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Darkest Ecstasy

Page 5

by Tawny Taylor

  “Hmm. I’m sorry.” He lifted his glass and took a couple of swallows.

  “I’m just glad I wasn’t fired.” Feeling as if the conversation had veered off into dangerous territory, specifically her messed-up career, she waved a hand. “Enough about my problems. Tell me about your work. You said you’re a computer programmer.”

  “It’s not very exciting, I’m afraid. My brothers’ careers are both more interesting.”

  “You have brothers?”

  “Two. I’m the youngest.”

  “The baby.”

  “Not anymore.” He smiled. It wasn’t a sweet smile. It was the kind that said, I’m-very-much-not-a-baby. “I definitely outgrew the baby thing a long time ago.”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean to imply—”

  “You didn’t offend me.” He winked. “I just thought I’d clear that up.”

  “Ah, got it.” Like he needed to point out the fact that he was physically as far from an infant as a man could be. He was big and hard and masculine. He carried himself like a man who knew what he was doing, what he wanted, and how to get it. The latent power that she sensed lay below the surface intrigued her. No, it excited her.

  She took one last swallow of her wine, emptying the glass, just as the bartender came scurrying toward them with a bag in her hand. She set the bag on the bar. “Sorry for the wait.”

  “No problem.” Tage stood, grabbed the bag’s handles, and, turning his attention back to Michelle, motioned toward the door. “Shall we?” Turning back to the bartender, he waved.

  Michelle couldn’t help noticing the bartender’s sparkly-eyed stare as she returned his wave and called out, “Have a great night.”

  A little jolt of something charged through her at the sight of those sparkles. She immediately shoved that something aside and produced some sparkles of her own as she stepped through the restaurant’s door, brushing past Tage as he held the door for her.

  Outside, she took a few deep breaths. The wine had helped settle her jangly nerves somewhat, but she still tensed up whenever she got close to him. The tension was strange. It wasn’t entirely bad.

  Outside of telling him when and where to turn, she didn’t say much as they drove the rest of the way to her apartment. Her heart started pounding really hard when he pulled into the visitor parking space next to her building a few minutes later.

  He motioned for her to stay in the car, then opened his door and unfolded his bulky frame. Within seconds he was standing next to her open door, offering her a hand out. She accepted, which put her almost chest to stomach with him as she straightened up. Her head tipped back, and she looked up into his dark eyes.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  Something flashed in his eyes, and she froze in place. His fingers moved, tickling her hand. The touch sent blades of wanting piercing through her body.

  “You’re welcome.” He moved, blocking her in, and her heartbeat raced even faster. There was something very dangerous and exciting about this man. At times he emanated this strange energy, almost predatory. But rather than being scared by it, she was drawn to him, mesmerized.

  Most men she’d gotten that vibe from made her nervous in a bad way.

  Feeling sexy, alive, she let her lips curl into a flirtatious smile. “Did you change your mind?”

  “About what?” he asked as he shifted his weight, moving closer.

  “About going inside?”

  This pretty little thing had no idea she was playing with fire. None. He could tell she was inexperienced. Much to his surprise, her awkwardness and shyness made his blood burn. He’d never reacted to a woman like that before. Evidently he’d been wrong all these years, thinking he needed women with experience, submissives who knew what their limits were and understood the rules of the game.

  He hadn’t touched a fresh one like Michelle ever. He couldn’t wait to see her on her knees, begging for release. He couldn’t wait to taste her kiss, to hear her whimpers and sighs. To smell the sweet scent of her desire.

  He cupped her chin and stepped closer, and a wave of need pulsed through his body. Oh yes, this was intense. He could tell by her wide eyes, dilated pupils, and deep, quick breaths that she felt the chemistry, too. Maybe it frightened her a little. He imagined it did. That was good. The little edge of fear would make her pleasure so much greater.

