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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 101

by Kimi Flores

  I looked at the sunlight that was still pouring through the curtains. Lately, I’d been working more and more graveyard shifts, trying to give the other girls a break, but it was starting to take a toll on me.

  Groggily, I picked up my cell from the nightstand.

  Eleven a.m.

  Grimacing, I tossed the phone back on the table, then I groaned as I watched it bounce off and hit the floor, cracking the screen. I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand as I threw my head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

  Shit! I’d just gotten that damn phone last week.

  Irritated, I kicked off the blankets and dragged my sore body to the edge of the bed. I felt like I’d gotten run over by a truck.

  Grunting in frustration, I fixed my clothes, slipped on a pair of sandals, and shuffled down the hallway to the kitchen with Stella in my arms. After seeing her outside, I didn’t want to let her go. She’d almost become my security blanket this morning.

  Once I popped a few Ibuprofen and took a long sip of water, I opened the sliding door so she could go do her business on the potty mat that sat on the patio, but I decided to leave her out there for a few minutes to keep her from walking on all the debris on the floor. Closing the slider, I headed for the hallway closet, grabbed a broom, and began cleaning up.

  I’d just finished with the floor and packing all Eric’s shit in the bag he’d left behind when a knock sounded.

  What now?

  I contemplated pretending like I wasn’t home, but Stella started barking. Through the peephole, I spotted the top of a woman’s head. I adjusted my clothes to make sure everything was covered and yanked the door open, crossing my arms over my braless chest. I hoped this girl wasn’t going door to door selling some crap nobody needed.

  The petite female had dark pixie hair and looked like she was in her early twenties. Her large rounded eyes stared at me before she spoke. “Um, I think my phone is still here. I haven’t seen it since I left.”

  I stuck my head outside and glanced back and forth down the balcony before looking back at her. “I think you have the wrong place. This is my condo and you weren’t in here.”

  Then it hit me that she might be one of Eric’s friends the blonde next door had referred to.

  She pointed to the numbers on the door. “No, I’m sure this is where I partied with Eric last night.” A sympathetic look covered her features as she stared at the marks left on my arms. “Is he your younger brother or something?”

  My mouth fell open before I barked, “No, he isn’t my fucking brother. He’s the asshole that’s been mooching off me.” My hand flew to my tender hips, and I couldn’t care less how loud I was being.

  The girl’s eyes went even wider. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry. He told me this was his place. He even gave me the code to get in the gate.”

  That little piece of—

  Suddenly, the floor began to vibrate and the sound of someone’s heavy footsteps came toward us. It was Eric. “What the hell are you doing here, Jasmine?” he groaned.

  I stood back, my arms protectively across my chest again. The girl, Jasmine, peeked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes. “I came back for my phone and,” she glanced at me before sighing, “I hoped we could get together again.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. The nerve! This bitch was not even sorry she’d been with another woman’s man? Not that he was my man.

  Jasmine took a deep breath when he leaned in and whispered something in her ear that caused her head to bob up and down. My blood boiled.

  His eyes held no emotion when they made a quick connection to mine before he stalked through the front door toward the bedroom, bumping my shoulder on the way.

  I was livid and trailed behind him. “Where the hell are you going?”

  Without a word, he wandered into my room, picked up the cell with the cracked screen and strode past me again. My eyes were so tired and scratchy, tears stung them as I blinked hard.

  I followed as he held the phone up. “Is this it?” A smile appeared on my lips when the realization hit me. Ha! That had been her phone I’d thrown on the table.

  “No mine doesn’t have a crack.” Jasmine bit her lower lip as she flirted with Eric.

  I snagged it out of his hand, swiping the blank screensaver then saw her puckered lip selfie as the background photo and held it up to her. “It’s not mine so it doesn’t belong in here.” It hit the floor when I tossed it her way, and I opened the door even further as I turned to Eric. “And neither do you. Get the fuck out and don’t come back.”

