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Charlie's Dream

Page 18

by Jamie Rowboat

  "I think you can count on that," said Gemma, lightly, opening the front door.

  "Why's that?" asked Marie.

  "Because, when I die, you'll own it all if you want to, you and Charlie, that is."

  "You're not serious, own this house and all the land?" asked Marie, with her mouth slightly ajar.

  "No, not just this place. All of my estate. All the properties around the world. All the land, all the businesses and the nursery, of course. Most of the land is held in a trust, but I want you to have control of that trust and all the businesses pretty much run themselves. You won't have the sole responsibility over it all, because you'll have the guidance of some close friends and trustees. That, together with the protection afforded by the legal structure that I have installed to make sure the land can never fall into the wrong hands. Only when you're ready, I don't think there could be a better pair to carry on our work than you and Charlie. Anyway, think about it and we'll talk in more detail later. Right now, though, I need to get this old body to bed and, quite frankly, I don't want to make any more plans until Charlie is home safely. We are not through the woods yet. Travelling between the elfin and human realms is a risky business, so we must stay alert. The bridge between the two worlds is being tentatively opened after a long time being shut and it's a time when all that we have nurtured so carefully could be destroyed if we don't stay centred and aware."

  "I don't know what to say," said Marie.

  "Don't say anything. Nothing has happened yet, now just give me a kiss so I can go to bed."

  "You're incredible. You know that, don't you? But thank you, I am truly overwhelmed by your gesture and I'm flattered that you think I'm worthy of carrying on your work," sighed Marie.

  "You are the one, that's for sure. We have waited for you to come and complete the jigsaw, haven't we Gemma," said Michelle, sitting on the ground and leaning on Marie's legs.

  "Indeed we have, and when Charlie returns to us, as I'm sure he will, a new chapter will undoubtedly begin. But, right now, I'm tired beyond belief and in dire need of my comfy bed. So, I wish you both good night and may you have wonderful dreams," she said, kissing first Michelle on the forehead and then Marie on the cheek.

  The girls sat there quietly for a moment and then Marie stood up and helped Michelle to her feet.

  "I'm too excited to sleep," said Marie, making her way towards the kitchen door.

  "Well, why don't we go for a swim before we do, it might help to calm things down," suggested Michelle.

  "Won't it be freezing?" exclaimed Marie.

  "No, it's heated, silly. I'd forgotten you haven't been there yet. It's great, the whole thing's housed in a greenhouse," replied Michelle.

  "Sounds good to me, let's go," squealed Marie.

  The two girls scampered through the house to the back door. They went along a narrow path that led through the herb garden and down to two greenhouses that Marie had presumed were for Gemma's propagation work. She was partly correct, as one of them was jammed full of huge, exotic plants, but the other house was the setting for a beautiful swimming pool that had a spectacular rainbow mosaic across its base. The greenhouse was massive, with giant palms sheltering three or four seating areas that had huge lounges and single deck chairs in them. Two of the biggest palms acted as supports for a large hammock that had big pillows strewn all over it. Soft white towels lay in stacks around the place and the pool sat in the middle of it all, steaming slightly as an invitation to share it's delights. Marie stood by the side of the pool and sighed at the style that was in everything Gemma touched.

  "Come on, slow coach," squealed Michelle, appearing beside her, naked, and diving into the pool, without leaving so much as a ripple. Marie felt a slight twinge of embarrassment as she disrobed and slipped into the warm water, but it disappeared as she surfaced from her dive to be greeted by the moon shining through the glass ceiling above her. She floated on her back for a while, enjoying the sensation of the water supporting her and the sight of the silver light reflected on her skin.

  "You have an exquisite body," sighed Michelle, slipping alongside her like a seal.

  "Do you think so? I've always thought I was a bit skinny to be honest," said Marie, glancing down at herself.