  His thumb ran across her lower lip, and her sweet breath warmed his hand. “I haven’t changed my mind. Have you?” Her lips were lush, plump, pink temptation. Not waiting for her to respond, he dipped his head down and tasted them. Delicious. He needed another taste. Decadent. And another. Intoxicating.

  She shifted forward, pressing her soft, curvy body against him, and he hardened. His cock strained against his pants. How he wanted to spin her around, bend her over, and take her. Hard. Right there. Right then. His thick rod would make her shiver with pleasure.

  “Ohmygod,” she whispered into their joined mouths. Her little hands curled into fists, his jacket caught in them. He pushed a thigh between her legs, and she trembled. The heat of her desire burned his leg through his pants. She was so incredibly responsive. This was going to be fun. This was going to be hell. Both.

  Taking advantage of her lips parting as she drew in a breath, he slipped his tongue inside to deepen the kiss. As he’d expected, she was sweet. Sweeter than any nectar, any fruit or berry. His body tightened even more. He tipped his hips, pressing his throbbing hardness against her, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush to him. She fit against him perfectly, her soft femininity a perfect contrast to his hard, lean masculinity, her inexperience a perfect contrast to his wide and varied experience, her innocence a perfect contrast to his corruption.

  Would he taint her by taking her? Would he ruin what was most beautiful?

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He broke the kiss and forced himself to step away. Studying her in the dim semi-light of the weak, yellow parking lot lights, he pulled in a deep breath. A second one.

  What was he doing? What the hell was he doing? This wasn’t the kind of woman he should be playing with. It wasn’t fair to her. Unlike the women he met at the club, like Angela, she didn’t realize what kind of depraved man he was. All she knew was that he made her tremble with need. Made her wet and hot and ready. He licked his lip. Damn, her kisses were intoxicating. Addicting. He wanted another one. And another.

  Leave her. Now. Before things get out of hand and you ruin her.

  “Actually . . .” His voice wavered ever so slightly as he spoke. He lifted a hand to stroke her soft cheek, but before his fingertips touched her satiny skin, he pulled it back. “I should be going. I have to work early tomorrow.”

  The lips that were still swollen from his kiss puffed out in a semi-pout. “I—I understand.” Her hand shook slightly as she lifted one to finger her mouth. “I’ll see you Monday. Normal time. Normal place.”

  “Yes, Monday.” Placing one hand on the small of her back, he escorted her to her building’s entrance, handed her the bag of food, and waited until she was safe inside before he climbed back in his truck. He cranked on the engine, hit the gas, and steered his vehicle back to the road. As if it were on autopilot, it took him to the club, which was a good thing. There was no way he’d sleep tonight without burning off some of the heat blazing through his body first.

  With tension wound through every inch of his body, he strode inside. Hoping to find a new submissive—someone athletic, maybe a little brunette with a high tolerance for pain and a flexible little body—he made his way into the open dungeon space.

  Hmmm. That one. The brunette playing with a dom who clearly didn’t know what the hell he was doing. She had some potential. Yes. That was the one he’d invite back to his room.

  That is the kind of woman you should be marrying. Someone you can’t taint, can’t break, can’t ruin.

  Waiting for her scene to end, his gaze scanned the crowd. Tonight the club was a little busier than usual. Not only was just ab
out every piece of equipment being used, but there were small clusters of people gathered around the participants, watching, waiting.

  In the back corner, he caught the shimmer of dark hair. Was that Lei? A man had stepped in the way, blocking his view. As he moved toward the woman, someone tapped his back.

  He swiveled around.

  Instantly, he recognized her.


  “Well, hello there,” Angela said, giving him the up and down. She’d traded her sleek business skirt and blouse for a clingy black dress that fit her curves to perfection. “Looks like we have more in common than just where we play.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “How long have you been working in our building? I’ve never seen you there before today.”

  “Hello,” Talen said as he continued to scan the crowd.

  She stepped to the right, directly blocking his view. “Looking for someone?”

  Slightly put off by her aggression, he moved to the left. “Yes, I am.”