  As crappy as the situation was, it was almost a relief to have a final slap in the face to remind me of why I didn’t need any guy in my life.

  He gripped the door above my head and slammed it shut, right in the perky bitch’s face. “Who the hell do you think you are?” Trying to intimidate me with a dominant tone, he crossed his arms, peering down at me like he had any right to be here. “You think you can just use me all week then dump my ass off at work and keep all my things here?”

  I blinked at him, almost laughing. “Use you? Are you shitting me right now?” I lifted my hand and motioned around the room. “Look at my living room.” Squaring my shoulders, I stood tall. This asshole’s free ride was over. “You stayed here, rent free, for a week, then came in last night without my permission and destroyed my place. And to top it all off, you screwed that skank in my bed, didn't you?”

  My nostrils were flaring, I was so pissed off.

  He had a cocky smirk on his stupid face. “And what if I did?”

  I could feel the bile rise in my throat as I attempted to storm past him. Stella went crazy, barking as soon as our argument began. I hadn’t been this worked up in a long time. I was nothing but pure rage in motion, adrenaline racing through my veins, words flying to my mind that terrified even me.

  Go with it, Dani. Do what you need to do just to get this fucker out of your home.

  Guys always eventually treated me like shit, but Eric was on a completely different level.

  Before I got too far away, he gripped my hips, pulling my back toward his chest. Leaning down, he spoke softly into my ear, “Come on, baby. I’m sorry. Can’t we work this out and move on. I don’t wanna fight with you.” He ran his lips up and down the side of my neck, causing me to shiver in repulsion.

  Unfortunately, he’d never learned how to read my body language correctly and took my tremble as encouragement. Grinding his hips against my ass, he growled in my ear, “Let me make this up to you. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  I elbowed him in the ribs, jerking away from him. “Are you fucking serious right now?” I spun around and threw my balled up fists to my sides, glaring at him as he rubbed his side.

  Lifting a cocky eyebrow, he shrugged. “Don’t act like you don’t want me.” He got even closer, using his height to make me feel small.

  I snapped, “No. I don’t want you,” I said coldly. Without thinking about my humiliation, I lifted my shirt enough to expose the marks he’d left on my skin, “I definitely don’t ever want you to touch me again.” I blinked hard, both pissed and ashamed all over again that I’d let that happen.

  He gave a satisfied grin as he took in the bruises he’d left and stepped even closer, invading my personal space, forcing me to look up into his glare. “Don’t act like you didn’t love every minute of that. The rougher I was, the louder you screamed. I was only going off your reaction.”

  “That’s because you were hurting me, you jackass. You need to leave right now.”

  Fury filled his eyes as he gripped my upper arms and shook me. “Fuck you, stupid bitch. You were nothing but a pity lay. Who the hell would want your old, fat ass?”

  I tried to steady my head and pull away from him as his brother, Marc, came barreling through the door, “What’s—” He cut off when he saw the two of us. Then his face filled with anger and disappointment. “Dammit, Eric! What the hell is wrong with you? Let her go.”

  As Marc approache
d, Eric shoved me hard enough to make me stumble back. I quickly turned, throwing my arms out and hoping to grab on to something before I fell. My face smacked a side table on my way to the ground.

  Marc shouted, “What the fuck is wrong with you? You never lay your hands on a woman, dammit!”

  Agitated, Eric stood above me, pointing down as Stella was going ape shit crazy, barking and scratching at the window. “This is not my fault. You saw her, she fell back on her own.”

  Marc’s eyes were livid. “Get away from her, now!”

  Piercing me with his glare, Eric let me know exactly how close I had come to serious injury had Marc not stopped him. Eric grunted and stomped out.

  Marc kneeled down and helped me up. “Shit, I’ve never seen him do anything like that before,” he groaned. “I’m so sorry, Dani. Are you okay?”

  I only knew him from his coffee shop and was nowhere near being comfortable with him witnessing what had just gone down. I pulled away. “Please don’t bring him here again.”

