Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance)

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Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance) Page 97

by Joey Bush

  “Where are you?” I asked.

  “I just passed you while you were speaking with the officer.”

  “Thanks for stopping and helping me out.”

  “Seriously Jenna. What was I going to do? You were probably turning on the charm. They hate that because it’s so overdone. You actually piss them off when you try that shit. Statistics show that female drivers have a better chance of getting off with women officers. It is a sisterhood kind of thing,” Sayler said.

  “All I know is that you’re paying for the pizza tonight. My ticket is for $180. I thought they were more like $50.”

  “I guess you learned your lesson.” She laughed.

  “Shut up! That’s what the cop said. Why does everyone think I have a lesson to learn? I’m hanging up now.”

  Wanting to hear a refreshing voice, I called ahead to Max.

  “Hey Max. It’s me and I’m heading your way. Take a load of stuff up to my room and Sayler will buy us a pizza.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Guess what?”

  “Do I want to know?”

  “I’m taking freshman human sexuality…with you.”

  “You’re what? Is it that good that you retaking it? Do they think we need it at this age? They should have given us the class when we hit puberty.”

  “I skipped it last year,” Max said.

  “Let me guess, you thought you were exempt due to previous experience?” I laughed.

  “Something like that. But I actually didn’t realize it was a requirement. It will be an easy A, which my GPA can use.”

  “It will be fun attending with a friend I guess. In case you were wondering, I won’t be available to be your test subject. Anything you get in class, we have probably covered.”

  He chuckled. “Ain’t that the truth. I will see you when you get here. I’ll bring some beer.”

  Max disconnected and I threw my phone in the passenger’s seat.


  After arriving at my dormitory, it was time to get to eating and gossiping. Sayler bought the pizza. We ordered it with just about everything except for green peppers, which I detested.

  “Two of my best friends in one room. Pizza is a nice addition,” I commented.

  “Beer?” Max asked.

  “No thanks. I went over my limit a few days ago and I felt like shit the following day,” I said.

  “Did you have a Ryder hangover or a wine hangover?” Sayler winked.

  “Nice of you to bring him up. I have spent all day trying to forget the man, but thoughts of him keep haunting me. I thought we agreed to keep this between us.”

  Sayler ignored me and Max’s interest was piqued.

  “Bad date Jenna?” Max asked.

  “No, actually. I would rather not talk about it. I’m at school now and he’s back home. He had potential, but it was poor timing and he was older–at a different place in his life.”

  “That isn’t the truth Max. Mystery Ryder faded to black. I believe Jenna would’ve been open to continuing the friendship.” Sayler felt compelled to clue Max in on the situation.

  “Come on. You can tell me more Jenna.”

  “Hmm…well he loves golf, which is how I met him. He happened to move in next-door to my mom. I know he’s 33. He’s hip and everything that entails. He has his finger on the pulse of what’s going on.”

  “That’s all you can say about him Jenna?” Sayler couldn’t leave the subject alone.

  I returned to eating my pizza slice. Max and I were done being sexually involved, but it still felt weird talking about other guys with him.

  “I will tell him. She—in her own words—sucked him like a Dyson. You must remember what that’s like where Jenna is concerned.” Sayler had already downed one beer too many. I wanted to throw her out for revealing secrets that Max didn’t need to know.

  “Really?” Max seemed surprised.

  “Yeah...but we didn’t fuck though.”

  “But you were open to it?”

  “Yes, Max. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No. It’s more awkward than anything.”

  “Then don’t ask questions, Max,” I told him.

  “Great pizza,” Sayler said, trying to stop the tension in the room. I could tell by the look she gave me that she was sorry she brought the topic up.

  “So, Max, what have you heard about the professor teaching human sexuality?” I asked.

  “He was on sabbatical last year. He apparently travelled to Europe. He is a young guy, so he’s supposed to be relatable. It would be weird to be lectured about sex by an old man. We lucked out in that we’re in the same class. Many freshman girls were interested in his class because they say he’s hot.”

