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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 57

by Kimi Flores


  I hadn’t been with anyone since Leah, and that was months ago. Now that I did the math, I decided I would indeed take this woman up on anything she offered.

  “I couldn't help but notice you were looking at me.” She was definitely on the prowl. Playing with her necklace, she slowly trailed her fingertips up and down her chest.

  I let out a throaty laugh, “Really? Who was looking at who, honey?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Does it matter?” Her unwelcome seductive tone crept down my spine, leaving me unsettled.

  Shrugging, I said, “No, I guess it doesn't.” Then I took another sip of my wine.

  “Good.” Plopping herself on the stool next to me, she leaned in, making sure to brush her chest on my arm.

  I would’ve loved this months ago, but now it just felt wrong. She had no business being this close to me. I scooted back a little, hoping it wasn't too obvious. I found myself glancing over my shoulder to make sure Leah wasn’t watching this. But why?

  The redhead’s eyes unashamedly roamed my body until they landed on my crotch.

  I squirmed under her scrutiny. This must be how girls feel when guys stare at their breasts.

  “Ah, sugar.” I pointed up. “My face is up here.”

  “I know. I was sizing you up.” Her pupils dilated, filled with desire.

  My stomach churned. This girl didn’t know me, and she was basically letting me know that she was ready to screw my brains out.

  I’d dated aggressive tramps like this too many times. Normally blonde, but this redhead fit the rest of the bill, so I didn’t understand why her comment offended me.

  Get your head in the game. This bitch is holding all the cards.

  “And what were your findings?” What a cheesy line. I blinked hard. I gotta do better than that.

  Placing her elbows on the bar, she ran a perfectly manicured finger across her bottom lip. “I think you are exactly right for me.”

  I tried to keep a sexy look going, but I wondered if my jacked-up eye was cooperating. Not to mention my stomach was still turning. I was used to girls that got around. This never bothered me before. Why did it now?

  I just had to get this over and done. Screwing this skank would turn my feelings off. It was the only way I knew how to. It didn’t, of course, work when I was with Leah, but surely it would with this woman.

  Talking myself into it, I thought, this is who I am. This is what I’m used to.

  But I still couldn’t ignore the feeling in my gut that I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life.

  “Stefen Hunter,” I managed, reaching for her hand.

  “Hunter? I like that. I’m Ginny. Hmm.” She tapped her chin with one of her slender fingers. “Stefen and Ginny. I like the sound of that.” She looked down, turning our connected hands. “Nice strong grip from such large hands. I like that, too.”

  Internally, I felt myself rolling my eyes. Outwardly, I plastered a completely fake smile on and pulled my hand away.

  “We’re in town—well, Santa Barbara—for the weekend. Would you be interested in hanging out?”

  And there it was—the come on.

  Dammit. I really didn't want to go out with this tramp. What am I doing? It was difficult having this interaction while I struggled internally with my true feelings.

  “Sure. What did you have in mind?” I tried to hide my wince.

  “My friend, Kendra, over there,” she pointed to a gorgeous blonde in the group she’d just left, “she’s getting married tomorrow, and I don't have a date. Wanna go with me?” She flicked her long straight red hair over her shoulders, similar to the way my ex, Lisa, always had.

  “A wedding, huh?” I took another sip, searching for any excuse as to why I couldn’t go. “Not my favorite place to take a date. Won't that be awkward since I wasn't invited?”

  She shook her head as she pouted her vibrant red lips. “No, I said plus one on my RSVP, but I still haven’t found anyone worth spending the evening with—until now.” Her eyes looked like a cat’s, about to attack the only field mouse.

  I hated weddings. I only went to as many as I did because it was that season of my life when everyone around me was getting married. I also helped Leah at quite a few, but only went to those to spend time with her.

  Groaning silently, I found myself agreeing. “Sure.”

  She smiled widely. “I will make it worth your while afterward.” Then she leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “I'm a sure thing, and I want you.”

