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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 8

by Andrew Wood

  Ramon gestured for another group of his men to dismount, "Form a defensive line," he shouted, as the second wave of cavalry charged the enemy. The Bosarian ranks were breaking, as the third wave of cavalry smashed further into them, before they swung around to regroup for another charge. Two solid lines of infantry, although not as many as he wished quickly formed, with the archers at his disposal taking up positions behind them. As soon as the last cavalryman had swung aside, Ramon signalled for his bowmen to open fire, attempting to make the most of the opportunity he had. With the enemy running about trying to reorganise he realised his success might be a short lived one. He noticed hundreds of fur-clad tribesman gathered off to his far right, some of whom stood out above the others atop massive beasts. "Caruc..." he uttered to himself.

  Ramon had seen the destructive power of the beasts in the previous war, and knew only too well that his infantry shield wall would prove little more than a minor hindrance should they attack his way. He turned to his left in an attempt to see if he could see any sign of Darion or the three youngsters, wishing he had kept them at his side just in case. Danton saw him looking, "I'll ready our magicians, perhaps we can strike them a blow before they reach us," he said more in hope than any real conviction.

  With the Kothian cavalry having run amok amongst the Bosarian infantry, the three waves headed back towards the man leading them. Their surprise and swift attack had dealt the enemy a severe blow, that much was plain to see, but the captain of them was also aware they should not stray too far from the main bulk of soldiers. As a result, he gestured for all three waves to make one final surge through the enemy and return to where Ramon was attempting to make a stand.

  Oran watched on as his own forces made an appearance through the outer gates before having an immediate impact on the pursuing battle. He felt a certain pride and relief as he watched his own cavalry smash into the enemy rear lines, causing them to disperse and break rank. With the enemy on both sides appearing void of ideas, he at last thought the tide of battle could be turning.

  Mikel, Zack and Maxim dismounted and stood between two houses, out of sight from the enemy amassed around the inner wall. Shadow crept up alongside them, as if wanting to look for himself, before sloping back into the gloom of the alleyway. "What the bloody hell are they?" Mikel said pointing a little further away at the massive Caruc. Neither Maxim nor Zack knew, but whatever they were, it was clear you would not want to get in the way of one.

  "I think we need to deal with those," Zack suggested pointing to the mountain tribes and the Caruc. "You think you have anything left?" he added looking to Maxim. His friend merely shrugged, "Not a lot Zack, but as long as you can get me back to safety I'll give it a go." Zack nodded, knowing he was asking his friend to expel what little energy he had left in reserve. Once used, Maxim would be out of the battle, and probably need carrying back to the others.

  Mikel instructed Shadow to keep watch on their rear; the last thing they needed was some sneaky enemy soldier creeping around behind them catching them by surprise. Zack patted Maxim on the shoulder, leaving his hand there a little while longer, casting him a warm smile. Maxim took a deep breath, knowing he would probably be best using some sort of fire attack, being, as it appeared to cause him less problems afterward. He went to cast his magic, before indicating to the others that they would probably be better if they could move position, so they were closer to the mountain tribesman.

  Neither Zack nor Mikel argued, and along with Shadow, the trio slipped between buildings, trying to remain from view of the enemy. Once satisfied he was in as good a position as he was going to find, Maxim readied himself. He felt his power flow through his body, as at first a small line of flame appeared across the ground ahead of them. Within a few seconds, that line had become a wall some fifteen feet high and thirty feet long. Maxim knew he could not hold that sort of spell for long, and so pushed with every last ounce his body could give him. The wall of fire rushed forward towards the unsuspecting tribes, engulfing those unfortunate enough to be in its path.

  The cries and screams of men and beasts caught in the flames filled the air, as the wall of fire suddenly ceased. Maxim felt Zack place his arms around him, which he was thankful for or else he felt he might just tumble over. With legs of jelly, Maxim felt absolute fatigue take hold of him, and thought for a moment he would pass out. Mikel added his greater strength in supporting him up, as the friends retreated back into the shadows of the alleys.

  Hadan sat atop his Caruc witnessing something that horrified him to the core. One of the other tribes was subjected to a mass of fire, conjured up he assumed by one of the Pitford magicians. What he was forced to see and hear would remain with him for the rest of his days. The stench of burning flesh and the cries of men slowly being burnt to death was not a sight he ever wished to see again. He reached down for the bone horn hanging down at his waist, before placing it to his lips and giving it several short blasts. His tribe, or what was left of it, was going to retreat. Without further ado, he turned his Caruc about and headed for the breach he had help create in the outer wall. His men, both those on foot and those afforded the beasts to ride, followed him without question.

  With one tribe withdrawing from the battlefield, it did not take long for another to follow suit. Within just a few minutes, the enemy force attempting to break the inner wall had halved in size. The Bosarians amongst them continued their tactic of trying to teleport soldiers up to the top of the wall, and gained a small foothold. This was mainly due to a magician holding a shield over them, repelling any Kothian attempt at removing them.

