BEF Campaign on the Aisne 1914
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by Jerry Murland
Captain H A Baker, History of the 7th Field Company, RE, During the War 1914–1918, RE Journal, June, 1932.
Brigadier General C J Griffiths, Crossing the Aisne, The Lancashire Fusiliers Annual 1916, Number XXVIII.
W A Synge, From the Marne to the Aisne – The Diary of an Infantry Subaltern, Army Quarterly, January and May, 1935.
Brigadier General G Walker, From the Curragh to the Aisne, 1914, R E Journal, April, 1919.
Major B K Young, The Diary of an RE Subaltern with the BEF in 1914, RE Journal, December, 1933.