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Claimed by Her Mates

Page 10

by Grace Goodwin

  “With pleasure, mate.” Tor began to move, fucking me in earnest as his brothers held me open. “With pleasure.”

  * * *


  We were at a training center for more difficult brides, yet Leah was the least recalcitrant of mates. In fact, I’d call her eager, or voracious, or greedy. Having the seed power from three men made her insatiable. While we’d only taken her over the bench with a simple spanking and fucking, the power of it woke her from sleep and we’d had to tend to her again in the middle of the night. The term tend included a good hard fucking from all three of us. Leah had insisted on cleaning off our cocks with her mouth, then Drogan inserted a larger training plug into her ass. Only then was she sated enough to fall back asleep. Now, with the dawn, she was still sleeping, but for how long, none of us knew. We were not familiar with having a mate, nor with being together for that matter.

  Drogan was preparing a simple morning meal in the food preparation area as Lev and I sat at the small table by the window. A few couples were about, the weather enjoyable. Men and their mates were going about their day, perhaps going to a specific training hut. All things were available here, all desires could be met. Learning to properly wield a crop, or tie a bride with ropes without causing harm. There were classes on pleasing a bride with an eager tongue, or learning to read her body during sexual play. As for the brides, a bride could be taught how to suck cock or even how to train her back entrance for a good fucking. Lev seemed to have mastered the art of reading Leah, knowing what she needed, even if she denied it. I was learning this about her, too. How he’d known she needed the release of a hard spanking, I wasn’t sure, but she had. She’d broken and screamed, and through her tears and thrashing had begged for more.

  What I longed to do was learn more about how to stretch Leah’s ass. She’d taken a larger plug in the middle of the night, but was stretching her open enough to get her ready for my large cock? Lev may want to learn new ways to secure Leah in ropes or take her to a deeper level of submission. Drogan? Hell, he was obsessed with oral sex, but seemed to have that down, if Leah’s orgasms were any indication. Anything we needed to learn to please our new bride was available to us here. As long as only one of us was with her at a time, no one would be the wiser to our deception. The only outward sign of our differences was Lev’s scar running through his eyebrow, but with Leah with us, no one would be paying any attention to Lev’s face.

  I knew I couldn’t focus on my surroundings when her nipples hardened right before my eyes.

  “Regent Bard was killed in yesterday’s attack,” Drogan told us both as he finished preparing the meal.

  Lev paused with his mug of morning caffeine halfway to his lips. “At Viken United?”

  I nodded. “I heard the news in the east. Did you see it happen, Drogan?”

  “Yes. After we separated, I headed west. Regent Bard was coming from the transport center. He was with Gyndar when they were ambushed.” Drogan scooped food into bowls. “I was some distance away, but the regent was on the ground with a black arrow through his right eye. Gyndar knelt over him to assist, but there was nothing to be done.”

  “An arrow through his eye? That wasn’t just a lucky shot,” I surmised. We were warriors. We knew what an intentional kill looked like.

  “I saw it happen,” Drogan said, as he placed bowls in front of each of us, then went to retrieve his own. “The assassin took aim from a nearby balcony. He was waiting, as if he knew precisely where the regent was going to be. The attack was precise and well executed.”

  I picked up my spoon, stirred the morning protein porridge. “So, someone wanted him dead. Was the attack on Viken United designed to kill the regent then, or to get to us?”

  “Or Leah,” Lev added.

  No one had an answer.

  “We should remain here, in hiding, until Leah is carrying our child,” I said. “Perhaps by then we will know more.”

  “I agree with the regent’s plan,” Lev added. “He wanted a unified planet. Apart, we were just bickering weaklings from the three sectors. Together, we can rule Viken. Teach our child to be a better man, a better leader than all of us.”

  Drogan looked at our bride, sleeping peacefully on the bed. “It will not be safe for her until she has officially been claimed.”

  Lev set down his bowl with a scowl. “We can’t bond with her until she is bred. That would give one of us an advantage in fathering the child.”