  "Oh no, you're gorgeous, you have the face of an angel and a body to match," whispered Michelle as she glided up to her so their faces were almost touching. Marie felt her friend's hand lightly touching her breast beneath the water and it sent a delicious shiver down her spine. She couldn't care less about her normal inhibitions, and as she let them slip from her mind, she lent forward and kissed Michelle on her lips. It felt so beautiful to touch her in this way and her body shuddered as Michelle returned her kiss in a gentle, but quite passionate way. After a while, they stopped and Marie disengaged herself from their embrace and swam to the edge of the pool, where she climbed out and wrapped a towel around herself.

  "Are you okay?" asked Michelle, lifting herself out of the water beside her.

  "Yes, I'm okay, it's just.well, it feels so lovely to be touched by you like that, but I. I. haven't ever done this before, and it."

  "It's okay," said Michelle, touching her on the shoulders. "I haven't done this before either, but it doesn't feel wrong to me, does it to you?"

  "No, it feels wonderful to me too," interrupted Marie, gently letting her towel drop to the floor beside her. "I don't want to stop, I'm just a bit scared, that's all," she continued, as she reached her hand out to wipe away the tears that had escaped her friend's eyes. They kissed again, standing at the side of the pool with their bodies glistening from the bright approving moon. They skipped across the garden, still naked, and warmed themselves in Marie's large bed by snuggling beneath the soft damask sheets. They kissed and caressed one another for quite a while until the warmth returned to their bodies and the sexual thrill took them further. Michelle's touch was so light in comparison to a boy's, and as she caressed Marie between her legs and ran her tongue over her breasts, an orgasm swept up through Marie's body like a wave. She lay, panting after it subsided, then gingerly copied her friend's movements as best as she could to return her the blissful feeling. Only once did she think about the Catholic priest at her school and then only fleetingly. The feelings were too heartfelt to imagine that they could bring any harm. It was incredible to watch her friend writhe so blissfully in response to her touch, and once she had brought her to orgasm, they lay entwined in each other's arms until sleep crept up on them. In the morning, they woke up still in the same position and they made love again in the morning light to confirm the beauty of all they had felt the night before.

  "I feel truly free in myself," said Marie, as she lay naked on the bed with sweat glistening on her body from their exertions.

  "Moi aussi," said Michelle, quietly.

  "Come on, let's have a swim before breakfast," said Marie, jumping up from the bed. They ran down to the pool again and screamed with delight as they swam in the pool that was now coloured with the shades of the rainbow in the bright morning light. Then, they wrapped themselves in a couple of brightly-coloured sarongs they found in a cupboard by the pool and scampered down to the main house for breakfast.

  "You two are glowing like a couple of young lovers," said Gemma, the moment they entered the kitchen. To which the girls just laughed and sat down at the table, still dripping wet.

  "The pool's amazing," said Marie, before scoffing through a chocolate croissant.

  "Ah yes, I had the pool built in 1908 and we created the mosaic over a long weekend of champagne and love-making. Of course, Henri did the design for the installation and the rest of us just worked as his labourers," said Gemma wistfully.

  "Henri?" asked Marie.

  "Matisse, of course, who else," said Gemma, as though it was obvious.

  "How silly of me, I should have known," said Marie, tapping her head in mock reproach.

  "Now, tell me, what have you girls got planned for today?" asked Gemma, still giggling.

I'd like to hang round here and explore a bit more, if that's okay," answered Marie, glancing across at Michelle for her consent, to which she got a confirming nod and smile.

  "Good, that sounds like a perfect day to me. I've got some business to attend to for most of the day, so I'll be in the office if you need me. When I've finished there, I'm going to have an afternoon rest before tonight's delights," said Gemma, taking her last slurp of coffee and standing up from the table.

  "So, look after her for me, Michelle, and remember, an afternoon snooze would be a good idea for you two because it is going to be a long exciting night, eh," she continued, as she kissed them both before leaving.

  "I'll look after her if I have to," said Michelle, sarcastically.

  "Thanks very much," said Marie, pinching her on the leg once Gemma turned away.

  "Good, have fun girls," came her voice from beyond the door.

