Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 14

by Ward, Alice

  “That’s fine with me,” James agreed. He parked the truck and grabbed all three of our bags before climbing out. “There was a mix up with our reservation,” he told me as we walked through the parking lot. “It worked in our favor though. Instead of a double room, we’re in a suite.” He held open the back door and I stepped into the hotel. There was a bank of elevators to our left, and I pushed the button to summon one.

  Hmm… I called and confirmed the reservation yesterday.

  “That is a lucky break,” I said. A bell chimed and the elevator doors in front of us opened. “What floor are we on?” I asked as we stepped inside.

  “We’re at the very top,” James told me. He pushed the button for the fifth floor and the doors closed. My stomach growled again and James stifled a laugh.

  “I need a quick shower, but I can be ready to leave in five minutes flat,” he said as the elevator doors opened. I followed James to the door marked 514.

  “I don’t need to shower, but I’ll need about ten minutes to get ready,” I told him.

  “Perfect. I’ll shower and then call home while you change,” he offered. He pushed open the door of our room and we stepped inside. The suite was one enormous room, with the living and bedroom areas separated by a three foot half wall. My eyes immediately darted through the living area and into the bedroom, where a large Jacuzzi sat next to a king size bed.

  A Jacuzzi next to the bed… this is one romantic mix up.

  If James had any thoughts about the room’s sexy feature, he kept them to himself. He tossed the tote bag and my duffle onto the couch and immediately retreated to the bathroom. I pulled jeans and a black blouse out of my duffle bag and pulled an iron and ironing board out of the small hotel closet.

  Before the iron had a chance to heat up, James had returned from the bathroom in jeans and a plaid button-up. His face was still scruffy and his wet hair hung over his eyes. He smelled like an intoxicating blend of pine, leather, and firewood.

  “That was fast,” I observed, looking down at the ironing board. I didn’t want to be distracted by the way his shirt hugged his muscled shoulders.

  “You didn’t eat dinner last night, and all you’ve had today is a granola bar. I don’t want you to starve to death,” he said with a smile.

  He’s been paying awfully close attention to me…

  “I left my phone charger in the truck,” he continued. “I’m going to grab it. I’ll call my mom on the way.”

  James left the room and I quickly ironed the wrinkles out of my short sleeved peasant blouse.

  I wish I’d known James was coming on the trip when I packed… but this is better than my t-shirt.

  I didn’t want James to walk in and find me half naked, so I carried my things to the bathroom. I changed quickly and dusted on a bit of eye shadow and bronzer. I added mascara and clear lip gloss, and then twisted my ponytail into a bun and pinned it to my head. I stepped out of the bathroom and checked my reflection in the full length mirror mounted to the closet door.

  Not bad… sleeping got rid of the bags under my eyes… definitely an improvement from this morning.

  I heard a click at the door and glanced up as it swung open. James took one step into the suite. “I told our parent’s we made it. Are you ready to go?”

  I nodded, pulled my purse out of my duffle bag, and followed him out the door.

  Our walk to the restaurant was quiet. James was in a much better mood than he’d been in that morning, but he still seemed lost in his head. I didn’t push him to talk.

  We stepped into Emmy’s German Cuisine and were greeted by a pixy of a girl with spiky black hair.

  “Table for two?” she asked with a smile.

  James nodded and we followed her through the near empty dining room.

  “You guys got here just in time,” she said as she placed menus on a small table. “Saturday night is our busiest time of the week. My name is Sarah, can I get you something from the bar?”

  I ordered a Jack and Coke and James asked for the same. The waitress disappeared and we stared down at our menus in silence.

  “I don’t know what any of this stuff is,” James confessed after a few minutes. “I’m going to trust your judgment and let you order for me.”

  The waitress reappeared with our drinks and I ordered the appetizer sampler and two pork schnitzel dinners. She nodded her approval and left to greet a couple who’d just walked through the door.

  James drank half of his cocktail in one gulp and fidgeted with a cuff of his shirt. The waitress led the new couple past our table and he signaled her for another drink. I knew something was bothering him, but I wasn’t sure how to get him to talk about it. He finished his first drink and I cleared my throat.

  “James, you’ve obviously got something on your mind. I won’t force you to talk about it but if you want to, I’d be happy to listen,” I offered softly.

  James looked down at the table and slid his empty glass from hand to hand. “I know I’ve been weird today. I’ll talk to you about it… when I’m ready. Until then, do you think that we could just pretend none of the stuff back home is going on?”

  I nodded as the waitress arrived with two fresh drinks.

  “I wasn’t sure if you wanted another or not,” she said, putting the glasses in front of us.

  “I did, thank you,” I told her. I brought my first glass to my lips and drank it in one gulp.

  If he’s going to get shitfaced, I may as well join him.

  “Keep them coming, please,” James directed. “We’re walking back to our hotel room,” he added, noticing the look of concern on the waitress’s face. Her eyes relaxed and she gave him a nod before leaving the table. James looked up at me with pleading eyes.

  “So you agree? Just for tonight, can we pretend that we’re two people out to enjoy each other’s company?”

  I nodded. “That sounds nice, actually.”

