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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 38

by Kimi Flores

  Leaning in, I handed her the glass of wine. “Thanks for dinner.” The clinking sound of our glasses echoed through the apartment before we each took a sip.

  “My pleasure.” She brought the glass to her lips while running her fingertips up her thigh.

  The way Leah enunciated the words ignited a fire within me. Slowly, I moved toward her, taking the wine-goblet from her hand. I reached over to the side table and sat our glasses next to each other. Watching her suck in a sharp breath encouraged me.

  I could see the same excitement building in her eyes, inviting me to inch even closer until our lips met.

  She was exquisite, her body responding to my every touch, melting into my caresses. I reached behind her head and gently pulled the band out of her hair. Her shiny black locks cascaded down her back, a handful of strands falling in front of her shoulders.

  I inhaled the floral scent from her shampoo, pulling her in for a kiss, intoxicated by her presence. She lifted onto her knees, wrapping her hands around my shoulders while her soft lips slowly moved against mine. With as much restraint as I could muster, I placed my palms around her hips, gently pulling our bodies down onto the couch until she was lying on top of me.

  I rubbed slow circles on her lower back, traveling down to cup the ass I’d been admiring for weeks. She tensed for a moment, then relaxed into my caresses.

  Her hands found their way into my hair and kneaded the back of my head as she quietly moaned. Hungrily, she sucked on my lips as she parted her knees to straddle me. There was no need to talk her into anything—she was raring.

  Groaning, my restraint faded as I thought, I’ve got to get her in the other room. Now.

  Removing my lips from hers, I meant to whisper into her ear, but her mouth made its way to my neck. I loved having soft lips against my neck.

  She nipped on my skin, and I groaned, “How about we move to your bedroom?”

  She froze like she’d been doused with a bucket of ice water. Biting her bottom lip, she spoke softly, “Stefen, I don’t usually have sex with guys I haven’t known that long. To be honest,” she fiddled nervously with her fingers, “I’ve only been with one other guy before, and that was back in college.”

  Propping myself up with my elbows, I never broke eye contact, running a comforting hand down her thigh. “Leah, please tell me you don’t think of me as some random guy you just met. I know you feel what I feel. To be honest, this is kind of new for me.” I hadn’t planned on sharing that, but it was, in fact, the truth.

  I brushed a hand across her cheek. “I need to feel all of you. Please say yes.” My fingertips dragged along her arms, needing the contact of my skin on hers. Now that I’d had a taste, I was desperate for more.

  Her breath hitched, and I felt the pounding of her pulse on her inner thighs that were pressing against my hips. Relishing in the sensation, I was starting to lose it.

  She continued, “Wanting you is not the problem, Stefen. We still haven’t even discussed what happened yesterday.”

  Tenderly, I placed my index finger on her mouth. “Shh. It’s over. I don’t want to talk about that again.” With her nestled on my lap, I sat up and cupped her face, covering her mouth once more with my own. It was my turn to kiss her neck. Biting and licking my way down, my lips landed on the very edge of her shirt.

  She moaned breathlessly, “Okay, let me get freshened up first.”

  Fuck yeah! “Only if you do me a favor.” I placed one final kiss on the exposed skin on her chest before bringing my forehead to hers. “Put on your red dress.”

  “You want me to get dressed, just to get undressed?” She moved her fingertips over the skin I’d just kissed.

  I lowered my voice as a slow smile built on my lips. “Yes. I enjoy unwrapping my gifts, slowly.” My fingertip lightly stroked her arm.

  She trembled and bit her lip. The blaze in her eyes nearly made me come undone.

  I missed her body’s warmth the moment she got up. Laying back on the couch, I rested my hands behind my head, watching every stride of her hips as they swayed back and forth until she reached the doorframe. Glancing over her shoulder, she said the words I’d been waiting to hear from her.

  “I’ll be ready in a few.”


