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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 47

by Kimi Flores

Caleb, Leah and I glanced back and forth between each other. We all knew this had to happen for Abby’s benefit.

  Finally, Leah said lightly, “Nothing much. We just decided that it was a good idea for Stefen and I to make a truce, move on, and for me to help you with anything you need, Abby.”

  I stayed silent, waiting to see what Caleb would say while his wife handed me some athletic shorts. She rubbed his back, “You okay?” she whispered sweetly. He nodded, not wanting her to know what we’d actually been talking about.

  Leah was a genius, pointing out that the aid was really for Abby’s sake. Caleb’s one weakness was his wife’s well-being.

  “Sounds like we all agree, then.” Caleb stepped between Abby and me, then moved her away. He placed his hands on the side of her face. “Anything you need, love, please let us know. You can’t do it all yourself, and even though Stefen needs a lot of help, none of us wants you killing yourself, either. We can all work together.” He gave Abby a quick kiss on the forehead, shooting me a heated glance.

  Abby sighed and leaned into me, oblivious of the tension still in the air.

  Leah smiled through her eyes at me, acknowledging her victory. Thank god I’m on your team right now.

  As I watched Caleb and Abby, I had to admit I was an envious beast.

  My cousin was correct. All I had to offer a woman, like the one in the room that set my blood on fire, was a broken heart.

  And Leah had also been right. I leaned on my looks to get women and now that those were gone, I was a lesser version of myself. I would love to be different someday, able to offer someone what Caleb gave Abby, but I highly doubted that would ever happen.

  “Well,” I headed toward the bathroom with my shorts in hand, “I think I’ll get dressed if you guys will excuse me.” I stepped into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

  I was an absolute mess. No wonder Leah gasped when she saw me. The bruises were gone, but four weeks after the attack, my sunken eye was still jacked-up, and my skin still had a sickly tone after taking all of the meds I was prescribed. They’d reset my nose, but it was still a bit crooked.

  Feeling a void in my heart, I mourned the man I used to be. I would never again be the good-looking guy Leah first met. Pulling the collar of my shirt to the side, I examined the puckered pinkish scar on my clavicle. My stomach turned, realizing Leah must’ve seen it too when she helped me with that damn shirt.

  Probably thinks I look like an ogre.

  The cast on my arm was scheduled to be removed during my first visit to UCLA Medical Center next week. The pain had gone down. I hoped at least that was healing nicely. I couldn’t wait to shower without a plastic bag on my arm.

  Hearing muffled voices, I realized the threesome were still in the room. Standing closer to the door, I heard Caleb ask why Leah had given into me and why Abby hadn’t told him everything.

  Abby’s response nearly knocked me on the floor. “It was Leah’s story to share, not mine.” There was a pause, then an even softer whisper, “She fell in love with him.”

  The hell? The wood of the door dug into my ear as I smooshed myself against it. I felt like a little kid, but couldn’t care less at the moment.

  “Abby, don't exaggerate. I couldn’t have fallen in love with him. We didn't even know each other that long.” Why doesn’t she sound convincing?

  “I call bullshit, Leah. I can see right through you. Besides, you’re telling a girl who not only met, and fell in love with the man of her dreams within a year, but also married him, and is pregnant with his child.” I could imagine Abby rubbing her still flat belly.

  Quietly, Leah murmured, “It doesn't matter now. That’s over, and I have someone else to focus on. So let’s put this crap behind us and not look back.”

  Someone else? Her high school crush? Moving in front of the mirror once more, I leaned onto the counter, closed my eyes and let her words sink in.

  It’s over. She has someone else. It’s for the best.

  I threw the shorts on, washed my face, and brushed my teeth before picking up the eye patch. Popping it over my eye, I prepared myself to face another miserable day. Maybe a little less miserable with Leah.



  Caleb and Abby went downstairs to make breakfast, leaving me to pace back and forth in the room while Stefen dawdled in the bathroom.

  He spends more time getting ready than I ever do.

