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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 93

by Kimi Flores

  A noise from the driveway, on the side of the house, caught my attention. Tilting my head, I saw Abby holding Max while she grabbed a diaper bag out of the car. I grinned at Caleb struggling to get a stroller and travel crib out of the trunk.

  That’ll be us in a few months. I loved that thought.

  Past Caleb and Abby, Madison’s grandparents, Grace and Robert, were getting out of their car. Grace bent forward, her arms wide open as an excited Maddie ran to her.

  Smiling, I turned back to the yard full of guests. Stefen was standing next to Bri as they spoke animatedly with their father. It appeared Stefen was relaying information as Bri slapped her brother’s shoulder. He shrugged, like whatever he’d said had to be told. Their father laughed out loud, enjoying the exchange.

  Then Stefen’s eyes caught Bri’s hand. He pulled her ring up for a closer inspection before a huge grin covered his face. While everyone around her took notice and congratulated her, Stefen gave me the eye. Not the, I’m gonna kick your ass eye. It was more like, okay now you earned the right to keep those ‘bulls’.

  Watching Bri hug her dad again, I noticed she was absolutely glowing. She had her family now and, by the looks of everyone around, that family was going to be even bigger by this time next year.

  Stefen made his way over to the long table where Leah, Dani, their mother, Sal, and Joel were all sitting. I was amused at the territorial expression on Stefen’s face as Sal rubbed Leah’s tummy.

  Damn, he better get over that before he sees what the doctor gets to do to her at the appointments.

  Feeling a slight smack on the back of my head, I turned to see Brad’s cocky smile. “Dude, Mom just told me you turned in your bachelor card.” Slowly stretching, he waved his hand, pointing at the panoramic view. “In a few months, this’ll be you. Tied down to strollers, dirty diapers, and in-laws. Better you than me.”

  I just stood there, holding in a smug smile. One day, Brad. You’ll get it.

  I watched Zach make sure Uncle Joel was settled and comfortable at one of the rustic wooden tables situated under the large trellis. Joel laid the gift Bri brought beside him. With Grace and Madison chatting away next to Joel, I looked back at Zach. I felt a tug on my heart, knowing Zach was at war, watching his father show so many signs of his aging.

  Turning back to Brad, I admitted, “You’re absolutely right, Brad. It is better that it’s me because I know how to appreciate it, little brother. It would serve you well to remember that family is everything. Someday that fame will fade.” I placed my hand on Brad’s shoulder. “But your family will always be there.” Giving him a brotherly smack on his cheek, I turned to go find my woman and thank her again for showing me what I did have in life.

  By the time we brought the food to the Thanksgiving tables, sat and said grace, I was starving and couldn’t wait to dive into my mama’s cooking. My favorite holiday dishes of turkey, cornbread stuffing, cranberries, glazed sweet potatoes, green-bean casserole and sweet cornbread pudding were being passed around the table.

  My mom addressed Bri’s father, Alec. “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’m so glad you’re here with us today. I imagine we’ll be seeing a lot of each other now, with the wedding and new grandbabies.”

  Alec looked at his daughter and son poignantly before making his announcement, “Well, I’ve been thinking a lot these last few months. I haven’t told anyone yet, but I just sold my practice. And as of a few days ago, the house is on the market.”

  Clearly shaken, Bri placed her hand on my thigh. “Daddy, why? Is everything okay?”

  He gave her a comforting smile. “More than okay, princess. I bought my way into my old college buddy’s partnership, and I’m moving to the L.A. area next month. I need a fresh start. More than that, I want to slow down and enjoy life. I decided before I knew, but now that I’m going to be a Grandpa, I’m planning to savor every second of it.”

  I felt Bri’s excitement filling the space. The clinking of silverware on a glass rang through the air. Finding the source, I saw my uncle leaning on his cane as he stood by the table, wanting to get everyone’s attention.

