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Hearts Afire

Page 2

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  “I think we should go lingerie shopping. You can’t pack any of this stuff,” her baby sister said, shaking a fistful of her cotton panties in the air.

  Maitlyn rolled her eyes. “Why are you touching my underwear?”

  “Because these granny panties are not cute! And you definitely don’t want to be caught wearing these if you should meet a guy on your cruise.”

  Maitlyn shook her head, not at all amused.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” Tarah suddenly exclaimed, jumping onto the bed beside her. “I think you should have sex with one of the cabin guys.”

  “I am not having sex with a cabin guy.”

  “Just wild, dirty sex where you don’t even bother to ask his name,” Tarah said excitedly, her hands waving in the air. “I can just see it now. He won’t know you’re in the room when he comes into your cabin to turn down the bed. You’ll pretend to be surprised when he catches you doing this sultry striptease out of your clothes. Then you’ll give him a sexy come-hither look, and when he does you rip his uniform off. Afterward, you show him to the door and leave him a big tip so he definitely knows it wasn’t a love thing.”

  “Do you hear yourself?’ Maitlyn asked with her eyebrows lifted in astonishment.

  “The more important question is do you hear me?”

  “Reel in that creative imagination of yours, please. This is not what this trip is for, Tarah. I swear, Mommy and Daddy taught you better.”

  Tarah laughed. “Exactly! How often do Mommy and Daddy give you carte blanche approval to go do your thing with no repercussions? You can go have sex with the cabin boy, the pool guy and the captain and no one will say anything because they won’t know unless you tell! What happens on the cruise stays on the cruise. Isn’t that what Mommy said?”

  “You are so silly,” Maitlyn said, her smile wide.

  “Just wild, dirty sex with no strings. Oh, yeah! Go, Maitlyn! Go, Maitlyn!” Tarah sang. “Get your groove on!”

  Tarah’s gleeful tone made Maitlyn laugh out loud. “Anyway, how’s school?” she asked, hoping to divert her sister’s attention to something else.

  “School is fine. Don’t change the subject.”

  Maitlyn tossed up her hands. “I’m not talking about this anymore, Tarah.”

  “Don’t talk, just keep packing, and then let’s go shopping. I feel a Victoria’s Secret shopping spree coming on,” Tarah said as she scrambled off the bed and headed toward the door. “I’ll go see if Mommy and Katrina want to come.” Tarah raced out the door.

  Maitlyn smiled. Despite her best efforts it looked like her self-proclaimed pity party was about to come to an end.

  Chapter 2

  Even with the enthusiasm her family had been projecting over her impending trip, Maitlyn was more convinced than ever that the month-long excursion was not a good idea. As she approached the docks, she couldn’t begin to fathom what she would do with herself for all that time. She was half tempted to say so out loud when Tarah interrupted her thoughts with a squeal of excitement.

  “There’s your ship! Look how big it is!” Tarah chimed, pointing out the window of their brother’s SUV.

  Peering where her sister pointed, Maitlyn was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion; the sheer size of the luxury cruise liner took her breath away. The Coastal Galaxy, ranked as one of the world’s largest vessels, towered above the shoreline. The megaship looked like a floating skyscraper lying sideways.

  Kendrick Boudreaux laughed as he navigated his car into the Port of New Orleans and headed toward the Julia Street cruise terminal. He pulled into a no-parking zone, shut down the engine and jumped swiftly out of the vehicle.

  Maitlyn tossed her sister a look and shook her head. “Only your brother,” she said matter-of-factly.

  They both watched as Kendrick shook hands with the traffic officer on duty. The two men exchanged words before he returned and opened the rear hatch to the automobile.

  “You’re going to get a ticket,” Maitlyn said.

  Kendrick laughed. “No, I’m not,” he responded casually.

  “How are you not going to get a ticket?” Tarah questioned, cutting an eye toward Maitlyn.