  I inched my way out of bed, trying my best not to disturb Leah. We’d just had a marathon night of the best sex I’d ever had. She wasn’t lying when she said that she’d only been with one other guy before. She was inexperienced, but also a quick learner. Once our bodies became one, we moved in unison as though we were made for each other. At a loss, I didn’t know what to do at this point. We’d crossed that line. Now we could never go back.

  I went in search of my boxer briefs that had been thrown haphazardly on the floor, then shut myself in the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I saw a man who’d just been unconditionally loved. A man who didn’t deserve what was given to him.

  “You’re a bastard.” I shook my head, mildly disgusted with myself.

  It was already late, and I had to get out of her place. Spending the entire night and doing the whole ‘morning after’ thing was not an option. Splashing some water on my face, I tried to tame my bed head, then I turned off the light and quietly opened the door.

  I crept around the room, found my clothes, and threw them on. Feeling around in the dark, I picked up all of the wrappers I could find on the floor and tucked them into my back pockets. The least I could do was throw them away.

  The overpowering need to get one final kiss consumed me as I leaned over and placed my lips on my sleeping beauty. She stirred, then opened her eyes.

  Damn. I should’ve left without my kiss.

  “Hey,” she said groggily, rubbing her eyes. “What time is it?”

  I stood up straight, putting my hands in my front pockets. “Just after three in the morning.”

  Sitting up, she leaned against the headboard, pulling the sheets up to cover her bare chest. “How long did I sleep?”

  “About a half hour.”

  Baffled, she held on tighter to the sheet. “Why are you dressed?”

  This was it—the moment I dreaded. “I have to get going.” I narrowed my eyes, pursing my lips.

  She jutted her jaw out as she shook her head. “So that’s it?” Her hand flew up and smacked the bed. “You’re done, and now you’re leaving? Unbelievable.”

  “Leah, I don’t ever stay after it’s over. You know this is who I am.” I kept my hands in my pocket as I looked down at her.

  Her eyes went wide and wild, her chest rising up and down angrily. “Did you seriously just say that? After everything we just did? I don’t expect you to propose, but I also didn’t think you were a coward.” Squeezing her eyelids shut, she balled her hands into fists. “Shit! I knew it. Why the hell did I let myself get sucked into your bullshit?”

  Taking a chance, I sat down beside her, but her instant glare had me popping back up. “Don’t be upset. I wish it was different for us. I meant it when I told you I’ve never felt this way before, but it’s not who I am.” I placed my hand on my pounding chest. Fuck, am I having a heart attack?

  I tried to reason with her. “Leah, I leave in a few days. A long distance thing would never work.”

  My heart beat so hard, I thought it was going to explode. Time to switch this around. This shit hurts. “You even said it yourself, I’m just looking for my next piece of ass.”

  I knew that was harsh, but I decided I would rather her hate me when I left. If she didn’t despise me, I would probably do stupid shit like crawl back into bed with her and that was not what I was about.

  She held the sheet with one hand and pointed to her living room with the other. “Get the hell out of my house, puto!”

  I couldn’t recall much from college Spanish, but I was pretty sure this was not a term of endearment.

  Tears ran down her cheeks, and her bottom lip quivered. I hated hurting her, and I hated myself more for it. “Please, let’s not leave like this. Maybe we can wo
rk something out. I can come back periodically, or pay for you to come visit me.” What am I saying? I needed to end this now, but her pain was making my chest tighten even more.

  She gave me the dirtiest look I’d ever seen. “I will not be your fuck buddy. That’s not who I am. I deserve better.” Wrapping herself with the thin sheet, she struggled a bit, but managed to make it off the bed. Storming to the front door, she flung it opened and yelled out to me, “I’m not asking you again. Get. Out!”

  This was not how I pictured the night ending at all. Surprised, I gathered my things and staggered toward her. Guilt overflowed my veins when she wouldn’t even look at me. Wanting to comfort her, I reached out, but she slapped my hand away before I got too close.

  The door slammed shut when I was only half through, smacking me in the ass. Outside, the chilled air filled me with a deep emptiness. I momentarily leaned my head against the door when I heard a loud slamming sound and Leah shouting something in Spanish. Again, I couldn’t translate.

