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Accepting (The Return of the Nine book 2)

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by Grace, Viola

  Tiera grinned. “Congratulations on the end of a long wait, Rothaway. She was worth every second of it.”

  He lifted Ziggy’s hand to his lips, and Tiera teared up at the genuine affection in his eyes. “I would have waited until the stars burned out for this woman, though I may have gone mad in the process.”

  Tiera sipped at her tea and felt her world settle around her with another mental click. She just needed to know a little more of the customs of the place that she found herself, and it would be like being on a holiday that someone else had booked. Fun, but out of her control.

  Chapter Three

  “What do you mean go mad?” Tiera was eating some of the snacks that Ziggy had coaxed out of the dispenser in front of her eyes.

  Rothaway sighed, “Tonos would be a better person to question, he is a medic.”

  Tiera waved her hands. “Explain please. I don’t want to make any social gaffs.”

  He straightened, “Right. Well, our parent race mated via pheromone triggers as many do. We have evolved to determine our mate via contact. When we find a woman ninety-eight percent compatible, and we touch, our body keys itself to that female. Depending on our race, there are a variety of effects which occur after that initial contact.”

  Ziggy reached over and snagged a cracker, “Aggression toward other males is one of those side effects. Apparently they get horny and then they get deadly.”

  Rothaway looked upset for a moment, but then, he nodded in agreement. “It is an unflattering but accurate assessment.”

  “What stops it?”

  Ziggy sipped and munched. “Well, Rothaway went to medical for several years and got suppressing shots.”

  Rothaway’s dark skin darkened further. “I will leave you two to catch up. I will return in an hour with some more appropriate clothing for dinner. Don’t fill up. There is a council dinner in three hours.”

  He got to his feet, kissed Ziggy in the most passionate embrace that Tiera had ever witnessed and escaped.

  Tiera laughed, “He lasted longer than I expected him to.”

  Ziggy grinned, “I know. He has stamina. Let me just confirm that. So, what do you want to know?”

  “What was your wedding like?”

  Ziggy’s gaze got far away. “There is a private area in the central garden, the air is filled with the scent of flowers and everything is so soothing.

  “We stood in front of the altar stone, and I pulled the knife—”


  “I pulled the knife, and Rothaway put his wrist against it, breaking the skin. He bit my wrist, and we pressed the wounds together. This transferred his rut to me, and the first moment that we had alone, I jumped him.”

  Tiera laughed and then sobered. “A knife? You are serious?”

  “The blood keys him to me and me to him. It is freaky at times, but I am trying to get used to it. When you finish the cutting, you put the dagger back into the altar, and your union is now official by the laws of the Nine.”

  “And you didn’t think that was weird?”

  Ziggy cackled, “I thought it was nuts. If it weren’t for Rothaway being serious and focused, I would have made a run for it. I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere but I would have taken off.”

  Tiera grinned, “So, we don’t touch the men of the Nine.”

  Ziggy snickered, “Not unless you want to chance being stuck up her indefinitely. I can tell you, once they find a mate, they are not eager to let them go.”

  Tiera tried to forget the peculiar shudder that had run through Tonos when she touched his arm, the fluttering of his wings and the flexing of the muscles in his body-builder physique.

  Ziggy caught on to her change in expression. “What? What did you do?”

  Tiera bit her lip.

  “Wait, who did you touch and what happened?”

  “It was probably nothing. I am sure it was nothing. It couldn’t have been anything, I am sure that he was just cold or something.”

  Zig leaned forward. “He shivered? Did anything else happen?”

  Tiera winced, “His wings flicked, eyes heated up and he licked his lips repeatedly. He said he was fine, but how would we know if he was affected?”

  Zig closed her eyes and found the information. “The Air folk signal that they have found a mate with a change to their wings. The delicate veins harden and the panels become as hard as steel. Basically, if he has been affected, he is now carrying four swords on his back.”

  Tiera winced, “What would that be for?”