  I swallowed a spoonful of the warm porridge. “Agreed. But as soon as she’s carrying our child, we will need to bond with her immediately. Which means we should focus more intently on her ass training. She took to the plug we used last night, even the larger one, but in order for us to have the official bonding ceremony, we need to take her at the same time. It is her tight, virgin ass that delays this.”

  Drogan agreed. “Yes, politically it is the best way to keep the sectors satisfied, this bonding. It will keep her safe, even if we are separated. On a more personal note, it will keep Leah more satisfied, too, if she’s legally bonded to all of the men she fucks. Perhaps then the seed power will diminish some for her. She was insatiable, almost delirious with her need.”

  “Being from Sector Two, Tor, you’re the one who most enjoys a good ass fuck,” Lev said with a grin.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “And you don’t?”

  * * *


  “I do not see the need for this,” I whispered to Tor.

  He cupped my elbow and led me across the lush field between the various buildings. The men called them huts, but it seemed my idea of that term and a Viken’s was vastly different. They were not huts as I’d seen on Earth. They were more like cabins in the woods. Rustic and simple looking on the outside, but well-constructed with modern amenities such as kitchens and bathrooms on the inside. So much was different here. This was a race of interstellar travelers, with spaceships and technological advances I couldn’t begin to dream of… yet they chose to live like this. To cook their meals on stoves and bathe in real water when a number of races had devices that would clean them without ever touching a hair on their bodies.

  We’d ridden in a simple boat from where I’d been transported from Earth to this place. A bridal training center! A training center for fucking. The men said it was for recalcitrant mates. I wasn’t recalcitrant. Hesitant, definitely. Headstrong, absolutely. When Lev had spanked me yesterday for not obeying him in the boat, I’d been stunned. Shocked that he’d actually followed through with his discipline. It had hurt!

  But it had also given me permission to hurt, to stop bottling up my fear and my pain. I was shocked that he’d spanked me, but even more surprised by my reaction. I liked that bite of pain. I liked being forced to let go. I’d debated for the last couple of hours what I might do to earn another punishment at Lev’s hands in the future. I’d cried and kicked and screamed, and I’d let it all out, all the poison inside me. I felt free and empty now, no longer afraid or tense. I was wrung out and exhausted by the whole experience, but I knew I wanted to feel that sting again. I was counting on it to help me hold myself together. I was counting on them, my mates, to hold me together, to make me stronger and keep me safe. I was falling in love with them, depending on them, trusting them… and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it.

  I had a feeling Lev had gone easy on me, and that there was more, if I wanted it. More pain. More leashed darkness inside me. I wasn’t ready to face that yet, but there was something about these men that made me think about things I never had before. They also made me ridiculously horny, eager to fuck and accept sexual needs I had never dared to imagine before coming here, before being matched to three such powerful and dominant men. They were addictive, a drug I didn’t want to live without.

  They called it seed power, the chemicals in their seed that made me eager for them. It seemed absolutely ludicrous, but the reaction was hard to deny. Even now, I was dripping wet, my pussy swollen and achy for my men’s cocks.
I’d woken up in the middle of the night and begged to be fucked. God, I blushed just remembering how wantonly I’d behaved. I had even loved having the bigger plug put in my ass.

  Yes, I was not the same woman who had left Earth. I was not that conservative city councilman’s daughter any more. I was wild and wanton, and I didn’t care. Right this moment, I didn’t care.

  Tor led me through the huts, his large hand completely enveloping my own in his gentle hold. I wore a new gown, similar to the first that my mates had destroyed in their eagerness to take me, but a different color. The last one had been a rich, vibrant green. This one was a dark, earthen brown that reminded me of a bear’s fur. Tor had dressed me to match him. And as he’d walked with me along the well-tended garden paths between huts, he’d told me the cost, in Sector One, of growing up without a family. He’d kissed me like a drowning man desperate for air, and had vowed to never leave me, or the child they were trying so hard to plant in my womb. The vehemence in his eyes convinced me he meant every word.