  He handed Zach the gift Bri brought and asked him to pass it around the table. His voice was shaky and weak, but his words were clear enough to be heard. “I want to thank each of you for sharing Thanksgiving with us. I know we’ve made it a tradition in the past to do this gathering a day late, but Zach and I decided,” he stopped, as if searching for his next word, “Thanksgiving is a day for family, and that is what each of you are to us.”

  Smiling at Bri and Leah he went on, “We have even more to be thankful for this year, and Bri gave me a gift that I feel is only right to share with all of you men. Please take one and let’s be thankful for all the blessings we’ve been given.”

  Zach and I looked at each other, both holding up one of the cigars that had been passed around. As my face broke out in a cold sweat, I noticed Zach was also turning the same shade of green.

  Seeing our discomfort, my uncle busted out with a laugh and asked if we’d like to light up first, then he shared the story of Zach and my teenage cigar smoking adventure.

  Bri grimaced while smiling and mouthed, “I’m sorry, babe”. She blew me a kiss as an added apology.

  With a sweet apology like that, how can I ever get mad at this woman?

  I stared a moment longer at the cigar, and even though I felt I might puke, I knew I had to do it. Winking at Bri, I reached for the light Uncle Joel was holding out, almost as a challenge.

  Time to get this party started.



  I was really regretting wearing those damn heels as I stretched my achy body out in bed.

  Josh sat at the end, rubbing my foot. “I had the best time today,” he said as his fingers kneaded my sole. “I think everyone was surprised by the engagement.”

  Tucking the sheet between my arms and the side of my body, I smiled. “I don’t know. I think everyone was kinda waiting for it. Well, everyone but your parents of course.”

  His thumb found a really good spot and he continued to massage as a moan came from me. His hands stopped for a second as a sensual smile covered his mouth. “Have I told you how much I love the noises you make?”

  I giggled. “Yeah, but I’ll never get tired of you telling me the reasons why you love me.”

  Gently placing my foot down, he ran his fingertips across the sheet covering my body then laid next to me. “Have you thought about the wedding? What you want to do? Where it’ll be?”

  I shrugged. “When I was little, I wanted to have the biggest wedding around, but I think it was just so I could impress everyone else.” I reached up, smoothing my thumb over his cheek. “It doesn't matter to me now, Josh. I just want to be your wife. I don’t really care how it happens.”

  He tilted his head. “What do you think about having a courthouse wedding? No fuss, just us and anyone else who wants to be there.”

  “Hmmm.” I tapped my index finger on my lips, mulling over the idea. “I like the no fuss part and we haven’t done anything traditional so far. I never really thought about it before but actually, it’s kinda perfect for us. We can even get married as early as this week.” I reached up, giving him a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I like the way you think Mr. Tucker. I bet they even take appointments so we don’t have to wait in a long line.”

  A sly grin appeared on his face. “Babe, I’ll walk in there with you on Monday, the minute the office opens, and stand in line as long as I need if the end result is you walking out as Mrs. Tucker.”

  I grinned, daydreaming. “Bri Tucker. Bri Hunter-Tucker. Hmmm...”

  He frowned. “Are you thinking about keeping your maiden name?”

  “No, I like the sound of Bri Tucker,” I told him, patting his arm. “I want to be a proud card-carrying member of the Tucker clan. I’m fully committed to you, Josh. I don’t need to hang on to my old self.”

  He gave me a poignant stare. “Babe, I don’t want
you to lose yourself completely. Our new life together should complement everything else.” He lifted my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles.

  “To be honest, up until Catalina, I never really had a life.” I watched his lips trace the contours of my fingers. “I did whatever was expected of me. I focused on trying to not bring attention to my flaws and mistakes. It wasn’t until that night on the beach that you showed me I can live life without fear.”

  Getting off the bed, he reached for his phone and started pressing numbers.

  “Who are you calling?” I yawned, exhausted and ready to tuck myself next to him for the night.

