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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 63

by Kimi Flores

  She opened her eyes, stretching as she smiled up at me. Her head rested on my bare chest. Kissing the scruff under my chin, she said, “Morning.”

  “How did you sleep?” I asked, well aware that she’d only slept a few hours, just like me.

  Sitting up, she held the sheet to her chest, then leaned over to look at the time on her cell phone. “The little bit of sleep I got was fantastic, but I have a whole day to make up thanks to my super-hot boyfriend.” She leaned in and gave me a quick peck before frowning.

  Running my hand down her bare spine, I furrowed my eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

  She shivered, smiling bashfully. “I don’t want to get out of bed.” She stretched out like a cat and yawned. “It’s too comfy.” She nuzzled back into my warm body.

  I groaned. “Who says we have to get out? We could find something to do.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

  Throwing her head back onto her pillow, she looked up at the ceiling and whined, “No, I have to get those files from the shop. I need to catch up on my bookkeeping. I’m really behind.”

  “I’ll help you,” I offered. “Then we can come back and put my plan into action.”

  She turned her head and chuckled. “Did I open Pandora’s Box?”

  Flipping her over, I hovered above her. “Nope, just the door that said ‘I get to sleep naked with you from now on’.”

  She giggled as I began to kiss just under her ear.

  “Which door was that? I was shooting for a new car.”

  Lifting my head, I grinned, “Like I said, everything in its own time.” When she scrunched her eyes, it was my turn to laugh.

  She’d been fighting me on getting a new car since I met her. It didn’t matter that she was joking, I was planning on taking that invitation seriously.


  I looked over at Leah. She was sitting in the passenger seat while we drove to her flower shop, and I felt like the luckiest son of a bitch alive.

  Holding her hand while I parked behind the building, I asked, “Are we going to look at your numbers here or at home?” Please say home, please say home.

  “I figured we could stay for a while and let the girls take a break.” She shook a brown bag. “And eat breakfast. Plus, I don’t foresee us working on numbers when we get home.” She brought her shoulder to her chin and fluttered her eyelashes.

  I lifted our intertwined hands and kissed her knuckles. “I’m all yours, whatever and whenever you need me.”

  Catching her breath, she stated the obvious, “We better go now, or I’m going to make you drive me back home.”

  Fine by me.

  Getting out of the car, I opened her door, pulling her toward my chest. I kissed her slow and softly, sucking on her bottom lip. “Not sure I can wait for us to finish up here. You do have an apartment upstairs, you know.”

  My sinister look caused her to stop breathing all together. Damn, I loved when she responded to me.

  Lightly pushing on my chest, she headed to the back of my car. “Stefen, we need to find a balance here, or I won’t be able to get anything done.”

  Pulling her by the hips, I stood behind her, whispering, “Is that a bad thing?”

  She twirled around, tapping me on the shoulder. “Yes it is. We have other things to do, too, you know.”

  Defeated, I grumbled, “Fine. Let’s get this shit over and done, so I can distract you some more.”

  Narrowing her eyes at me, she picked up the bags of food, then shook her behind. She grinned, knowing exactly how she was torturing me. “Let’s go in, but they don’t know we’re coming. I want to surprise them.”

  This woman was beautiful inside and out. Damn, I loved her.

  “Oh hold on.” She stopped us midstride. “Let me run upstairs and get some plates and forks.” Pointing her index finger at me, she added, “You stay here. I don’t think we should be behind closed doors together yet.”

  She set the bags back down and darted up the stairs as my phone rang.

  I looked at the screen before answering. “Zachary. What’s up, bud?”

  Sounding a bit concerned, Zachary said, “Hey Stefen, is Leah with you? I can’t get her on her cell.”

  Curious, I said, “She’ll be down in a minute. Everything okay?”

  “Maybe it’s better if I tell you first, anyway.” He paused a moment. “I don’t know what to think here, but one of my wedding clients contacted me, saying that she was concerned about working with Melissa. The funny thing is that Leah isn’t listed as the florist. Some random name is scheduled. Something sounds fishy to me, and I won’t stand by and watch Leah get the short end of the stick here.”

