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Amelia Elias - [Guardian's League 02] - Outcast

Page 28

by Outcast (lit)

She moaned, wrapping her legs around him as sheer erotic fire blazed through her. Her fangs lengthened as her mouth caressed his shoulder but she deliberately prolonged the moment, feeling him throbbing inside her as she ran her tongue over his skin.

  Please, baby, his desperate murmur echoed in her mind.

  She scraped his skin with her fangs, nipping him without drawing blood. His groan sounded torn from his soul and he thrust faster, driving her higher and higher until she could no longer resist the siren song of his pulse beneath her lips. Their cries of ecstasy mingled as her fangs pierced his skin.

  It was beyond anything she had ever imagined, beyond even the other exchanges. Their minds merged seamlessly. She felt the slick tightness of her body around him as he took her, felt the sharp sting of her fingernails digging into his back as she came again. Every emotion that had flooded her mind earlier returned but a thousand times stronger, overwhelming, driving every thought from her head. For an instant, they were one being, bound in body and blood and heart and soul, and she felt his wonder and awe merge with her own even as rapture claimed them both.

  “Sweet Luna,” Eli breathed long minutes after it was over when he had breath to speak again. He buried his face in her hair, his entire body shaking. “I had no idea.”

  She smiled against his shoulder, every cell quivering with the aftermath of this incredible pleasure. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined such an experience. “Is it done?” she whispered, but in her heart she already knew. It was impossible to share such a thing and not be changed forever.

  He held her tight against him and laughed with pure joy. “Yes, it’s done. You’re mine, and I’m yours.” He caught her left hand and lifted it to his mouth, kissing every line of the dark band now encircling her wrist.

  Shivers ran through her body and pooled low in her belly as Renee looked at the new mark on her arm. Elegant, intricate spirals and swirls encircled her arm a couple of inches above her wrist. She turned it slowly to find a stylized sun and moon entwined on her inner arm. She smiled, knowing only the two of them would ever know what that symbol truly meant. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured, unable to tear her gaze from it.

  He smiled and kissed her softly. “You’re beautiful.”

  She took his arm and traced the matching mark on his skin with a gentle fingertip. His mouth slipped down her throat, sending a shiver through her as his free hand caressed her skin gently. She laughed a little breathlessly even as her body kindled again. “And you said I was insatiable,” she teased. “You can’t seriously want more!”

  He laughed against her skin and pulled his left hand from her grasp to cup her breast. “I am going to make love to you all night,” he said, his voice rumbling through her entire body. He raised his head and gave her that sexy grin she adored. “Over and over until we both collapse from exhaustion, and a few more times afterward. Brace yourself, baby, because I haven’t even gotten started yet.”

  She bit her lip as heat spread through her again but she couldn’t stop herself from grinning back at him. “We will have to leave the bed at some point, you know,” she pointed out even as she ran her toes up the back of his calf. “Or are you planning on never feeding again?”

  His kiss was pure seduction. When he pulled away to nibble at her ear she moaned in protest. “That’s the best part about ambrosia. We won’t need to feed again for days, and even then I may never let you leave the bed ever again.”

  She laughed despite the thrill his words sent down her spine. “And just how will I feed then?” she teased. “Because I have to tell you, bagged blood is out. That stuff is nasty.”

  His mouth was pure magic on her skin, distracting her utterly. “I’ll feed you myself, love. You can’t turn without killing and you can’t kill me. And you certainly won’t be going out hunting. I can’t imagine allowing you to put yourself in danger ever again.”

  Renee’s eyebrows shot up and she pulled back to gape at him in astonishment. “Excuse me?” she sputtered in outrage, shock cooling her desire. “Where did all these rules come from? And what’s this allow business?”

  He flashed his sexy smile again, clearly hoping to get himself out of trouble. She raised an eyebrow and he sighed, knowing it hadn’t worked. “Can I pull rank on you?” he asked, eyes twinkling with humor. “The decrees of the gods are supposed to be obeyed, you know.”

