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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 49

by Kimi Flores

  “We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so a pool was never in the budget.” I stepped onto the grass.

  It was already dark, but the flood lights lit the immediate area.

  “No rose bushes back here?” Stefen chuckled as we walked. “Is that why you don’t like them?”

  So he did catch my smartass comment that day at my shop.

  I swung the basket back and forth as we made our way to the vegetable garden. “Nope. I didn’t grow up with roses, and I just don’t think they’re a very original flower to give a girl.”

  We stopped in front of the planters.

  “What kind of flowers do you like?” he asked, tilting his head.

  Smiling warmly at him, I squatted down by the plants. “Pretty much anything that isn’t a rose, but my favorites are proteas and hydrangeas.” Moving my fingers through the soil, I searched for some potatoes.

  “How did your mom and Sal meet?” Stefen crouched next to me, watching what I was doing as I put some vegetables into the basket. The light brightened the back enough to see if they were ripe or not.

  Solemnly, I explained Sal’s relationship to our family. “He was my dad's partner. His wife and baby boy died in a car accident about a year before my dad died. Sal was the one who delivered the news to us, the day my father was killed.”

  I had to close my eyes momentarily. Every time I mentioned my father’s murder, it opened the door to my pain once again. I’d learned how to close it back up quickly, though.

  Clearing my throat, I continued. “He and Mami bonded over my dad's death. They hung out for about five years before they started to officially date. He was always there as my stand-in dad. They were together for seven years before he finally proposed last Thanksgiving. They decided on a courthouse wedding. It’s in a couple months.” I smiled thinking about how happy they would finally be.

  Moving onto the tomatoes, I plucked a few, then smelled the stems before adding them to the basket. I chanced a quick peek at him. Sure enough, he was watching me with a smirk on his face.

  “Why did it take so long?” He picked up the same tomato and smelled it where I had, mumbling, “I still don’t get it.”

  I smacked his leg. “I think they felt guilty. We all knew they were in love a couple years after my dad passed, but they wouldn't admit it to themselves, or each other. I think they were also afraid of how everyone else would react.” What a waste of time, I thought sadly. “I'm happy for my mom. She deserves a man who will love her as much as my dad did.”

  “What a waste of time,” Stefen said nearly knocking me flat on my ass.

  “Do you read minds?” I blinked at him. “I just thought the same thing.”

  He moved in close, wiggling his eyebrows. “Great minds think alike.”

  Oh shit, he’s too close now. My heart suddenly sped up as my eyes traced his face, from his lips to his eyes.

  Clearing his throat, he backed up, and I immediately began counting the potatoes.

  “Uh, I think I need one more to make my potato nachos for everyone tomorrow night.” I dug in the dirt and grabbed ahold of another one.

  Standing up, I dusted off my behind then picked up the basket. “Let's get back inside. I need to help with the dishes. We’ll go home when I’m done. I'm getting tired, and I already know you’re exhausted.”

  Something tickled my fingers as I grabbed the last potato. I didn’t think much of it until the tickle moved up my palm. Picking up the vegetable with my other hand, I saw the most horrific, god-awful, disgusting creature laying backside up in the palm of my hand.

  I jumped back, throwing it in the air as I screamed, “Hijo de puta!” I ran around doing the heebie jeebie dance, utterly repulsed.

  Stefen watched, completely amused until he spotted what I’d been screaming about. Vaulting away, he shouted, “What the hell is that!”

  Dani and my mom came running out of the house, nearly tripping over one another down the stairs. “Are you okay?” They shouted simultaneously, then Dani asked, “What happened?”

  I quivered and swiped at my arms. “One of those evil spawn’s of El Diablo was just sitting in my hand.” I couldn’t stop myself from wiggling my back on my way to the hose to wash the funk from the demonic alien baby off my hand.

  Dani began her own grossed-out dance as mom walked up to it, bent down, and picked the potato bug up by one of its legs.

  “Oh hell no, Mami. I’m going back inside.” Dani zipped into the house as quickly as she came out.

