eyes Wednesday morning, I was thankful I'd decided to take the day off. I still hadn't caught up on sleep from the previous weekend. All week, I hadn’t been able to get Stefen out of my mind. My head was spinning, remembering how warm his chest was in the cool, crisp air and how his soft lips felt against my forehead.

  I assumed we still had plans for Saturday, but hadn’t talked to him to confirm. When I called him two days ago about the details, all I got was his voicemail. I wasn’t one of those clingy girls that needed a guy calling me non-stop, but it had been five days since we’d spoken.

  Not that I’m counting.

  My fingertips rubbed at my temples as I paced back and forth, worried I’d made a mistake by inviting him. Attracted to him or not, I needed to keep in mind that it was just idiotic to think that anything could happen.

  My cell phone vibrated, forcing me from my anxious thoughts. Abby’s beautiful face appeared on the screen with her gorgeous husband's lips plastered to her cheek, and the ocean in the background.

  A wide grin broke out on my face as I texted back.

  Leah: Having a good time?

  Abby: The best!

  Leah: I get to spend some girly time with your daughter today

  Abby: Please give her a big hug and kiss from us

  Leah: Will do. Enjoy your honeyman. Oops—honeymoon ;)

  Abby: Oh I am, believe me ;)

  I laughed giddily, thrilled that my best friend had found the man of her dreams. Placing the phone down on the counter, I spun it back and forth wondering when I would be as lucky.

  Enough feeling sorry for yourself, you’ve got a great day ahead of you with a sweet little girl. The pep-talk was enough to get me to walk away from the phone.

  I turned on my iPod for my usual morning ‘get ready’ dance music, and sashayed into the bathroom.

  Gliding the mascara wand up my eyelashes, I heard the phone ringing. Nervous butterflies flopped around my belly when I read the caller ID.


  Taking a breath, I casually answered, “Hey, Stefen. What's up?”

  “I just talked to Madison’s grandmother, and she said you were going to hang out with Madison today.” His voice was flat and he sounded disappointed.

  “Yep, we’re having a girls’ day out.” I began to scan through my closet for an outfit.

  “Oh. I was hoping to hang out with her for the day.” He really sounded bothered.

  Pausing my search, I thought, well, this sucks. He’s not calling about me, he’s calling about the little girl I’m spending the day with.

  Deflated, I toyed with the idea of him tagging along. It couldn’t be too bad— “You’re welcome to join us. I doubt you’d want a mani or a pedi, but you may enjoy the aquarium.” I didn’t need to mention the dance studio portion of our planned outing.

  I heard him sigh. “I don't want to intrude, but if you really don't mind, I'd like to go.” Confidently, he added, “Believe it or not, men get manicures and pedicures, too.”

  I pulled the phone away from me and stared at it, then pushed it back to my ear. “Seriously? You want a mani-pedi?” Then I remembered how nicely groomed his hands were, and it mostly made sense.

  Huffing, he retorted, “Hey, don't judge me just because I care about my appearance.”

  That he did. But I had never met a man that went to the nail salon. “All right. I’m picking her up in a few minutes. Where do you want to meet?”

  “Why don’t I come get you in fifteen?” he suggested. “Bring a swimsuit, and we can hit the pool before we eat.”

  “Um—” I stalled. Did he just take over our girly day?

  Taking in a deep breath, I pictured him in those board shorts and nothing else. I suddenly found myself practically drooling over the image.

  Sobering myself, I thought hard about it. Did I really want to be around a half-naked Stefen today?

  But I reminded myself—Madison would be there. It’ll be fine.

  “Fine,” I sighed. “I have one more place to be this evening so I’ll have to play the swimming part by ear. See you in a bit.”

  After ending our call, I gathered a towel and extra set of clothes, shoving them in a bag for later. I changed into my bathing suit, just in case we had a chance to swim before my class, then I slipped a sundress over it and toed on a pair of flip flops.

  With one more check in the bathroom mirror, I brushed back a few strands of stubborn flyaways and thought, I care way too much about what I look like around him.

  There was a knock at the door, and the flutters were back.

  But the feelings he’s pulling from me are way more concerning than my looks are.


  Stefen tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the music playing on the car radio as we passed all of the shops on State Street. Suddenly, a car darted out of nowhere, cutting us off as it sped away.

  Hitting the breaks, Stefen threw his arm out, attempting to keep me from flying forward. “You okay?” Concerned laced his voice.

  Quickly nodding, I pressed my hand to my erratic heart and breathed out, “Yeah that just caught me off guard.”

  He nervously chuckled, “No shit. Me too.” Goosebumps broke out on my skin when he ran a hand down my arm before returning it to the steering wheel.