  “Your dad. If we’re getting married, we need to tell him before he flies back. I’m not going to sweep up that man’s only daughter and cheat him out of walking her down the—well, hallway in this case.” He gave me a goofy look. “I just earned my balls back today, and I intend on keeping them right where they belong.”

  “When did you lose your balls?” I laughed.

  Putting the phone to his ear, he chuckled. “Never mind. We’ve done everything ass backwards. Let me at least do this part right.”

  I watched Josh on the phone as he anxiously apologized for not asking my father for my hand in the first place. My dad must have joked with him since Josh seemed to relax and even laughed at whatever was said.

  Wiping his palms on his thighs, he then asked my father if he would give his blessing for us to have a courthouse wedding while he was still in town that coming week. Beaming, I couldn’t help but think about how cute his nervous tone was.

  A wide grin covered his face as his eyes popped open. Apparently my father agreed. Now they were talking about—golf? Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but giggle. My father would use anything in his power to get new golfing buddies, even if it was my unsuspecting soon-to-be husband.

  Rolling on to my back, I looked up at the ceiling, thanking my lucky stars for the life I’d been given. Both Josh and I had come a long way in a short amount of time. No matter how fast things seemed to come at us, we were there to catch each other when it all became too overwhelming.

  Taking another quick peek at my fiancé, I sensed the excitement in his voice over the conversation my father and he were having.

  “I’ve never golfed before but I’m a quick learner,” he admitted, giving me a thumbs up.

  I had to hold in my laugh. If he only knew that my father was even more competitive than I was and took no mercy on inexperienced players.

  He was happy and I wasn’t about to burst his bubble.



  I glanced lovingly at my husband seated beside me as he chatted on the phone with his dad. We’d been married for seven months now and not a day went by that I didn’t thank God that Josh was by my side.

  I peered out of the limo’s backseat window as we headed to L.A. for Brad and Caleb’s movie premier. Everyone but Leah and Stefen were going to be there. Poor Leah had been put on bed rest when she’d gone into early labor a few times and Stefen wasn’t willing to leave her side for anything. I loved my brother for that and imagined Josh would do the same if it had been me.

  While Josh continued to talk on his cell, I laid my head back on the limo’s headrest, rested my hands on my belly and closed my eyes as I got lost in my memories of the day I’d become his wife.

  After I’d gotten all dolled up in my knee-length chiffon one-shoulder column wedding dress with sequins, and my killer white heels, we headed to the courthouse in Santa Barbara.

  The first available appointment was only five days after we’d decided to get married there. Josh had been so wonderful about taking care of the arrangements. Once we stepped inside, though, I had been so disappointed that none of our friends or family members were there waiting. Josh kissed me tenderly, reminding me that we were getting married to spend the rest of our lives together, not as a show for everyone else. I knew he was right, but it still hurt.

  When we got to the counter, we were informed that the justice of the peace had an emergency and had to leave for the day. We were able to get our marriage license but not get married.

  By the time we drove home from the courthouse, it had already started to get dark. My mood swings were in full force as I bounced between being upset that we weren’t married yet and pissed off that nobody had showed up. Sure Josh and I had just dropped the wedding on everyone last minute, but I’d been there for every single thing everyone else celebrated and couldn’t believe they wouldn’t want to be a part of our special day.

  As we approached the gates of our home, I took in all the twinkling lights Josh had installed just for me. I’d never get over how romantic and thoughtful he was. Suddenly, it hit me that the lights hadn’t been on when we’d left earlier, and now there were a ton of cars parked on the street outside. That’s when I realized the gates were open.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Josh as he drove in silence up the driveway. I saw a few familiar cars parked along the side fence, then took in the huge group gathered in rows of chairs along the pathway under the large oak trees filled with white lights.

  A huge grin broke out on his face as he parked the car and turned to me. “You didn’t really think nobody would be there for you on your wedding day, did you?”

  With my mouth gaped open, I looked past him at what had to have been over fifty people gathered together, waiting for us. “We’ve only been gone a few hours. Who planned this?”