  My mom spoke to the wriggling creature as if it were nothing. “So you’re the little devil eating through my garden, huh?” She dropped it back on the ground and squashed it with her sandal.

  Hearing the popping sound, I thought I might pass out.

  The water from the hose wasn’t enough, so I darted into the house, straight to the bathroom where I scrubbed my hands raw with cleanser. Something moved beside me, causing me to jump.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Leaning against the open doorframe, Stefen’s furrowed eyebrows showed his concern.

  “It’s okay.” I pressed a hand to my heart. “I just didn’t expect you to be standing there.” I picked up a hand towel that sat on the counter and dried off my hands, ignoring his intense stare.

  “You don’t like potato bugs, huh?” He reached out to touch my arm, imitating the feel of the insect.

  I socked his arm, thankful when I realized it was the uninjured one.

  “Ow, shit, you hit hard.” He rubbed the spot I punched.

  I wasn’t sorry. “Don’t do that shit to me, or I’ll beat the hell out of you in your sleep.”

  He may think I’m kidding, but I’m dead serious.

  “Well damn, dully noted.” We moved down the hallway together when I noticed just how tired he looked. His shoulders were slumping, and his eyes were drooping.

  “Why don't you go hang out with my mom while we clean up? We have a long drive back. Go relax.” I ran my hand up his arm, then regretted it when goose bumps broke out on my own. No matter what, I would never grow tired of touching him.

  He turned to look me in the eyes. “If you’re sure you don’t need me for anything.” He tucked his chin in and looked deeper in my eyes.

  Oh crap. Did he know what I was thinking? Wouldn’t surprise me if he did. He seemed so in tune with me lately.

  Making myself take normal breaths, I redirected him. “Stefen, please go relax. You can even lay down in my old bed if you want.” Now that I was paying a little more attention, he really did look exhausted. As if it was the most natural thing to do, I cupped his face with my hands. “Seriously. You don’t have to put on a front with me. I want you to be comfortable.”

  His expression changed, as if he was trying to figure something out. Slowly, he pulled my hand from his face and squeezed it. “I know. I won’t hide anything from you, Leah. You’ve already seen me at my worst. As long as she doesn’t step on me, too, I’ll go join your mom.”

  I shuddered. “And don’t ever mention that again.”

  “Done,” he chuckled, looking at me so intensely, I found myself shuddering again.

  For an entirely different reason.



  The TV blared in the large front room as I entered. Maria had her elbows on her knees and her eyes were glued to the TV like she was enjoying the best hockey game ever. Smiling I said, “I got kicked out of the kitchen. Mind if I join you?”

  “Shh.” She waved at me without turning her head. “I'm watching my novellas. Sit, but be quiet,” she demanded in a stern tone.

  She was more like the exterminator from the yard than the carefree woman joking at the dinner table. She didn’t move a muscle, and I seriously wondered if I should stay or join the girls.

  Sighing inwardly, I sat down next to her on the couch, careful not to make a peep.

  The Spanish program was filled with half-naked actresses and what looked like a crazy plot. Someone’s sister was in love
with a husband, who was in love with another sister. At least, that’s what I thought was happening. I couldn’t keep up.

  As soon as a commercial came on, Maria finally turned to me. “So this is what’s happening. The farmer's daughter, Belinda, fell in love with the landowner's son. Felipe, he's the son, is also in love with her, but he’s having an affair with his stepmom, Lucida, who is only two years older and is blackmailing him. Felipe's father, Jorge, doesn't know they’re having an affair because he is too busy sleeping with the farmer's wife. Now they’ve been together since before Belinda was born, so she is possibly Jorge’s daughter, and if they’re in love, it could be with their own sibling.”

  She took a breath only to notice the commercials were over. “Okay, it's back on, now silencio.” Correcting herself, she repeated in English, “Be quiet.”

  My head was spinning. Felipe, Lucida, Jorge, son, stepmom, farmer’s wife, all naked together? What in the hell kind of show is this? And why did Maria tell me to be quiet when she was the only one talking. I got up, wordlessly excused myself, and went into the kitchen.