  Running his hands through his hair, he said, “He told me he was just picking up his stuff. I didn’t know there were any problems or I wouldn’t have ever agreed to bring him.”

  I stared at him blankly, tasting blood when I licked my lips.

  He lifted my chin to examine my face. “Let me get something to put on that.”

  I turned away from him. “No. I’ve got it. Please just take his shit and get him out of here.” I pointed to the duffle bag by the couch.

  Dropping his shoulders, he looked at the floor. “This isn’t right. He can't be doing shit like this.”

  “Please just go,” I whispered, praying I didn’t break down in front of him.

  Marc gulped, clearly feeling bad. “I’m trying to help him straighten up, but every time I turn around, I have to clean up some mess he’s made.”

  I gently patted around my mouth, feeling the beginnings of a fat lip. “Maybe you need to stop cleaning up after him and let him grow the hell up.”

  “That’s what I was trying to do this week and look how that turned out.”

  I tried to ignore the pain radiating in my face and focus on Marc’s knuckles as he grabbed the bag carrying his brother’s things. I knew I couldn’t look at his face because I’d see his exasperation. It was the same look I saw on Bri’s face every time she tried to get me to stop letting assholes into my life.

  “I appreciate your concern, but can you please just go?”

  Taking a few steps toward the door, he stopped and turned to face me. “I hate leaving you like this.” Looking beyond me, he took in the condition of my living room. “Did Eric do this too?”

  All I could do was nod my head faintly. I just needed to cuddle up in a ball and forget any of this happened.

  Sighing heavily, Marc began to reach into his back pocket. “Let me pay for the damages and clean up at least.”

  I held up my hand. “I’ll be fine.”

  Marc looked so defeated as he left my house. Here I was, the one with a busted face, bruised body, and a torn up house, yet I found myself feeling sorry for him.

  Chapter Six


  After making my delivery, I cruised down Chapala Street, enjoying the late summer ocean breeze. Inhaling deeply, I realized I hadn't been to Santa Barbara in over a month and, damn, did I miss it. Growing up in Santa Ynez, Dad would bring me down here at least once a week during the summer. I’d never learned how to surf, but I’d spent plenty of time in the water on my boogie board.

  Spanish townhomes and scattered businesses lined the street as I headed south, getting closer to the beach with each block. Dani lived less than a mile from the water and was surrounded by this atmosphere every day. In no way did I ever want to move away from the vineyard, but I could see why she’d decided to move to Santa Barbara.

  The last time I was here, our whole group of friends, and most of our family, had gone to my buddy, Caleb’s, house for his annual Fourth of July barbecue. It was a little uncomfortable at times since Dani did everything she could to avoid me. That didn’t mean I hadn’t watched her throughout the day and evening.

  I swear, by the look on her face as she watched Leah and Bri rub their very pregnant bellies, I could see how much she wished it was her. My heart broke for her when Caleb and his wife, Abby, announced they were expecting their third child. Dani had plastered on a huge smile before congratulating them, but I could see the emptiness she carried for the rest of the party.

  I hoped Dani wouldn’t be upset about me dropping by today, but she’d left her cell on the table when she’d taken off from the restaurant and I didn’t have any other way of getting ahold of her to tell her I had it.

  Turning onto the next small street, I spotted her building and parked alongside the curb as an infuriated guy about my height and build came charging out of the security gate. As I got out of my truck, he approached the sedan parked in front of me and yanked the passenger door open, muttering all sorts of profanities.

  I just shook my head. Drama.

  I hadn’t been to her condo in almost a year and, as I stood at the arched, gated entryway, I couldn’t for the life of me remember the code to get in. Stepping up to the call box, I punched in her condo number. Just as her cell phone began to ring in my hand, I remembered her telling me she didn't have a home phone. I looked at the screen and sure enough, it said, visitor gate.

  Great, what was I going to do now? I figured I could drop it off at Leah and Stefen’s, but she’d never suspect that’s where it would be. I pulled my own phone out to call Stefen and see if he would give me the code when I spotted another guy hauling ass down the stairs and through the gate, even more furious than the first one.

