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A Winter's Dare

Page 3

by Leigh Ellwood

  Devon ceased exploring her mouth and rained light kisses on her cheeks, her chin, her collarbone. Sliding further down, his heavy, muscled thigh separated from her and the building orgasm quickly faded in Kate's pussy, yet Devon easily compensated for the loss by pursing his lips around one of her nipples. He suckled the one, then the other, tracing lazy circles around the raised edges of her aureoles. Kate tilted her head slowly forward, enjoying the contrast of skin tones pressed together.

  He took in a staggering breath. "You have gorgeous breasts," he said on a sigh. "Delicious."

  "So are other parts. You should try them." Her words surprised her. Yet, inwardly she cried out for him to slide further south. She had to feel that tongue explore her pussy. Her core twitched, aching to be breached and licked.

  Devon flashed her a devilish smile and waggled his eyebrows. "Certainly can't refuse an endorsement like that." Without further persuasion, he dipped his head low and, after pausing a moment to allow Kate to widen the gap between her thighs, laved her pussy with one broad swipe. The flat of his tongue slid over her bare nether lips while the tip gently teased every wrinkle and fold. Once, twice, three times he teased her mound in this manner before settling his lips around her clit and suckling hard. The resulting pleasure hit Kate in slow, sharp waves, and she arched herback in reponse.

  "Mmmm." Cupping her breasts, Kate pushed them together and pinched her nipples in an attempt to ease the pain of abandonment caused when Devon directed his attentions elsewhere. Not that Kate minded. Her head lolling to one side, she watched with quiet fascination as Devon worried her pussy between his lips, stoking the fires within her with every nibble, every lick, every kiss. The sight of his dark skin, his dreamy expression, served to magnify her desires and guide her to a quivering orgasm enhanced by her low, guttural cry.

  And the tinkling laughter of a female ghost. As Kate floated back to Earth, she listened for Athena to laugh again and was slightly disappointed to be met with silence. Only the faint ripping of rough paper brought Kate from her reverie. She raised herself slightly to see Devon sitting back on his haunches. He had somehow produced a condom, presumably from the wallet in his discarded pants, and now rolled the tipped Latex onto his bulging, black cock. Nice. Kate eyed the rod with growing anticipation, sensing her juices spilling over the priceless quilt. The Dare Foundation Advisory Council would have her head for certain if they knew what was going on here now, but Kate paid her struggling conscience no mind. What had any of those stuffed shirts done for her? Kate doubted the panel of dour, thin-lipped coots could have given her an orgasm to match the intensity of what she had just experienced.

  Besides, Athena laughed. The ghost enjoyed the show. No doubt the elusive Polly Dare was somewhere getting a chuckle over how the mortals paid their respects. The quilts had draped beds, after all, and they did more than just sleep in the 1800s. That was encouragement enough for Kate.

  Devon's shadow crossed her skin as he hovered close, igniting her blood back to near boiling. His sheathed cock tapped at one knee as he positioned himself between her legs. The sterile scent of lubrication and her own musk made her heady. Her pussy throbbed, waiting, her passion unabated even by the serious expression freezing Devon's smile.

  "I don't want you to think I do stuff like this all time," he said. Devon palmed one of her knees, smoothing his palm over her pale skin.

  "What's that, come to Dareville?" Come in Dareville? She hoped to lighten the mood with the remark and was relieved to see it worked. There was that dazzling row of bright teeth, blinding her.

  "I don't sleep with strangers," he said. "But somehow, you aren't unfamiliar to me. This house isn't strange. It's home."

  "If what you say is true, it could be." The words were out before Kate could think. If anything could kill the present mood, the notion of losing Dare House was it. She bit her lip, as if in punishment, but apprehension quickly gave way with Devon's smile.

  "Maybe we're supposed to be here, drawn together by the ghosts of the past to for a better future," he said. With the heel of one hand, he braced himself against the quilt. With the other, he gripped the base of his cock between thumb and forefinger and maneuvered the shaft to scrape up and down her cleft. The resulting sensation sent waves of pleasure rolling over Kate, and she moaned. The very near future was going to feel very good, at least. "No sense in disappointing our friends, then," she whispered, and nearly giggled at Devon's amused reaction. Slowly, achingly, he breached her waiting, wet core and grasped her lower hip. She gasped initially at his size, but as she relaxed she was amazed with how easy Devon slid into her. He remained on his knees, between her thighs, and lowered himself slowly down until he was on top of her again. His cock filled her like nothing else.

  "Not disappointed at all," he murmured, and took Kate's mouth in a probing kiss. Kate tasted her own musk, and Devon's muffled desire, as their tongues mated and danced. Devon pumped gently into her at first, as though savoring the sensation of being clamped by Kate's constricting inner walls. The rhythm was maddening. Kate couldn't remember the last time she'd had sex, and though this tender display flattered her, she wanted to be pounded into the floorboards. Let Athena and Polly enjoy a view worth well more than the price of admission to Dare House, she wanted to be fucked. She wanted to feel the ground vibrate, to hear the plaster beneath them rain down on the Dare parlor and turn the ancient carpets white with dust.