  “Sounds promising. Maybe this professor will be able to hold our attention,” I said.

  I made plans to meet Max in the morning. I unpacked my things. As many freshman do, I brought too much stuff for the small space I was given. I had not met my roommate yet. She was from out of state and would not arrive until the following day.

  I was placing clothes in the closet when I came across a golf hat from Magnolia Country Club. It seemed to be never ending. There were reminders of my night with Ryder everywhere. I needed them to stop.

  Chapter Ten

  Sayler decided not to stay the night. My things were somewhat unpacked and I was looking forward to a quiet night. My phone began playing. I was always changing the ringtone so I almost didn’t recognize it.

  “Hey Max. Miss me already? What’s up?”

  “Tomorrow we begin classes and things will get crazy. Why don’t you hit the bar with me? We can grab something to eat. Sayler wolfed down more than her share of the pizza and I’m still hungry,” Max said.

  “Not tonight Max. I’m exhausted. One drink will put me to sleep.”

  “Please Jenna – for old time’s sake,” Max pleaded.

  “Come and get me because I don’t know where your dorm is and this place is like a maze. I‘ll get lost.”

  “I’ll be there in 10-minutes.” Ryder hung up.

  Ugh. I wasn’t looking forward to spending time alone with Max. I could tell that he didn’t like me with another guy. Falling back into old habits with him was a dangerous prospect.

  I guessed that hanging out with him was a good opportunity to assure there were no hurt feelings after the discussion about Ryder and the blowjob. There was his name again. I couldn’t get Ryder off my mind.

  Before I knew it, Max knocked on my door.

  “You look great Jenna,” Max said as soon as I opened the door.

  “Max, I haven’t changed in the two-hours since you saw me last. I put on some lip gloss and took my ponytail down.”

  “That must be it. You always look great. That never changes.” Max smiled.

  I ignored the comment. I thought we were good friends, but he seemed to be hitting on me. Maybe he was only interested in having sex with me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “We are going to a spot named The Spot. They have good bar food and inexpensive beers. Just our style. They have dancing too. We owned the dance floor back home. We did quite a bit of bumping and grinding. It got R-rated…remember?”

  I did not want to remember those days. I wanted to just be college buddies and nothing more.

  “I do remember Max. That was a long time ago though. Let’s just worry about right now and not the past.”

  “If that’s what you want Jenna.”

  I grinned and nodded my head before we walked into The Spot. The party was raging but we were lucky enough to find a booth.

  “How about a domestic ale. I usually get whatever they have on tap.” Max flagged down the server.

  “I will have what he has to drink. No food for me.” Skipping the food would make the evening move more quickly.

  “Are you sure? I’m gonna have some fried shrimp. It has been frozen but I like it,” Max said.

  Ryder again came to mind. It was fresh shrimp and fine wine at
his house. Max offered something entirely different.

  Our food and beer came. After we ate, I assumed the evening would be over. We discussed our history together as children, deleting the times we hated each other. It was a nice walk down memory lane. He popped the last shrimp in his mouth and wiped his hands on his pants.

  “Man. That shit was greasy. Are you ready to show the people of Columbia how we dance?”

  “Do I have a choice?” I asked.

  “No. It will be a blast. This DJ knows how to spin tunes. We will have to come here when there is a home football game. If we can get in, that is, because there is usually a line around the corner.”

  I chugged the remainder of my beer. I was definitely beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. Max grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. We immediately fell into a rhythm. The moves were familiar and almost comforting. He smashed his groin into my backside. I was thrown off balance but he saved me. When I turned I found his face inches from mine. He was staring at me intensely, just as he once did.

  “You okay? I got a little carried away.”

  “I’m fine Ryder – Uh, I mean Max.” Shit.

  Max didn’t respond. Instead he pulled me in close. Beneath his jeans, I could feel his dick growing. It was an old feeling with Max that didn’t feel right.

