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Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance)

Page 41

by Ward, Alice

  He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. “There’s the feisty girl I fell in love with. Are you ready to head down to the lobby? We’re supposed to meet Matt and Lucas at the bar in five minutes.”

  I nodded and grabbed my beaded evening bag. James looked absolutely dashing in a black tuxedo with a cream satin vest and bow tie. He offered me his arm and we made our way to the hotel lobby. Matt and Lucas were already there, waiting at a table with four cocktails.

  “Willow, you look gorgeous,” Matt squealed as we approached the table.

  “You two cleaned up pretty good yourselves,” I smiled back at him as James and I slid into the booth. Matt was wearing a pinstriped tuxedo, while Lucas’s was charcoal. Both wore periwinkle blue ties and vests that complimented their nearly identical eyes.

  “The limo should be here in ten minutes,” Lucas told us as he pushed two drinks to our side of the table. “We thought a nice, stiff drink was in order for all of us.”

  I looked across the table and realized that James and I weren’t the only ones a little nervous about being a couple in public. In Baltimore, Matt and Lucas had acted like nothing more than friends at all of the racing events. I realized that wouldn’t be the case in New York. I downed half of my Manhattan, the whiskey burning my throat as it went down.

  “Are you nervous about what people will say?” Matt asked.

  “A little,” I confessed. “You?”

  “Terrified,” he agreed. He grabbed Lucas’s hand and gave me a determined smile. “But my nerves aren’t going to stop me.”

  “Same here,” James told us. He tossed back his drink and set the empty glass on the table.

  “We should probably head outside to meet the car,” Lucas said. The rest of us finished our cocktails and then we shuffled out to the parking lot. As we’d hoped, the limousine we’d ordered was waiting by the curb. We piled into the backseat and drank our way through a bottle of champagne while the car carried us to Belmont Hall. The alcohol steeled my nerves and when we arrived at the ball, I felt like the heroine of my very own fairytale.

  If other people can’t see the beauty in our story, then fuck them. They don’t matter anyway.

  The driver stopped at the entryway and we shuffled out of the limousine. I looped my arm through James’s and smiled inside when I saw Matt do the same to Lucas. I gave James a quick squeeze and walked into the hall with my head held high.

  “Willow Rogers, I was hoping to see you here.” Daniel Forrest’s voice boomed through the lobby. I turned to see him standing near the hall entrance. I waved at him with one hand and increased my grip on James with the other. He walked towards us and I took a deep breath.

  Here we go, our first revelation. I’m kind of relieved it’s Daniel. He’s always been easy to talk to. I doubt he’ll think we’re perverts.

  “It’s so good to see you, Daniel,” I said as I shook his hand. “Is your family with you tonight, or are you on your own?”

  More specifically, is your slutty daughter Layla here? I’d like to see her try to shove her tits in James’s face again so I can put her in her place.

  “Louisa and Veronica sat this trip out, but Layla’s here. She’s in the hall already. I’m a little disappointed we weren’t seated with you tonight. Boys, it’s nice to see you,” he nodded to James, Matt, and Lucas. He did a double take when he noticed Matt and Lucas were holding each other, but he recovered quickly.

  “I hear Colby Spencer paid you a visit,” Daniel continued. “He seems quite put out that you wouldn’t sell to him. He’s inside too. I got the impression he’s really looking forward to seeing you again,” he said with a suggestive twinkle in his eye.

  “I’m afraid Colby Spencer is wasting his time,” I said slowly. “In regards to his interest in me and my horses.” I tightened my grip on James’s arm and realization spread across Daniel’s face.

  “Oh… I didn’t realize,” he said, his facing turning a light pink. Then his forehead wrinkled and he asked softly, “I thought your parents were involved.”

  “They are,” James replied. “They’re engaged, actually. Willow and I realize that our relationship is a bit… unconventional, but…”

  Daniel interrupted with a wave of his hand. “The heart wants what it wants. No need to explain yourselves to me. In fact, I have a cousin in a similar situation. Her daughter got engaged, and she fell in love with her new son in-law’s father during a family vacation. Believe me, stranger things have happened. Tell me, Willow. How’s your father doing? I was horrified to hear about his heart attack.”