  I’d screwed up. Big time. But she had to have known how it would end—Right?

  Suddenly, a not so distant memory came crashing into me—Caleb’s warning. Shit.

  He was right. Leah deserved a man that could make all of her dreams come true. I would never be that man. Now, not only did I have to live each day, knowing I'd hurt a girl I could possibly—possibly what?

  The question stumped me.

  But there was something there. Something stronger than I’d ever felt before. Now I’d have to deal with my cousin’s wrath as well.


  Chapter Seven

  Do Vegetarians Eat Bacon?


  I woke up, barely able to open my eyes. They were practically swollen shut from crying all night. There was no way I was going to make it into work today, so I called my assistant, Melissa, to fill in. I wouldn't have to worry about tomorrow since it was the fourth of July, and the shop would be closed anyway.

  Wandering into the bathroom, I winced at my horrid reflection. The broken woman who stared back almost sent me into another fit of tears. It didn’t matter what I looked like, though. My best friend was coming home in a few hours, and I didn’t want her to have to prepare dinner for everyone.

  Placing a cold washcloth on my eyes, I laid down on the bed. Abby had sent a text right before they boarded the plane, saying she couldn’t wait to see me. That would have to wait. In the wake of Stefen’s abandonment, I decided I wouldn’t tell Abby. There was no good reason to drag my best friend into this shitty situation. She just got married, and I wasn’t about to add tension to her brand new life.

  Forcing myself out of bed, I went into the bathroom again to clean up. After tossing the washcloth into the sink, I threw on some yoga pants, a t-shirt, and flip flops. The quicker I got ready, the sooner I would be in and out of Abby’s house, then safely back home. I struggled a bit, carrying the Pyrex dishes down the stairs and into my van, but I managed.

  Maybe I don’t need a man after all, I thought as I slammed the door shut a little harder than necessary.

  Driving down the road closer toward him, my stomach began to tighten.

  How did I fall for him? I knew what kind of guy he was.

  Tears clouded my vision again as I looked down at the lasagnas. If only I knew which piece would be Stefen’s. Then a small evil grin broke out when I thought about spitting on the piece that jerk-face was going to eat. Unless I served him myself, it would never work.

  Apprehensively, I pulled up to the house. Caleb's Range Rover was parked next to the one he’d given Abby after their engagement party. It was fairly early, and I hoped to be able to sneak in and out without seeing Stefen.

  I kept my sunglasses on to hide my puffy eyes as I cautiously opened the front door. Naturally, it had to creek. I left my shoes at the door to avoid any flip-flopping.

  Tiptoeing into the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator. Thankfully, it no longer smelled like a rotting carcass. I set the lasagnas on the middle shelf with a note on top, then closed the door. As I rounded the kitchen entrance, something caught my eye. Hesitantly, I looked to my side and there he was, at the bottom of the stairs, with wet hair. Wearing only a towel around his waist.

  “Shit!” I mumbled, pressing a hand to my wildly beating heart. Then with my head held high, I strode toward the front door, acting as if I didn’t care that he was standing right there.

  “Aren't you going to say ‘hi’?” Stefen slurred before taking a drink of the amber liquid from the glass he held.

  A bit early to be drinking. But I couldn’t care less. He didn’t give a damn about me, and I didn’t give a damn about him.

  “Nope.” I got to the door, hastily putting my shoes back on, but the left one wouldn't cooperate. It turned to the side then flipped over, while my foot scooted on the wood floor to slip it on.


  He watched my botched escape attempt, unamused. “What the hell did you do to me?” He took another swig of liquor, mumbling something about his parents and being a ‘no relationships’ guy. He looked broken, tormented.

  My nostrils flared. To hell with him. I couldn’t fix him. He’d made his choice.

  Muttering curses, I finally picked up the damn flip flop and scurried out the door as he yelled after me, “You ruined everything! Everything!”

  I’m definitely better off without that prick in my life.