  “Oh, make a left here.” I pointed to a shortcut. “You won’t have to deal with the traffic light if you turn here instead.”

  “Good thing I have my tour guide with me.” He placed his hand on my bare thigh and pulled back quickly as if he felt the same jolt of electricity I did.

  That’s weird.

  Casually glancing over at him as we pulled up to Madison's grandparent's house, I wondered how he could look even more gorgeous every time I saw him. Clean shaven today, his beautiful lips puckered as he was lost in his own thoughts. Those stunning hazel eyes turned to catch me, then dropped down to my
legs that were still tingling from his touch.

  He gave me an approving smile. “Ready?”

  “Yep,” I muttered, blowing out a heavy breath.

  He walked around the car to open my door. I couldn’t help but smile when he acted like such a gentleman but also wondered how much of it was for show.

  We walked up the flower-lined pathway that led to the Victorian-styled house. Before we had a chance to knock, Madison’s grandmother, Grace, opened the door wide.

  She glanced back and forth between us, grinning widely as though a grand idea had just come to her. Her warm, inviting smile was sprinkled with a dash of mischief. She tucked a strand of her graying blonde hair behind her ear as if she were tucking a thought back for later.

  “Hey guys, come in.” She motioned us in. “Let me tell Madison you’re here.” She continued to grin as she turned, leaving us in the open doorway.

  We shared an inquisitive look before Stefen shrugged his shoulders.

  Madison came barreling down the hallway, “Uncle Stefen! Auntie Leah!” Squatting at the same time, we both hugged her. “I’m so asited that you boff came. Uncle Stefen, there's my bag, let's go.” After lisping her cute words, the little girl grabbed my hand and started pulling me out the front door.

  We laughed, as I tried to get my hand back. “Hold on, sweetie, we need to say goodbye first.”

  “Oh sorry.” Madison bounced over to Grace, then gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Grammy.”

  “Bye, honey.” Grace’s eyes crinkled up as she smiled at her granddaughter. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Stefen picked up the princess bag that was packed and waiting by the door, said goodbye to Grace, then followed the small girl to the car.

  I hugged Grace as the wise older woman spoke in my ear, “That Stefen sure is a looker, isn't he?”

  It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. She was trying to play match-maker, just like she’d done with Abby and Caleb.

  Pulling away, I sighed. “He is. Unfortunately, he’s totally aware of it too.”

  Grace grinned knowingly. “You know Caleb and Stefen were cut from the same stone.” She patted my hand, taking on a more serious tone. “Stefen has a good heart but tries to hide it. Just watch how he is with Madison.”

  The car door was open as we watched him buckle Madison into her booster seat with such love and care, kissing her on the forehead before giving her a quick tickle.

  “Uncle Stefen, no fair. I’m trapped.” Madison squealed as he stuck his head back in and kissed her nose.

  It was obvious he couldn’t hold his smile back as he closed the door, shaking his head.

  Smoothing my shoulder, Grace wistfully added, “He just needs a good woman to get to the real man underneath.”

  I swallowed, not liking where this was going. “Then I really hope he finds that woman someday,” I said pointedly. It certainly won’t be me. But as I watched him hold the car door open, I took in a sharp breath, shook my head, and smiled. Damn. Maybe he wasn’t for me, but I’d certainly enjoy looking at him for as long as he was here.

  Oh, sweet torture.

  “Yeah, me too,” Grace said mischievously, observing how I blatantly ogled him.

  “Um, okay I'll see you later, Grace.” I stepped off the porch and waved, a bit flustered.

  At the car, Stefen leaned over, whispering, “What was that about?” His breath tickled my neck, and goose bumps broke out over my hypersensitive skin once again.

  “Just girl talk.” I shrugged, backing away a bit, his eyes holding me captive.

  A gentle breeze swirled around us, carrying subtle scents of his cologne. Exhaling through my nostrils, I refused to let his scent further cloud my judgment. I wondered what was on his mind when he smiled, winking as he closed my door.

  Glancing out the passenger window, I spotted Grace watching from the front porch, giving an all-knowing smirk. Sorry, Grace. No.

  Sighing, I sunk into the seat.

  Stefen slipped into the driver’s side, tapping the steering wheel excitedly. “Okay, where to?”

  Looking straight ahead, I pointed at the windshield. “Go over to Mission Street, and I'll guide you from there.”

  This is such a bad idea. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. Now I was stuck.

  Will he get the wrong idea?

  Who flipping cares, I told myself. It didn’t matter what Stefen thought. As long as I kept the boundaries where they belonged.



  “Are you enjoying your ‘man-icure’, Stefen?” Leah crinkled up her nose and giggled with Madison. They’d been teasing me since we walked in.

  “Why, yes I am,” I admitted, slightly sarcastic as I raised my chin. “Thank you for asking.”