  The girls had a great time together that day. Marie felt totally comfortable with Michelle, even after what had happened the night before. No awkwardness was present as they wandered through the property exploring all its hidden nooks and crannies. This relieved Marie, as she had feared the whole sex thing might destroy the sense of ease between them. They were able to be affectionate towards each other, without being overtly sexual and, as they wandered around talking endlessly about themselves, she could feel a trust building between them that made her heart glow.

  It wasn't until the late afternoon when she woke up from a snooze, that the memory of the evening's plans surfaced in her and the anticipation began to rise in her chest. Michelle was still asleep in the other bed, so she slipped quietly out of the room to have a shower and a few moments of her own space to prepare herself. The sun was moving quite quickly towards the horizon, so she sat quietly on the balcony and watched the vivid orange light caress the landscape.

  "Hello there," said a quiet voice from behind her.

  "Oh, hi there, Gemma," she whispered.

  "It's my favourite time of the day. The last hour of sunlight seems so special to me," whispered Marie.

  "Mine too," said Gemma thoughtfully.

  "How was your day?" asked Marie, after a while.

  "Yes, fine thanks, a few too many lawyers for my liking, but there's been a lot to organise. I've just woken up from a snooze myself, so I thought I should wake you before I make a bit of dinner. And you? How was your day with Michelle?"

  "Beautiful," said Marie, nodding her head in happy remembrance. Gemma laughed and bent over to kiss her on the forehead.

  "The love of another woman is quite different isn't it?" she said, quietly.

  "Yes, it's touched me somewhere deep in my heart that has been cold for a long time," said Marie, as tears welled up in her eyes. "But what about Charlie? I feel so selfish," she stammered.

  "Marie, you need experience to be with a partner and enjoy it. You don't want to be with Charlie and wonder whether it would be better with someone else. Do you not feel more complete having experienced what you have recently?"

  Marie just nodded and wiped the tears away from her face.

  "Besides, I'll bet Charlie's having his own fun in the valley, if I know the elves," said Gemma, with a smile.

  "Do you think so?" asked Marie, quietly.

  "Yes, definitely, and it will do him as much good as it is doing you," said Gemma, glancing over her shoulder at Michelle, who was lying across the bed, naked.

  "I guess you're right, it just challenges everything we're taught, that's all."

  "Yes, it does, and there is a world of difference between following your heart and being promiscuous. It's not a good idea to sleep with many people. Fidelity to another person can be very important, but it's the ego that says it can never forgive and not the heart. Enjoy your learning and I promise it will bring you closer to Charlie if he really is the one for you. But now you should wake sleeping beauty while I prepare us a light dinner. Are you excited?"

  "Yes very, and even more now you've helped me clear my conscience," said Marie, touching Gemma's hand.

  "Good, well I'll see you two downstairs. Don't be too long."

  Marie sat on the edge of the bed for a while, just watching her friend sleeping peacefully, before leaning forward and kissing her delicately up her spine.

  "Mm, that feels gorgeous," purred Michelle as she was woken by Marie's caress. "What's made you feel so affectionate?" she asked blissfully.

  "Oh I don't know, just love. That and the fact that we are expected for dinner very soon and I want to make love again before we go," said Marie, surprising herself with her boldness.

  "How lovely," sighed Michelle, rolling over.

  The moonrise was spectacular that night, she appeared in front of them like an enormous UFO looking for somewhere to land. None of them had spoken much since leaving the house and Marie was now beside herself with excitement. They reached the cottage in no time, to find Celine waiting for them at the front gate.

  "Pascal has gone on to prepare things," was all she said, before joining their group and clicking the gate lightly shut behind her. Celine smiled at them all and then linked arms with Gemma, before striding off down the path into the dense woodland that surrounded the cottage. The huge trees were very close together and it would have been impenetrably dark without the light from such a strong moon.

  "It's not too much further," whispered Gemma, over her shoulder.

  "Are you okay?" asked Michelle, squeezing Marie's hand.

  "I think I may have just peed my pants, but yes I'm okay," answered Marie giggling nervously.

  "You'll be fine, they're beautiful beings and they will feel the same about you as I do," she said tenderly.