  “Let’s get out of here Jenna. I want to show you my room,” he whispered in my ear.

  He turned his back to me and led me off the dance floor with his hand. I didn’t know why I couldn’t just say no at that point. I took his hand and followed. A part of me wanted to see Max’s room. It felt natural because we had done it so often in the past.

  “Whew. It was hot in that place. What are you thinking about?” Max asked as we reached the sidewalk.

  “I don’t really have anything profound to say. I’m tired and I just hope we’re not making a mistake. This feels safe, right?”

  “Safe is good. We’re not making a mistake.”

  If I was with anyone else it would’ve seemed like I was trying to forget Ryder. In the recesses of my mind, perhaps I was. It was unfair to Max, but I still followed him back to the college and climbed the stairs to his low-rise dormitory.

  Max had a single room because it was his second year on the floor. It was organized and clean. I felt as if he was expecting company. The Max I knew was a slob. A queen futon was set in the bed position. It was turned down, which I viewed as a bit much. Since it was the only place to sit in the room, I sat down on the edge of the cushion.

  “This is Chez Max. It is a step up from last year. I can get things done in this space that I could never do with a roommate.”

  I looked at Max and laughed.

  “I mean studying and shit. I can see that dirty mind of yours at work.”

  Max sat next to me. I was a little tipsy and I felt like I was in one of those bad sit-coms that show the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Max leaned in to kiss me. His lips and tongue waited for reciprocation. I tried, but I pulled back.

  “Sorry Max. I’m just not ready for this to happen. I need to be alone for a while so I can get used to being away from home.” I stood up from the futon and stepped back

  “Jenna, I don’t think it’s about being away from home. You and Sayler joked about this Ryder guy, but I think there’s more to it. I think he hurt you and you can’t admit it.”

  “When did you get so enlightened?” I laughed. “Maybe someday Max.”

  “I’ll walk back to your room with you. You are still planning to sit next to me in human sexuality, right?” Max said.

  “Of course Max.” I laughed.

  Max took me home. We were both silent the entire way and when we reached my dormitory, he hugged me and quickly said goodbye.


  I didn’t sleep well that night. I had not been expecting the Max drama and I was worried things would be tense between us. In addition, I had a splitting headache from the beer.

  I managed to roll out of bed in the morning. There wasn’t time for a shower so in went the ponytail.

  “Good Morning Max,” I said to him in front of the dining common.

  “Hey Jenna. Are you ready to learn all about sex? Not as if you need the help.” Max smiled.

  “Please, Max. Let’s not make my sex life a running joke. I also want to make sure that we’re cool after last night.”

  “My ego was slightly bruised but I will be fine. I won’t mention last night or Ryder again.”

  “I thought I could go one day without hearing the man’s name. Perhaps tomorrow.”

  “Sorry Jenna. Today is the last day you’ll hear his name.”

  I sighed.

  With my heavy bag of books in tow, I walked into the cavernous Tobin Lecture Hall. The scene was intimidating. It was packed to capacity because it was a requirement to take it. I thought it was a way to control the spread of STD’s on campus. It wasn’t a bad idea since there were always new one’s cropping up.

  When I got settled in my chair, I heard the door close. My first college lecture was set to begin.

  I was still retrieving my things from my bag when I heard the professor state, “Welcome to Freshman Human Sexuality.”

  The familiar voice stunned me.

  “I’m Ryder Curran. I will be your instructor this semester.”

  My hands were too slick to hold a pen. My palms were soaked in nervous sweat and I began trembling. My instructor stood at the lectern. The man I had given a blowjob. The man whose mind I blew.

  The man who blew all over me.

  I grabbed the syllabus, which confirmed my fears. It was Ryder. The man I tried to forget and now had to see three times per week in Tobin Hall. Do I approach him after class? If I do what the hell do I say – Hi, remember me? I’m the 18 year old who sucked your cock last week. Do I tell Max or anyone else? Do I attempt to crawl under my chair? Maybe I should transfer to a school in another state or a different country.

