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Page 10

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  "I've locked them in separate cells, Ossian, Ultan grinned. They won't be comparing their stories."

  "Who else in this town might have or previously had access to drugs and poisons?"

  "Well, there's the apothecary Atreius Ivanstern. There's also Cahira Sinclair."

  "Cahira would not poison her own grandson, but check it out anyways. Same with the apothecary. I don't want to make a mistake or overlook anything."

  * * * *

  Stone's thoughts took a melancholy turn as he wandered Claw's suite. The mon in the coffin downstairs looked more like their father than his brother.

  When he failed to keep himself busy, Stone experienced the loss of his family more sharply. He felt displaced in time, as if he ought to be able to take a step backward and everything and everyone would be as it had been before he left Wolffgard. Stone had wanted to come home, right up until he met his grandfather, Hadjys, and learned that he would never grow old. He dreaded the thought of watching those he loved age and change while he did not. It had been easier to simply let go of the past and not think about them.

  He remembered meeting Aisha for the first time as he settled at her dresser and drew circles in the spilled dusting powder. Claw had gone to purchase cattle from Aisha's father. The cattle came home, but Claw did not. So their father sent Stone, then just fourteen, to find out what was delaying his brother's return. Aisha had demanded a Wild Cousins Courtship; an old-fashioned country ritual of chase and capture for the right to mate and marry. Stone had laughed at Claw's angst and frustration. The heir to the throne should not have to chase a bitch; they should be chasing him. Then he met Aisha, beautiful, high-spirited, and clever; and he understood the attraction. Stone swept the dresser clean of powder, fighting the poignant ache in his heart.

  He remembered Claw's joy when his sons, Tarrant and Logan, were born; and imagined Claw's grief when they perished.

  "I should have come home sooner."

  "So this is where you are? Clennan Doherty limped into the suite with his bodyguards behind him.

  Vertram followed with Jocelyn simpering on his arm.

  "Get out of here, Clennan. Vertram. Get the hell out of here."

  "High and mighty as ever, Brock? Clennan favored him with a contemptuous glance.

  "Don't call me that. My name is Stoneriver now. Stone's rage kindled and he fought it.

  "Your name will be mud when the witan sends you packing."

  "If it sends me packing, Clennan. If."

  Stone rose to confront the thane.

  Clennan's bodyguards stepped between them. They had the look of professionals. Stone wondered at the bones braided into their hair; the mark of myn who either were or had been members of a Battle-Clan. They could be members of a clan that Clennan had allowed to settle on his hereditary fief in return for defending it. Or they could be renegades. If it was the latter, could there be a Bane Shepherd hunting them? Stone decided that would bear looking into once matters were more settled in Wolffgard.

  "Stand back from the thane, said the slender one.

  "What's your name?"

  "Faerwald Davies. I'm the best sword in nine clandoms."

  "Then I'll only warn you once, Davies. Cross me and die. Now get the hell out of here. All of you."

  "We will finish this later, Stone. Vertram shared a glance with Clennan. Fletcher is expecting us."

  The Thane of Heatherford cocked his head with a sneer. Another time then. Cross me, Stone, and this time it won't be me bleeding in the dirt."

  Stone shrugged.

  They trailed out and he closed the door. He swept his gaze across the room.

  "Brother, I did not get here in time to save you, but I'll be damned if I don't see your last will carried out."

  * * * *

  Cahira spent less and less time at her shop, Cahira's Potions and Notions, on Elmind Street two blocks from the Difficult Horse Tavern. She had originally opened it as a reason for staying in Wolffgard after Kynyr was wounded last summer. Since her main income came from translating ancient texts for the High Patriarch of Hadjys at Havensword, Creeya, she had turned over the day-to-day tasks to her granddaughter, Betrys, and her husband Artair MacFie.

  The big wooden sign on her shop read Cahira's Potions and Notions. Underneath the words were three sets of symbols that the largely illiterate lycan community could understand: a mortar and pestle; a serpent wrapped staff; a book, a bottle of ink, and a quill. The three cubs, Rory, Hamish, and Cooley, used to work in the shop. Concerns for their safety had prompted Cahira to send them to Kynyr's home where they did various small tasks for Kady. They had stumbled upon Malthus jacking Kady's sister Larena, who was subsequently caught in the act of poisoning Kynyr, and killed out of hand by Trevor Sinclair. When it was reported to Belgair, his response had been to threaten to have Cooley put to the question. It was only a hop, skip, and jump to realizing that the Scott cubs had been witnesses also. Cahira had not wished to risk them.