  The back of my eyes burned and I felt the tension leave my body as I realized how easily Daniel accepted us and changed the conversation. We spoke with Daniel for a few more minutes and then stepped into the hall to find our table.

  I’d soon find out that not everyone was so understanding.

  I was relieved to learn we’d been seated with a group of tourists from California. Dinner was easy and enjoyable, since our fellow diners knew nothing of our strange family situation. We ate and drank a few too many cocktails while laughing with our new friends. That all changed when the dessert plates were cleared and the eighties cover band took to the stage.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to find Colby Spencer standing behind me. James clenched his jaw and stared daggers at Colby’s hand, still resting on my shoulder. I shrugged away from him as he spoke.

  “Willow, I’m so happy you came. This must be the group of friends you were talking about. Hello, I’m Colby Spencer,” he said to the guys.

  I introduced everyone; Matt and Lucas both replied with polite nods, but James narrowed his eyes and frowned. Colby ignored him and turned back to me.

  “I wish you’d have accepted my offer. There’s plenty of room at the house for all of you. And seriously, who turns down a vacation in the Hamptons?”

  James balled his hands into fists and I knew I had to shut Colby up before he made things worse. I put an arm around James as I spoke.

  “We appreciate the offer, but we’re all trying to squeeze in as much romance as possible between the racing events.”

  “Oh… I didn’t realize…” Colby stammered. He blushed for a moment and then his eyes narrowed. “James Parker, you said? Isn’t your father marrying a woman named Parker?”

  “Yes,” I replied, my voice clear and strong. “Daddy’s engaged to Renee, James’s mother.”

  “So… your parents are getting married and the two of you are dating? Isn’t that… unnecessarily awkward? I mean, I know Durango is a small town. But surely you have more options than your brother,” Colby insisted with a pout. He was reacting the exact same way he had when I refused to sell him one of my horses.

  Our new friends from California looked shocked and started whispering among themselves. I didn’t care what any of them thought and I had no problem telling them so.

  “Not that I have any obligation to justify myself to you, but our parents’ marriage doesn’t make us related,” I said, trying to keep my voice as even as possible. On the plane ride to New York, James and I had agreed to remain calm and polite, regardless of other people’s reactions to us. We knew we’d have to defend ourselves, but we also knew that hostility wouldn’t win anyone’s understanding.

  James took my hand and looked up at Colby. “I think you know firsthand that Willow has plenty of options. She chose me.”

  Colby blushed again and then recovered with an exaggerated smile. “Yes, of course. I apologize… I guess you caught me off guard. Good luck tomorrow, Willow. Enjoy your evening.” He backed away from the table and escaped to the bar.

  “That wasn’t so bad,” Matt laughed. “In fact, it was kind of fun to watch him squirm.”

  “Anyone want to bet on how long it takes the news to spread through this room?” Lucas asked, nodding towards the bar. Colby was surrounded by a group of people who seemed to be hanging on to his every word. When their eyes collectively widened and several mouths dropped open, I knew he was talking
about me and James.

  “Oh well.” I shrugged. I took a long sip of my champagne and returned the empty glass to the table. “I think it’s better this way. Everyone will know without me having to spout the same explanation over and over. Let them talk. I want to dance.” I rose from my seat, pulling James up with me.

  “What my baby wants, my baby gets,” he said with a wide grin. He put his hand on the small of my back and led me out onto the dance floor just as the final chord of Walk this Way echoed through the room. The band launched into one of the decade’s most popular hair ballads and James pulled me into his arms.

  “You are an amazing woman to witness in action, Willow,” James whispered into my ear. “The way you kept your cool and stood up for us. It was inspiring.”

  “Oh yeah,” I grinned into his neck as he moved me around the floor. “Inspiring how?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he whispered, his voice rough and seductive. “I’ll demonstrate the moment I get you alone.”