  She couldn’t help laughing at his hopeful tone but shook her head. “You try to pull rank, mister, and see where it gets you,” she threatened. “And I’m warning you right now, decrees are completely out of the question. Gods can still sleep on the couch.”

  Eli rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t think I could stand it if you were hurt again,” he admitted, all teasing gone from his voice. “You have taught me the meaning of terror, little one. I have to keep you safe.”

  She stroked his back, hearing the fear in his voice as he remembered how close she had come to dying. “I have a suggestion. Instead of trying to keep me away from everyone and everything—which is not going to happen—why not teach me to hunt the Outcasts, too? I’ll help you. I can join your League and—”

  “Absolutely not!”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “You’re doing it again. That was definitely a decree. I thought I told you about decrees.”

  Eli closed his eyes and tightened his arms around her. “You’re killing me, baby,” he groaned. “I don’t think I’m capable of letting you go anywhere near an Outcast ever again. The mere thought is enough to give me gray hair.”

  She laughed and tugged at his silver locks. “Hate to break it to you, but someone already beat me to it.”

  He rolled onto his back and draped her across his body. She crossed her forearms on his chest and brushed her lips across his, but his eyes were still dark with worry when she pulled away. “It wouldn’t help me to have you hunting the Outcasts with me,” Eli told her, his voice very serious. “I know you think it would, but I would be thinking of your safety instead of the battle. My attention would be divided and that would be dangerous to both of us. Please don’t ask this of me. I would give you anything, but I can’t put you in danger.” His palm caressed her cheek. “I can’t,” he whispered. “You have no idea what it would do to me to lose you, Renee. You have to be safe.”

  Renee blinked rapidly to hide the sudden burning of her eyes. “And how do you think I’ll feel knowing you’re out there fighting alone?”

  He traced her lips with a fingertip. “You have no need to worry for me, love. I can’t die. You know it’s true. Nothing anyone in this world can do to me would kill me. I will always come home to you.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “Your immortality is just a shadow of mine,” he whispered in her ear. “You almost died tonight. You will never age, and you will heal quickly, but you can die, and I would be unable to follow you.”

  She sighed and rested her cheek over his heart, listening to it pounding out a rapid rhythm which spoke of his fears far more eloquently than any words. His concern for her warmed her all the way to her soul. She kissed his skin lightly. “All right, Eli,” she murmured, snuggling against him. “I have no problem with the idea of never feeding from anyone besides you and I won’t ask you to let me fight with you. But I won’t be locked indoors like some concubine in a harem either.”

  His unexpected laughter warmed the room, easing the tension. “You are not a concubine, Renee, you are my bondmate. And I shudder to think what you would do to me should I ever use the term ‘harem’ in your presence!”

  She raised her head to grin at him, embracing the lighter mood. “You should shudder,” she agreed. “I’m sure I could find some way to murder you should the thought even cross your mind.”

  He groaned. “So it’s true. No sooner does a man take a wife than she starts plotting his demise. I’ve heard it, but I never believed it until now.”

  Renee gasped in outrage and punched his shoulder, but her laughter betrayed her. “You know, I’m not your
wife until you marry me. Are you proposing?”

  He rolled suddenly and she yelped in surprise to find him suddenly looming over her. “I just married you, you silly woman. You are most definitely my wife. What do you think bonding is?”

  She bit her lip and pretended to consider his words. Then she grinned up at him mischievously. “Well, as I think about it, I notice some distinct advantages to this form of marriage,” she told him. “This way, I never had to promise to ‘honor and obey’ you. Yes, this is definitely a good system. Did you come up with it all by yourself?”

  He groaned again. “You call that an advantage? There’s no way I would have invented such a thing. I think it’s a definite drawback.” He nibbled at her lips. “Especially since you won’t let me issue decrees,” he added.

  She laughed and buried her fingers in his hair. “Poor baby,” she murmured, not sounding the least bit sympathetic, before leaning up to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.

