Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 13

by Ward, Alice

  As the truck moved closer, Renee’s body tensed and the color drained from her face. “Oh my God,” she whispered. She took a deep breath and turned to me. “Willow, will you please go get your father? Tell him we have surprise guests.”

  “Of course.” I darted into the house and then slowed my pace and casually walked into the kitchen. Daddy was at the table drinking a glass of wine.

  “Hey there, pumpkin,” he greeted me with a smile.

  “Hi, Daddy.” I crossed the room and kissed him on the top of his head.

  I am so sorry for everything that’s about to happen. I just hope James is right and, in the end, it’s all for the best.

  “Renee wants you to meet her outside. James is home and he’s brought some people with him.” I poured myself a glass of wine as I relayed the message.

  Daddy lifted a curious eyebrow. “Did you see who they are?”

  I shook my head. “I couldn’t see very well. He’d barely turned off the main road when Renee sent me to get you.”

  Daddy pushed his chair away from the table and rose to his feet. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we walked outside together. James and his grandparents leaned against his truck. Renee stood in front of them, her back to us, and fidgeted with her hands as she spoke at rapid fire speed.

  “I know I should have called you… I would have called you… everything happened so fast and we just got settled in…”

  Daddy cleared his throat and Renee jumped in surprise. She turned to us and I watched her face instantly relax as she met Daddy’s eyes. She smiled at him and her voice steadied.

  “Cole, Willow, I’d like to introduce you to some very important people. This is Dave and Claire Parker. They’re James’s grandparents… Gus’s parents.”

  Daddy didn’t miss a beat. He crossed the driveway and greeted the couple as if he’d been expecting them.

  “Dave, Claire, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” he said. Daddy shook Dave’s hand and then Claire’s, all the while wearing his most charming smile. “Willow and I have heard so much about you. It means so much to me that you could visit.”

  I gave Dave and Claire a nervous nod. My palms started sweating, making it difficult to hold on to my wine glass. I made a fist around the stem and stared down at the ground.

  God, I’d give anything to be anywhere but here.

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” Dave replied. Dave was tall and lean, with salt and pepper hair and James’s soft chocolate eyes. He looked to his wife, who was still fixated on Renee.

  Nana Claire looked nothing like how I’d expected. She was a small but hardy woman, with stubby fingers and short, mousy hair that had been teased and sprayed around her head like brown cotton candy. Her face was free of makeup and she wore jeans and a t-shirt emblazoned with the Sweetwater High Mascot. She instantly struck me as a woman who had no patience for bullshit.

  Dave wrapped his arm around Claire’s shoulders, and she finally turned away from Renee. She looked up at Daddy with critical eyes. “It’s nice to meet you, Cole. I wish I could say that Dave and I had heard a lot about you as well, but sadly that isn’t the case. My daughter in-law failed to mention you when I talked to her last month.” The disdain in her voice hung in the air long after she stopped speaking.

  Renee’s eyes darted around nervously, but Daddy remained completely calm. “I’m afraid that was probably my fault,” Daddy told Claire. “I insisted that we take things slow and not make a big deal out of our relationship. And then I realized I was being a fool, and things have moved so quickly since. The important thing is that you’re here now, to celebrate with us.”

  “Amen,” Dave said with a smile. Claire’s face softened a bit around the eyes, but her lips remained in a tight frown.

  “Dave, Claire, we were just about to have dinner,” Renee told them. “Please, won’t you join us?”

  Claire turned up her nose. “I’m not hungry. I lost my appetite when I saw the ‘for sale’ sign in your yard. I remember when Gus built that house…”

  Renee flinched and Daddy cut Claire off mid-sentence. “I have an idea,” he announced. “If you’re not hungry, why don’t you let me give you a tour of the place? I’d love to show you the lots Willow and James are going to build on. And you can see all of our spring babies.”

  Claire raised an eyebrow. “The lot James is going to build on?”