  He pulled my hand up to his mouth and delicately kissed my knuckles. “I’d love to say that I did, but it was all Leah, Dani, and Abby. I had no idea something like this could be put together so quickly, but when I asked, they assured me it could be done. You deserve to have the full wedding experience, babe. I know you would’ve been fine with the courthouse wedding, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted you to have this.” He pointed out toward the crowd that had their eyes on us, patiently waiting for us to step out of the SUV.

  My heart filled with so much joy. Most women would probably be upset that they didn’t have a say in every detail of their wedding, but Josh was well aware that I was not that girl. He also knew how much I trusted the women in my life to give me the most beautiful wedding that could be put together in five days.

  My door popped open, and I turned to find my father standing there.

  “It’s time, princess.” He held his hand out and helped me out of the car.

  When I turned, Josh was gone. I imagined he was already on his way to the alter. I’d already told him I was a blessed woman, but it couldn’t have been truer than this night, the night I became his, officially.

  A sharp pain pulled me out of my daydream as my stomach tightened for the third time since we’d left Santa Ynez.

  Ending his call, Josh turned his head to me with squinted eyes. “Are you okay over there?”

  This is a big night for daddy and the rest of the family. Hold on, sweetheart.

  Clearing my throat, I took a napkin from the limo’s bar and dabbed my chest, then my forehead. “Yeah, I’m just a little hot.”

  I’d been experiencing Braxton Hicks for the last several days but wasn’t due for another two weeks. We’d been told I probably wouldn’t go into labor any sooner since it was my first baby. If our daughter was anything like us though, she was going to rush into the world before it was her time, just to prove she could.

  He rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand, unconvinced. “You look really uncomfortable.” Reaching up, he moved the air conditioning vent so it blew directly on me.

  I sat back with a sigh. Oh, sweet relief.

  Looking down at my skintight dress that showed off my very swollen belly, I had to agree. “I am uncomfortable. I should've gone with my yoga pants and flip flops, but I don’t think that’s the look anyone else at the movie premiere will be going with.” I needed to get my mind off my discomfort. “So I know you said your dad liked your idea, but what else did he say? Can he help?”

  He huffed,
well aware of what I was doing. He went with it though. “Dad does think it’s a great idea. He’s working on getting a few more actors to help out and some of the children’s agents are jumping at the opportunity. The more levelheaded these kids are, the more money they make.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows while the corner of my mouth scrunched up. “That’s awful. What about the parents?”

  “Some parents only care about the money too, then there are the ones like my dad, who don’t know any better.” He shook his head. “All I care about though are the kids. It kills me when I see these young actors making headlines over the dumb ass things they’re doing and nobody says a damn thing to them. Well, not people they will listen to at least.”

  I was so proud of my husband. He’d been working on this for months now and finally presented it to his dad last week.

  My belly tightened again. Shit, that one hurt. I did my best to hide the pain as Josh glanced out his window.

  Turning, he smiled at me when we pulled up to the red carpet. “You ready?”

  As ready as I’ll ever be. I breathed out, “Yep, let’s go.”

  The limo door opened and the sound was just as Josh had described it—deafening. I never imagined something could be so loud. He gave me a reassuring kiss, stepped out of the limo, and offered his hand as I scooted across the seat. I was blinded by flashes as soon as I stood. The dizzying lights made me feel disoriented.

  "Josh, this is crazy," I yelled into his ear. As another contraction hit, I groaned. “Mother fucker—” My nails dug into his hand.

  He grabbed onto me, his voice filled with concern. “What is it? Don’t you dare tell me it’s nothing?”

  I took one deep breath in and out. “I’ll be fine, but I don’t know how long we can stay.”

  His eyes went wide, but he kept his voice low. “Are you in labor?”

  I grunted, pressing my hand to another tight spot on my belly. “I think so, but let’s get through this first.”


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