  As much as I wanted to rip his arms off and beat him with the bloody stumps, my heart was overwhelmed. When I walked through the door, the humiliation on his face was enough to make me want to bolt and never come back. He looked so lost and hopeless and nothing like the confident cocky man I was used to.

  Honestly, I was shocked by the damage those assholes had caused. Not because he looked like shit—though he kind of did—but more because he looked miserable. Even with his droopy eye, scars, and cast, his new slight imperfections didn’t really change much. He was still gorgeous.

  “Of course he is,” I muttered dryly under my breath.

  And now I had all these jumbled up emotions after hearing about the stupid flower pot. When I listened to him fumble out his reason, I wanted to grab him and never let go. It validated that he did care about me once, it hadn’t just been my imagination.

  Shaking my head, I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I needed to concentrate on my purpose here, not on the feelings I still had for him.

  The bathroom door opened and he came out, wearing an eye patch. Glittering jewels bedazzled the entire thing, and I couldn't help but laugh. “I take it Madison made that for you?”

  He smirked, still looking sexy as ever. “Yep. She said I looked like a pirate, so she added the skull and cross bone charm, then felt the need to dazzle it up with the rhinestones.”

  He would do anything that little girl asked. I had to admire that. “Well it's very stunning. I can't wait to take you out in public with it.” I snickered because it was also funny as hell.

  He shook his head, laughing a little. “Uh, no. If Madison isn’t around, I wear the cloth one the doctor gave me.” He looked down, admitting, “Besides, I don't feel comfortable leaving the house unless it's to the doctor's office.” He continued to look at the floor when he touched the eye patch and frowned, breaking my heart.

  He’s really lost. How can I go from being so pissed at him to wanting to help him get through this?

  He finally looked up and ran his hand through his messy, overgrown hair. “I’ve been wanting to go out for a haircut, but that can wait. The idea doesn't thrill me.”

  I smoothed my palms on the front of my jeans, nervously offering, “If you really want one, I can do it. I used to cut my dad's hair before he died. I even got my Cosmetology License when I turned eighteen, so I could make a few bucks on the side during college. I cut all the guys’ hair in our dorm.” I rocked back and forth on my heels as I rambled on. “It's been a while, but I got pretty good at it. I can’t do anything fancy, just trim up what you already have.” He seemed unsure until I asked as I twiddled my fingers, “Don’t you trust me?”

  “With every part of me,” he blurted.

  My eyes widened, and I took a slow breath as our eyes locked. He seemed to be begging me to believe him, but I couldn’t. How could I after what he’d done to me?

  Still, the honesty in his eyes—he looked raw. I had to give in, even if just a little.

  Recovering quickly, I let out a breathy laugh. “Okay, then.”

  He was exactly what I wanted—as a friend.



  Initially, when she'd suggested the haircut, I wanted to scream, are you out of your damn mind? I went to professionals who had celebrity clients.

  Instead, I admitted that I trusted her, because, well, I did. I had screwed her over, and now she was here to help. Besides, I was already sporting a girly eye patch and scars. Who the hell was going to look at my hair? I'd only wanted it cut because it felt uncomfortable. Every tim
e I moved, it tickled my ears and neck.

  Now Leah was towering over me in the bathroom with a pair of Abby’s sharp scissors. I was sitting in a chair, a towel draped around my shoulders. Running my hands through my hair once more, I hoped I wasn’t making a mistake. My knee bounced nervously despite myself.

  Snipping away, she brought up the elephant in the room. “So we kind of got off on the wrong foot.” She rested her hand on my shoulder.

  The connection warmed my skin, and I fought the urge to pull her into my lap.

  “We’re both obviously looking for something different, romantically, but since we’re going to be around each other a lot, I’d love if we could try to be friends. Like real, honest friends.” She continued to move the scissors through my hair. The feel of her fingertips on my scalp calmed my anxiety over the haircut. “I could use another friend. With the baby coming, Abby’s going to be preoccupied.”