  He swayed me towards the edge of the dance floor, turned his back to the crowd, and slid his hands down to my ass. He pulled them away just as quickly as we turned with the music.

  “Was that a preview?” I laughed, but shivered in anticipation.

  “Something like that,” he agreed with a grin.

  It feels so amazing to finally be able to show my love for this man. I don’t care if Mondo wins or loses tomorrow. This will still be one of the best weekends of my life.

  I stood on my tip toes, cradled James’s face in my hands, and pulled his lips to mine.

  “Oh my God! It’s true?” I heard a woman gasp as our tongues met. I dropped my hands and backed away from James, turning to the sound of the voice. My eyes fell on Layla Forrest. She stood a few feet behind me, her hands on her hips and her face indignant.

  James wrapped an arm around my shoulders and greeted her with a smile. “Layla, it’s so nice to see you again. Yes, it’s true. Willow and I are very much in love with each other.”

  She rolled her eyes at us. “You know that’s sick, right?”

  James gave her a puzzled look, as if the thought had never crossed his mind. “I certainly don’t understand how. It’s certainly a coincidence that our parents feel the same way about each other. But I don’t see anything sick, per se.” He gave her a challenging look and she took a few steps back.

  “But it’s… you could have,” she stammered.

  “I already have exactly what I want,” he interrupted her with a reassuring tone. “Let’s talk about you, Layla. Are you seeing anyone special? If not, there’s a great guy I’d love to introduce you to. You’re familiar with the Spencers, aren’t you? I think you and Colby might really hit it off.”

  As James spoke, he moved away from me and put a friendly hand on Layla’s shoulder. Confusion was etched on her face, but she let James lead her towards the Spencer’s table. He gave me a playful wink over his shoulder and I burst into laughter right there on the dance floor.


  We arrived back at our hotel at one o’clock in the morning. I held James’s arm as the doorman ushered us into the lobby. As we neared the elevator, James pulled away from me.

  “Lucas and I need to check on something,” he explained. “Why don’t you two head upstairs? We’ll be up in a few minutes.”

  What could they possibly need to check on at one o’clock in the morning?

  I was dying to get James upstairs and didn’t understand what was so important that he was making me wait.

  “What could you possibly need to deal with right now?” Matt asked, echoing my confusion.

  “It’s a surprise,” Lucas replied with a sly smile. “And I don’t want to ruin it.”

  I looked at James with a cocked eyebrow and suspicious grin. “A surprise, huh?”

  He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. “Yes, a surprise. And we’ve put a lot of thought into it. Indulge us.”

  Matt took me by the arm and pulled me towards the elevator. “Come on, Willow. If they want to give us some fantastic surprise, who are we to stand in the way?” he asked, his voice giddy with anticipation. He had a point.

  I turned back to James with sultry eyes. “Don’t be long.”

  He winked at me just as the elevator doors opened. “We’ll be right up.”

  Matt pulled me into the elevator and pushed the button for the eleventh floor. He kept his cool until the doors closed and then let out a shrill squeal. “Oh my God, this has been the most amazing night already! What do you think they’re up to now?”

  “I have no idea,” I confessed with a grin. “But you’re right. This has been an amazing night. I’m proud of you, Matt, for finally being yourself around people.”

  He blushed and put his arm around me. “I’m proud of you too, Willow,” he said as the elevator opened again. “Are you as happy as you seem?” he asked as we turned towards our suites. “I know there are a few things still up in the air… like Katelyn.”

  I bristled at the sound of her name. “Did you have to bring her up tonight?” I slid my keycard into the door and pushed my way into the suite.

  “I’m sorry,” Matt said, his voice genuine. “It’s just, you haven’t brought her up at all. And that’s worrying me. I know it has to be nagging at you. You don’t have to handle it alone.”