  I hid a wince. The knobs in this massage chair were killing me. Possibly causing internal bleeding at this very moment. They were on their way up my spine, and I sucked in a grunt, trying to find a new position.

  This was by far the most painful backrub ever.

  “You okay over there?” Leah’s features softened. Her long dark hair flowed over her shoulder, and the compassion in her eyes made my discomfort fade away.

  “Fine.” I grimaced when the rotating knobs from hell started their downward path.

  The male nail technician began to massage Leah’s feet. Relaxing, she lay her head back, moaning softly. It was quiet, but I sure as hell heard it. I fantasized about rubbing her feet, slowly trailing my hands up her calves then thighs and—son of a bitch how the hell do you turn this fucking chair off?

  I was relieved when I found the right button on the remote. Finally, I could sit in peace.

  The older gentleman digging his fingers into Leah’s arches smiled at me, speaking his broken English, “You are boyfriend?”

  That got Leah’s attention. She snapped her head up and gazed between the two of us.

  “No, just friends,” I answered.

  “Why you not boyfriend?” The smile on his face said that he was clueless to the fact that his nosey ass prying was making both Leah and I uncomfortable.

  I’d rather suffer through the chair of torture than these questions.

  I glanced over to Madison. She was completely oblivious, giggling with the girl painting her fingernails. Leah bit her bottom lip and avoided eye contact with me.

  “Because we’re friends. That’s all,” I gritted out, gripping the chair, thankful the knobs were no longer moving. Glaring at the guy, I realized that his intentions were innocent. He wasn’t trying to make us feel awkward, he was simply making small talk.

  Peering down at my feet, I groaned inwardly at the cotton candy pink color of my toes. Earlier, when Leah had asked Madison to select a shade so they’d match, those sweet brown eyes turned to me and I melted.

  “Yeah, let’s all have the same colored tootsies!”

  I never could tell her no. Damn. At least I’d be stuffing them in my tennis shoes when we left.

  Once every toe was painted, I strolled over to the cashier, unfolding a wad of bills.

  Leah called over, eyes wide. “You’re not paying.”

  I held back a smile. “I'm the one who intruded. I’ll pay.” If you only knew how I’d love to spoil you.

  I handed the young, petite cashier the bills, and padded toward my chair in the thin foam flip flops I was still wearing, post-pedi.

  Madison snickered into her hand while Leah’s laughter broke through the scowl she’d been holding. I knew I looked ridiculous, but I strutted back as confident and manly as possible.



  Madison skipped along as she held onto Stefen's fingers with one hand and mine with the other. People smiled as they past, probably believing we were a happy little family. My heart warmed, imagining I would have this someday. Even though today’s picture was a façade, I couldn't help but relish in it.

  We reached the pier and walked to the aquarium. Stefen whipped his card out first. Does he r
eally think he can buy me? I didn't like that he paid for everything. My mom raised me to be independent. A woman who could take care of herself. If I was on a date, that was different.

  But we were not on a date.

  Stefen noticed my defiant stare. “Please don't make that face. Money isn't an issue for me. I like paying.” He shoved his wallet into the back pocket of his grey khaki shorts.

  I shook my head, directing Madison into the door. “Let’s just go inside.”

  Stefen followed close behind. His hand accidentally brushed my arm, and I felt the heat of his body. If he doesn’t back the hell up, I’m gonna turn around and do something I’ll be sorry about. I wasn’t sure if I would push him away or pull him in closer, but either way, I would regret it.

  Taking longer steps to create some distance, I walked with Madison into the aquarium when the foul fishy stench hit me instantly.

  Madison didn’t miss it either, pinching her nose with her tiny fingers. “Ewww. Why does it smell all stinky in here?”

  I snickered at the muffled sound of her voice. “That’s the way ocean animals smell, honey.”

  “Well, it’s gross.” Her face scrunched together in disgust.

  I bent forward and wrinkled her nose. “I agree, but they’re worth the stink. You’ll see.” I rubbed Madison’s soft brown hair. “Let’s check it out.”

  Madison pulled on the hem of my dress, dragging me over to a sign with information on how to donate to the aquarium.

  Pointing to the banner, Madison questioned, “What’s that say?”

  I touched each letter as she sounded out the word, “A-qua-dopt.”

  Scrunching her face again, Madison said, “I never heard-ed that word ba-fore. What’s it mean?” Stefen let out a quick breath behind us, stifling a laugh.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him, giggling silently at Madison’s cute pronunciations. “It’s a made-up word, but means that you can help pay to take care of the animals here.”

  “Can we help?” An innocent smile covered the little girl’s face.

  Seriously, how does Caleb ever tell this little girl no?


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