  “Fighting over females. It is possible for a female to be perfect for more than one male, and so they fought to get her to be theirs exclusively. If that wasn’t possible, they would try and abduct the woman and keep her with them until the bonding had been enacted.”

  “And the women just stand for this?”

  Zig smiled, “When it happens, you will know. You will do whatever it takes to get your male and nothing will stand in your way. A ninety-eight percent chance is way better than the odds of knowing that a Gaian man is meant for you.”

  Tiera leaned back, “So, you have embraced becoming one of the Nine completely then?”

  Ziggy shook herself and sat up. “In the last few days, I have learned more about space, the races who live out here and the history of our world than I had ever imagined. The Nine came here because they wanted to know what could possibly attract the Tokkel to their old world. They stayed because we showed potential to become more than simple colonists on a tempting world.”

  The word potential suddenly snapped Tiera into understanding. “You are the reason that they are here. You are our Potential, Ziggy.”

  Her friend’s blush was enough proof. “It wasn’t my idea.”

  Tiera laughed. “I know it wasn’t, but it is weird how things turn out. If you hadn’t been going to get those crocuses for your mom, you wouldn’t have been taken, wouldn’t have escaped and wouldn’t have met Rothaway for the first time. You have always been so very special, and you spent your time hiding it. I am glad that it is out in the light of day.”

  They sat in silence until Tiera couldn’t stand it anymore and dragged in a deep breath. “Fine, so what do the women of the People of the Air look like? What colour are their wings?”

  “Only the men have wings. It is sexist, but it is how they evolved.”

  Tiera leaned forward and whispered, “How sexually compatible are they with Gaians?”

  “I don’t know if it is because of three generations growing up on Gaia changed our bits to match but we fit together very well. Any minor shifts are being corrected by the blood exchange.”

  They chatted about minor matters, the rumour mill that was talking about Ziggy’s sudden departure from the surface. Many folks said she was being arrested for war crimes, and in a funny way, they were right. If she hadn’t assaulted Rothaway to knock him out, none of this would have happened.

  “So, why is he going to get me clothing? I brought plenty of stuff.”

  Ziggy grinned, “They are not impressed with Gaian clothing. They like their women to look like women and not cargo operators on leave.”

  “Hey, I have some very nice stuff.”

  Ziggy patted her arm. “I am sure you do, but just wait until you get to wear some Wilder formal wear. You will feel all delicate and weird.”

  A suspicion filled Tiera. “Is he trying to set me up with someone?”

  Zig shook her head, “No. They don’t do that sort of thing. Every male is responsible for his own female. If they are compatible but there is some hesitation on her part, he kisses her in front of witnesses and that is equivalent to an engagement. Since they don’t touch casually, it is a fairly serious thing.”

  After some less serious conversation, Ziggy showed her how to find the porn on the entertainment unit by looking at the tiny logo on the left side. A strange squiggly icon was now burned in her mind. The documentaries had an option for Gaian language, and Ziggy blinked in surprise.

  “That’s new
. It wasn’t there when I got here.”

  “They knew you could understand their language. Or they suspected. My guess is that whatever I eat, drink or watch in here is going to be recorded or at least observed.”

  Ziggy was about to say something else when there was a knock on the door. She went and opened it, allowing her mate and his parcels inside.

  Apparently, it was time to dress for dinner.

  Chapter Four

  “Okay, I have to admit it. Rothaway has an eye for sizes. Does this look all right?” Tiera turned from side to side and took in the grey gown that set off her dark hair.

  “You look lovely. The Wilder clothes suit you.” Ziggy was behind her, wearing a dark rainbow version of the same gown.

  “All the races have a different set of clothing?”

  “Yup. Just like miners and caterers don’t use the same outfits at weddings.” Ziggy started to fiddle with Tiera’s hair, and in three minutes, her hair was wearing a similar braided arrangement to Ziggy’s.

  “What is that for?”