  From his position on the ground below, Ramon noticed this man, and knew this was something he could deal with. Without giving it further thought he grabbed one of the magicians beside him, "Can you teleport me up there," he asked, pointing to where the Kothians were attempting to hold back the growing foothold of Bosarians. The man nodded, and before Ramon could say another word, he was whisked in to the midst of an on-going skirmish. As the Kothian archers fired arrows, they merely bounced aside, and Ramon noticed the man smirking from inside his barrier. His mirth was short-lived as the Seer waved a hand, nullifying the man's magical ability. The next arrow sent, flew straight at him, striking him clean in the chest, "Not laughing now are you?" Ramon shouted aloud. After quickly asking his magician to teleport him back down again, as the Kothians holding the wall charged at those attackers atop of it, and without a magical shield to stop them quickly regained control.

  Maxim was half carried, half dragged back towards the part of the town being held by Ramon and his infantry, as Mikel and Zack tired from doing so. "Bloody hell Maxim you're much heavier than you look," Mikel quipped.

  "I thought Zack might have teleported me back," Maxim replied looking up at his friend through weary looking eyes.

  Mikel turned to Zack and gave him a stern look. Zack gave a wry smile, "Sorry...I thought you wanted to carry him," he replied. Mikel rolled his eyes back, and despite everything that was going on around them started laughing.

  Oran spotted his nephew amongst the other magicians with Ramon, and was pleased to see the last of the mountain tribesmen scampering over the rubble of the outer wall. The remaining Bosarians were also now finally dispersing, and he watched on as Ramon seemed to be allowing them to make their way unhindered towards the main gates. He puffed out his cheeks, and turned to see Katria step up beside him, "I think we have done it," he said, sounding as much surprised as he did relieved. Katria turned to reply and stood in shock, as she watched the bolt of an enemy crossbow thump into Oran's chest. She looked into her king's eyes and could do nothing to stop the man slumping to the ground.

  Katria called out for help, which quickly arrived in the form of two soldiers standing no more than a few yards away. "Quickly...we need a healer," she shouted in panic. How could this happen now, after all they had been through. The battle was all but over, Oran had held firm and defeated the enemy, only to be hit by a stray bolt. Katria watched on as the
body of the king was carried down to the keep yard, where a healer was rushing through the small crowd gathering. Even though the healer had not yet looked at the King, Katria knew it was not going to be good news.

  Chapter 11.

  With the last of the enemy either having fled or vanquished, Ramon and the others made their way through the opened gates of the inner wall. Those soldiers on foot, following behind from Denley were making their way up the road toward the main gates. The bodies of the enemy dead were starting to be piled up ready for burning, whilst those from Kothia were placed on carts ready for burial.

  Ramon was greeted by a tearful looking Katria, who took him by the arm to pull him to one side, "Oran has fallen," she said clearly still shocked. Ramon felt numb as the words hit him, "He's dead?" he asked just to confirm he had heard and understood correctly. Katria nodded sadly, and Ramon felt the hurt of losing a good friend, a man he respected and a man that had done so much for people like him. "I should be the one to tell Tiana and the children," he said softly, not really looking forward to the task ahead.

  Zack and Mikel helped Maxim back to their old room, when the knock came at the door. A tearful looking Ramon stood at the door, "I need you to come with me please Zack. Your uncle has fallen and Tiana is understandably not taking it well, as the closest family member, I need you to explain to Anden what will be needed from him." Zack was not sure what to say, news his uncle was dead was a shock, and Ramon was already lining Anden up to take the throne.

  Ramon must have sensed Zack's thoughts, "I know you may think I am being a little heartless Zack, but Anden needs to take his father's place as soon as possible. If the nation remains leaderless, what little cohesion we have left will fall apart." Zack nodded, he knew exactly what Ramon meant, yes, they had won a great victory, but that did not mean the fighting was over. The nation was still divided with itself, and without a king, the government would be the only leadership for the people to chose. Anden though was still a child, and although he was next in line, Zack was unsure as to whether people would follow a boy they barely knew. Despite all his reservations, he knew what he needed to do, and why Ramon wanted him to do it.

  Zack turned to his friends, before relaying the news Ramon had just given him. Naturally, both Mikel and Maxim were both as shocked as he was, the latter of whom tried to get up, "I'll be fine Max...I need to go see Anden, I'll be back in a while, you should rest," he added before slowly turning for the door.

  News that the king had fallen, spread quickly around Pitford, and although the people returning to their homes had been saved, they felt little reason to be jubilant. Not only had they lost their king, but also many of their friends and neighbours. The Kothians may have had their victory, but it had not come without a heavy price in lives.

  The clean up needed to start almost immediately, and although many of the homes between the inner and outer walls had gone undamaged, there had been a number that had; mindlessly torched for no reason other than to cause damage. As well as the hundreds of bodies that were being removed, some of them little more than blackened carcases courtesy of Maxim, there were also the large breeches in the outer wall to repair. The enemy were still out there, and in large numbers, so many of the soldiers and guards would have little time to rest, before returning to their usual duties.