  A chuckle escaped as she backed up. “Well, that's a surprise.”

  I waited for my sarcastic reply to turn her off. It didn’t. Her eyes widened, even lustier than before.

  She placed her hand on my thigh and squeezed. “I go for what I want. No need to sugarcoat things.” Her puckered lips made my stomach turn yet again.

  “I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then. Where is the wedding?”

  She tilted her head. “The Beach Club, right on the sand.”

  Shit. That was the other wedding Leah's shop had on the schedule for tomorrow.

  Wait, was she going to work the one at the vineyard while Melissa took care of the beach wedding? There was no way I could go through with this if Leah was going to be near, pulling on my heart strings.

  “I'll be there.” Will I?

  She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes again. “Give me your phone number. I'll call you and tell you where to meet me.”

  Damn, I didn't want this girl to have my number. After tomorrow, I never wanted to see or hear from her again. I grabbed a cocktail napkin and scribbled the number to my Chicago cell phone. I had a new one, and hadn’t had a chance to close the old account. Sliding it over, I pulled away before she had a chance to touch my fingers.

  She peered at the napkin. Dropping her chin, she studied me. “You aren't giving me a fake number, are you Mr. Hunter? What is this area code?”

  My voice fell flat. “Not fake. It’s Chicago. That’s where I’m from.” There was no reason for her to know that I actually lived here now. I’d never take any woman, other than Leah, to my house. No other woman belonged there.

  She snatched up the napkin. “Very well, I look forward to spending some time with you tomorrow.” She trailed her long finger down my jawline. “Don't shave your face. I like a little scruff.” Then she winked.

  I wanted to disinfect the skin that she just touched. Un-freaking-believable. If I couldn’t stand just one of her fingers on me, how the hell was I going to let her maul the rest of my body?

  Ginny headed back to her friends as if she'd won a bet.

  Did I care if they had a bet?

  No, not really.

  She slammed the napkin onto the bar that had my number scribbled on it. Looking into the mirror once more, I spotted Leah standing by the rustic wooden door frame attached to the tasting room. Her eyes scanned back and forth between me and the group of women. I knew her well enough to read her expressions.

  First shock, then pissed off, and finally, hurt.

  I silently groaned. What did I do now?



  My stomach twisted into a knot as I stood by the doorway, watching in disbelief.

  Did Stefen give that cheap whore his phone number?

  By the looks of it, he sure as hell did.

  I’d met this group when her bride, Kendra, arranged the flowers months ago. The puta, now in possession of Stefen’s number, was so vulgar and rude. I didn’t like her from the moment we’d met.

  Ignoring Stefen entirely, I took a deep breath as my achy heart raced. Trying to keep my cool, I strolled up toward the bar to speak to the soon-to-be bride.

  As I approached the group, I overheard the slut bragging. “I have my date for your wedding and, before you ask, yes, I am going to screw him. I mean, look at him. Who the hell wouldn’t want to crawl all over him in bed? We may have to even cut out of the reception early.”

  I couldn’t believe what
I was hearing. Disgusting.

  Catching Zachary’s eye, he gave me a knowing look. I had to wonder what he was thinking when he’d overheard the same comment.

  Kendra turned to face me. “Oh, Leah. I’m so glad to see you. Ladies, you remember my florist.”

  I gave a courtesy smile to everyone but the trampy fireball. If I looked at her, I might be tempted to claw her eyes out.

  “Are you excited about tomorrow?” I asked, using my professional, personal tone, something I’d perfected over time in this business.

  “I’m thrilled and nervous. I still can’t believe I’m getting married,” Kendra squealed.

  Nothing new.

  I hoped that I was able to fake my calm, pleasant façade. “I was thinking of switching with my assistant and working your wedding instead.”

  Bad decision. Don’t. Don’t.

  Kendra’s beach front wedding was much smaller than the huge one at the vineyard, and there were still a few kinks that needed to be worked out for the larger one. I had to be at Kendra’s, though, now that I knew Stefen was going to be there with a date.