  “You are being considered a member of Rothaway’s family, and as such, you have to dress the part.”

  “I am part of the family?” Tiera grinned. “I am pretty sure that I would have noticed a shifter at my last event.”

  Ziggy smiled, “You are definitely one of my family, and so now, you are his family too.”

  Tiera sighed and took in the complete image that she presented in the mirror. Gauzy sleeves flowed down in a grey that held a rich shimmer. Grey had always been her colour, and so, she turned from side to side once again. “Well, my brother chose well. This is a good dress.”

  Ziggy laughed and gave her a quick hug.

  Tiera and her friend left her quarters giggling. Rothaway was waiting in the hall. He had wanted them to enjoy absolute privacy when Ziggy explained the closures of the undergarments. It was very thoughtful of him.

  “So, why is there a council dinner, and why do I have to be there?” Tiera was walking to one side of Ziggy, and she asked the question out of the corner of her mouth.

  Rothaway answered her. “The rest of the council is curious as to whether or not all Gaian females are as charming as Signy.”

  Tiera winced, “They are going to be disappointed.”

  Ziggy smiled, “You will be fine. I will be right there in case anything goes wrong.”

  Tiera took a deep breath and centred herself. “I really hope so.”

  Fate wasn’t kind, but it did have a sense of humour. Tiera was sitting as far away from Ziggy as it was possible to be. The only bright side was that Tonos was next to her on a chair that allowed his wings to extend behind him.

  “I am glad to see you again, Miss Tiera.”

  She smiled at the way he pronounced her name. He made it sound like Mysteera. It made her want to have him read the alphabet to her over and over.

  “It is good to have a friendly face nearby, Tonos. This crowd looks to be a little on the hostile side.” She smiled brightly at him as she spoke in low tones.

  “I will protect you, no matter what happens.” He reached out and touched her hand.

  She watched the shiver ripple over his skin again and noted the darkening of his wings. “Should you be doing that?”

  He looked up at her, his leafy green eyes innocent. “Doing what?”

  “Touching me. I have heard it is not a common activity up here.”

  A snide voice from across the table interrupted them. “It figures that a flitter would be trying to seduce one of the new race.”

  Tiera snapped into a cold mode. She looked at the woman with the tree-bark-like skin. The man next to her spoke in liquid tones, and they laughed together.

  Tonos was about to speak but she placed her hand on his.

  “It is amazing how rude so-called evolved races can be. Speaking in the language of the Forest while everyone around you understands the language of the Nine or Gaian is exceptionally impolite. Were you raised in a field? Did no one guide you as you grew, or were you gestated on a dung heap?”

  The female gasped and darkened in colour. Her male smiled slightly.

  “You too, twig-man. You were the one to change language first. Know when someone is ill at ease.”

  The woman leaned forward and hissed. “You are only here because your friend is whoring herself with a Wilder.”

  That was the last straw. Tiera got to her feet, slammed her hands on the table and leaned forward. “Bring it, bitch.”

  * * * *

  Ziggy was worried, but Rothaway tried to keep her calm.

  “She will be fine, Signy. No one here will harm her.”

  Ziggy placed her hand on the ordering pad and selected her meal. They had added several Gaian selections in the last two days, and she was relieved to see old favourites.

  “It isn’t the harm. It is the insults. I am well aware that my addition here is mostly due to your position.”

  “It is due to your skill, my heart.”

  “Whatever. Many folks here consider us beneath them. I have been reading the news reports, Rothaway.”

  He sipped at his beverage with a smile, “It is mainly the women. The fact that you can bond to one of us is shaking up a certain inbred smugness that many of the women have. They were used to having their pick of the men, and if their males can find a perfect match with a Gaian female, they will be a little upset.”

  Ziggy grumped. “I still can’t understand while she is way down at the end of the table.”

  “You took too long to get ready. They had seated most of the higher ranks and only held the positions for us. She is lucky to be near Tonos, at least he will talk to her.”