  “Maybe I can help. I’ve been here for a while. Are you searching for a female or a male?”

  His gaze meandered back to the woman in front of him. He gave her a thorough up and down. She was attractive. There was no denying that. And she definitely knew how to dress to make the most of her assets. And she had a few assets that were definitely worth highlighting.

  But, gauging by the way she stood today, the way she held herself now, he suddenly didn’t see her being a submissive. And after what happened earlier, when he’d run into her with Michelle, he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to play with her again. “Female. Tall with dark brown hair. She told me she’s a regular. Name is Jodie.”

  “I know Jodie. She’s a close friend of mine.” Angela pulled her lips into a semi-pout that reminded him somewhat of a certain other woman’s pouty, lush lips. “Sorry, I think she’s busy tonight. But maybe I can help you find another play partner?” She batted long eyelashes at him. That expression was one hell of an invitation, one he would have accepted without thinking before today.

  One that he should be able to accept without feeling like he was doing anything wrong. So why did he feel slightly uneasy now? Was it because he didn’t like Angela’s attitude? Or was it because of someone else. A little brunette?

  Couldn’t be the latter. He owed Michelle absolutely nothing. They’d shared a couple of kisses, and then he’d left, before things got carried away. He hadn’t even stayed for dinner.

  “Are you looking for a girl with experience?” Angela asked.

  Was he?

  Yes. Of course. Experience was good.

  Experience was essential.

  And a certain level of independence and inner strength.

  Remember, you’re looking for someone who won’t have any unrealistic expectations. Someone who won’t be torn apart if you don’t fall in love with her.

  He gave Angela yet another up and down. While she was a little overly tenacious, she also seemed independent and self-assured. And, as he’d hoped, she was physically as different from Lei as he could get. She was tall and willowy, with long golden waves and blue-gray eyes. Her breasts were full, her hips wide, waist tiny. Classically beautiful.

  He jerked his head toward the hallway. “Let’s go.”

  Her lips curled into a broad smile, then straightened out as she adopted the serious, obedient expression she’d had last time he’d taken her to his room. “Yes, sir. Or... do you prefer Master?”

  “Sir is fine.” He steered her down the hall.

  Monday morning Michelle’s heart rate was galloping at an insane level as she boarded the elevator. Her hands were literally trembling. As she turned around, she clenched her purse, hoping holding her bag would help them stop. It probably didn’t.

  The car didn’t move for several drawn-out moments. She waited, watched, her heart in her throat. He would step around the corner any second now.


  Second . . .

  Any time now . . .

  He’s going to miss it.

  He had said he would see her today, same time, same place. Where was he?

  The doors started closing. Her view of the lobby narrowed until it was completely cut off.

  No Tage. He hadn’t come.

  Was it an intentional brush-off? Why? What had she done on Friday? Things had seemed to be going very well, at least that was what she’d thought. He had kissed her. Oh God, that kiss. She would never forget it. In fact, she’d dreamed about it last night... and the night before that.

  But then he’d abruptly left. He hadn’t even taken his dinner. He’d thrust the bag into her hands and left her on the front stoop of her building. He hadn’t asked for her phone number. Nothing.

  Once again, she’d screwed it up.

  When the elevator stopped on her floor, she shuffled down to suite 610. Once inside she gave Lauren a wave, like always. Then she plopped down in her chair and started up her computer.

  “You will never guess who I saw on Friday night!” Angela exclaimed as she bounced around the corner.

  Michelle was so not in the mood for a bouncy Angela. “Who?” she grumbled.

  Angela shouldered the wall and crossed her legs at the ankles. She pinched a blond curl between her fingers and twisted it. “Tage.”

  Michelle’s insides felt as if Angela were twisting them. “Tage.”

  “Yes. Around eight-ish. I’m a member of a private social club. That’s where I met him before. He showed up Friday night just as I was about to head home.” A wicked gleam sparkled in her eyes. Michelle didn’t care for that gleam at all. No, it made her feel a little sick inside. “We spent some quality time together at the club.”