  I’m such a glutton for punishment.

  Excited, Kendra jumped out of her seat. “Oh that would be fantastic!” She held onto my arms. “I really wanted you there since I’ve only worked with you.”

  I smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Saying my goodbyes, I finally peered over at Stefen who’d been watching me the entire time. I narrowed my eyes at him and mouthed irritably, “Let’s go.”

  On our way out, Zachary invited both of us over toward the end of the bar where his father, Joel Evanwood, sat.

  The elderly gentleman’s face lit up as we walked up to him. He hooked his cane on the end of the bar. “We have a tradition around here. On Thanksgiving, we sit around and watch football, taking the entire day off. The following afternoon we host a special get-together for invited guests only, and we’d like you to be those guests, as well as anyone you want to bring along.” He lifted his arms in the air. “The more the merrier.”

  It dawned on me that I’d been so busy lately, I had no idea what my family had planned. It was the first year that Abby was married and wouldn’t be with me.

  Stefen placed his arm around me and answered before I had a chance to. “My family switches locations each year. Lucky for us, we’re celebrating at my cousin, Caleb’s house. His wife is a vegetarian, though, so I was hoping Leah would save us all from the tofu turkey.”

  He’s joking? Right now?

  Normally, I would laugh right along, but I was too hurt to join in and couldn’t hide my feelings.

  I shrugged his arm off and turned my back to him. “It would be an honor. I’m not sure what my plans are yet, but I’ll let you know.”

  Stefen’s mouth dropped, but I ignored it.

  Lifting my chin, I said, “I have a lot to do before tomorrow, so we really have to get going.”

  Shit, I wish I had my own car right now.

  Zachary eyed me. “I couldn’t help but overhear you. We won’t be seeing you tomorrow, after all?”

  There wasn’t time to explain right now. Not that I could anyway.

  Biting my lip, I gave him my professional smile. “No, I had a sudden switch in plans, but Melissa will do a great job. I have confidence in her.”

  Zachary didn’t look like he believed me, but he let it go. Leaning in, I pecked Joel on the cheek before waving to both of them and heading out with Stefen in tow. At least, I thought he was. I didn’t look back.



  We’d already been on the road for several minutes before I broke the silence. “Everything set for tomorrow?” Curious about this switch in plans, I waited for her to answer.

  I was surprised by the scowl on Leah's face. “Yes,” was all she said before turning to look out the window again.

  Frustrated by the tension, I ran my hand down the steering wheel, then through my thick black hair. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She didn't tear her eyes away from the scenery as we passed.

  “Something is obviously up, Leah. Talk to me.”

  “I said I'm fine,” she growled.

  Wow, I'd never heard her growl before. If it weren’t for the fact that she was fuming, it would be kind of sexy.

  I cleared my throat. “If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but don't try to act like everything is peachy.” Reaching over, I took my eyes off the road for a moment, pulling at her chin so she would look at me. “I know you better than that.”

  She yanked her face away. “Don't put your hands on me after you touched that tramp.”

  “What are you talking about?” I flinched, wondering what she was referring to. I hadn’t touched anyone.

  “Don't ever lay a finger on me after fondling one of your whores again.” She lifted her open hands in front of her. “I feel sick just thinking about where that woman has been.”

  It hit me. Raising my hand, I smacked the steering wheel. “I gave a girl my number. What's the big deal, and why do you care? I never gave you any shit about being with Ben, even though he was an asshole.” That was a low blow, and I knew it, but what the hell?

  Leah’s face dropped, and I instantly felt like a piece of shit.

  “Because I care about you,” she said, her voice thick. “She isn't good enough for you.” Leah turned to glare out of the window once more.

  “Yeah, well back at you.” Now I was pissed. She'd dated that jackass for months and had the nerve to get all bent out of shape over a girl I’d just met. “How do you think I felt, knowing you were with Ben, doing God only knows what?” I shook my head. I don’t even want to know.