  We walked in silence for a short while, but I could tell something worried my mates. Lev would never tell me what was going on. I knew that. He would simply expect me to trust him to take care of it. Drogan? Well, he would tell me, if I asked, but I already knew he would choose his words carefully. He was the diplomat, the one who kept the peace between them, and he never spoke without considering his words. But Tor? Tor would tell me the truth.

  “What’s going on? Why are we hiding out here instead of going back to your capital?”

  Tor squeezed my hand and tugged me into the shadow of a giant tree trunk where no one would be able to see us from the walking paths. He leaned down, pulling me close to whisper in my ear. “The old man you met yesterday, Regent Bard?”

  I nodded. The old man seemed genuine, and happy to welcome me to Viken and my mates.

  “He was the Viken regent. He was extremely powerful. The current leader of our planetary government.”

  “I thought you three were the rulers?”

  Tor shook his head, his hands running up and down my back in a soft glide that made me want to melt into him. “Yes. We are royal by birth, but we were separated when we were babies. Before you, none of us would agree to return to Viken United and rule. So, he held a lot of power, and worked to keep Viken involved in the Interstellar Coalition. But he was not the true ruler.”

  “You said was.”

  “He was killed in the ambush yesterday. By an assassin.”

  I put my hand over my mouth, thinking of the gentle and honest old man. “Oh, my God.”

  “Someone wasn’t happy with the regent’s plans.”

  “But that plan was us, Tor. He wanted you three to reclaim the throne.” I cupped his face with my hand, and I knew the protective anger I was feeling was what made my voice shake. “You and your brothers are the true rulers of Viken.”

  He nodded. “Our parents were killed when we were infants. Lev, Drogan, and I survived and were split among the three sectors to maintain peace. We were raised separately. Regent Bard got his way. The peace held from that day to this, but it has been tenuous for almost thirty years.”

  I ran my thumb along his cheekbone and looked into his eyes, feeling a soul-deep connection. He’d told me the day before about his parents’ murder, but still…

  “I don’t understand. You mean you barely know each other?” When he nodded again, I felt a pang of sadness for them. “I have no siblings, but I would hate to know I was ripped from the only family I had for political gain.”

  He leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, even as the large hands kneading my ass were anything but innocent. “That is why you are invaluable. A woman matched to all three of us. Bred by all three of us. Delivering of a child made by all three of us. The infant will be the next ruler of a united planet.”

  “But if they killed the regent, won’t they try to kill you, too?” I asked, my eyes wide. If whoever it was wanted to take over the planet, I knew three very sexy men who stood in the way of that goal.

  He gave a slight shrug. “Perhaps, but we believe the real danger may be to you. You are the one who will give birth to the one true heir. We only have to fuck you and fill you with our seed. You will be the ruling mother. Your child will be heir to the throne of all Viken.”

  I looked around, thinking men with bows and arrows might jump out and attack us. “Are we safe here?”

  He placed his big hands on my shoulders, leaning down so I was forced to look into his dark eyes. “We will never let anything happen to you. You must trust your mates in that. Only one of us will be with you while we remain in hiding here, the other two will remain out of sight, so it appears we are just another newly mated Viken couple.”

  “Won’t you be recognized?”

  Tor grinned. “No. Our planet does not broadcast images like some. Here, everything is managed by a strict hierarchy, orders and laws being passed down from the highest-ranking members all the way to the common farmer and soldier. I doubt anyone here has ever seen anyone but the local leadership.”

  I looked down at the vivid green grass. “Okay. But when I woke up, I heard you talking this morning. What does any of this have to do with training my ass?”

  He smiled. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. “There is a ceremony that will make our bond permanent and legally binding. Our seed power will still call you, and us, but after we bond, it will no longer rule our bodies with such strength.”