  “Hey, I thought I told you to rest.” Leah put her hands on her hips.

  “Uh.” I scratched my head. “Do you know your mom watches porn?”

  Leah spun around to face me. “What?”

  Bewildered, I pointed to the hallway. “Yeah, I was sitting there with her watching all of these half-dressed people getting it on with everyone on the show, and I do mean everyone.”

  Leah bent over in a fit of laughter. “Those are her novellas.”

  Dani came in, glancing at both of us. “What’s so funny?”

  “Stefen said Mami's novellas were porn.” Leah tried to catch her breath and let out a small snort, and then Dani started to cackle.

  I just shook my head, dumbfounded. “For such a conservative family, you guys are pretty open to some raunchy TV.”

  “Every Latin woman over a certain age watches those shows. They’re not porn.” Leah tried and failed to stop laughing. “Just soap operas.”

  “I beg to differ. That was the most uncomfortable fifteen minutes of my life. Please don't make me go back in there.” My voice became pleading. Leah threw a dish towel over her shoulder. “All right, you big baby. Have a seat while we finish the dishes, and then I’ll drive us home.” She pulled a chair out for me and grinned. She was taking an awful lot of pleasure in this.

  “What was up with Elena tonight?” Leah asked Dani as she grabbed the dish towel from her shoulder.

  Dani eyed me momentarily. “Charles just told her he wants a divorce, and she needs to move out. Apparently, he’s selling the house and moving closer to his kids. We all knew he was a jerk. It was bound to happen sooner or later. To be honest, I think she’s already seeing someone else. She’s been hanging out with Joaquin a lot lately.”

  “Are you serious? What’s she going to do?” Leah dried a glass and put it in the cupboard as she listened intently to Dani.

  “Well, Mami told her she could move in here after she and Sal get married, since they’re moving to Sacramento. But there is no way in hell I can live with Elena and the kids.” Dani pointed her finger in the air and waved it around.

  I listened quietly. We’d talked about Elena earlier, which explained her unconcern. I respected that Leah would do anything for anyone, but also had healthy boundaries to protect herself.

  She bumped her hip with Dani’s, smiling as she dried a plate. “Perfect time for you to move out by me.” She looked over her shoulder, placing a stack of dry plates in the cupboard. Even doing the most mundane things like dishes, showed off her beauty. Her genuine smile, the curve of her hips and ass, her perfectly toned calves, and that hair nearly had me panting at her feet. I could run my fingers through her hair all day long if she let me.

  “I’ve been thinking about it already,” Dani admitted. “There are so many cuts going on at the hospital that I’ve been looking into home health care. Since I’ve saved most of the money I’ve made, I should be able to take a little time off, too.”

  Leah gasped, bounding over to her sister. She pulled her in for a huge hug. “Are you serious? You can stay with me until you find your own place.”

  Stepping back, Dani said, “Hold on, I haven’t decided anything yet. I’m just thinking about it. What if you get married and leave me behind?” She stuck out her lower lip, pouting.

  “Not likely.” Leah rolled her eyes. “I’m nowhere near that.” Her eyes found their way to me, and I had to wonder what that look was about.

  “Speaking of which,” Dani smirked, “how was it with Ben today?”

  Fantastic. I was going to have to sit and hear about Dr. High School Quarterback. I wasn't sure if I should go back to the grandma porn, or sit and listen to this crap.

  “He was fine. I mean, it was fine.” Leah blushed a little, looking over at me again.

  “No, you were right the first time—he is fine.” Dani laughed loudly and bumped Leah’s shoulder with her fist. “Not that you’re chopped liver, Stefen.” Dani winked, causing me to smile weakly in return.

  What does she know?

  “I’m just not sure what to think, that's all. It's weird,” Leah admitted.

  Now I was interested.

  “Well, it’s new. Let things take their natural course,” Dani advised.

  I grumbled under my breath. Don’t tell her that!

  “So how is your love life? Anyone new?” Leah diverted the subject to her sister while they washed and dried the last of the dishes.