  After everything I’ve done, she still wants to be friends? Hell yeah, I want her in my life, anyway I can have her.

  Placing my hand on top of hers, I answered, “I'd like that. We were kind of great together before that night. I mean, the sex was amazing. Best I’ve ever had, to be honest.” She stopped cutting my hair and stared at me in the mirror. “I’m sorry I went and ruined it, Leah.”

  I finally got my chance to apologize and it felt fantastic, until I saw her shaking her head out of whatever thoughts she’d been having.

  Blinking hard, she moved in front of me and squatted down. She looked up, her hands on her thighs. “If we’re going to give this friendship a go, you cannot say things like ‘sex’ when referring to us, okay? That's in the past and needs to be buried.”

  “All right.” I agreed, but that stung.

  Still, I couldn’t fault her. The connection we shared that night was unlike anything I’d ever had, then I had to go screw it all to hell by turning it into something cheap and meaningless. The memory was one I’d never be able to bury, but I understood.

  Leah patted my thighs, then stood and maneuvered around me. She leaned into my body several times while she cut my hair. Loving this closeness, I took a moment to close my eyes and cherish it. I continued to fight my desire to pull her onto my lap and cover her with kisses.

  This friendship thing might end up being more difficult than I thought.

  It was tough knowing that, because of my stupid selfish actions, Leah and I would never be together again, not in the way I found myself wanting more than anything.

  It didn’t matter anyway, the best thing I’d ever had to offer was my nice-looking face and good body. Now that was ruined. The injuries would heal, but I’d always have physical and mental scars. Nobody would ever want to get close to me again, not that I wanted anyone else but Leah.

  In my heart, I knew I would always be a broken man, not fit for her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  El Diablo’s Evil Spawn


  We'd fallen into a seamless pattern this past week, and I was thoroughly enjoying my time with Leah. When she wasn’t working or teaching her weekly dance class, she was with me.

  It was a little humiliating, though, being so weak. A few days earlier, I was so dizzy and nauseous that I rushed to the bathroom, barely making it in time to vomit in the toilet. She’d followed me in, rubbing my back in the midst of me puking my guts out.

  Who does that? Certainly not any of my caregivers growing up.

  If the tables were turned, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to reciprocate. Sensitive gag reflex and all. It didn’t seem to bother her, though. She’d said it was because her mom and Dani were always telling her stories about their patients in the hospital.

  Thankfully, we agreed to the friendship part before she had to watch me lose my breakfast.

  Today, she drove me to my first consultation at UCLA Medical Center, about two hours south of Santa Barbara. The doctor removed my cast and assessed my future care.

  Leah was practically glowing when she saw me walk into the waiting room, without the cast. “How does it feel?” She lightly ran her fingertips up my forearm causing the skin to prickle.

  Damn, her touch makes me think dirty things.

  Clearing my throat, I deepened my voice. “Fine.”

  On our way out, she said, “You’re probably hungry since all you’ve had today is coffee and that gross-looking protein bar.” She stuck her tongue out and grimaced. “So we’re going somewhere special for lunch.” Bouncing on the balls of her feet as we walked, she explained why this place was so special. “It’s a sandwich shop that everyone in my hometown loves. Honestly, you’ll never find a better sandwich.”

  She was absolutely giddy with her school girl grin. According to her, we were only about fifteen minutes from the city she grew up in. Hometown or not, I was starving and willing to go anywhere she would take me.

  “Sounds good. My treat.” I wanted to wink, but my good winking eye was currently covered with a very manly, not sparkly patch.

  She stopped behind her van, grabbing my hand quickly. “Stefen, we’re friends now. It doesn't have to be your treat, unless you let it be mine next time.”

  As much as I hated that she only wanted to be friends, at least we had some sort of title. “Fine,” I sighed. “But this time, it's mine.”

  Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as she drove, she appeared a bit nervous. She was really quiet for a moment, then said, “I hope you don't mind, but I invited my, um, friend, Ben to join us.” She paused a moment. “We went to high school together and kind of, um, reconnected when I visited my mom last week.” She glanced quickly at me, biting her bottom lip like she always did when she was anxious.

