Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance)

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Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance) Page 114

by Joey Bush

  The door swung open.

  “Jenna, I thought it might be you.” Ryder smiled.

  He was wearing light blue pajama pants and no shirt. His pants were scattered with prints of golf balls and a drawstring secured them at his wasp waist. He had a book in his hand and he was wearing his glasses. He motioned me in, so I walked in the door and shut it behind me.

  “I’m glad you thought it was me and not some other woman.”

  “Well, there is no other woman. Now that the Sammy mystery has been put to rest, I would hope you know that.”

  Ryder walked towards me. It took enormous restraint not to jump into his arms. I put my palm to his chest to stop his advance.

  “No, Ryder, we aren’t going to fall into bed. Not yet anyways. I have a plan and it requires you to trust me.”

  “Okay….” Ryder said tentatively.

  “I’m going to gather some things for us. I will be a few minutes and I would like you to wait for me in the car.”

  “Sex in the backseat—finally,” Ryder guessed.

  “No. It’s better and more imaginative. For once, I’m the one with the secret.”

  Ryder went to get his keys. After more prompting, he finally did what he was told and waited in the car. I gathered a few beach towels, a bottle of champagne and some Beats speakers that we could attach to his phone. I put some blankets in a bag and I made sure to pack the engraved divot tool I had got him. I also threw in a couple of golf sweaters because it was cold at night.

  Then, I jumped in Ryder’s car.

  “Head north up 26 and take the 99E exit,” I barked.

  “Where the hell are we going, Walsh?”

  “It’s going to be epic. We deserve to let loose. For too long we have both been in limbo. In this moment – right now, we don’t have any excuses. The school shit doesn’t mean much when compared to the fight for life you just won. Let’s celebrate the present.”

  “All right…I’m driving but I have no idea where we’re going.”

  I turned the music up loud. We listened to a little Coldplay. We could agree on their music. Ryder did not look or act his age, but music made or age difference evident. I pretended not to like all of the pop princesses but I would admit to an occasional Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande tune. Ryder favored Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M., and Nirvana. The drive that I had in mind was about an hour long.

  “So, you know that I have always wanted to play 50 questions with you. But we always end up in bed or asleep in front of the television. There is so much about you that I don’t even know.”

  “That’s not what I had in mind, Jenna. I was hoping for at least a hand job.”

  “Pull over at the next rest stop and I will…get you a cup of coffee.” I smiled.

  I wasn’t normally a tease but I was having fun. I purchased Ryder a cup of joe and we were back on the road. I snuggled in against Ryder as he drove.

  “Democrat or Republican,” I asked.

  “No religion or politics, just like my mama taught me. Try again.”

  “Favorite animal?”

  “It sure as hell isn’t a dog like Potato. I like hippos.”

  “Well, that’s original. I like horses. Favorite food?”

  “I like a good Italian meal, like lasagna,” Ryder answered.

  “Too cheesy. I like doughnuts a lot. Dream vacation?”

  “Anywhere with you, Jenna.”

  “How sweet…Mines a mountain hideaway. No phone or electronics for miles.”

  “I don’t think I could unplug for more than twenty-four hours. Even that would be a stretch.”

  I grinned. “Favorite book?”

  “Moby Dick. What’s yours?”

  “You have all of those great sex books and you choose Moby Dick.”

  “I like the classics. You haven’t told me your favorite book.”

  “I’m so busy with school that I have no time to read for pleasure.”

  “That sounds twisted...You aren’t in school at the moment. I think you have a favorite book and you’re afraid to tell me. You’re a 50 questions cheat.”

  “We seem to be out of time Ryder. We can play more later and I’m not a cheat. Make the next left,” I directed Ryder.

  “We are heading towards the lake, Jenna. It’s 3 AM, why the hell are we at the lake?”

  “Park the car and no more questions.”

  “Bossy…It is a trait that I’m starting to see more of. I kinda like it.”