  “You mean I’ll be able to think about something other than fucking?”

  “I hope not.” His all too sexy grin was unrepentant. “But without the bonding ceremony, you would crave us your entire life. The craving can be quite severe and has been known to drive unmated females mad.”

  “You mean I will always be this… desperate?” I didn’t like that idea very much. I liked to be aroused, but this… this was too much.

  “Not if you bond with us. All three of us. After we claim you, you will still feel the seed power, but it will be much more subdued.”

  I didn’t need to be told more. The seed power currently pushed me to the very edge of my control. My body ached to be filled, to be touched. I craved the touch of my men. I needed it. The idea of being able to think again, to walk without the brush of my own clothing on sensitive skin driving me to distraction, was irresistible. “All right. I will bond with you.” I felt my cheeks heat and knew a dark pink invaded my face. “All three of you.”

  “To bond with us, you will have to fuck all three of us at the same time. I will take your ass, Lev your pussy, and Drogan will fuck your mouth. Only then will the bond be recognized by our people.”

  The idea of servicing all three men at once, being pressed between them, feeling and tasting their cocks at the same time, made me moan. Tor laughed and pulled me back onto the path. “That is why you must be trained. I do not wish to hurt you. I am big and your ass is tight.” We stopped in front of a hut.

  “I had a plug inside of me all night long,” I pointed out.

  As Tor opened the door for me, he continued. “Yes, but the plugs you’ve accepted in that sweet little ass were both smaller than my cock. We will spend the next hour getting that virgin hole all nice and stretched, ready for me. There’s one challenge with this, Leah.”

  I tilted my head. Only one challenge? It seemed that everything related to my arrival on Viken was a challenge.

  “This is a center for recalcitrant mates. This means that a little extra discipline, a little extra level of submission, is expected by the trainers here.”

  “You want me to resist you?” I licked my lips. “That may be an impossibility based on my… ache.”

  He grinned then and his eyes darkened. “I love that you are voracious for us. How about this? Pretend to resist. Pretend you are a bad girl.” He stroked his finger over my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Can you be naughty for me?”

  “Does it mean I’ll get spanked again?”

  He tsked me. “Nau
ghty girls should not be so eager for a spanking. You will get a spanking and something quite large to plumb that virgin ass.” He leaned in and whispered, “Be sure to resist.”

  I knew what that meant and so did my pussy, for my juices slid down my thighs in anticipation as Tor opened the door. With a hand at my back, he led me inside. Once through the doorway, I paused and blew out a breath. Perhaps resisting wasn’t going to be as hard as I imagined. Accepting my need for my mates was not the same as accepting what I saw before me.

  The single room hut was solely for ass training. I started to giggle at the insanity of it—I couldn’t imagine something like this on earth—but stifled it behind my hand. A woman was lying flat on her back upon a soft mat. Straps, connected by hooks on the wall behind her, were wrapped around each of her knees to pull her legs back and open, her bottom lifted off the floor. Her pussy was on full display to her mate who knelt between her spread thighs. Since this was the ass-training room, he wasn’t fucking her. Well, he wasn’t fucking her with his cock. He was using a very large dildo, not in her pussy, but in her back entrance. Her eyes were closed and she was panting, her skin coated in a sheen of sweat. Her mate leaned close, pumping two large fingers in and out of her wet pussy as the dildo plumbed her ass. He lowered his mouth to suck her clit, hard enough that I could see her soft, pink flesh as he lifted and pulled away from her body. Her back arched and she whimpered in a sound I knew all too well, for I’d made that sound myself, just last night, as I begged my mates to fuck me. The woman was close, so close to finding her release. I tensed and closed my legs, squeezing against the emptiness I felt watching her shudder, her entire body shook as he pushed her to the very edge of orgasm before withdrawing both his fingers and mouth to continue fucking her with the dildo in her ass.

  Her pussy was slick and dripping and I watched as her muscles tightened and released as she was worked. Fucked. Owned.


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