  I frowned. That didn’t sound right. Leah hadn’t said anything about sharing weddings with Melissa. She’d wanted to prepare the single mom to run her own business, but according to Leah, Melissa wasn’t completely ready to do the whole thing on her own yet.

  Zachary continued. “I don’t trust her, and I’m not sure she isn’t trying to screw Leah over. You might want to check it out because I know how much Leah trusts her.”

  That bitch better not be trying to screw her over. “We’re at the shop now. Let me see what I can find out. Thanks for looking out for her. I owe you.”

  Leah opened the front door, then looked over the balcony at me with a curious glance. Turning around, she locked the door before trotting downstairs again.

  Zachary’s tone was serious. “You don’t owe me anything. Just make sure our girl is taken care of.”

  “Will do, gotta go. Thanks again.”

  “Talk to you later, bye.”

  I met her at the back door with the bags of food. Walking quietly, we crept into the back. The heavy velvet drapery that separated the front of the store from the back was closed. Leah’s employees had no idea we were there.

  Leah was smiling, ready to surprise them when we heard Melissa’s voice.

  “She’s so damn blind. I can’t believe she hasn’t caught on yet.” Melissa clicked her tongue and she sounded like she was smiling. “She’s so caught up in that man candy of hers that she has no idea I’m stealing clients from her.”

  Leah froze, her eyes widening, and her face already contorting with hurt. I could see she was about to burst through there, ready to confront this, but I wanted to hear more. I put my index finger to my mouth, reminding her to be quiet.

  She still looked upset but complied.

  Always the lawyer, I pulled my cell phone out, turned on the recorder, and placed it on a shelf close to the doorway. I moved Leah to the side, pressing us against the work table behind us.

  Her other employee, Khloe, said, “Speak for yourself, Melissa. Just because I know what you’re doing doesn’t mean I’m involved.”

  We could hear stems being trimmed and the sliding of the refrigerator door. Well, at least these bitches are working while they’re talking shit.

  “Oh please, Khloe, you’re involved. You’re my best friend, and I recommended you. If I go down, you go down. Not that that dimwit will notice, as long as that arrogant ass is in her life. He’s sure to dump her when he gets tired of her. I should have enough money to just disappear by then.”

  Khloe sighed, “How can you be so heartless? She’s really nice, and all I’ve seen her do is try to help you out.”

  “Yeah, me and my fake son.” She cackled. “She actually believed my snot-nosed nephew was my son.”

  “Well, I still think it’s really shitty of you, and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.”

  “Hey, you better keep your mouth shut. I’ll make sure she knows you’ve been screwing Miguel on that back table and in her office every time I step out to make a delivery.”

  Leah and I looked at each other, both quickly pushing off the table. It slipped and made a scraping noise, announcing our presence.

  Leah inhaled a deep breath, with her palm on her chest and her mouth wide open.

  I wrapped my hand behind her neck and pulled her into me. “It’s okay,
I’ve got this. Stay here, amor.”

  The curtain swung open as I kissed the top of her head.

  “Oh hey, Leah, I didn’t know you were here.” Melissa rubbed her wrists, averting her eyes. She was caught, and she knew it.

  I was ready to take this bitch down.

  I put a calming hand on Leah’s back, reached for my phone, then pressed play. As if she was clueless to what was going on, Khloe joined us just as I played the recoding back.

  Everything incriminating that was spoken moments before was picked up by the recorder.

  Rolling her eyes, Melissa had the nerve to cross her arms in front of her. “You can’t record my private conversation.”

  Using my professional stance, I reminded her, “You’re in a place of business, admitting to stealing customers from the owner. I’m merely pointing out that you were caught, and you can get the fuck out right now. A restraining order will be filed today, so I wouldn’t plan on coming back. You’ll be hearing from me again because not only am I her arrogant man candy, but I’m also her lawyer.”