  White . She pressed against Devon's chest, guiding him silently to raise his torso so she could watch him fuck her. She arched her hips upward, mesmerized by the sight of that thick, black shaft plunging into her. Black on white, up and down. A perfect fit. The view so entranced her that she didn't feel the second orgasm until it literally happened, and her upper body flew upward. Her breasts crashed into Devon's face, and when she quickly lowered, he sped up the pace.

  "You like that?" he grunted, buried deep within her. "You like my cock?"

  Kate's answer was a pleasured groan, punctuated by her lip smacked against her tongue.

  "Yeah, I like it, too." His voice was strangled now under the threat of an explosive orgasm. "Like being in you..." Whatever else he planned to say would have to wait; Devon gave his full attention to thrusting in and out of Kate's pussy with a force that caused her breasts to wobble to and fro to the point of pain. She matched his every grunt and shallow breath, noting the distorted pleasure on his face and predicting the timing of his orgasm.

  When he came, he threw his head back and let out a series of low cries, each one fading in strength as his essence shot forth and his cock throbbed against her channel. With one last inward thrust, he collapsed on top of her, and they slowly kissed away the afterglow.

  "Who'd have thought research could be so much fun?" Devon joked when he finally regained breath. He flinched with Kate's playful slap to his shoulder and suddenly pulled her close. Kate squealed aloud when he rolled onto his back, take Kate with him.

  She laid against his chest, his cock semi-hard inside her, and traced the raised veins bulging in his arms. "Well, I must say, if every day at Dare House were like this, I'd never leave." She shared in the ensuing laughter, feeling calm. The fate of Dare House, and her job, didn't seem to matter much now. She was sated, her body and mind pleasured beyond her expectations, and despite knowing Devon for only a short time she felt close to him. The house, its inhabitants, gave off an aura that bolstered her desire to know Devon better, and her resolve to make sure that happened.

  Devon relaxed in her embrace and focused on a point on the ceiling. "It's stopped," he said, nearly whispering.

  Kate was still for a moment, and realized Devon meant the ghosts. No laughter punctuated their tender caresses. Had their passion opened some portal to the otherworld, allowing them a way home? Maybe that had been the reason for Athena's sexual goading. An odd method of aiding the departing, if that were the case. Fun, but odd.

  She opened her mouth to propose this theory when her hand slipped across Devon an
d landed on the quilt. A crunching sound accompanied the dent she made in the quilt's fabric.

  "What the—" Kate smoothed the quilt square. Something was inside the stitched swatches besides goose down.

  She traced her fingers over the floral pattern design and picked at a loosening thread holding the square in place. As expected, the ancient thread gave way to reveal fragile fillings: a crumbling feather, a marblesize ball of rough cotton... ...and paper. "What are you doing?" Devon cried, and Kate turned to him with a surprised look. She felt immediately embarrassed. Here, she had just enjoyed incredible sex with the man, and nearly forgotten him with the discovery of a possible clue.

  She scrambled off of Devon and curled into a sitting position, still tugging at the quilt. "There's something in here, it looks like pages or something," she said. "I wonder if they could be the missing parts of Polly's journals, but why she'd sew them into her quilts I have no idea."

  Thankfully, Devon didn't seem too miffed by her sudden shift in attentions. He sat up and came to rest by her. "Maybe she didn't want them to be found," he suggested. "We all have secret hiding places."

  "True." Kate managed to free the three sheets of parchment from the quilt with minimal damage. If need be she'd sew up the square with the original thread, if it didn't dissolve in her hands. Maybe the board would fire her for defiling the artifact, but who cared now? She had something they didn't.

  Kate studied the gnarled, sloping handwriting that was unmistakably Polly's, as she'd read enough of the woman's writings over the years. Her smile fell, and she realized Polly had something as well, something nobody else experienced. "What is it?" She felt Devon near, concerned and squinting to decipher Polly's

  words. She offered him a sympathetic gaze. "It's proof, Devon. Proof that Athena is not your grandmother."


  "Damn." "I'm sorry." The room became suddenly cold again. Kate lifted one corner of the quilt to cover herself as Devon read the blinding script. The journal entry was a later one, written as Polly approached her final years. These final reflections focused almost entirely on Athena and their special friendship, how Polly mourned her passing every day, and how she looked forward to the day she would be reunited with her friend, her confidante, her... "Lover." The word came from Devon with surprise, not scorn. For that, Kate was relieved. The revelation shocked her, yet for some reason she was surprised to be shocked in the first place. An affluent, wealthy woman like Polly Dare would have had suitors lined outside her door, yet she never married. A free woman of means like Athena Dare chose to remain with the family that once owned her rather than risk a life of total independence. How could she have not seen it?

  Devon finished reading and handed back the papers. "'Neither of us had known men, nor desired to,'" he quoted Polly's words. "Well, it does answer a few questions I had." "I'm sorry they weren't the answers you wanted," Kate said quietly. Devon offered a half-smile. "I guess what's important is that Athena

  was happy. I doubt I'd leave if I were in that situation." Kate felt light-headed. "She was in love, and free." "Maybe she's free now." Devon's words confused her. He noticed her furrowed brows and added, "I'm guessing it isn't normal to have these quilts strewn on the floor like this."