  “That’s . . . nice,” Michelle said as she swallowed her breakfast for the second time. That bitch had to know what she was doing by telling her this. She wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of reacting.

  And Tage . . . that jerk. He’d run out on their date just to go out to the club and meet up with someone else? What the hell? He’d sure acted like he was interested in her at first. So why did he leave so abruptly? Had Angela texted him an invitation he couldn’t resist?

  More importantly, why, oh why, did he have to pick Angela for his little sordid one-nighter? Of all the women in town, why her?

  Angela’s waxed and tweezed brows scrunched. “Michelle, are you okay? You look a little run down.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just tired. I had a late couple of nights this weekend.”

  Angela’s overly lined eyes widened. “Oooh! I’m intrigued. Tell me.”

  “Maybe later.” Michelle motioned to her computer, which had finished starting up. “I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Sure, sure. Later. Say, why don’t we go to lunch? I can tell you about Tage. He’s coming by this afternoon, by the way. He said he wants to talk about some advertising campaigns for his company.”

  Dammit, Angela got him in bed, and now she was getting the account, too. The bitch!

  But what could she do about it? Nothing, that was what. Absolutely nothing. If he wanted to follow his dick, and go to Angela for help at work, that was his choice. There was no law against it. But it did suck.

  Michelle pulled her mouth into what she hoped would pass for a smile. “That’s great.” She started poking at her keyboard, hoping Angela would get the message and leave.

  She didn’t. Ignoring Michelle’s hint, Angela stayed put. Her expression turned all girly and wistful. “Yeah. It’ll be really hard sitting there, talking business. He’s so incredibly handsome, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, he’s handsome.” And a complete ass.

  “You know,” Angela said, twirling that stupid lock of hair, “when I saw you leaving with him on Friday, I thought you two were dating or something.”

  Me too.

  “Well, if you were seeing him, I would want you to tell me. You can say a lot about me, but I wouldn’t steal another woman’s man. Never.”

  Great, now she had to either keep her mouth shut
and listen to Angela spout on and on about Tage’s prowess in the bedroom, or admit that she’d misunderstood his invitation to dinner, thinking he was interested in starting some kind of relationship with her. Either way, it was a shitty situation.

  She opted for preserving her pride, smiling, and saying, “Oh no. We’re just friends. He’s not my type.”

  Angela’s brows rose so high they practically blended into her hairline. “Not your type? Tall, handsome, and rich isn’t your type?”

  “No, I prefer short, fat, poor, and pasty white.” Michelle forced a grin.

  Angela’s laugh was nauseating. “You are so funny. Why am I just realizing that now?”

  Because Angela hadn’t bothered to talk to her much before last week, perhaps? “Oh, I think I hide it pretty well when I’m at work.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t. People around here like someone who can make them laugh. It doesn’t always have to be serious business. So don’t be afraid to let that inner comedienne out every now and then.”

  “I’ll try to remember that, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Angela tossed her hair. “See you at lunchtime.” And off she flounced, to her office with the door and the window.

  Some people got everything in life. The looks, the promotions, the men. Michelle hated those people.

  Michelle knew he was nearby before she saw him. The air around her felt warmer. And little crackles of energy were skipping over her skin. She looked up from her computer screen, swiveled to glance over her shoulder.

  He was watching her.

  She felt her cheeks heating as their gazes met. His lips curled into a semi-smile that made her heart stutter and her mouth dry out. “Hello,” she said, trying not to let him know how much he unnerved her or how hurt and disappointed she’d been after hearing about his little thing with Angela.

  “I’m here to talk about advertising plans.”

  “Yes. Angela told me you were coming in today.”

  Some odd expression flashed across his features for a fraction of a second. It was almost too fast to be sure she’d seen it. It was most definitely too brief to read it. “Did I tell her that?”


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