  Renee looked up at Daddy, beaming with pride. “Yes, Cole knows how important it is to me that James feels at home here, so he gave him a ten acre lot up near the mountains.”

  Dave and Claire looked impressed. “I’d like to see that very much,” Claire agreed.

  I shot a quick glance to James. He stared down at the ground with his arms crossed over his chest. It was obvious to both of us that Daddy was going to charm his way around the obstacle we’d thrown at him.

  Daddy turned to Renee. “Sweetheart, why don’t you stay here and see to the food? The ATV only has room for four. James and I can show them around, and then we can all sit down and catch up.”

  “That sounds great,” Renee agreed. She turned to Claire. “You’re welcome to stay the night, either here or back at the old house.”

  Claire pursed her lips. “We have reservations in Durango. I didn’t want to put you out.”

  “You know better than that, Claire,” Renee said firmly. It was the first time I saw Renee stand her ground with her mother in-law. “I’ll have coffee and dessert ready when you get back. If you change your mind about the hotel, you’re welcome to stay here.” She turned to Daddy and kissed him full on the lips before walking back to the house.

  James led his grandparents to the ATV while Daddy gave me a quick hug. “Make sure Renee’s okay,” he whispered in my ear.

  I nodded and reluctantly shuffled back to the house.

  I hope James’s plan B works better than plan A.


  An hour later, Daddy returned with James and his grandparents. Dave looked like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and Claire was positively giddy with excitement. James lagged behind the others as they filed into the kitchen. His bottom lip puckered out and he had a defeated look in his eyes.

  As promised, Renee had fresh coffee and hot apple pie waiting on the kitchen table. James collapsed in the chair next to me while Claire rushed to hug Renee.

  “Oh sweetheart, I am so happy for you,” Claire said, pushing Renee’s head to her shoulder. “This is a beautiful place, and you’ve found a wonderful man.”

  Dave wrapped his long arms around both the women. “I think Gus would be happy that you and James have found someone who takes such great care of you.”

  I wondered what Daddy had said or done to change Claire’s mind so quickly. I looked to James for an explanation, but he just scowled down at the table. Renee broke away from her in-laws and everyone joined us at the table.

  “I’m so happy we have your blessing,” Renee told Claire. She wiped a single tear from her cheek.

  Claire nodded and poured herself a cup of coffee. “I’ll admit I was furious at first. My first instinct will always be to protect Gus… even though he’s gone. He’d have wanted you to live your life, Renee. And the life you can have here… well it’s pretty fabulous.”

  Dave smiled. “So fabulous, you may have a hard time getting us to leave… especially when you consider Cole’s generous offer.”

  Generous offer? What has he done now?

  Renee gave Dave a confused smile and turned to Daddy with questioning eyes. He cleared his throat and gave her a sheepish grin.

  “We stopped by the cabin so James could grab a long sleeved shirt, and Claire commented on how nice it would be to move to a smaller house,” he began.

  Claire nodded. “Our place is so big and keeping it clean is such a hassle.”

  “Dave mentioned that he’ll be retiring in another year or so… I suggested that they move here,” Daddy finished.

  My mouth dropped open. I looked at Daddy, but he wo
uldn’t meet my eye.

  “We don’t want to impose on you, of course,” Claire added quickly. “But it would be wonderful to be around the animals and have room for gardens… and to be closer to our grandson.”

  Renee stared at Daddy. Her lower lip trembled and for a second, I couldn’t tell if she was moved or furious. “You did that for us?” she finally asked.

  Daddy gave her an indulgent smile. “Of course. Dave and Claire are your family; they’re always welcome here.”

  Renee took Claire’s hand. “I’d love for you to live here with us. It’s important that James has you close by.”

  “It’s settled then,” Dave announced. “Though I insist that you let us pay for the cabin.”

  I tuned out the conversation and tried to wrap my head around what was happening. Clearly, James’s plan had completely backfired. If we didn’t find another way to break up the engagement, I’d be stuck with four Parkers instead of just two.