  Jumping into my car, I slammed the door and burst into tears—again.

  As I peeled out, I noticed him leaning haphazardly against the doorframe—still shirtless.

  Can’t that jackass ever wear a damn shirt?


  My eyes popped open at the sound of my ring tone blaring through the dark bedroom.

  “Hello?” I voice was hoarse and sore from the additional crying after I’d climbed back into bed.

  Abby spoke over a squealing Madison in the background. “Hey, sweetie. We just got home and found the food. Thank you so much. I’m exhausted. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome.” It took everything I had not to fall apart while my closest friend in the world listened on the other end.

  “Are you all right? You don’t sound so good.”

  As wonderful as it was to hear Abby's voice, it was also challenging. This was my best friend, and I couldn't share my own heartache. I simply couldn’t put her in the middle. Two more days, and Stefen will be gone. Out of my life forever. Hopefully, at least.

  “I’m just sick.” I forced a bogus cough and sniffed. “I’m so glad you’re home, though. I want to catch up with you, but I need to go back to sleep.” The lump in my throat nearly choked me. It was time to cut this conversation short before I totally lost it.

  “Oh, let me come over and check on you. Do you want some soup or something?” Her concerned, soothing voice made me feel so damn guilty.

  “No!” I cried out, then took a breath. “I'm sorry, I mean, you just got back from your honeymoon, and I’m probably contagious. Give me a day or so, and I'll come see you.” I hoped she wouldn't come over. There was no way I could hide this face to face.

  Exaggerating her sigh, Abby spoke matter-of-factly, “I’m a teacher, Leah. I’m used to germs, but I’ll let you be. Tonight. Please let me know if you need anything? Drink plenty of fluids.”

  “I will. I just need to sleep for now.” Lots and lots of sleep.

  Once we said our good byes, I held my stomach, filled with remorse. All I wanted was for sleep to claim me, so I didn’t have to think anymore. After a while of tossing and turning, I got my wish.

  Until the next morning when Abby called to check up on me.



  I stumbled into the kitchen after the aroma of sizzling bacon beckoned me from my restless sleep. Abby, the vegetarian in the family, was standing at the stove in a fuzzy pink bathrobe, cooking, and I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of meat she had in the pan.

  With any luck, it
wasn’t some sort of bacon-flavored tofu. Leah had told me that she teased Abby, calling her imposter bacon, ‘fakon’. I had no interest in eating fake-anything.

  “Good morning.” Grabbing a mug, Abby poured me some coffee, half-smiling as she handed it to me.

  Something was off, then I realized she was on the phone.

  “I'm so sorry, Leah. Sounds like you’ve had a rough couple of days. I'm gonna miss you. This will be the first Fourth of July that we won’t spend together.” She pointed to where the vanilla creamer and sugar sat.

  Giving her the thumbs up, I sipped it right away. Coffee was meant to be drank black, and this mugful needed to get rid of my raging headache. I held my breath as I listened in, wondering what Leah had told her.

  I desperately hoped Leah would keep it to herself until I was safely back in Chicago. I didn't feel like dealing with Caleb’s rage. My cousin had already given me the third degree about the time I’d spent with her, and our day with Madison and the shopping.

  “Please let me know if you need anything,” Abby said softly. “Love you too, sweetie. Bye.”

  As Abby got off the phone, a pajama pant, t-shirt-clad Caleb came out of nowhere, stepped up behind her, and kissed the side of her neck. Audibly hearing her breath catch before she moaned, I wondered if they both forgot I was there.

  “Good morning, love,” Caleb growled into her messy hair.

  Yeah, I don’t need to watch this.

  As I got up to leave, Caleb asked his bride, “You okay?”

  Spinning around to face him, Abby wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. “Yeah, but I’m worried about Leah. She doesn’t sound good. It's so weird. She never gets sick. I feel like she’s hiding something.”

  She hasn’t told her yet. Thank god!

  I stayed put, pretending to be a fly on the wall as I drank my strong coffee.


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