  James relaxed into his seat and gave me a grateful smile. We spent the next two hours talking and laughing over dinner and far too many drinks. At first, it was hard not to mention what was going on back at home. But soon, we were lost in stories about our childhood and dreams for our future. I was shocked to learn that James wanted to coach football like his dad, and he was amused when I demonstrated my inability to whistle. When the check arrived at the table, I felt like the best first date of my life was coming to an end.

  James gave the waitress Daddy’s credit card and we finished our last drinks while we waited for the receipt. When we finally rose from the table, I realized I’d had way too much to drink. I held onto James for support and we made our way out of the restaurant.

  “That last drink was a bad idea,” I said as I stumbled down the sidewalk.

  James put an arm around my waist and held me up. “I think the last three were probably a mistake… let’s get back to the room and get some coffee in you. If you don’t sober up some before you go to sleep, you’re going to feel terrible tomorrow.”

  I leaned my head against his shoulder and tried to keep my feet underneath me. “You’re so thoughtful, when you want to be,” I told him. I stumbled on a crack in the sidewalk and James caught me just before I fell on my face.

  “This isn’t working… I have an idea.” James stepped in front of me and dropped to his knees. He glanced over his shoulder and gave me a wink. “Climb on.”

  I leaned against James’s back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stood and pulled my legs around his waist.

  “Don’t get used to this,” he said as he carried me back to the hotel. “And let me know if you feel like you’re going to get sick.”

  I laid my head against his back and breathed in his scent. It felt so good to be pressed against him again, and I never wanted to let him go.

  He has feelings for me, I know he does. He had to have arranged for the Jacuzzi room. When I called to confirm the reservations, I repeated “double room” three times. And he wanted to spend the night getting to know me instead of
talking about Daddy and Renee. He wants me, and I’m going to make him admit it. I’ll be honest with him too. And if I’m wrong, I can always just say I was drunk.

  James stopped walking and I opened my eyes to discover we’d made it back to the hotel.

  “Think you can make it from here?” he asked and lowered me to the asphalt.

  “I think so,” I said, taking his arm. We walked through the lobby doors and into an open elevator. I steadied myself against the back railing and James stared at me with a smile.

  “I’ll have to remember that you’re a lightweight,” he teased.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m fine. Just watch, after one cup of coffee, I’ll be ready to go all night.”

  James lifted a curious eyebrow and the elevator doors rattled open. I let go of the railing and pretended to lose my balance. James took two steps forward and lifted me into his arms.

  “Like I said, you’re a lightweight,” he said as he carried me towards the room. I pulled my keycard out of my purse and opened the door from his arms. James stepped into the suite and carried me into the bedroom.

  “I’ll get the coffee going,” he said, depositing me on the bed. I stretched out and laid my head on a pillow while he filled the coffee pot in the bathroom sink. He returned to the bedroom, filled the machine’s reservoir with water, and dumped coffee into the filter.

  “Come sit with me while we wait,” I directed, patting the mattress.

  James sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his boots before sliding up next to me. He leaned against the headboard and let his arms fall to his sides.

  It’s now or never… if he pulls away, I’ll know I’m wrong.

  I hesitated for a moment and then rolled over, nuzzling my face against his neck. James wrapped his arm around me and rested his chin on the top of my head. We lay there, holding each other, but not talking about it until the coffee pot beeped.

  James kissed the top of my head and untangled himself from me. “Let’s get some coffee in you. I don’t want you to be sick tomorrow.”

  I sat up with my legs crossed under me and watched him pour two cups of coffee. He left one on the counter, passed the other to me, and grabbed the ice bucket.

  “I’m going to walk down to the lobby and get you some Advil,” he told me, stepping into flip flops. “And then I’m going to stop at the ice machine. We should both drink a glass of ice water before we go to sleep.” James was calm, as if it were perfectly normal that we’d just curled up in bed together.

  “Whatever you think is best,” I agreed.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he called as he made his way to the door. The moment he left the room, I jumped up and started filling the Jacuzzi.

  He didn’t pull away from me, and he kissed the top of my head! Am I rushing things if I get in the tub naked? God, I wish I’d packed sexier underwear. At least my legs are shaved.

  I cleared one of the nightstands and pulled it next to the Jacuzzi. I retrieved the snack bag from the couch, poured fresh coffee into the thermos, and used the nightstand as a table for the makeshift Jacuzzi picnic. I set two fluffy towels on the bed and turned back to the tub.

  Water reached the top of the tallest air jet and I turned off the faucet. I ran back to the living area and searched James’s bag. I found what I was looking for in the front pouch, and tucked the condom between the sheets of the bed. I stripped down to my white bra and panties and lowered myself into the steaming tub. I flipped on the jets as James walked in to the room. He leaned against the half wall, his mouth wide open in surprise.

  I gave him an innocent grin. “You seemed pretty concerned that I stay hydrated,” I explained. “I thought what better way than to bob around in water? You can set the ice bucket on this table over here. I’ve already brought the glasses over.”

  James closed his mouth and nodded. He walked around the Jacuzzi, his eyes on my now see through bra. He sat the bucket down on the nightstand, and then turned away from me and took a seat at the foot of the bed. He clasped his hands in his lap and stared down at the carpet. He didn’t seem upset, but it was clear something was on his mind.