  Pursing her lips, Dani finished wiping down the stove. “Nah. I work too much to meet anyone, and hanging out at clubs isn't my idea of a place to find a good man.”

  “Whatever happened to Felipe?” Leah asked.

  Felipe? Maria’s story came back, and I was suddenly picturing the guy getting it on with his stepmother. Gross!

  “His wife happened to him.” Dani sneered.

  Leah twirled around with her fist on her hip. “Say what! He was married?”

  Dani huffed, “Yep, and has a new baby boy. Come to find out, his wife was giving birth when he was asking me for my phone number. He told me he was there to see his sick grandmother. Can you believe that pendejo? I swear, I am never going out with someone I meet at work again.”

  “But a wise woman once told me to never say never.” Leah laughed as a shit-eating grin crept up her face.

  Must be a personal joke.

  “Since your 'never' and my ‘never’ are turning out to be true, I think that smartass should reconsider the advice she gives.” Dani laughed at Leah, peeking over at me.

  Now I was really wondering what Leah had told her sister.

  “Am I missing something?” I lifted my hands wondering what they would share.

  “Nope.” Leah shook her head as both women cackled. They weren’t going to tell me, but I was sure, whatever it was, had something to do with me.



  After an excruciatingly long drive home, I maneuvered into Abby's driveway. I was worn out. The typical two-hour drive became three and a half due to a jackknifed big rig on the five freeway.

  As the car came to a stop, Abby surprised me by opening the door. She bent forward and hugged me.

  Was she waiting in the driveway for us?

  “Thank you so much, Leah. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Stefen seemed unsettled by Abby’s expression.

  “It's no problem.” I gave Abby a tired smile. “We got to see my mom and Dani. Besides, Stefen is starting to grow on me.” I winked at him for reassurance as I reached up for a good stretch. It felt good to move around after being crammed in the driver’s seat for so long.

  Abby held onto my hand, giving it a squeeze. “I know, but you’re going above and beyond.”

  “Uh guys,” Stefen pointed to himself, “the dependent handicap is right here.”

  “Oh, you be quiet. You know you aren't a problem.” Abby smacked him lightly on the chest as he strolle
d past her, then she turned back to me. “I've got a hot bath ready and the bed in the other guest room turned down for you. Come inside and unwind.”

  “I was going straight home.” I rubbed my eyes, not caring if I got mascara all over my face.

  “No, you don't. It’s almost midnight, you’re dog-tired. Stefen already texted me, so don't even try to lie.”

  I squinted at Stefen who turned his back and quickly headed in.

  “Coward!” I yelled.

  “Come inside now, please,” Abby instructed like she was my mother. “You can leave in the morning. I have pajamas already set out and at least one outfit you left behind at my old house before I moved here.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, too tired to argue. As soon as I started up the porch stairs, I felt the tightness in my thighs and calves. My butt was also numb from sitting in the same position for so long. With a yawn, I followed Abby up the stairs and into the bathroom where a wonderfully steamy hot bubble bath awaited.

  “You are the greatest.” I turned and bear hugged Abby.

  “I love ya. Here is a fresh towel and your clothes are on the bed. As you know, the other door goes into Stefen’s room.” She pointed to the other entrance of the Jack and Jill bathroom.

  “Does it lock from this side?” I wrinkled my nose.

  She grinned. “Already done. Enjoy, take it easy, and have a good sleep. Stefen hasn’t had a nightmare all week, so we should get a full night’s rest.” She stopped at the door. “And please don't leave in the morning before I see you. I want to make breakfast like we used to.” We shared a smile.

  “That sounds so good. I've missed those days.”

  “Me too.” She got a little teary eyed.

  “Enough of that.” I shooed her out. “Go back to bed.”

  She scrunched her face up before saying good night and closing the door behind her.

  I loved that there were candles lit around the tub. I turned off the light, and the room was glowing as I got undressed and slipped in. I didn’t have a tub in my apartment and was going to enjoy every moment of this.


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