  Ryder was puzzled as I got out of the vehicle and started to strip. Ryder looked on as I shed my clothes stood before him in my new bra and panties. I gave him the full, lingering view before I stripped them off as well. I threw my black lace bra at Ryder, which landed on his head.

  “You are absolutely crazy. Look at that body. The cold air agrees with you! Your nipples are rock hard.” Ryder stared at me in amazement.

  “I love the cold air. This is what it’s like to be alive—to feel everything.”

  I splashed into the water and waded up to my knees. I doused my head in the water and screamed.

  “It’s fantastic, Ryder! Come feel what it’s like to be alive.”

  “Uh, I just received a clean bill of health. Are you trying to make me sick again?”

  “Absolutely not, Ryder. Yesterday you were dying, now it’s time to live. Come join me.”

  “Perhaps I’m crazy…but I guess I’m coming in.”

  Ryder raced across the sand and dove under the water. He surfaced and after letting out a shrill scream and he grabbed me in his arms. I was the coldest I had ever been and in his arms, I was hot.

  Ryder kissed me gently, beginning on my chest and travelling up to my ears, cheeks and eventually my mouth.

  “Thank you, Jenna—I think. If this was my jolt back into life, it worked. I have never felt as alive as I’m right now in your arms.”

  We continued to kiss in the water that rose up to our knees. We eventually moved on shore where we snuggled under the blankets until the sun came up. We fell into a twilight sleep that was interrupted abruptly.

  “Excuse me sir. There is no trespassing on state property between dusk and dawn except for areas designated for overnight camping,” the man in uniform said.

  “Sorry, it was my idea to take a little dip in the lake last night and we must have dozed,” I said as I smiled bashfully.

  “In addition, mam, there is no drinking alcohol on the premises.” The park ranger pointed at the bottle of champagne.

  “Sorry, are you going to give us a ticket? Cause we were just celebrating the fact that my friend here is cancer free.”

  I realized that I had no pants on and my hair was still wet.

  “I’m going to let you off with a verbal warning. Congratulations on the cancer thing. That is a good one. I will remember that one if I’m ever pulled over for speeding.”

  The park ranger walked away and Ryder shook his head.

  “It’s always an adventure with you, Jenna.” Ryder smiled and kissed me.

  “I guess we should head home. I’ll pick up our crap,” I said.

  “I will check my messages. It sure feels good to only have one phone.” Ryder smiled.

  We began the drive home and Ryder was still hoping for his hand job. I was willing, until Sammy called. It made me think about Ryder’s priorities while we were driving. Sammy was always going to be number one, as I thought he should be. Regardless of where our relationship went, I always had to keep that in mind.

  Slowly, I fell back asleep for the remainder of the ride home.

  “Jenna, wake up sleepy head. We’re home. I mean you’re at your house and I’m at mine. That is going to get confusing. I have a surprise for you.”

  I was sleepy and I looked like a drowned rat.

  “What is my surprise?” I asked

  “I got a message from the Dean’s office. The investigation into our lascivious behavior at the putt- putt course—I can’t even say that with a straight face—is complete. He wants to meet with u
s this afternoon. Are you available?”

  “Sure. Shit, this is all happening so fast. What are we going to do with without all of this drama?”

  “I don’t know – breathe? Hopefully not make some more. But anyway, the meeting is at 4 PM. We should take separate cars.”

  “Sounds good. I hope my mother’s friends at the consignment shop can hook me up.”

  “Ask if they have a black pleather cat suit. That would impress the dean.”

  “Right? I will follow you in my car. I’ll be out front at 2 PM.”

  “Bye, Sweetie.”


  “Mom, I’m home!” I called out as I entered the house. “I’m finding out my fate today. The dean has called a meeting.”

  As I reached the top of the stairs, I caught a naked Claude running out of my mother’s bedroom. Life was heading in the right direction for me. Ryder was cancer free and we had just spent a fun adventurous night together. My view of a sixty-year-old man’s ass wasn’t a welcome part of my day. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to erase the picture in my head.

