Book Read Free

Good Vibration

Page 44

by S M Mala

  ‘How is everyone?’ he asked, desperately wanting to hear about Sylvie.

  ‘Forget about them!’ Piers said cheerfully. ‘That’s all in the past. You’ve got this gorgeous creature to concentrate on.’ His stepfather gave him a sympathetic look. ‘It’s all water under the bridge.’

  ‘But are they okay?’ he whispered.

  ‘Concentrate on your life and getting your marriage back on solid ground,’ Piers said softly. ‘Do you want to work it out with Juliette?’

  ‘Tell me how she is because no one’s saying a thing and she won’t let me contact her,’ he mumbled, feeling a lump come to his throat. ‘I miss her so much and I really hurt her, really let her down.’

  ‘She’s been a bit subdued but putting on her happy face, which means she’s coping. I thought it might be you but… I’ve got Toby on one hand and you on the other,’ he said quietly. ‘You have to forget about what happened and-.’

  ‘I… you see… it’s very different and this is fucking complicated, really complicated. I can’t forget about her and I shouldn’t have left her. I want her but I have an obligation a-.’ A tear fell to his cheek, betraying how he felt while he tried to gulp. ‘Is she okay? I just want to know she’s well.’

  ‘Oh my god Finlay, are you in love with her? Is she in love with you? Is that the problem?’

  He couldn’t answer as he knew his face probably said it all.

  Forty nine

  As Sylvie sat in the tea shop, fifteen minutes away from where Piers lived, she glanced out on to the street knowing it was near Finlay’s flat. For a moment she wondered if, by some miracle, she’d see him walking down the road and what she would actually do. Then the thought crossed her mind he would be happy with his wife and child, he’d probably ignore her or, even worse, cross over the road to avoid making conversation.

  That last thought cut through her like a knife as she gulped very hard knowing her pain was raw and she was going to have to try her hardest to mask it from Piers.

  ‘Sorry I’m late,’ she heard, then looked up to see a tanned and healthy man standing to her side. ‘Alice was giving me the drill about eating fat and drinking booze, same old, same old!’

  ‘You look great!’

  Sylvie stood up as he stooped down and gave her a hug, a little longer than the usual one, as she stepped back and smiled. There was something in his expression she couldn’t read, it was if he was pained when he looked at her.

  ‘I’ve been so busy with one thing or another, that’s why I look like shit!’ she laughed out and noticed his half smile.

  ‘Let’s order tea,’ Piers replied and sat down opposite her. ‘I’ve not seen you for weeks. I’m sorry for landing you in it but I can see from the figures you’re doing very well. How’s it all going?’

  ‘Oh where do I start!’ she said, forcing her happy face. ‘Rosalind is truly amazing, a total all-rounder, and she’s helping me with some of the paperwork. Everyone is fine but by Toby having his 30th on May bank holiday is going to shaft us as they’ll start partying on Friday. How are you? You look really well. Not working suits you.’

  She smiled at him as he reached for something in his pocket and pulled out his phone.

  ‘I’m that boring now you need to make a phone call?’ she said and watched him glance at her before holding it in front of her eyes.

  It was a picture of Finlay holding his son.

  Sylvie took a sharp intake of breath and put on her widest smile.

  ‘What a lovely baby! Toby’s shown me some pictures. He looks like his dad.’ Her eyes darted up and she realised Piers was staring at her. ‘Though I’m sure he looks like his mum too.’

  ‘Do you want to see a picture of Finlay’s wife?’ Piers asked as she stared back at him. ‘I have one in here of all three of them.’

  ‘I don’t think I could take the perfection.’ Sylvie let out a little nervous laugh. ‘It’d just make me feel scruffy.’

  The phone was pulled away and she hid her feeling of relief by turning to get a waitress’s attention.

  ‘Can we have a pot of tea?’ she quickly asked then felt Piers touch her hand. ‘Do you want coffee?’

  ‘Tea’s fine,’ he replied as she noticed his very serious expression. ‘I need to speak to you.’

  ‘Is something wrong?’

  Sylvie looked into his clear blue eyes, brighter due to the tanned skin and watched him look at her hand before pulling his own one away. There was a feeling of dread as he looked a little uncomfortable then he leaned forward.