  So this is the guy. Thanks to social media, I knew exactly what kind of ‘friend’ Ben was, but I didn’t necessarily want her to know I’d been stalking her.

  “Sure, no problem,” I lied. It was a problem. It was my turn to tap my fingers.

  It was odd that she was introducing Ben as a ‘friend’. Leah hadn't actually admitted to me that she and this doctor were dating, but it was going to be pretty damn apparent when they greeted each other with a kiss.

  Shit. How am I going to get through lunch with Leah all over another guy?

  Feeling jealousy rear its ugly head, I turned to look out the passenger window. To make this friendship thing work, I’d have to keep my attitude in check.

  After parking, we walked side by side. Leah still bounced with excitement as we rounded the corner of an older building. I read the sign hanging above the entrance: Lovebird’s Café.

  Great. Lovebirds? The place was perfect.

  I casually placed my hand on her arm, smiling warmly as I opened the door.

  She looked up at me through her eyelashes, her eyes smiling. “This was a favorite hangout back in high school. Well this and the burger joint down the street. I have so many fond memories here.” Leah beamed.

  “Smells good.” My stomach growled angrily after taking in the aroma of soup, freshly baked bread, and cookies.

  Even though I knew the guy was coming, I was caught off guard when she said, “Oh, Ben’s already here.”

  Where the hell am I supposed to look?

  I stood back as Leah approached her ‘friend’. The guy had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and that all-American look about him. And he was dressed in athletic shoes, basketball shorts, and a sleeveless shirt.

  Really? He looked ready for a workout, not lunch with his girlfriend.

  That term almost took away my appetite.

  She and the Brad Pitt wannabe embraced. Only after the guy noticed me in the background did he go in for a kiss.

  Leah bashfully turned her head, his lips landing on her cheek.

  I glared at him. Serves you right, asshole.

  Damn, was I glad I didn’t have to see her kiss another guy firsthand.

  “Hey, babe, how ya doing?”

  I cringed. Babe? Already?

  I rolled my eyes, hoping that Leah didn’t c
atch me. I however caught her giving Ben a questioning look. Hmm, maybe they are just friends.

  She grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. “This is my friend, Stefen, who I told you about.”

  “Yes, you do talk about him.” He gave me an onceover. “Quite often. Nice to meet you, man.”

  Did this prick just puff up his chest? I barely contained my smirk. McDreamy was just as jealous of me.


  “Nice to meet you too, Ben.” I extended my hand, knowing that manners would go much further with Leah than a pissing contest.

  Thankfully, he didn’t ask about the eye patch. Which made me wonder what Leah told him.

  “I'm starving, let's go order.”

  Leah started for the counter, when Ben announced, “Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I already ordered mine. I only have half an hour. A few of the interns are getting together to play some basketball.”

  Half an hour? What an ass.

  I looked at him, sizing him up. What the hell does Leah see in this guy?

  Ben stayed planted in his seat, while Leah and I went up to the counter.

  “What's good here?” I gave my full attention to Leah, standing close behind her and breathing her in.

  She played with the necklace on her neck, then smoothed down her sundress. “I've never had a bad meal here, but my favorite sandwich is the turkey, provolone, avocado and sprouts on a French roll.”

  Excitement filled her eyes as she looked up. The feel of her body near mine was hypnotic. And a little too—obvious?

  Ah, she’s teasing Ben. She wanted him to be jealous. This would piss me off to no end if she was my girl and she did this to me. But under these circumstances, I didn’t mind playing along.

  I could practically feel Ben’s eyes ripping me to shreds, but I couldn’t help placing my palm on her back. Ha, stupid fuck. If you’d come and ordered with her, my hands wouldn’t be on her.

  I leaned in further, pretending I couldn’t hear her. “Is that what you’re getting?”

  She nodded, wide eyes on me.


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