  Their brother smiled and winked and then passed Maitlyn’s luggage to a porter, who seemed almost too eager to be of assistance. Kendrick was the master of not answering questions. Tarah was used to it, but it galled Maitlyn to no end. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance as she dug into her handbag for a tip, but the man and her luggage were gone before she could get her hand out of her billfold.

  Kendrick laughed. “What’s wrong, Mattie? You’re usually on top of your game. You seem a little slow this morning.”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she admitted. “And I definitely don’t know why I agreed to do this!”

  Her brother shook his head, dropping his large hands against the curve of her shoulders. “Go have yourself a good time.”

  “How can I have a good time when I don’t even know what it is I’m supposed to be doing every day?”

  Tarah jumped up excitedly. “We took care of that,” she said as she passed her sister the bag with all her travel documents. “Me, Mom and Katrina have booked you for all the spa treatments and offshore excursions. You’re going to have a blast!”

  “All of them?”

  “Well, the good ones,” Tarah responded, shrugging her shoulders easily.

  Kendrick laughed, shaking her lightly before wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. “It’s going to be okay. Just go have fun!”

  In that moment Maitlyn couldn’t fathom what fun might entail. But she had to admit that all her sister’s teasing had her fantasizing about a prospective encounter that might leave her completely satisfied without the burdens of commitment. Wild, passionate sex with a nameless, hard body just might be the kind of medicine she needed to get past the drama that had been her life. And if she could have wild, passionate sex with a stranger and never have anyone in her family find out, then why not, she reasoned. Her thoughts were interrupted when Kendrick suddenly did an about-face and called out to a stranger who was handing off his own luggage to a porter.


  “Kendrick Boudreaux!”

  Kendrick moved forward in greeting and eagerly shook the handsome stranger’s hand. The two slapped palms and gave each other a warm hug.

  Maitlyn took a step forward, staring at where the two stood. Both men had clearly captured the attention of everyone around them. Her brother’s good looks had never fazed her, but his friend, with his warm complexion, luxurious black curly hair and his chiseled features, was tall, dark and handsome to the nth degree. Behind her, Tarah murmured under her breath, “My, my, my!”

  Both women stood back as the two men fell into conversation. Maitlyn cut her eye toward Tarah, who was grinning like the Cheshire cat as she moved her body in closer and leaned heavily against her arm and shoulder. Mischief danced in the younger woman’s dark eyes.

  “Don’t you dare,” Maitlyn admonished between clenched teeth.

  Tarah giggled, whispering back, “I was just going to say that you might want to rethink doing it with the cabin guy and consider doing it with that guy.”

  Kendrick suddenly gestured in their direction.

  “Maitlyn, let me introduce you. This is Zakaria Sayed. Zak and I did some business together years ago, and we’ve been friends ever since. Zak, this is my sister Maitlyn Boudreaux. This is her first cruise.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Boudreaux,” Zak said as he wrapped a large palm around her hand, his dark gaze meeting hers evenly.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, too,” Maitlyn murmured, heat wafting in a large wave up her spine. She pulled her hand from his, her fingers tingling from his touch. She clenched her fist, drawing her hand behind her back to stall the sensation. Her
eyes were still locked with his.

  Tarah cleared her throat, her eyebrows lifted.

  Kendrick laughed. “Oh, and that’s Tarah, our baby sister.”

  “Hey,” Tarah exclaimed, waving her hand in greeting as the man turned his attention in her direction. “So will you be cruising today, too, Mr. Sayed?”

  “Please, call me Zak,” he said. His tone was deep and rich, a melodic vibrato that would have been perfect for a late-night radio program. “And, yes, I’ll be traveling on this cruise.”

  Kendrick interjected, “Zak is participating in the World Series of Poker tournament. He’s made it to the grand finale, which will be played out on the ship.”

  “You’re a professional gambler?” Maitlyn questioned, curiosity peaking her interest.

  The man’s smile was brilliant as he tilted his head to stare down at her. His deep gaze caused her breath to halt and air to catch in her chest.