  I wasn’t practicing in California, but she didn’t know that. This new situation would give me the motivation I needed to get my license. Remembering that Leah had said several times that her numbers weren’t adding up, I had to figure out how far Melissa’s deception went.

  That conniving bitch had the nerve to look at Leah and say, “Are you going to let him talk to me like that?”

  I saw that Leah’s hurt had already turned into fury. Her nostrils flared, fists balling to her sides as tears formed in her eyes.

  It was time for me to step aside and let her speak. Leah jerked her arm up, then she pointed to the ground, teeth clenching. “You little bitch. After everything I’ve done for you. I was helping you open your own business.”

  Did this bitch just roll her fucking eyes again?

  “Everything you’ve done for me? You’ve had me working here like a damn slave while you prance around town with him.” Melissa pointed her sap-covered finger at me. “You try to prosecute me, and I’ll counter with all the labor laws you’ve broken. Good luck figuring out your records. I quit. Come on Khloe, let’s go.” She pulled her apron off and tossed it on the floor.

  Khloe stood in the midst of the argument, unsure what to do before she took her apron off and placed it on the table, then timidly followed her friend out the back door.

  Leah started to follow until I pulled her back. “You know I’d love to see you kick that woman’s ass, but as your lawyer, I have to ask that you don’t. We need to figure out if she has a case. Don’t add to it, babe.”

  She began to pace. “What am I going to do, Stefen? I can’t afford a lawsuit. What if she destroys everything I’ve worked for?”

  “Come here.” Wrapping my arms around her, I kissed her forehead. “I won’t let that happen. We’ll figure this out together. I promise.”

  Chapter Twenty - Three

  Poppin’ Bubbles


  I was still furious. As a lawyer, I’d seen many cases where innocent people were screwed over because they trusted the wrong person.

  This was different.

  My Leah was the victim here.

  After investigating the mess Melissa left, I wasn’t confident she didn’t have a case, so I advised Leah not to press charges. There was no paper trail that proved Melissa stole anything, but Leah’s accounting records didn’t add up. Tax season next year was going to be a bitch, but I told her I’d take care of it.

  Because of this, Leah had been working overtime, leaving little time for me. I missed her and wanted her next to me, especially in my bed. Stretching my hand across the sheets, I touched her cold spot while talking to her on the phone.

  “Okay, so I'll see you bright and early for a run, right?” I was concerned. She’d worked a huge wedding that Melissa had set up off the books, and hadn't called me all day.

  I could hear in her voice how tired she was, and now she was insisting on staying at her house for the night. Thank goodness, her sister had stepped in to help while she was getting her own at-home practitioner’s business up and running.

  Her voice was somber. “Yeah. I’m sorry I haven’t been there with you. I’ve got to figure out what to do with the mess that ladrón left for me.”

  I smiled. It was so sexy when she mixed Spanish and English words, but I wasn’t about to say that when she was talking about someone being a thief.

  “Why don’t you just let me help you, sweetie? We can hire professionals to take over for a bit. Remember, we’re in this together. Stop trying to do things on your own.”

  She huffed in frustration. “Stefen, this is my business. I’ve worked too hard to make a name for myself. I have to be involved in every aspect of it.” Lightening up a bit, she added. “Besides, you are helping me by taking care of that bruja. I still can’t believe I fell for her scam. When will I learn not to trust every Tom, Dick, and Harry?”

  I told her tenderly, “Leah, that’s one of the qualities I love most about you. Don’t let that bitch change your compassion for people.”

  “I’m trying, but it’s really difficult when you’ve already been burned.” She sounded so hopeless.

  I panicked, “I hope you aren’t including our past in that statement.”

  “No,” she sighed. “You need to get over your own insecurities about that.”

  I did need to get over it. Though I didn’t like being told what to do. However, when Leah did it, it was kind of a turn on.