  After a sleepless night, I rolled out of bed before dawn and started packing for my trip to Sterling. I took a long, hot shower to relax the tension in my muscles and then pulled on ratty yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt. I pulled my wet hair into a ponytail and glanced in the mirror.

  I look terrible. But I can sleep in the truck… and I’d rather be comfortable than cute for an eight hour road trip.

  I slipped my socked feet into tennis shoes and pulled my duffle bag over my shoulder. I crept silently into the kitchen, where Daddy was leaned against the counter drinking a cup of coffee.

  “Morning, Daddy. Are you ready to go?” I whispered.

  “You don’t have to whisper, pumpkin. Renee’s awake. There’s been a change of plans.”

  I sighed and let my bag fall to the floor.

  I was looking forward to having more than three seconds alone with you… of course there’s been a change of plans.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the refrigerator. “What’s going on?”

  “Dave and Claire spent the night at Renee’s house. She’s supposed to meet them over there this morning. They’re going to sort through Gus’s old things and decide what they’re each going to keep. I’m afraid it will be an emotional day for all of them, and I’d like to be there for Renee,” he explained.

  “Daddy, I understand that it’s a difficult time. But I can’t reschedule the pickup. This weekend is the only time I can get away before we leave for Kentucky. And with any luck, I’ll be too busy to leave after the Derby,” I argued. “If you have to stay here, I’ll just go by myself.”

  He hates when I haul horses by myself. He thinks that the trailer and the animals make me a target, that someone who knew their value would have no problem overpowering me. If I insist on going alone, he’ll change his mind and come with me.

  “You won’t be going by yourself,” he told me. “I spoke with James and he agreed to take my place.”

  Another overnight with James? That’s probably not the best idea…

  I was suddenly very aware of the fact I was wearing my two least attractive pieces of clothing. I smoothed my wrinkled t-shirt and wondered if I had time to change.

  There has to be a way to get out of this. I’ve already insisted that I have to go this weekend. But maybe I can convince Daddy its best I go alone.

  “Doesn’t James want to be there when they go through his dad’s stuff?” I asked.

  “No,” Daddy replied softly. He stared down into his coffee cup. “James made it quite clear that he doesn’t want any part of it. I think he’s having a difficult time with all of this, Willow. Do me a favor and see if you can get him to open up to you this weekend. Try to make him feel like a part of the family.”

  I heard the front door open and I abandoned all hope of hiding my hideous clothes. I took a travel mug from the cabinet and filled it with black coffee. “I’ll do what I can,” I whispered to Daddy as the sound of James’s footsteps grew closer.

  James cleared his throat as he stepped into the room. “Good morning, Cole. Willow. I’m ready to get on the road whenever you are.”

  I turned to face him, relieved to see that he looked just as rumpled as I did. He wore blue basketball shorts and a t-shirt, and his face was thick with stubble.

  “I still need to hitch up my trailer,” I told him.

  “My rig is all ready to go,” he replied.

  I wanted to argue with him, but I was too tired. “Fine, let’s get going then.”

  Daddy pointed at a canvas tote bag on the counter. “Renee packed breakfast sandwiches and snacks. There’s a thermos of coffee in there too. She’s in the shower, she said to tell you to be safe and call us when you get there.”

  I hugged Daddy goodbye and reached for my duffle bag. James beat me to it and tossed the strap over his shoulder before taking the tote full of food.

  “Take care of my girl, James,” Daddy instructed, patting him on the shoulder.

  “I will, Cole. Tell Mom I’ll call after we check in to the hotel.”

  James looked at me and then nodded at the doorway. “After you.”

  James followed me out of the house and down the driveway. He opened the passenger door of his truck and I climbed into the cab. I took the bags from him and put them in the backseat as James circled the truck and slid behind the steering wheel.

  “You look exhausted,” James observed as he drove towards the main road.

  “You don’t look any better,” I pointed out. “I take it you didn’t get much sleep last night either?”

