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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 20

by Andrew Wood

  The man who had been seated stood and walked over to his colleague, as if he was speaking for both of them, "A sad series of events if true of course, although we cannot help you." Maxim fumed, "What do you mean...If they are true...Look into my mind and you will see exactly what happened."

  "It is against our laws to enter the mind of another."

  "Well I give you permission...Go on look," Maxim raged finding it harder by the minute not to let his temper take control.

  One of the high lords looked to Joren for approval, "If my son permits it, then I will not stop you," Maxim's father replied, hoping he knew what his son was letting himself in for.

  Maxim flinched as he felt an aged hand touch his forehead. He felt a sharp agonising pain shoot around his body, as images from his memory were forcibly dragged to the forefront of his mind. Had he realised allowing someone to view his thoughts was so painful he might not have been so keen to volunteer them. Maxim saw images he had suppressed, a picture of a man he knew to be the Bosarian king appeared, ordering him to release balls of fire at some dummy targets; a memory Maxim somehow had little recollection of, yet it was there in his mind.

  Thankfully, the ordeal was over in a few seconds, although Maxim had to admit it felt far longer. His father grabbed his arm to support him, as his legs almost give way, "Lending your mind to another can be a little draining," he told him. Maxim nodded, before thanking his father for the help. The high lord stepped away from him and returned to his earlier position beside his colleague, "The boy speaks the truth," he said whilst keeping his focus on Maxim.

  Joren decided to add a little more weight to the argument, "My fellow High Lords, if it were one of your sons treated in such a manner, I would not hesitate to offer my support for justice. My son has been attacked, violated and you stand there and tell me we can do nothing about it." The two older men looked at each other as if agreeing upon something, before returning their gaze to Maxim and his father. "If you wish justice for your son, then surely we only need punish the one man who has committed the crime? Yet you seek our permission to side with these Kothians to fight a war they cannot win."

  Maxim sighed, he felt this was going nowhere, every case they seemed to make, was merely dismissed. After listening to another lecture as to why the high lords could not assist in such a thing, Maxim had finally had enough. He turned to his father, "I am sorry Father, but I cannot stand here and listen to these two pompous old farts, whilst my friends are under threat," He snapped, turning to walk away. Maxim felt his body hit an invisible wall as he found any progress forward blocked. He heard his father shouting, "How dare you use magic against my son," As the barrier before him suddenly disappeared.

  Maxim realised he may have overstepped the mark, and not wanting things to get out of hand he turned back to see his father stood there with clenched fists, and both of the other high lords hanging helplessly in the air. Maxim suddenly felt a sense of utter panic, what had he done? He did not want to be the cause of any fighting. "Please father...Release them" he said softly "It was my fault... I should not have lost my temper, and for that I apologise to them both," Maxim added turning to the two older men.

  Joren released his grasp on the other two high lords, although it was clear he was outraged by what had happened. Maxim hoped he had not caused a situation that would get any further out of hand. "I am sorry my Lords," he reiterated once more. "My words were thoughtless and foolish...I can only hope you will forgive me and we can put this matter behind us." The two men were clearly still in shock by what had taken place, "Using magic on us was a foolish mistake High Lord," One of them said angrily to Maxim's father. "We have lived peacefully for centuries without any such attack taking place..."

  "You did attack his son first..." The other High lord reminded his colleague. "Therefore, I think the two cancel each other out, Let us do as the boy suggests and put this matter behind us...We do not want to start family feuds," He added.

  Maxim looked at his father, and gave an apologetic look, knowing he had caused the man a very serious problem. There was a period of silence as the two parties merely glared at each other, before the two older high lords once more looked at each other as if agreeing on something else. The one who had used magic against Maxim stepped forward, "Your words were out of order young Lord. However, my actions duly deserved what they got. I apologise for my part in this foolish escapade."

  Maxim puffed out his cheeks, "Thank you...I am sorry...I do not wish to cause any trouble, I merely wish to aid my friends. The very people who came to rescue me from the Bosarians are fighting a battle to keep their country free from tyranny and oppression. I showed my immaturity in overreacting to your lack of care," he said hoping it sounded sincere enough. He gazed up to his father, who looked back with a smile, before placing a comforting arm around his shoulder, as if to give a sign that he supported him whatever.

  After another awkward moment of silence the two high lords spoke again, "Very well...We do not want this situation to get out of hand. You speak well for one so few in years young man...I give my vote for Icenia to aid your friends on the grounds they attacked an Icenian Lord." To say Maxim was shocked would have been something of an understatement, and when the other high lord mirrored the words of the first he was all but speechless. "Thank you," he said not quite certain what else to say.

  The permission was however given with strict conditions. Icenia would only assist Kothia in retaking its lands, and would not be a part of any revenge attack into enemy lands. Moreover, in future, Kothia would have to be responsible for defending itself in any forthcoming conflict, "I want it understood we do not ally ourselves with this nation, other than in this instance," one said, which was once more reiterated by the other.