  “I would not call myself a professional,” he said, the deep timbre of his voice heating her feminine spirit. “I’m just a man who likes a challenge,” he professed.

  Maitlyn felt herself nodding, her head moving up and down foolishly. She was grateful when her brother interjected.

  “Mattie, Zak has promised to keep an eye on you, so I know you’ll be in good hands.”

  Her eyes widened as she forced herself to smile. “That’s very kind, Mr. Sayed, but my little brother shouldn’t have imposed on you. I really don’t need a babysitter.” She cut an eye at Kendrick, whose mocking gaze made her want to give him a good punch.

  Zak chuckled softly. “That’s a good thing, Ms. Boudreaux. I had no plans to babysit anyone on this trip,” he said matter-of-factly.

  Kendrick laughed. “Well, you two had better head inside,” he said, glancing down to the gold watch on his wrist. He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Have a great trip,” he chimed.

  Maitlyn hugged him and then Tarah.

  Her sister moved in to whisper into her ear. “Tap that,” she murmured under her breath. “Pleeeease!”

  Taking a deep breath, Maitlyn could only shake her head. She tossed one last look over her shoulder at her brother and sister, who were waving excitedly as she proceeded to board the ship.

  She was suddenly aware of the warm palm Zak Sayed had rested against her elbow as he led her through the doors into the terminal. Neither spoke a word as they cleared the metal detectors and checked in at the registration desk. Maitlyn was surprised when he paused to wait for her after they were pointed in the direction of the gangway, especially since he had yet to utter one word to her. His expression was nondescript; the man seemed focused on something other than her.

  But Maitlyn couldn’t comment, either. She found herself completely tongue-tied in his presence. She took a deep breath and held it, fighting the wave of anxiety that threatened to consume her.

  Suddenly a wide-eyed redhead rushed over, greeting them cheerily. “Hello! Welcome to Coastal Cruise Lines,” the chipper attendant chimed.

  “Thank you,” Zak responded politely.

  “Let’s get your arrival photo taken care of and then you can board,” the young woman said as her associate guided them both in front of a cardboard stand-up of the cruise line’s logo.

  “Just stand a little closer to your husband,” the other woman said as she pushed them side by side.

  “Oh, he’s not... We’re not...” Maitlyn stammered. Her widened eyes made her look like a deer caught in headlights. She tossed a quick glance up at Zak, who was smiling. Maitlyn found herself completely smitten by the sheer beauty of it.

  Zak winked his eye at her as he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. If he hadn’t been holding on to her, Maitlyn swore she would have dropped straight to the floor, as her knees quivered like two rubber bands.

  Minutes later the two stepped onto the ship, and the cruise director greeted Zak by name.

  “Mr. Sayed, welcome aboard, sir,” the woman said. “My name’s Stacy.”

  Zak nodded.

  Stacy then gestured to the man at her side. “David will take you to your cabin, sir. If you follow him down the stairwell to the lower lobby, you’ll take those elevators to the seventeenth floor and your suite, which is on the aft end of the ship. And if there is anything we can get for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you,” Zak answered. He then turned his attention toward Maitlyn. “I look forward to seeing you again, Ms. Boudreaux. Enjoy your cruise,” he said casually.

  Maitlyn smiled politely as he turned and left her and the cruise director standing together. The woman glanced politely at Maitlyn’s boarding pass and pointed her in the opposite direction. Maitlyn shook her head, disappointment painting her expression. Sure, she hadn’t expected the man to walk her to the door of her cabin, but she also hadn’t anticipated him dismissing her so casually. The fact that she was even disturbed by his actions at all unnerved her because clearly Zak Sayed was a man who was more trouble than he was worth.

  As Stacy moved to help another vacationer, Maitlyn moved to stand in front of the bank of elevator doors.