  James stared at the road in front of us. “I had a couple of pain pills left over from the accident. I took them when I got back to the cabin and slept great all night… too great. I didn’t hear my alarm this morning. I figured you wouldn’t get much sleep, and one of us needed to be able to drive.”

  I kicked off my shoes and propped my feet up on the dashboard. “Last night didn’t work out the way we expected,” I said softly.

  James swallowed and shook his head. “No… no, it didn’t.”

  I sighed. “Maybe it was a sign, James. Maybe we should just accept that they’re going to get married. It could be a lot worse. Our parents love us so much they gave us our own land on the ranch. I started looking at floor plans last night, when I gave up on sleep. Maybe it’s time we admit defeat and find a way to make this work.”

  “You’re exhausted, Willow. It’s making you delusional,” he said dryly. He kept his left arm on the steering wheel and draped his right over the back of the bench seat.

  “If you think you can split them up, you’re the one who’s delusional,” I told him. I lowered my voice. “James, I know how you’re feeling right now. You can’t stop thinking about your dad and wondering what life would be like if he hadn’t died. I feel the same way about my mom. But breaking up the engagement won’t bring either one of them back.”

  James’s jaw clenched and his face flushed red with anger. He moved his right arm back to the wheel and stared out the windshield. “I don’t need to be reminded that nothing will bring my dad back,” he snarled. “And I don’t appreciate you making assumptions about why I feel the way I feel.”

  Great, he’s in a cranky, asshole mood. This is going to be a long weekend.

  I propped my elbows up on the center console and turned to face James, even though he refused to look at me. “I’m sorry,” I told him. “I thought if anyone understood where you’re coming from, it’s me. But you’re right, I shouldn’t make assumptions.”

  James’s shoulders relaxed and he let his right arm drop from the steering wheel. He took my hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “I’m sorry I snapped, Willow. I have a lot going on in my head. I’d never expect you to understand any of it. Why don’t you lean your seat back and try to take a nap? I’ll wake you in a few hours if you want.”

  I checked the time on my cell phone and realized that I’d been up for over twenty-four hours. My brain felt foggy and my body ached. “
Don’t wake me,” I told him.

  I reclined the seat and tried to get comfortable. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander.

  I don’t think Gus has anything to do with why James wants to split up our parents. He either knows something horrible about Daddy that I’m not aware of, or he wants us to be free to be together… and I seriously doubt he’s got anything on Daddy.

  The certainty that James wanted to be with me felt like a warm blanket, and I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


  “Willow… Willow, we’re here,” James whispered. He gently shook my shoulder and I rolled over in my seat.

  “I slept the whole way?” I asked with a yawn. I stretched and then pulled my seat upright.

  “Yes, you slept and snored the entire way,” James teased. His mood had made an obvious shift for the better. “I tried to wake you when I stopped for lunch, but you just mumbled something at me and covered your face with your hands.”

  As if on cue, my stomach grumbled.

  James tossed me a granola bar from the tote bag. “Your dad gave me a ranch credit card to pay for the room. He also said to charge our dinner to it. Why don’t you eat that while I check in, and then we can get cleaned up and go out for a civilized meal?”

  “Sounds good to me,” I agreed. I unwrapped the granola bar while he slid out of the truck.

  Thank God I packed something decent to wear to dinner. I’ll just change and throw on a little bit of makeup. I don’t want James to think I’m trying too hard…

  I finished the granola bar and stuffed my feet back into my tennis shoes. James returned to the truck just as I was tying up the laces.

  “We’re all checked in,” he said, handing me a keycard. “The lady at the desk asked me to park around back. She said there are designated trailer spots back there.”

  I nodded as he threw the truck into drive and pulled around the building. “There’s a great little German restaurant down the block,” I told him. “I wanted to eat there last time we were in town, but Daddy wanted steak. Its close enough, we could leave the truck here and walk to dinner.”


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