  Bothered, I said, “I wish you weren't so tired. Just come home. I can always come get you.”

  The rustling of her covers got my attention. “I’m already in bed, and I’m exhausted. I think I met the original bridezilla today. I would’ve never agreed to work with her. She was awful and in the end, she still wasn't happy. I’m so over these big weddings. I swear, when I get married, I just want to elope, or do a quick ceremony at the courthouse like my mom and Sal are doing next month.”

  “You’re in bed?” I just couldn’t pass this up. “What are you wearing?”

  “Is that the only thing you heard?” Thankfully, I heard the humor in her voice.

  I chuckled. “No. I was just curious.” But wouldn’t mind if you answered the question.

  “Good night,” she laughed sleepily. “I’ll see you in the morning.” There was a small pause before she added, “I love you.”

  I sighed, feeling my heart swell. “Love you, too.”



  Tossing and turning, it took me a while to find a comfortable spot. I’d already grown accustomed to sleeping next to Stefen, and I missed him. The thought crossed my mind to just get up and go home. I needed him but was too tired to drive safely.

  Just as I began to doze off, I heard the front door open. My heart began to hammer, my body pounding as I waited for a familiar voice to put me at ease.

  Thirty seconds passed. Nothing.

  Maybe it was my imagination.

  Then I saw a shape filling the doorway to my bedroom.

  Not my imagination!

  Squeezing my comforter to my chest, I said a silent prayer.

  The figure stepped toward me. I was on the verge of screaming when I heard Stefen’s whispered voice. “Are you asleep, ma chérie?”

  I sprang up, and he jumped back.

  His back hit the wall. “Oh shit!”

  “You scared me!” I wailed.

  After realizing we had frightened each other, we both fell into a fit of hysterics.

  “I didn’t expect you to bounce up like a damn jack-in-the-box. Those little bastards scare the shit out of me.” He walked over to his side of the bed, stripped off his clothes and shoes, and climbed in beside me. “That’s not how I expected to greet you.”

  “Well, I didn’t expect you to break into my apartment.” I cocked my head at him.

  “I didn’t break in,” he grumbled. “I have a key.”

  My face softened then. “I’m g
lad you’re here. I was contemplating getting in the car and coming home.”

  Kissing my shoulder, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back close to his chest. “I can’t sleep without you anymore.”

  “Me neither.” I settled into the warmth of his body.

  “Listen, amor, I know you want to do this all by yourself, but please don’t push me away. We really are in this together.” He kissed my shoulder again. “Let me help.”

  I had a difficult time concentrating when his breath hit my neck. “I’m not trying to push you away.” Hugging his arms tighter around my body, I buried my head in the crook of his arm. Damn, I love this man. I needed him to understand where I was coming from. “I’ve always done everything on my own. I don’t know any different. It took so long for me to give up any control of my business, and then I got screwed over.”

  Bringing his mouth to my ear, he whispered, “You help everyone and their mother. You need to learn how to accept help yourself from people you can trust. You showed me that. It’s my turn to show you. Just give me a chance.” He ran his hands up and down my arm, and I felt that he meant every word.

  I peeked over my shoulder. “I’ll think about it. That’s the best I can do for now.”

  He sighed. “I’ll accept that. Just know I’ll show up and crawl into your bed naked anytime you try to sleep elsewhere.”

  I brought his hand up to my mouth and bit his knuckle. “Are you trying to get me to sleep here every night?”

  Pressing his body into mine, Stefen growled, “I never said I wouldn’t do the same in our bed at our home.”

  My body began to pound with desire. Suddenly, I wasn’t very tired anymore.


  I stood behind the store counter as a delivery man that I’d only seen a couple of times walked through the front door. He was carrying a shipment of vases I planned on using for Abby’s baby shower next weekend.

  “Hey.” He nodded. “Whatever happened to the owner of this shop? I never see her anymore.”

  Caught off guard, I huffed, “I’m the owner.” I glared at the innocent guy in brown shorts and button down shirt.


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