  His response was instantaneous as he quickly took control of the kiss, stealing her breath and replacing it with his own. She rubbed against him like a cat begging for caresses and he was more than happy to oblige. “Your prohibition on decrees didn’t extend to the one where I keep you in bed all night making love to you, did it?” he asked, pulling back to grin down at her, his eyes flashing with desire.

  She tightened her arms around him and pulled him back to her. “I’ll let that one slide. But don’t let it go to your head.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Caen moved through the night, following the blood trail across the city as his mind worked rapidly.

  This opportunity was far too good to pass up.

  He smiled to himself as he turned a corner and found another scattered spray of droplets. He couldn’t have made this turn out better had he tried. This fledgling he’d created out of desperation was proving more useful with every passing night.

  He’d been hunting, seeking another human to drain as the afternoon light started to sting, when he’d found the evidence of the battle his fledgling had fought and lost. The blood was at least twelve hours old now but Caen’s senses were sharp and he had no trouble deciphering the new gift the fledgling had offered him.

  The Slayer’s claim shimmered in her blood, a bond begun but not completed. Caen’s smile broadened. What a wonderful weakness!

  He came to the demolished building at sunset and cautiously approached. He hadn’t lived this long by being rash. When he glanced through the sign-covered fence, he frowned in confusion at the sight that met his eyes. Four slain Outcasts lay scattered on the ground—men Caen knew, men who were no strangers to battle. Even as he watched they were decaying to nothing as the sunlight shifted, moving them out of the shadows which had apparently shielded their bodies all day. Two smears of ash darkened the ground nearby. The Slayer stood out in the open, pressed against a wall, unmoving despite the last rays of sunlight falling directly on him.

  This made no sense. Outcasts burning in the sun and a Slayer enduring it unharmed?

  Then he dismissed the question. It didn’t matter to him how the Slayer had accomplished his feat or what had happened to the others. All that mattered now was the opportunity. He fingered the crossbow he’d selected for the night’s games and smiled again. He wouldn’t even have to get close to finish this. The Slayer’s pain and desperate hunger filled the air like a sweet perfume and Caen took a moment to savor his enemy’s suffering as the sun dipped below the horizon. He might not even have to use the fledgling.

  He raised the crossbow and sighted carefully down it.

  Suddenly the Slayer moved. Caen froze, standing motionless in the shadows as he heard the fledgling’s voice urging the Slayer to feed. Caen frowned. This wasn’t what he wanted at all. He wanted the Slayer weak and helpless when he died, not filled with new strength. He’d battled this one enough to know how dangerous he was. He raised the crossbow but again he hesitated.

  Wouldn’t it be even sweeter to kill the Slayer when he was at full strength? There was no way the Slayer could react quickly enough to reach him before he fired no matter how good he was. Caen smiled and lowered the crossbow slightly. Yes, let the Slayer feed and renew himself. Then he would feel the full measure of his defeat as he died.

  Caen watched as the Slayer fed voraciously and his glee grew by the second. Even from this distance, Caen felt the fledgling’s weakness, but the fool wasn’t stopping. He saw her caress the Slayer’s hair as he drained her mercilessly. Caen could hardly keep from laughing out loud when he fell to his knees with her, taking still more and not even seeming to notice when she passed out from blood loss. He was glad he hadn’t used the crossbow when he’d had the chance as he watched the Slayer brutally attack his own mate. Oh, yes, this was too good to miss. It wasn’t every night he got to watch a Slayer destroy himself!

  At the last possible instant, the Slayer broke away. Caen’s grin broadened as he watched the Slayer’s horror at what he had done to his woman. Not so self-righteous now, are you? he thought. You’re merely another killer now, just like the rest of us. A sudden vicious thunderstorm shattered the night but Caen didn’t move, savoring every instant of this triumph over his persistent hunter.

  The storm abruptly died. Caen cursed as he felt the faint pulse of life from the fledgling. It would’ve been marvelous indeed to witness the Slayer’s complete and utter downfall, but at least she wouldn’t last the night.