  I collapsed onto the couch with a sigh. He sat down beside me as I tried to explain myself. “That’s just it, Matt. I don’t want to handle it at all, not right now. I’m happy. After months of feeling guilty, and terrified, and hopeless, I’m finally happy. I just want to enjoy that. If there’s one thing that I’m sure of, it’s that James and I will survive any struggles that come our way.”

  Matt put an arm around me and kissed me on the forehead. “You’ve just reminded me once again that you’re stronger than I give you credit for. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured him as I rose to my feet. “But I’m kicking you out now. I have a little surprise of my own that I’d like to slip into before James gets back.”

  He gave me a sly grin as he stood and moved for the door. “Have a good time. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he teased as he opened the door.

  “Right back at ya,” I called as he stepped into the hall. The door swung shut and I raced to the bedroom. I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it into the en suite bath. I locked myself in and unzipped my bag.

  Near the bottom, I found my red lace lingerie. I unzipped my gown and let it fall to the floor. I stepped out of it, kicking off my black stiletto heels. I sat on the edge of the tub and pulled on a pair of red nylon thigh highs before pulling the lace negligee over my head. I was already wearing the lace thong that had come with the set.

  I studied myself in the mirror, adjusted my breasts in the see through top, and swiped on a coat of bright red lip stick. I slipped back into my stilettos and crept back to the bedroom.

  James and I hadn’t made love since the night before Renee caught us together and I was hungry for his touch. I heard the key reader beep and the suite door open as I propped myself up against the headboard.


  “In here,” I called back to James.

  His mouth fell open as he stepped into the room.

  “What took you so long?” I asked, my mouth curving into a daring grin.

  He closed his mouth and swallowed, holding out a white envelope. “This… though now I’m almost embarrassed. Your surprise definitely trumps mine.” He tossed the envelope to the foot of the mattress and crawled on top of me. His hands stroked my silky nylon covered legs as his lips teased mine.

  “You look incredible,” he whispered, our mouths touching. I writhed beneath him as he moved one hand up my leg and teased my clit through my lace panties. “And this feels amazing,” he added, stroking the nylon thigh-high. “Does this?” He slipped his hand under the wet fabric and plunged two fingers inside me.

  “Yes,” I gasped, grinding into his touch. He leane
d forward and planted a soft kiss behind my ear.

  “Lay down, baby,” he breathed into my ear. I slid down the headboard, resting my head on a pillow. James grabbed me by the hips and pulled me to the middle of the mattress. He knelt between my legs, stroking them with light, teasing touches, and then reached up and slipped off my thong.

  “I’ve been waiting for this,” he said as he crawled on top of me. He showered my neck with light, teasing kisses before making his way to my lips. I kissed him gently and he pulled away again, moving back to my neck. “I’ve been waiting for the day I could make love to you without worrying that it might be the last time.”

  “I’m sor…” I started to apologize but James pressed a finger to my lips.

  “Don’t, Willow. Don’t say you’re sorry. It’s all in the past now. All I want to think about is the future.” He slid the straps of my negligee over my shoulders, freeing my breasts. He lowered his head to my nipples as his fingers once again danced over my sweet spot.

  “Oh James,” I moaned as he slipped a single, teasing finger inside me. “Please, I need you.” I let out a gasp as he pushed two more fingers inside. “Please,” I moaned again.

  James rolled off me abruptly and fumbled in his duffle bag. My body was charged with anticipation and desire as I watched him unwrap the condom and roll it down his shaft. I sat up and pulled him back on top of me as he crawled across the mattress. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hips moving wildly and instinctively, my throbbing pussy aching to be filled. James reached between our bodies and guided his thick, pulsing cock into my eager entrance.

  He pushed in slowly, sliding one hand up the back of my leg and pushing my knee to my shoulder. With my calf resting against his neck, he drove into me deeper with every thrust. His cock sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body as it pounded into the deepest part of me and I instinctively wanted to wrap my legs around him. The fact that I couldn’t just made the sensations all the more powerful. I reached between our bodies and fingered my clit, pushing myself closer to the edge.


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