  As the magicians all returned to the rooms they had called home since their arrival at Pitford, it soon became apparent just how many young lives had been lost. Where once there had been two or three young magicians to some rooms, there were now some bereft of any students at all. The small haven Ramon had created for them had ultimately achieved its goal, and although Kothia still remained undefeated, its very existence hung in the balance. For them to continue their fight they needed a leader to unite the people, and with Oran now gone, it would be left to his thirteen-year-old son to do just that.

  By evening, Pitford was once more as secure as it could be, with the breeches temporarily filled with piles of rubble, and the walls patrolled by the tired over worked soldiers. Several large fires burned outside the outer wall, as the bodies of the enemy were unceremoniously piled high and set alight, the flames crackling and dancing high into the night sky.

  Connor was reunited with Maxim, and although the young elementalist had absolutely no idea what he was going to do with his new friend, it was his responsibility to look after him for now. Mikel was similarly lumbered with Tia, and Melia was left with Samuel, after Ramon had told them in no uncertain terms, he had far too much to do without worrying about Bosarian refugees. As a result, Melia at least was given a now vacant room next to the boys, so Samuel and Tia could be close together.

  Zack had spent much of the afternoon and evening with his aunt and cousins, mainly in part with Anden. Ramon had tasked him with the job of explaining to the young prince what would now be expected of him. Tiana, his aunt had become so upset the healers had been forced to sedate her, and as such, she was now resting. The young princess Frena was clearly confused as to what had and was still going on. The death of her father had been explained as best they could to her, and although she had wept a flood of tears at the news, Zack was uncertain that she was fully aware her father was never coming back.

  Anden had kept a brave face, and although there had been a few tears, the boy, only a few years younger than Zack, had remained calm. Ramon's instructions, although might have sounded uncaring, were to make sure the prince understood what was expected of him. A new king would have to crowned and in power within the next few days, and Anden needed to be ready. Despite the prince being bought up on the understanding he would one day be king, it was quickly apparent he was not ready to become one.

  Anden had always been a happy child, and having such a privileged lifestyle, had ultimately left him with a certain naivety as to what life was actually like for others. Zack had no time for niceties and told his younger cousin straight, that he needed to put the child behind him, and become a man. No more would he be able to wander off and play when he felt like it, or throw a strop because he could not have his own way. Zack was only too aware the general public would not follow a child king, that could not appreciate or understand, just how tough life actually was. They needed to show Anden off as a sympathetic, caring young man, who worked for the good of the people, not a spoiled brat who threw a strop every time somebody disagreed with him.

  Zack as a young royal had been well schooled, in not only reading and writing, but also how government worked, or at least how it should work. Oran's sudden death had left him with a huge task; although one, he was strangely finding he was looking forward too. After leaving Anden to rest, Zack needed to seek out Ramon, and after strolling down the corridor a few yards, he realised he had not eaten. The ensuing battle between his will and his rumbling belly was quickly over as he picked up the pace and headed for the dining hall first.

  After grabbing a few slices of ham and wedging it between two slices of bread, he jogged back up the steps towards Ramon's study. With half of his supper gone and a mouthful of food being chewed, he knocked on the door. Ramon shouted for him to enter which he duly did, as he took another bite.

  It was immediately clear the seer was troubled by the events of late, and Zack noticed how drained and tired the man looked. He had gone there to discuss Anden and a few ideas he had thought of to help him. "Why don't we discuss it in the morning Ramon," Zack suggested not even bothering to sit himself down. He watched then as the man nodded wearily, "If you don't mind," he said rather weakly. Although Zack was also worn out, he felt a certain buzz, and excitement about how he could help, but he also knew the man before him was about to keel over from exhaustion, "Go to bed fresh and we can have an early start tomorrow."

  Having made sure Ramon was actually going to retire for the evening, and not carry on working after he left, Zack made his own back to his room. On entering, he was surprised to see more people in there than he had expected. Melia was sat beside Mikel on one bed, and Maxim was sat
beside Samuel on another, whilst Tia and Connor were happily playing near the fireplace with Shadow. "Oh hello," he said feeling a little disappointed he could not sit and talk with his friends.

  Maxim was first to look up and gave his friend a smile, "Hi Zack, how did you get on?" he asked.

  Zack shrugged, "Tiana is naturally upset, as is Frena, although I'm not sure she fully understands. Anden seems to be holding up...but we'll see how he is tomorrow when it hits home the enormity of what is happening to him."

  "I'm sorry to hear about your loss," Samuel said, the first words Zack had actually heard him speak.

  "Thank you Samuel, I hope you are feeling better," he replied.

  The young Bosarian nodded, "Much better, Melia thinks I should make a full recovery," he added with a grin.

  Zack was genuinely pleased for him, although left the conversation at that, as he sat down on the only vacant bed. Maxim then went on to explain that Samuel was a teleporter just like Zack, and although the young royal pretended to show an interest, he was not particularly bothered. Melia then piped up that she and their new friends were all sharing the room next door, and Zack noticed she was looking to him for a positive reaction. He gave her a warm-hearted smile, and thought having her just a few yards away was a comforting thought. He knew he needed his friends close, now so more than ever, although having earlier sent a message to his father, a part of him wished he was back home with his family.


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