  "No, and I have no idea how they got out of the cases." Kate laughed, gathering up the fabric. She'd think of a way to restore them. Right now, though, she needed to restore her own sanity. That Devon hadn't immediately slipped on his clothes and took off was a comfort, more so when he leaned over to kiss her.

  "I saw Polly Dare. I'm guessing you saw Athena?" When she nodded, he said, "Maybe they couldn't see each other. Maybe something was blocking them from being reunited in the next world."

  Strange as the entire situation was, it did make some sense to Kate. Athena's antics around Dare House, the sexual display...a ploy to get her and Devon up here to find the missing journal pages? An interesting theory, but Kate imagined the ghost could have achieved her goals through less prurient means.

  As Kate thought of Athena, she shook her head. Where would have been the fun in that, though? As long as Kate had put up with Athena, surely the ghost had gotten tired of Kate's bellyaching over a lack of sex life.

  She clutched the pages in her hands. The truth shall set you free. In finding this, Kate hoped Athena and Polly were now free to be together.

  Quietly Devon helped her to stand, and they shared a few smoldering glances as they dressed and righted themselves. "Thanks for the tour," he joked. "Is there a membership plan?"

  "Yes, but it's very exclusive," Kate said coyly, "and very much worth it for all benefits." She folded the quilts and set them against the wall.

  "Sign me up." And Devon drew Kate into his arms for a bone crushing hug. The second they made contact, a stream of delighted laughter floated into the room, followed by a second, happier noise. This one from another person. Kate pulled away and saw by the expression on Devon's face that he heard it, too. Visitors? The bell hadn't rang, but then Kate wouldn't have heard it for her distracted attention.

  Had a delivery woman arrived with her package? Her mother, God forbid? Kate thanked the heavens they were dressed and guided Devon to the second floor landing to find the source of the merriment.

  Her heart stopped on seeing two women in period dress—bell shaped skirts and bonnets—milling about the foyer and hanging on each other like two drunk biddies at a cotillion. Run-off from the wine tasting at Jake's, more than likely, a couple of reenactment players looking for trouble with the fifth of Merlot consumed. "Can I help you ladies?" she called from the top of the stairs. The covered heads turned upward to reveal two very familiar figures. Kate's body froze, her hand clutching the mahogany railing as she stared into two faces she'd seen on preserved daguerreotypes and sketches.

  Polly was absolutely radiant, casting an adoring sideways glance to her love before offering a brilliant smile to say Kate's assistance was no longer needed. Hand in hand, the couple bowed in unison and faded away. "Damn," Devon whispered. "Nobody is going to believe that." Kate pressed against his back, savoring the rush of heat. Holding the remnants of Polly's journal to her chest, she smiled down at the spot where the two ghosts had stood. "Maybe so, but that doesn't matter. We were led to the truth of their relationship, and once we announce this discovery everybody is going to believe that Polly was a passionate, devoted friends."

  " Should that be made public?" Devon asked. "I mean, some people can't accept that kind of love now, imagine how people would think—"

  Kate shrugged, cutting him off. "Nothing anybody can do about it now. Athena and Polly loved each other. Hiding the truth kept them apart, obviously. Why keep hiding?"

  Devon scratched his chin, nodding. "Good point. Speaking of hiding..." He hooked an arm around Kate's waist, "how about showing me the rest of the place? Maybe we'll find more hidden treasure."

  "Well, as it happens I'm free all day." Kate giggled. "And, I don't know if you know this, but Athena did have blood relatives in the area. Some owned by Horace Dare, too. I might be more likely that Athena is a distant cousin of yours." "Really?" Kate nodded. "If we're lucky, we might unearth some clue to your

  ancestry in the next room." Kate gestured behind him. "Which room is that?" "The bedroom."

  About the Author

  Leigh Ellwood lives and writes in the sweltering South and seeks

  inspiration in the many people she has met and loved over the years. Having found moderate success in writing mystery and suspense, Ellwood decided in 2004 to try her hand (and pen) at romance. Her first two attempts resulted in shelved projects that, after some time away, were combined together to produce one full-length novel. This book would eventually become the Phaze release, MUSE. Ellwood's first attempt in the erotic romance genre is Phaze's TRUTH OR DARE, the first of Ellwood's Dareville series. The inspiration for the contemporary romance TRUTH OR DARE evolved from many a day browsing a message board dedicated to one of Ellwood's favorite music groups...and the strong
feelings of one particular member as evoked by his female admirers! The meaning of the name Dareville is two-fold: Dare is a name commonly seen around Virginia, as Virginia Dare is the first known born on US soil among the original Plymouth settlers, and of course each book in this series is quite daring, as you will soon read.

  The second book in this series, DARE ME, is now available, as is third Dareville book, DARING YOUNG MAN. You are welcome to read up on the progress of this and Ellwood's other romances at her website: Ellwood also welcomes comments from readers at kspatwriter at yahoo dot com.




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