  ‘Are you ill Piers?’ she said, sensing a steady panic in her chest. ‘Is something wrong?’

  ‘Sylvie, are you in love with Finlay?’ he asked quietly as her face froze. ‘You can tell me, I won’t say anything.’

  She couldn’t speak.

  The question had numbed her into silence as well as making her feel the sharp pain in her soul. Her eyes started to fill with tears as she looked down and blinked them back.

  ‘Why would you ask such a thing?’ she eventually replied, clearing her throat then looking at him.

  Piers examined her face and let out a very long sigh. She knew when he didn’t speak he was expecting an explanation and Sylvie didn’t want to lie to him.

  ‘It wasn’t mutual,’ she replied quietly, leaning closer. ‘He did nothing wrong and I misread too much. Finlay’s a very honourable man and you should be proud of him.’

  Waiting for a moment, she knew he wanted more as he leaned closer and wiped her face with a napkin. Tears were spilling out and she quickly grabbed another napkin and wiped them away.

  ‘Don’t think bad of me Piers,’ Sylvie gulped. ‘I hope you don’t think I tried to ruin his marriage because it was just a fling, a stupid little fling and he was separated.’

  Then she felt her throat start to close. The tears were coming thick and fast as she tried her hardest to mask the hurt. Piers moved his chair and put his arms around her as she starting to silently weep.

  ‘Do you love Finlay?’ he whispered in her ear.

  ‘Yes,’ she gulped. ‘Thing is, he never fell in love with me.’

  Rosalind was sitting at the other desk helping Sylvie with matching up some of the purchase orders. It was coming up to the first bank holiday in May and she was trying to sort out how they’d get the deliveries completed.

  After seeing Piers, they’d not spoken about what she’d said but she figured from the way he was acting, he felt sorry for her. Sylvie realised he was too much of a gentleman to call her love for Finlay delusional, which it was, especially after she confessed everything that had happened, including the liaisons in the hotel room.

  ‘Computers are wonderful!’ Rosalind exclaimed startling Sylvie out of her thought. ‘I remember when we had to do all this by hand and it was a nightmare.’

  ‘You’re a wasted talent, do you know that?’ she smiled at the woman, who was wearing one of Samina’s suits, but Rosalind had managed to put it tastefully together. ‘I’m pleased you’ve made friends here.’

  ‘I love this place, I really do! It’s such a joy to come in!

  ‘It’s nice to have someone in this office other than Stephen. He keeps asking to move to this desk but I really couldn’t face looking at him when I got in.’ Sylvie sighed, glancing over her shoulder at the man in question, whose nose was practically against his computer screen. ‘Seriously, imagine looking at that, close up every day.’

  ‘As opposed to Finlay, who was kinder on the eye?’ Rosalind replied as Sylvie glanced back at her screen. ‘How are you darling?’


  ‘No, how are you?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ she said, putting on her masking smile. ‘How are you?’

  ‘You know what I’m talking about,’ she tiredly replied. ‘It’s been nearly two months since he went back to that trollop and you’ve not said a word about it. Everyone knows he’s a father. They ask me if he was avoiding his responsibility. I have to hold my tongue before telling them h
e was avoiding his two timing slut wife.’

  She didn’t know what to say.

  ‘I’ve got to check the edit packages while Toby’s out. I’ll be back in a minute.’

  Sylvie got up and walked into the room before sitting down. It had been a horrible time for her as she felt she was not only mourning the loss of her husband again but Finlay too.

  And it hurt.

  She would cry when she was alone and then act as if all was fine, when it wasn’t. When she stripped it away, justified in her own head, it was obviously belated grief for Rupert

  But deep down, she knew the truth.

  Closing her eyes, she desperately missed him and couldn’t tell a soul, not even her best friend, as she pretended it was nothing.

  To her, it was everything.


  ‘I didn’t mean to upset you,’ she heard Rosalind say from behind before walking into the room. ‘You don’t talk about it and I thought… look, he thought the world of you. The last time I saw him look that upset all those months ago was when he was nine years old and confused about how he was feeling when his pet gerbil died. Poor Finlay was heartbroken.’

  ‘You’re comparing me to a dead pet?’ Sylvie let out a little laugh.

  ‘He loved that thing. What did he call it?’