  “Oh, hi, Jenna. We didn’t expect you home so early. Claude said you went to Ryder’s house and I just assumed you would sleep in.”

  “Yeah, long story. Did you hear my news? Dean Meadows has summoned us to his office. I was going to run down to your favorite consignment store but I think I can put something together.”

  “Are we going to take your car or my sedan?” my mother asked.

  “We?” I asked. “I don’t believe you were invited Mom. We’ve got it from here.”

  “I just assumed that we would be a united front. I expected to be in this until the end.”

  “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, Mom.”

  “I suppose I can remain here with my sweetie. You will have to call us the instant you receive news though. I bet the dean will miss me in my Chanel suit, though.”

  “Yeah, Mom. You were quite the powerhouse in that suit. I’m sure he’ll never forget you. Ryder and I are driving separately but we will be caravanning down. If things don’t go my way, he’ll make sure I don’t drive off a bridge.”

  “Not funny, Jenna…Good luck.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Love you.”

  Chapter Nine

  I pulled off Lewis Ave. with Ryder following behind me in his Lexus. If one considered gender roles, Ryder would’ve driven first, but my lead foot prevailed. Maybe he was thinking ladies first. Regardless, Ryder noticed my speed of about seventy miles per hour and called me. I answered with my car’s Bluetooth.

  “Before you say a word, I’m aware of my speed. I can’t help it.”

  “Bad excuse. It is simple mechanics. Just lighten up on the gas. This isn’t the Indy 500 and I don’t want to lose you this way. I would have to go face the dean alone and it’s not something I feel like doing.”

  “I misspoke. I can help it, but I don’t want to. I have a need for speed. I think that’s a quote from some movie. It looks like I will get to campus first; see you there, slow-poke.”

  I peeled away from Ryder’s vehicle and turned off the phone. Instead of listening to Ryder critique my driving, I preferred to relive our night together at the lake. The invigorating water and Ryder’s warm body strengthened me for whatever the day had in store. I knew it was psychological, but Ryder seemed more alive after his appointment with Dr. Borski. I thought I was free to love him completely because now he was going to be around for a while. While I was thinking of Dr. Borski, I remembered something he said, and I had to ask Ryder. I turned my phone back on.

  “Hello? I hate when you turn your phone off because I worry about you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I picked up a hitchhiker and he was a nice man. He got out at the next rest stop. But seriously, Ryder, I didn’t know you put on a golf clinic for kids with cancer. Your doctor mentioned it, so care to elaborate?”

  “It’s not one of those things that I talk about too much. I feel as if I should give back a great deal more. I have some friends at Magnolia who I have known for years. We started taking a few kids out to hit the ball and realized that it was something that many kids could benefit from. You can’t imagine how isolating cancer can be. As an adult, it was hell. Multiply it 10-fold for kids. Between the others and me, we had the connections to throw together a free clinic and it has become an annual thing. One guy owns a clothing company, so he provides the t-shirts and his wife is a graphic artist and makes up the flyers and name badges. Riko from the club drives the beverage and snack cart. I even have Sammy helping. He is the senior advisor—he loves the title. He lets us know what types of things kids like so we can keep everything relative.”

  “I’m impressed. Does your tournament have a name?” I asked as I pulled in front of Pratt Hall.

  “Yeah, but it’s not catchy or anything. We made the mistake of letting the kids name it. They called it the T-Rex Invitational. It’s not really named for the dinosaur but for a ten foot alligator named T-Rex. He lives in a lagoon on Pelican Island and is often found sunning himself on the course. The wildlife folks tried to corral him, but he’s a sneaky bugger. The kids love the fact that he eludes capture as they escape cancer. If you listen to their stories, the gator is twenty-five feet long and he’s eaten at least five people. I don’t think the kids have ever seen him, but they swear they have.”

  There was a long pause. The story of the mythical alligator made me weepy.

  “Hello? Jenna?”

  “Hey, I’m here on campus,” I said.

  “I know. I’m here too. I’m parked on the other side. I have just been watching you. I could do this all day long. It’s cool to watch you when you don’t know you’re being watched.”