  * * *

  Behind the closed door of his luxury suite, Zak took quick note of the two-deck-high stateroom with its panoramic views. The lower-level living space with the private balcony, dining area and bar would be ideal for entertaining if he felt inclined to do that kind of thing. The upper level boasted a king-size bed and shower large enough for two people to lose themselves in. The space would serve him nicely on the trip, he thought. He slid open the glass door to the balcony and stepped out to peer over the edge of the rail. The water below sloshed lazily against the side of the massive cruise ship.

  Hours earlier his thoughts had only been on the high-stakes poker game he was taking part in and the ten million dollars that had secured his participation. But since exiting the limo that delivered him to the docks, he’d thought less about the poker game and more about the beautiful woman who’d boarded the ship with him. A smile lifted his lips.

  He and Kendrick Boudreaux shared much history. Kendrick’s business dealings had brought him to Zak’s family home in Morocco. At that time he had been brokering an arms deal between two political entities. Their initial encounter might not have gone well had Kendrick not been so open and forthcoming. Zak had learned much about the man during that time, and the family he spoke of so highly. Zak also remembered how fondly he had spoken about his sisters, yet he didn’t remember Kendrick ever mentioning them being so beautiful.

  Thoughts of the lovely Maitlyn Boudreaux passed through his mind. He had turned to stare after her just before heading to his cabin and had been taken aback by the overwhelming sadness he saw on her face. He couldn’t begin to imagine what had soured her spirit, but he didn’t want to see that look on her face ever again.

  He also found it curious that she was traveling alone. Most of the beautiful women he knew would have been hard-pressed to travel all by their lonesome with no kind of entourage by their side. Most especially for the length of time they would be at sea. Zak fathomed that a woman with such confidence could either be quite intriguing or an annoyance for a man. It was a rare male who could handle a woman with such bold conviction, or who even wanted to. His lips bent slightly upward at the thought.

  But concerning himself with any woman was not something he had time for. This trip wasn’t about a good time. Zak was on a mission, and until the last card was dealt and the final hand played, that was all he could afford to concentrate on. He had far too much money on the line to allow the prospect of a woman to distract him. Shaking thoughts of Maitlyn Boudreaux from his mind, he moved back inside his cabin and secured the sliding glass doors.

  * * *

  After managing to find her cabin before the ship left the dock, Maitlyn was greeted at the door by Winston, the cabin steward, who wasn’
t at all bad on the eyes. The young man’s spirited personality even had her briefly contemplating her sister’s suggestions. Because for the first time in a very long time, Maitlyn was willing to admit that she had needs that could use some serious attention. And she had Zak Sayed’s touch to thank for the reminder.

  Left on her own, Maitlyn quickly deposited her carry-on in her room and went to explore her surroundings. As she toured, she became completely enamored by the sheer size of the massive cruise ship and all the attention the cruise staff lavished on her. She thought about what it might feel like to have a man, perhaps one like Zak Sayed, to experience the moment with.

  She sighed deeply as she took a quick glance around her, hoping that no one had been watching as decadent thoughts had washed over her spirit. She imagined herself naked, enjoying the pleasure of a hard-bodied male alongside her. Her cheeks flushed a deep red. Maitlyn was suddenly embarrassed that she’d even allowed herself to give such nonsense any consideration. And then she wasn’t, pondering how she might make such an encounter occur.

  Leaning against the rail that bordered the upper deck, she stared out to where the skyline kissed the sea and the sun began its descent in the bright blue sky. Closing her eyes briefly, she took a deep breath and then a second. She prayed that taking this trip would be a good thing for her. Her parents had never steered her wrong before, and she couldn’t fathom them doing so now.

  As she stared back out over the water, the moment was interrupted when a uniformed waiter suddenly appeared at her elbow, a pretty drink decorated with a paper parasol in hand. He pointed in the direction of the man who had sent the beverage. The gentleman nodded his head as he gestured toward the empty seat at his side. His inviting smile was miles wide. With his linebacker’s build, blond hair and eyes that were as blue as the ocean water, he made quite a first impression. Nodding her gratitude, Maitlyn lifted her mouth in an appreciative smile. She then tossed her reservations aside and moved in the man’s direction.


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