  ‘Please don’t talk about him,’ she said quietly. ‘I don’t want to talk about him.’

  ‘I think Finlay’s made a terrible mistake.’

  ‘He hasn’t. He loves his wife and wants a child. He said he wanted his perfect life back and that’s what he’s got. He never wanted me, you see. I was something to bide his time and … I let him.’

  ‘I know when someone’s in love and I know you’re in love with Finlay. Any fool can-.’

  ‘You’re in love with Finlay!’ they both heard, making them jump before seeing Stephen standing at the door, the full horror etched on his face. ‘Finlay!’

  ‘What were you doing eavesdropping?’ barked Rosalind, standing up.

  ‘You and Finlay!’ Stephen said with an accusing finger. ‘Him? You… oh my god, don’t tell me. You slept with him?’

  ‘What all the noise?’ asked Samina, out of breath, as she ran towards them. ‘Why you shout? He expose himself! Look like he only got small winky.’

  ‘She!’ he said, looking at Sylvie with a face full of disgust. ‘Has compromised this company by… did you have sex with him?’

  ‘Sex him who?’ said Samina.

  ‘How could you screw Finlay?’ he shouted loudly as Sylvie sat there, unable to say a word.

  ‘She spread her legs and he stick it in!’ said Samina proudly. ‘He did it to me too!’

  ‘You’re not helping!’ moaned Sylvie, realising Samina was trying to make light, as she went to shut the door but Stephen pushed it open.

  ‘Don’t you want the rest of your colleagues to know?’ he said, giving her the filthiest look he could muster which only amused Sylvie. ‘Isn’t he the married part owner who’s just had a baby? You really have lowered yourself in my eyes?’

  ‘I don’t give a fuck what you think!’ Sylvie snapped as he glared at her. ‘What I do in my own time is no-one’s business!’

  ‘You’re a tart!’ he said and even that took Sylvie by surprise.

  ‘How dare you speak to her like that!’ snapped Rosalind marching up to him. ‘You’re a vile creepy little man.’

  ‘Of course you’d stick up for him, he’s your nephew and the sun shines out of his arse!’ he snapped at her.

  ‘You not speak to my friend like that!’ said Samina, waving her finger in the air. ‘You rude man! Not mention Finlay arse!’

  ‘I bet he had you all, didn’t he? Where’d he do it, Sylvie? In here, on the desk?’ Stephen said, completely over the top.

  ‘They do it on your table,’ Samina lied, before Sylvie noticed Rosalind trying not to laugh. ‘Not comfortable but sturdy! Not shake when thrust hard! And Finlay thrust hard! Even me!’

  ‘I can’t work for you! You… I can’t bear to look at you!’ Then Stephen stopped and stepped forward before starting to do a manic laugh. ‘Seriously, he slept with you? He must have been bloody desperate!’

  ‘What the fuck did you say?’ Toby said, marching in, startling all of them.

  ‘I bet he’s screwed everyone in here!’ shouted an unhinged Stephen to the older women, as Sylvie tried to stifle a shocked laugh.

  ‘Better than doing a fuckwit like you, always following Sylvie like the slimy stalker you are!’ snapped Toby.

  The next thing Sylvie saw was a fist coming towards Toby as Stephen went to punch him and missed, then Toby hit back, catching his jaw and knocking the man backwards.

  ‘Here! Here!’ Rosalind shouted, waving her fist in the air.

  ‘Give him kicking he deserve!’ shouted out Samina as Sylvie looked at Stephen lying down, sprawled on the floor. Then Samina managed to put a foot into Stephen’s side. ‘And that for landing Piers and me in trouble with supplier. You know your friend took money!’

  ‘Can we just calm down?’ Sylvie said, running in front of Stephen to stop anyone else laying into him, then she saw Della stare at her.

  All the others had run up the mezzanine and were looking at the chaotic scene.

  ‘What’s goin’ on!’ shouted out Pria as Sylvie held out a hand to instruct all of them to stop then she saw Gillian poke her head out of the office. ‘It’s a fight, innit?’

  ‘You bitch!’ Della hissed which cut through Sylvie. ‘You knew I liked him and you got in there.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ she replied gently. ‘I didn’t do that.’