  Whatever his problem was, I guess it worked out for me because I slipped through the gate before it slammed shut. I glanced back when I heard yelling, and I saw the guy who had just stormed out get in the same sedan parked in front of me. He reached over and grabbed a fistful of the passenger’s shirt and pointed his finger in his face. I couldn’t hear what they were arguing about, but the driver was definitely pissed and mouthed the words, “I’m done.”

  Moving on, I made my way up the colorful tiled stairs. I hoped I didn’t disturb her from her nap. As beautiful as she looked when we met up this morning, I could see how beat she’d been, even before she’d said anything. Working the graveyard shift was obviously taking a toll on her.

  Standing in front of her condo, I stared at the numbers, contemplating coming back later when she’d had a chance to sleep at least a few hours. But I knew how much she depended on her phone.

  Sighing, I knocked lightly. There was complete silence on the other side. As bad as I felt about it, I knocked louder. Seagulls squawked in the distance as I turned and leaned my forearms on the balcony railing, contemplating what I should do next.

  Stella began to bark as Dani’s shaky voice came from inside. “Go. Away.”

  Frowning, I stood in front of the peephole so she could see me. “Dani, it’s Zachary. Everything okay?”


  “Dani?” I knocked again.

  “What’s up?” she said through the door, in a too cheery voice that I wasn’t buying for one second.

  “You left your phone at the restaurant.” I held it up so she could see I was telling the truth. “Can you open the door?”

  It sounded like she was stifling a cry, and my stomach bottomed out. Had one of her patients died? Had something happened to someone she knew? Leah, Bri? Oh God, no. Not their babies.

  “Dani, what’s wrong?” I placed my hand on the door jam, gripping it tighter, thinking the worst.

  “I’m—I’m, okaaay—” her whimper broke free.

  My leg muscles tightened, rooting me in my spot. “Please open up. You’re worrying me.”

  She cracked it open enough for Stella to stick her little head out, her pink tongue darting in and out as she panted and looked up at me.

  I tried to peer through the opening when D
ani’s hand came out. “Thanks for grabbing my cell. I didn't even know it was missing.” She squeaked, definitely trying to hide her cry.

  I wasn’t having it anymore. Gently, I pushed on the door a bit, and Stella came running toward me.

  “No.” Dani’s leg came out, swiping back and forth in an attempt to catch her and my eyes landed on the handprint on her thigh.

  What. The. Fuck?

  Primal rage overtook me as I reached around, tenderly moving Dani to the side as I pushed the door open all the way. Even with all those crazy scenarios racing through my head, I was not prepared for what I saw next.

  She covered her busted up face with her hands as she wept uncontrollably. In utter shock, I stared at the exposed dark bruises on her thighs, upper arms, and the top of her breasts spilling out of her tank top.

  Incensed, I kicked stuff scattered on the floor out of my way so I could get to her. “What happened? Who the hell did this?”

  She continued to hide from me as she trembled.

  “Dani, please tell me. What happened?” My angry demeanor wasn't doing anything to sooth her, but I was freaking the fuck out as I took her and the whole room in. My mind traveled to the darkest places, imagining someone laying their hands on her in the vilest way.

  “Zachary, it’s not what you’re thinking.” She placed a hand on my chest attempting to calm me. Dammit! She shouldn’t have to worry about me right now.

  My chest tightened as I closed my eyes and took deep, calming breaths. Then I pulled her into my arms and she wrapped hers around me, clinging as she struggled for air through her hyperventilating sobs. While she was in my arms, I scanned the room. The entire place was a mess. In all the time I’d known Dani, she’d never left her place like this. Poor Stella didn’t know what to make of it either as she paced nervously back and forth at our sides.

  After a good five minutes, Dani’s death grip began to loosen. “Please don't make me talk about it. I’m so tired, I just need to sleep,” she spoke into my chest, and I felt the wet spots that had leaked through my shirt.


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