  "Thanks," said Marie, quietly.

  There was a bonfire somewhere up ahead, Marie could smell it, but before she could ask anything, she could begin to see it as well. It looked to be about a hundred metres away, and as they gradually approached it, Marie could tell that it was not small. In fact, it was huge and had long, wild flames that licked up into the air at least twenty or thirty feet. As they got nearer, she could see it was in a clearing that was a perfect circle. The huge trees that surrounded it shone with the fire's bright orange light and had graciously kept their foliage away from covering the circle. To the side of the fire sat a lone figure who had his back to them, but it was clearly Pascal. Well before they reached the clearing, he turned around and greeted them with a wave of his hand. As they entered, Pascal gestured for them all to sit beside him. He then stood up and walked around the other side of the fire. Marie leaned slightly to one side to see where he was going and nearly fell over completely with surprise when she saw the figure of someone greeting him. They hugged in an intimate way and Marie somehow thought it must be a friend of theirs who had mistakenly stumbled into their gathering. Then, Gemma rose to her feet and approached the figure as well and received the same welcome as Pascal had, only they remained embraced for a lot longer. Then they released each other and turned in her direction. Her heart was in her mouth as they approached her with Gemma just in front.

  "Marie, I would like you to meet Arkantash, the chief of the elfin community here," said Gemma, simply, before moving aside. There, in front of her, was an elf and Marie gasped slightly from sheer nerves as he came into the light. He looked exactly like a human, maybe slightly smaller in bone structure and definitely more beautiful. His face shone with life and his eyes sparkled with a sort of mischievous wisdom that spoke volumes about his age, but which had lost none of their childlike joy. You couldn't see his wings, as they were folded neatly along his spine, but you could tell that they were there by the way he stood in an extremely upright fashion to counter-balance their weight on his back.

  "Hello there, I'm Arkantash. But you can call me Ark, like my friends," he said, extending both of his hands forward to take hers.

  "He. llo. I'm Marie, and I am lost for words I'm so nervous," she replied.

  "From what I am told, that is quite unusual," said Ark smiling b
roadly at her. "But don't worry, beautiful one, it is quite a night and a few nerves are to be expected. Come now, put them aside and let me introduce you to my friends. Then maybe we can dance together, if you would like," he said, holding her hands.

  "Yes, I would," said Marie, bathing in the beauty of his ancient face. As he glanced away from her to see what was going with the others, she caught sight of his wings and it made her gasp with delight.

  "Your wings, they're beautiful," she sighed.

  "Thank you, maybe they remind you of a time when you had them," he said, before releasing one of her hands.

  "I. I. " she mumbled, but it was no good, she had no answer to such a question. Her feet felt like lead for the first few steps, but the hand that led her was so comforting, she knew she was going to enjoy what she found on the far side of the blazing fire. There, to her utter amazement, was a group of about twenty elves of various ages. When they spotted her and Gemma arriving, they began to hoot and sing with delight. Gemma changed before Marie's eyes, the old lady seemed to become an elf. She leapt across to the group of her old friends, like a teenager jumping into the mosh pit at a rock concert.

  "Waahoo," she shouted, embracing as many of them as she could.

  "Felina Felina, wea wea, Felina Felina, wea wea," they all sang as they surrounded her, jumping up and down with their arms linked together. In a moment, Gemma disappeared into the middle of them, only to emerge on the shoulders of one of the young male elves. There she sat, quite comfortably, laughing and cheering along with them all as she swirled around to an increasingly wild rhythm that was being created by four elves on large wooden drums. Marie watched in amazement at the sheer passion of it all. The drumming got faster and faster, but they managed to keep perfect time with each other without seeming to try.

  "As you can tell, we have missed our Felina a great deal," said Ark, who was still standing beside Marie.

  "What does Felina mean?" asked Marie.

  "Felina is the name of a flower that is only in the elfin valley and although it is only fairly small in stature, it blooms for longer than any other flower in our world. In Winter, its fragrance is at its strongest when it is most needed and in Summer, when so many others are blooming it stays quietly in the background."


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