  Her voice was quiet and small. “I didn’t do anything with him. Not that it’s any of your business.” Looking down at her folded hands, she whispered just loud enough for me to hear, “Are you going to sleep with her?”

  I growled under my breath. “So, it's not my business as your friend to know what you did with him, but you want to know if I'm planning on screwing a girl I barely met?” I sneered, and the words came out before I could stop them. “Yeah sure, why the fuck not? If she’s willing, I’ll go to bed with her. Is that what you want to hear, Leah? What an asshole I still am?” My chest was heaving.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leah begin to shake. Looking over, I saw the tears streaming down her eyes.

  Dammit. Pulling off the road, I got out and yanked opened her door. I leaned in, leaving her nowhere to escape. “What’s really going on?” I lifted her chin with my fingertips, hoping she didn't pull away this time.

  Her lip trembled as she spoke. “What is it about girls like that? Is it because they put out without any effort?” She stared at me through her thick black mascara tears. “Why do you like girls like that?”

  This was a loaded question. Pausing a minute, I inhaled a deep breath without removing my eyes from hers. I wanted her to really hear what I had to say. “I can’t speak for all guys, but right now, I need a distraction. I’m in love with someone who doesn’t want me, and I’m losing my fucking mind every damn day. I have to do something.”

  Leah’s eyes were wide as she stood, forcing me to back up a little. “You love someone?” Her bottom lip quivered. “Does she know?”

  Looking down at the gravel under my feet, I admitted solemnly, “No, and I'm not telling her, either.” I laced my fingers with hers, bringing our joined hands up to my chest. My blood pumped vigorously under her touch.

  She squeezed tight, moving in closer. The hope in her eyes was evident. “Why can’t you tell her? Maybe she loves you, too.” She held her breath.

  Only if it’s you. That was just wishful thinking.

  Before I did something I’d regret, I pulled away. “Leah, I dug my hole a long time ago. I’m not getting out anytime soon.” Looking deep into her waiting eyes, I felt my heart constrict. Again, my mouth moved quicker than my brain. “I’m not the guy for her. We could pretend for a while, but ulti
mately, I don't have what it takes to be her perfect guy.” I used the phrase she had when we’d first met, and I wondered if she’d notice.

  She didn’t.

  “Who is she?” Leah asked, the hurt clear on her face. “Anyone I know?”

  I kicked a rock at my feet. “Doesn't matter. I won’t let it go anywhere. For now, I just need a diversion to get my mind off her.” The pain in my chest was overwhelming. I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. If only this could work, but I wasn’t going to be that selfish jerk when it came to her. “Let's get back on the road. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  We drove to Santa Barbara and arrived at the flower shop in record time. She turned and placed her hand on my forearm. “I think you should tell her. Any girl would be lucky to have you. And she should be able to make that decision herself. Don’t do anything you’ll regret later, Stefen.” She swallowed hard, then slightly parted her lips, waiting for my response.

  “There’s so much I regret, what’s one more thing?” I offered her a half-hearted smile. “But I'll think about it. Now get going.” I gave her a playful shove. “You told me not to let you waste any time, and you won’t let me help.”

  Seemingly uncertain what to say next, she bit her lip before leaning in to kiss my cheek.

  I wished it had been my mouth instead, but no matter what she said, I wasn’t going to tell her.

  Sadness blanketed her face as she pulled away. She opened the door and lingered for a moment. “Thanks for putting up with me and my girly emotions, but don’t do it. There are healthier distractions.” She closed the door, and I watched her walk away, shoulders slumped as she treaded up the stairs to her loft.

  I growled out, “What the fuck is wrong with me?” I slammed my hand down on the steering wheel several times before remembering that she was still outside.

  Peeking up, I saw her reach the top stair, turn to wave, then disappear into her apartment.

  Dammit, is she crying again?

  What was I thinking? I’m not ready to move on.


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