  She was about to reply when she heard her friend’s strident tone.

  “Bring it, bitch.”

  Ziggy winced and looked down the table to where Tiera was standing and bristling with rage. The eye contact that she was engaging in meant only one thing, and when the Forest woman bowed her head and her mate followed suit, Ziggy giggled.

  Tiera sighed, met Ziggy’s gaze from down the table and winked before she sat down.

  Rothaway was cautious, “What was that?”

  “I am not the only one with a talent, my dearest.” Ziggy smiled as her meal appeared from within the table.

  Suddenly, she was a lot more confident of Tiera’s ability to fit in.

  “I beg your pardon? I have never seen Lady Thenotha bow her head to anyone, let alone a tagalong Gaian.”

  Ziggy held her utensils and arranged her food to her liking. “Didn’t I mention that Tiera has the ability to make folks see things her way? Must have slipped my mind.”

  Rothaway cupped her chin and turned her head. “She has a talent for…”

  “Making sure that her way of thinking is accepted. If she is right, the change is permanent. If she is wrong, it wears off in a few hours. Either way, Tiera is in for a hostility-free evening.” She grinned, gave him a peck on the lips and returned to her meal.

  She gestured with her elbow. “Eat your dinner, it is getting cold.”

  He laughed and followed her instructions. The rest of the gathering was talking in low tones, but no one said anything against Tiera, and so Ziggy simply enjoyed having a meal and discussing the politics of the Nine with those around her.

  After dinner, she could find out what the hell Tiera had been thinking.

  * * * *

  Tiera bristled with rage and sent her offence, confusion and distress to the woman across from her.

  There was some overspill to the woman’s mate, but Tiera kept her cone of irritation aimed at the woman. When her target bowed her head, Tiera winked at Ziggy from across the room and resumed her seat.

  Tonos took her hand, “Miss Tiera, what was that?”

  She held up her finger against his palm as a plea for patience.

  The woman across from her cleared her throat. “I apologize. I am Lady Thenotha of the Forest people, and this is my mate, Lord Arothian.”

am Tiera of Gaia. This is Tonos, my companion for the dinner.”

  The males exchanged greetings, and Tonos explained to her how to order dinner.

  A few heads turned their way while they were eating, but by the end of the meal, everyone seemed to have forgotten her little outburst.

  As they sat back and laughed over dessert, one of the Rock folk next to them told the dirtiest jokes in Gaian that Tiera had ever heard, but it was a good night all around.

  The moment that the folks at the head of the table started to drift away, Tiera sighed. Her freaky evening had ended up being fun. Tonos had held her hand at every opportunity, and Warrock had kept them in stitches with his tall tales of sexual exploits.

  When Rothaway and Ziggy came to retrieve her, she didn’t want to go, and to her shock, Tonos didn’t want to let her.

  Chapter Five

  The moment that Tiera stood, Tonos clamped a hand around her wrist. She twisted her wrist in his grip but he held on. “What are you doing?”

  Rothaway spoke calmly, “Tonos, unhand her, and get yourself to medical.”

  Tiera blinked in shock when Tonos bent forward and his wing swung out toward Rothaway.

  The Wilder seemed to be on the lookout for the motion, and Rothaway jumped back, keeping his body between Ziggy and the metallic wing.

  “What the hell, Tonos? What happened to your wings? They weren’t like this when we sat down.” Tiera was trying to calm him down, but a red light was glowing in his green eyes.

  “They are as they are meant to be, Miss Tiera. Nothing that should worry you. I will protect you. I told you that.”

  Rothaway said something to a nearby Wilder, and the other male nodded. “Tiera, I think we should take a tour of medical. You and Tonos can come behind us. We will lead if that is all right.”

  Ziggy had a worried expression on her face, and that convinced Tiera that something was beyond wrong. “That sounds wonderful. I am sure that Tonos would be happy to escort me.”


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