  Before leaving, both the High Lords shook Maxim's hand, as a sign a mutual respect. "You have an honourable son High Lord," one said to his father, "I think your line is in safe hands with this one," he added. His father merely bowed his head just a little in acknowledging the compliment, before gesturing for Maxim to lead the way back home.

  On returning to the palace owned by his father, Maxim stopped and turned to his father, before apologising for his actions. "I am so sorry...I did not mean to put you in such a position," he said realising just how lucky they had been in things not escalating.

  "Don't be Max...I think we just went up in their estimation...and was very exciting did you not think," he added poking Max in the ribs. Maxim smiled before stepping forward and giving his father a hug, "Thank you," He said; his voice all muffled. Despite Joren feeling a little awkward at first at the show of affection, he soon felt an inner warmth by it. This was his son, his blood, and for the first time he felt the loving connection that any father should feel.

  Later that same evening, Joren was sat with his son listening to him describe the friends he had left behind. As he lay back in his cushioned chair something dawned upon, something that he knew he had no control over. "Max...Can I ask you something?" he said interrupting him, "I won't be angry, but please answer me truthfully," he added. Maxim nodded, "Sure...What do you want to know Father?" he asked in return. "Well...when all this is over, and we have placed the Kothian King...Anden," he added remembering the young monarch's name, "What do you plan to do?"

  Maxim looked his father in the eye, a man whom he known but a few weeks, but still his father nonetheless. "You will wish for me to stay here in Icenia, and my friends will wish me there in Kothia," he said aloud as he thought the answer through. He knew deep down there was only one answer he could give, and he also knew that it would not be the one his father wanted to hear. In fact, he did not even have to speak it, before his father had gotten the answer he needed, "I thought as much son," he said, before Maxim had even given his reply.

  Maxim apologised, but his father held up a hand to stop him, "No need to be sorry for caring about your friends, it is what makes you who you are."

  "I am glad you have found me Father, but you wish for me
to one day succeed you in being a figure of power...and I am so sorry, but that is not something I can do," he added with a tear in his eye. His father's disappointment was clear to see, but the man leaned forward and placed his hand upon Maxim's shoulder, "Son," he said, "I understand...Do not worry, we can work something out," he added, as Maxim felt the need for another hug.

  Chapter 27.

  In Pitford, the latest council meeting had just finished, and Anden watched on as the others left him alone with his two red-robed guards. A few of them had dutifully stayed behind to protect him and the town of Pitford, against any further Bosarian attack, although nothing of any note had actually taken place.

  Last evening had seen Danton return with a handful of youngsters keen to start a new life in Pitford, learning their art of magic. Furthermore, if reports were to be believed, the Mayor of Eldin had supposedly gotten a list of over thirty volunteers to join the army, all of whom would be arriving within the next few days. The council had just discussed on how best to rebuild both the army and the force of magicians, as well as how they should be housed, paid and catered for. The young monarch had not realised just how tough a job it was being King, and was certainly thankful for the small team he had around, taking much of the burden from him.

  Those Icenians currently under his command had barely spoken a word during their entire stay, only speaking when asked to do so. He then wondered how Max was getting along with his father, thinking fondly of the young red headed lad, so highly thought of by pretty much everybody. He supposed Maxim must return one day with his father, if only to collect the Icenians they had left behind, but he was not so naive as to think he would simply return and continue where he had left off.

  Mikel walked hand in hand with Melia, as Shadow followed dutifully behind them. Ramon had been forced to have stern words with both about returning to their respective lessons, and hence, both had spent the morning in the classroom. The problem where Mikel was concerned was his tutor being busy with other matters, namely the duty of being on the King's Council. As a result, the elderly tutor had been setting him a series of tasks to carry out with Shadow. The wolf was as much part of his life as any person, both creature and master knowing they would put their own life on the line to protect the other.

  Melia placed her head lovingly on Mikel's shoulder as they walked towards the main doors. They had both decided to venture outside for some fresh air and to allow Shadow the opportunity to stretch his legs. Katria had told Mikel it was not healthy for the dire wolf to be kept locked up in the keep all day, and that the creature needed to be out in its more usual surroundings, or it risked becoming nothing more than an oversized puppy, as she had called it.

  After making sure they were wrapped up warm, the trio ventured out of the keep, through the gates and out into the town beyond. People roaming about the town as per usual appeared to take a wide berth from them, something Mikel could not understand, although was becoming accustomed too. As Melia had pointed out previously to him, he might know Shadow would do them no harm, but other people saw nothing but a ferocious wild animal, and as a result usually tried to avoid it.

  The guards on the outer gate paid them little heed as they passed out beyond the wall and into the wide-open space beyond. "Go on then," Mikel said, "Go stretch your legs," he added. Shadow wasted no time, and bounded off at speed heading towards a distant tree line. Mikel immediately turned to the young girl that had stolen his heart, and thought it as good a time as any to move in for a kiss.