  I’ll just sit here and give him a minute.

  I finished my first cup of coffee and let bubbly water roll across my lower back. After a few minutes of silence, James cleared his throat. He looked up at me with smoldering eyes.

  “Would you like some company in there?” he asked, his voice raspy.

  “I’d love some,” I purred.

  James stood up and turned to face me. We locked eyes as he started unbuttoning his shirt. The corner of his mouth curled up in a sly grin, and I knew he was silently daring me to break eye contact and watch him undress. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, and held my gaze until he climbed into the Jacuzzi. He slid down into the underwater seat across from me. He reached for me and I slid through the water and into his arms.

  “I knew it,” I whispered as James pulled me into his lap. His hard cock pressed in to my leg and I longed to feel it inside me.

  James leaned down and kissed me softly behind the ear. “Knew what?” he whispered back.

  I turned to him and put one hand on the side of his face. I took a deep breath and wished I still had a little more alcohol in my system to boost my courage. James rested his head against the padded edge of the Jacuzzi and teased the curves of my side with gentle fingers.

  “Talk to me, Willow,” he prodded. “What did you know?”

  Just say it… if there was ever a time to be honest, it’s now.

  I looked into James’s soft, curious eyes. “I know… I think that the reason you don’t want our parents to get married…”

  James tensed in my arms and sat up straight. He didn’t push me away, but it was clear that I’d hit a nerve. “Willow, please… you promised we wouldn’t talk about that tonight. Don’t ruin a perfectly good evening.”

  I was hurt by his reluctance to talk to me. I wiggled out of his lap and moved to the other side of the Jacuzzi.

  “You didn’t have to pull away,” he said softly.

  I stared back at him with frustrated eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. “Yes, I did. I don’t care if you want to talk about things or not. I need to ask you a question, and I need you to give me an honest answer.”

  James sighed. “Fine… I can see you’re not going to drop this. Ask away.”

  I moved back to his side of the Jacuzzi and sat down beside him. I took his hand in mine and asked the question that had been nagging my mind. It didn’t come out as graceful as I’d practiced it in my head.

  “Do you want me?” I asked, my words awkward and rushed.

  James let out a snort of amusement and his face relaxed. “That’s what you wanted to ask? You were just in my lap, Willow. I’m sure you could tell for yourself that I want you.” He pulled me back into his lap and kissed my forehead.

  “You had me worried for a second, I thought you were about to get all serious,” he said.

  “I am serious,” I told him and looked him in the eye. “I didn’t mean do you want me right now… I meant do you want to be with me. Do you have feelings for me, James? Is that why you don’t want our parents to get married?”

  James sighed and tensed again. I tried to move away, but he held me in his lap.

  “Willow, please try to understand that nothing about this is simple. I was perfectly happy before you came in to my life. I was free, I had my life on the road… and now, everything is so damn complicated. I have no idea how to explain the way I’ve been feeling.”

  “It’s a simple question, James. Do you have feelings for me or not?” I asked softly. I stared down at the water, not sure I was ready for his answer.

  James placed a hand under my chin and lifted my face to his. “I have so many feelings for you, I can’t think straight,” he confessed. Butterflies churned in my stomach and my heart beat loud in my chest.

  “Do you realize that I haven’t ridden in a rodeo since the night w
e met?” he continued. “I was supposed to leave town again that week… I told everyone that I was staying around to start my new job at the ranch. But really, I just wanted to be near you. You’ve been in my head for a long time, Willow. And the way I want you scares me.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I’d dreamed about this moment, I’d hoped for it, and it was finally happening. I pushed my lips to his and kissed him hungrily. Our tongues danced together and I felt James’s cock spring back to life. I slid two fingers under the waistband of his boxers. He covered my hand with his and pulled it back to the surface of the water.

  “Willow, I need you to understand that I’m still trying to figure out my feelings,” he whispered. “Lord knows that I want you. And I certainly don’t want you to become my step-sister. But I’m not positive I’m ready for all of this. I never thought I’d feel this way about someone… that I’d even think about settling down. I’m not sure what all of this means… I need you to be patient with me.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into his ear. “I can be patient,” I whispered. “Just tell me again that you want me.” I bit down gently on his earlobe and James moaned with pleasure. He squeezed my ass as I moved my legs to straddle him.

  “I want you… I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything.” James reached around me and unfastened my bra. He pulled it down my arms and tossed it to the floor. He sucked my nipples hungrily as I rubbed my pussy against the bulge in his shorts. I lost myself in the sensations of our bodies moving together, and my right knee slipped off the slick Jacuzzi seat.

  “We need to move this to the bed,” he said, catching me just before I dipped under the water. He climbed backwards out of the tub, wiggled out of his boxers, and dabbed his firm, dripping body with a towel. He kept his eyes fixed on me as I joined him next to the bed.

  “Let me,” he said as I reached for the other towel. He took it from the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders. He kissed and licked my neck as he ran the terry cloth across my back.

  “Thank you… for running us a bath,” he said softly, dropping his face to my breasts.


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