  I turned a vibrant shade of red. I could feel the heat spread across my face. I gazed at my watch and hoped I could get through class without him noticing me. It would provide me the time I needed to figure out what to do. I watched the second hand slowly sweep by.

  Max was wrong. Today wasn’t going to be the last day I would hear Ryder’s name.


  Chapter One

  It was going to be a long class. What a way to begin my time at South Carolina. I was flooded with a sea of regrets. There was the obvious fact that my human sexuality professor was my lover. I hated that term, mostly because I didn’t have sex with him. I decided I would refer to him in my mind as my recipient. He had been on the receiving end of my powerful mouth and my naked body was covered with his sperm.

  I had to deal with more pressing matters.

  I started to think about my appearance. When I went to his home back on Lewis Ave., I was showered and ready for a date. I was in jeans and a tank top, but I was prepared. I had blow-dried my hair and perfectly arranged my side swept bang. It looked as though I had just arrived back from a walk on the beach. It looked wind-blown. Not gale force winds but the kind that gently kisses the face on a day in May.

  That day, it was severely fastened with an elastic and a little greasy.

  On that evening my eyes popped. I had learned from reading a magazine that there were several tricks. I skipped the part about false eyelashes. The Hollywood stars wearing them must have had a stylist because they were a bitch to put on by myself. They made my face look as if a giant hairy spider had attacked me. Instead, I took their advice and employed an eyelash curler. After losing a few hairs, I got the hang of the thing. An application of Very Black mascara and my eyes were almost complete. An insider tip was written in bold lettering. It said. A swipe of white shadow on the brow bone will get you noticed! I took the advice, although I put on too much at first. My eyes popped and I was date ready from the nose up.

  The first day of class, I had on no eye make-up and I
was wearing my glasses. They were not cute. I wore contact lenses most days and, sometimes, I relied on squinting. Since I wasn’t accustomed to wearing my glasses every day, I had not bothered to keep up with eyewear trends. This pair was about six years old and hideous. They were scratched and the clear frames had yellowed.

  My attire was shameful. I did not look cute and tussled. I appeared lazy, frumpy and a little dirty. I looked like an old lady going through a rough time after she just rolled out of bed. I realized my worst nightmare. I looked like my mother.

  Every curve of my petite frame had disappeared under layers of clothing. It was chilly in the morning, but it would be ninety degrees by the time I got back to my room. I was dressed for the Pacific Northwest, not for the Southeast. I was wearing a red and black South Carolina sweatshirt that was two sizes too big and stiff as a board. I had not laundered it yet and it screamed freshman. My jeans were roomy from getting in excellent shape in the summer months.

  My signature silver bangles were missing. In fact, I was wearing no jewelry. I smelled like shit because I was wearing no fragrance and no scented lotion. I usually dabbed on a little something. At the time, I was into Lily-of-the-Valley. Enough to notice, but not so much that I seemed to be covering up a bad personal odor.

  All of this could have worked in my favor. There was a chance that Ryder would not recognize me. I was sure he didn’t expect to see me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I glanced around the lecture hall. I had heard about many freshman lectures. Massive was how they were described and it wasn’t an exaggeration. For years, the reduction in class size was the goal. It was one of the factors that determined whether you were within a good school district or one teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. In college, it obviously didn’t matter. I was sitting in an auditorium with 500 other clueless 18-year olds, a number of older students, and one horny professor. The seats were stacked like they’re in a theater–one that had not been updated in decades.

  The windows in Tobin Hall were old and the glass was squiggly. The early morning sun acted like a spotlight on Ryder. He looked godlike as he stood on a riser. The only color in the room was from the female co-eds who were wearing brightly colored garb. They must have stayed up all night choosing their fashions. There was a lot of orchid and emerald green, which were the trending shades at the time. I knew that from reading the same magazine that clued me into the eye-popping trick. Everyone must have read the same issue.


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