  After spending a couple of hours out in the wilderness, Shadow returned somewhat dirtier than when he had left them, and Mikel knew what he would have to do when they got back. "Did you find every puddle and jump in it," he complained to the wolf, as Melia thought it incredibly funny. "I'll help you," she said softly leaning in and pecking him on the lips.

  As they approached the outer gate, Mikel felt a shiver and suddenly came to a halt. Shadow had sensed something nearby, a danger of some kind, invisible to humans, but it was there. Melia immediately perceived something was not right, and held herself tightly to Mikel, but casting her eyes about. Neither he nor she could see anything in the gloomy late afternoon light, but Mikel remained wary. "What is it?" Melia whispered. "I'm not sure...Shadow thinks someone or something is nearby, but he seems as unsure as we do," he replied. "Come on Melia, let us get back inside," he added making sure Shadow remained alert as they moved.

  As they passed through the gate, he noticed the guards were also behaving a little oddly. Several of them had their weapons drawn, but were creeping about as if looking for something. Mikel enquired as to what they thought was wrong, "Not sure," one replied. "Felt like someone brushing past us...but no one was there," said another. Mikel left it at that, but quickened the pace, causing Melia, who was holding on to him to do likewise. "Why are we hurrying?" she asked being half dragged along as he walked. "Something is not right," he replied keeping his pace going, "Shadow can sense danger," he added.

  Melia thought what might have caused the guards to react so strangely, "Teleporters!" she suddenly said as the idea popped into her mind. Mikel pulled to halt, "Good thinking," he said, "Perhaps that is it...Come on Melia we must warn Ramon and the others," he added breaking into a run. Melia had little choice but to run with him, as he headed for the inner gate. The guards there at least seemed to be acting normal, which possibly meant any intruder had not passed this way. Mikel however stopped and looked up, if he were a teleporter, would he have tried to pass through the narrow gateway. Probably not he thought, having already spooked the guards on the main gates, any intruder would surely not risk the same again, "I'd jump up to the top of the wall and down again," he said thinking aloud.

  The guards at the main doors also seemed unaware anything untoward was going on, and Mikel knew that any perpetrators wanting to gain access to the keep would have to enter that way. "Be alert, I think there are enemy magicians about," he told them as he entered. Whether they believed him or not, Mikel did not hang around to find out. Instead, he carried on running, leaving Melia lagging behind him, heading up the main staircase towards the royal quarters.

  As luck would have it, he actually caught sight of Ramon entering a room off to his left, "Ramon," he shouted hoping he could be heard. The seer stopped in his tracks and turned at hearing his name called out from somewhere down the corridor. As Mikel came to halt, he caught his breath, "Ramon," he said blowing hard, "I think we're in danger," he added. The seer remained calm despite the panic being shown by Mikel, and suggested the young man join him in telling the king what he knew.

  Melia caught up, and along with shadow, they all headed toward the royal quarters at a more composed pace. Whilst they walked, Mikel explained to Ramon everything he knew and felt, and although he had not actually seen anything unusual, other than the bemused looking guards at the main outer gate, he was certain something or somebody was out there.

  They found the king in his room sitting peacefully by the fireplace with his younger sister. Two guards stood on duty outside the door in the corridor, whilst one of the Icenians stood with them inside, positioned along the wall. Ramon firstly apologised for interrupting the young king, before telling him everything Mikel had told him. Anden looked up at them from his seated position, "You think they are moving by some form of magic?" he asked Mikel. "Yes Sire, probably teleporting, but if that were the case they did so incredibly quickly," he replied.

  Anden turned to the Icenian standing on duty, "Please be aware, it appears we may have an unwelcome visitor or two." The robed figure lowered its head just a little, "I will make the others aware Majesty," the man underneath the hood replied. Mikel expected the Icenian to leave and fetch the others, but was surprised to see him remain where he was. Ramon noticed the young man's confusion and explained that they appeared to be able to contact each other via some magical means. "A little like me and Shadow," he replied trying to understand how such a link might work. Ramon shrugged, "I assume it works along those kin
d of lines, it is beyond my skills however to fully understand," the seer admitted.

  As the guards on duty were increased and patrols started around the keep, Mikel enquired as to whether there was any other way into the keep other than the main doorway. Ramon pondered a moment or two, "There is the doorway on the roof, but that is locked from the inside," he replied. Mikel was just about to suggest putting extra guards on the main entrance when Ramon thought of another possible way in, "The kitchen has a loading door that is easily accessible," he added realising he had been a fool for not thinking of it earlier.

  Unexpectedly there was a noise outside in the corridor, and everyone suddenly became alert as to something going on. The door abruptly burst ajar, yet nobody appeared in the opening, although Ramon could see the slumped body of a guard on the floor out in the corridor. "Protect the king," he asked the Icenian still positioned along the far wall, as he and Mikel scoured the room for any sign of an intruder. Shadow arched his back, as his heckles stood up, "Somebody is in here with us," Mikel said sharing the wolf's senses.


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