  ‘Of course you didn’t Sylvie. You’re such an innocent aren’t you?’ Stephen said, literally spitting his words out as he lay on the floor.

  She couldn’t help it.

  Sylvie turned and kicked him hard in the bollocks before hearing Rosalind laugh out loudly while Stephen screamed.

  ‘You bad man!’ said Samina, who came behind her and started slapping Stephen before pulling him to his feet. ‘You get out! You have nasty mouth and too big teeth! Like grandma dressed as horse!’

  ‘Can we please all calm down?’ Sylvie asked gently and looked at the others on the balcony. ‘Please return to your jobs, all of you. We’re busy. I’m sure you’ll find out in good time what did or didn’t happen.’

  Rosalind came behind her as she watched them all slowly walk away, whispering, which meant they had overheard everything.

  ‘I thought I knew you Sylvie, I thought we were friends?’ Della said, stepping forward and looked genuinely upset. ‘Finlay and you?’

  Standing there for a moment, she knew how bad it sounded and realised she would have to save face. Any other time she would have lied but Stephen had probably heard too much.

  ‘Did you sleep with him?’ Stephen snarled and Samina pushed him further towards the door.

  She then caught Toby’s expression. He looked upset but she wasn’t quite sure if it was the topic of conversation.

  ‘This is all gossip. He’s married with a child and-.’

  ‘But he was screwing around when he was here! She has a right to know he’s an adulterer and not to be trusted!’ barked Stephen, clutching his bollocks with one hand and touching his face with the other. ‘Which means he screwed you! Why else would Rosalind say you were in love with him?’

  ‘You got it wrong!’ laughed Rosalind, shaking her head from side to side vigorously.

  ‘I know what I heard.’

  ‘Eavesdropped,’ the older woman added.

  ‘If you dare tell anyone that crock of shit, I will personally kill you!’ snapped Toby. ‘Remember Finlay owns part of this company and pays your bloody wage!’

  ‘Here, here! And you Toby will inherit so you boss too!’ clapped Samina loudly. ‘You not like place Stephen big teeth and bad hair, then you know what you can do. Sling your crook!’

  ‘I’m going to speak to Piers!’ Stephen said loudly while straightening himself out
. ‘And report Toby Caplin to the police about assaulting me… actually all of you!’

  ‘No! You can’t!’ shouted Sylvie. ‘It’s got nothing to do with Piers! And he struck back in self-defence. God Stephen, you need to be punched because you’re unbearable to work with! Do you know that? Report me if you’re intent on being a shit!’

  She’d hurt his feelings from his expression as he stood there, literally shaking with rage before turning around and walking out.

  ‘I can’t work for you!’ he shouted out. ‘You disgust me!’

  ‘And I can’t work for someone I don’t trust because they’re lying,’ said Della quietly, flinging her head back in defiance. ‘It’s wrong.’

  ‘Think that funny coming from woman who spend most of her time on knees sucking man winky!’ shouted out Samina.

  ‘Oh shut up you stupid old woman!’ snapped Della angrily, surprising Sylvie.

  ‘You stupid, think sucking hard make man like you!’

  ‘If you want to leave Della, that’s fine. I’ll pay your notice and any outstanding holiday,’ Sylvie calmly replied, seeing Della was genuinely upset. ‘But I’d prefer it if you didn’t go.’

  ‘I prefer she do!’ piped up Samina.

  ‘Come Samina, let’s go downstairs,’ Rosalind gently said, pulling the woman out of the office who was giving Della dirty looks.

  ‘What’s this about ‘love’?’ asked Della, with some confusion.

  ‘Stephen’s got it all wrong,’ she replied, looking at her feet. ‘Finlay wouldn’t seriously give me a second look unless he was going to run me over.’

  At that moment, she felt the tears come to her eyes at the utter pain she felt on missing him.

  ‘Can you please leave my office?’ she heard Toby say to Della, as the woman turned and walked out, nose up in the air.

  The door closed.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he gently asked as she nodded before quickly wiping her face. ‘You can talk to me if you want.’

  ‘I can’t,’ she said, looking up and putting on her brave smile. ‘You’re his brother. I can’t really speak to anyone and he’d be furious to know this happened and…’ Sylvie straightened up and retied her hair away from her face. ‘That’s in the past.’


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