  “Ew, Ryder. That’s a little creepy.”

  “You should talk. You have made it a hobby to sit on the john and watch me sleep.”

  “You got me there. I suppose we should go in and face the music. I will see you in the office. The dean probably has a hidden camera on us to read our body language so we should go in separately.”


  Going into the office was routine for me. I walked in confidently wearing a pair of cords and a golf shirt. I was tired of dressing up as if I were entering a court of law. A decision had been made and my attire would not have mattered. I walked up to the desk where I was greeted by the fat chick. By then, I knew her well, and she appeared grandmotherly to me.

  “Hello, Jenna. You know the drill. The dean will be out in a moment.” The woman smiled.

  Ryder arrived behind me and took a seat next to me on the leather couch. He had on a blue oxford and a yellow tie with a tack in the shape of a golf club.

  “Hello, Jenna, how are you?” Ryder asked.

  I wanted to grab his face in my hands and start making out with him so we could go out in a blaze of glory.

  “I’m fine, thanks, Professor Curran.”

  Dean Meadows appeared at his office door and nodded at us to enter his office. He was sporting the gray suit again. I was aware that men often wore the same suit but changed the tie and shirt. He always wore a white shirt and the tie had never been anything snazzy.

  “I have met with you each individually, and I have also had the chance to meet with your mother.” The dean looked at me. “Quite a colorful woman.”

  The comment pissed me off because I knew he didn’t mean it as a compliment. I wanted to show him a bit of color. I wanted to smack the smug smile off his face so that he would bleed all over his gray suit. I was snapped back to reality when Ryder started to speak.

  “I hope you have come to some sort of conclusion, Dean. I can deal with this mess, but you’re putting Jenna’s future at risk. She had no way of knowing that her choice of a golf instructor would land her in this predicament. Imagine the stress put on her.”

  “We have completed our investigation. It seems that we have insufficient evidence to prove that you’re involved in any sort of inappropriate relationship.”

  “Yes!” I interrupted.

  Both Ryder and the dean looked at me—I shut up.

  “It seems that the parties who reported seeing you were not reliable sources. We obtained this information from an unnamed source. It sent our investigation in another direction and the two of you were exonerated. Professor Curran, you will be reinstated immediately as an assistant professor for the remainder of the semester. You will be teaching Human Sexuality along with Professor Flynn. He has done a wonderful job in your absence. Next semester you will be teaching human sexuality. We have decided to monitor your class by keeping Flynn by your side. As far as you go, Ms. Walsh. You will begin next semester as a new student. We will reimburse you for this semester. You will be allowed back on campus in the spring and you will be assigned new housing. Your records will be cleaned of this matter. We cannot dictate who you choose as a golf instructor, Ms. Walsh, or who you choose to teach golf, Professor Curran. Please be aware, however, that any romantic relationship between a professor and a student is prohibited. Consider this a final warning for such behavior. Do you have any comments or questions?”

  “When or if I resume teaching, I’m not allowed to have a romantic relationship with any student at this university?” Ryder asked.

  “That is correct. Whether he or she is your student or not.” Dean Meadows folded his hands.

  Ryder repositioned himself in his chair. A smile began to form. It was unlike any other I had seen.

  “I plan to take my clean record and my stellar reputation as an excellent educator and quit. I think my skills will be better served on the golf course. I have wanted to say this for a very long time—take this job and shove it.”

  The dean and I were speechless. I was astounded at the words that came out of Ryder’s mouth and I hoped he wasn’t running off some high. The good news of the previous day may have clouded his judgment. It sure was sexy seeing him stand up to authority. It was straight out of the movies. I didn’t know how to react and I decided to hold back my impulse to drop out.

  “I don’t think you have made a prudent choice, Mr. Curran, but I wish you luck.” Dean Meadows’ hands were shaking. “You can make an appointment with human resources to finalize your separation. And you can contact administration Jenna. I assume you will be returning to South Carolina?”


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