  The Slayer’s desperation reached him in waves of emotion, sweet in its own right. Caen raised the crossbow for the last time as the Slayer slashed his own throat, desperately trying to revive the dying woman in his arms, and he gloried in the other man’s grief.

  Before he fired the bolt, though, there was a sudden scream of tires. Instinctively Caen ducked down, plastering himself to the ground and wishing he’d taken the time to find a more concealed spot. A car and a motorcycle roared past him and plowed through the fence not four yards from where he lay.

  Caen snarled another curse as two other Slayers ran into the shadows. He’d missed his chance. He couldn’t hope to take out all three of them, not even with the crossbow and the element of surprise on his side. If he tried to kill the Slayer now he would guarantee his own death tonight.

  There will be other chances, he consoled himself as he melted into the shadows. They will save the fledgling, and I will use her again.

  Yes, his time would come. Caen smiled again as he ran down the side street away from the Slayer and his own unexpectedly useful fledgling. This Slayer was powerful, but he had finally revealed a weakness.

  And she was a weakness Caen owned. He fully intended to take advantage of it.

  * * *

  The ringing of a cell phone jolted Renee out of a dead sleep.

  Renee yawned and blinked, looking around the room in confusion before tracking the ringing to its source. She dug the phone out of the pocket of Eli’s discarded jeans and flipped it open. “Hello?”

  “Hey, girl, I didn’t expect you to answer but it saves me the trouble of asking for you. How are you feeling?”


  She laughed. “Yes, it’s Sian. How many women do you think have access to Eli’s cell phone number?”

  Renee glanced back at the bed where Eli still slept and she smiled a little at the sight of his gorgeous body relaxed in slumber, wearing nothing more than the dark bondmark on his arm. “You’d better be the only one or he’s got some major explaining to do,” she replied softly as she quietly left the bedroom, not wanting to disturb him.

  Sian sighed in unmistakable relief. “So everything worked out all right with you two?”

  The question surprised her. “Better than all right. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  There was a brief silence. “Never mind,” Sian replied at last. “Look, I was calling to invite you on a shopping trip. Diego hates going with me but I stink at shopping and I have to get an extra opinion before I can buy anything. Do you think Eli will let you out of his sight for an

  Renee thought about it as she walked down the hall to her old bedroom to grab a set of clothes. She bit her lip, her independent nature warring with the fear she’d seen in Eli’s eyes at the thought of her being in danger again. She didn’t want him to worry.

  Still, how much danger could there possibly be in a shopping trip? Surely he wouldn’t have a problem with that. “When and where do you want to meet up?”

  “Don’t you want to make sure Eli’s cool with it first?”

  Renee made a face at the phone. “Eli isn’t my keeper, Sian.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way, although Diego would love it if I would ask permission from him whenever I decide to do something. I just meant—well, these guys can get a little paranoid, and you were pretty bad off last night. We honestly didn’t think you were going to make it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Eli’s super-protective right now.”

  She laughed, remembering how he’d wanted to confine her to the bed for the rest of eternity. “Yeah, that’s the understatement of the century, but I’m sure he won’t have a problem with me going shopping. Now, where do you want to meet up?”

  “How about you meet me over here in an hour? I promise to keep Diego in line,” she added when Renee hesitated.

  “Deal,” Renee agreed before hanging up.

  Half an hour later she was showered, dressed, and ready to go. She slipped back into Eli’s room and found him still sleeping. She sat on the edge of the bed and kissed him softly. “Wake up, sleepy head,” she murmured.

  He didn’t move. Renee smiled and brushed his hair back from his forehead. “Come on, Eli, rise and shine,” she tried again, but he slept on, oblivious.

  She sighed. She didn’t want him to wake up and find her gone without a word but she knew how tired he must be after all they had been through. He deserved a chance to rest, especially following the incredible night they’d just shared. He hadn’t been lying when he told her he’d intended to make love to her all night. Renee shivered at the memory as she went to the den and found a pen and paper, quickly scratching out a note before returning to the bedroom.


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