  Cahira's Potions and Notions had display cabinets along two sides with floor to ceiling shelves and drawers behind them and along the back. A table with seven chairs stood at the rear, one end shoved against a short glass cabinet, where customers could discuss their choices and pay for the purchases. The standard merchandise included medicines, salves, creams, and cosmetics on one side and sewing needs on their other. The rest of it changed from time to time as Cahira's suppliers found assorted items of limited availability to offer her.

  She crossed the room with a list in her hand and examined a stack of pressed books occupying the end of one display counter. The city of Havensword in Creeya had three of the new printing presses imported from Iradrim; Red Wolf had none. Whenever a supplier offered her a crate of pressed books, Cahira bought the lot of them; appropriating what looked like a good addition to her own library.

  Cahira frowned. Have we sold some of them?"

  Artair glanced at Betrys, who giggled. The missing ones were naughty books."

  "Doesn't Todd have enough of those? Cahira grumbled.

  Artair blushed to the roots of his hair and Betrys giggle became a loud roar.

  "Aha! Cahira swatted him with the list. Picking up Todd's reading habits, are you?"

  Artair gave her a guilty shrug. Research?"

  "You don't need research. Cahira pointed at Betrys puffy belly. For a mon who wanted to become a monk, you certainly got down to business fast once you changed your mind."

  The bells hanging on the front door jingled as Todd came into the shop. He had a tight-lipped expression. Cahira, the lawgivers have arrested Sheradyn and Gillivray."

  "Whatever for?"

  "Word is they supplied the poison that Belgair used on Kynyr."

  "Sheradyn wouldn't poison a mouse even if it chewed holes in his shoes. Cahira stomped her foot indignantly. Hitch up the wagon, Todd. I want to have a talk with them."

  "Already done it. I figured you would. Todd glanced at Artair. I should warn you. The bitches of the family all have the temperament of a stung badger.

  "That lawgiver will think he's been bitten by a badger when I get done with him. Cahira snarled.

  Todd drove Cahira to the Lawgiver House, and by the time they arrivedeven though it was only ten blocks awayshe had worked herself into a fury. Nodding and saying as little as he could get away with, Todd let her rant with the same patience that had won her heart when they were young. In seventy years of marriage, he had never lost his temper with her.

  Cahira swept into the wing of the building that Ossian and his brothers were using, casting a baleful eye at everyone she passed.

  "Can I help you? Waid stepped into her path, eyeing her uncertainly.

  "Are you Ossian O'Reilly?"

  Waid flinched at the ire in her voice and instinctively tried to calm her. I'm his brother, Waid. I'll be glad to help you with whatever your problem is."

  Cahira snarled, placed her hands on her hips, and glared up at him. I will speak to Ossian and no one else. You will take me to
Ossian immediately."

  "Yes, ma'am, I understand that you want to talk to Ossian. He glanced at Todd, hoping for assistance. Are you with her?"

  "You could say that. I'm her husband, Todd Sinclair."

  " The Todd Sinclair? Kinsdale Wood?"


  Faced with Cahira's rage and Todd's stolid battlefield calm, Waid's resolve wavered and deserted him. I'll take you right there."

  Waid had them wait outside while he went into Ossian's office and announced them. He returned with his cheeks glowing and gestured for them to enter.

  Ossian rose from his chair and came around from behind his desk to greet them. Todd Sinclair. I've heard so much about you. It's an honor to meet you."

  "I suppose. Todd's eyes twinkled in amusement at Ossian's reaction.

  "I'm here because you arrested Sheradyn Kelly. Cahira stepped between the two myn in an effort to drag Ossian's attention away from Todd.

  "I've read every account I could lay my hands on about your exploits."

  "Sheradyn Kelly. About Sheradyn Kelly! My husband brought me here to talk to you about Sheradyn Kelly."

  "Is it true that the Divinators summoned hordes of demons during the Battle of Skeleton Creek? Ossian looked at Todd with open adulation.

  "Sheradyn Kelly. You arrested him. Look at me. I'm talking to you."

  "Ayup. Todd's hand shot out and he captured Cahira's wrist as she drew back to slap Ossian. Holding it firmly, yet gently, he glanced down at his wife with a tolerant expression. It's against the law to smack a lawgiver, Cahira."

  "He's not listening to me. Cahira relaxed and Todd released her.

  "Give her a listen, Ossian? I'll be happy to answer all of your questions over a tankard at the Difficult Horse."

  "I would enjoy that."

  "Ayup. Todd drifted toward a large woodcut print hanging on the wall where Ossian could gaze at it from his desk, unintentionally closing out the sounds of Cahira berating the young lawgiver. He hoped that he was mistaken about the print, but when he got close an uncharacteristic sigh escaped him followed swiftly by a wince. Few things could make Todd want to hide under the furniture. That print was one of them.

  It was an early work by a distant cousin of Kynyr's, Talbot Maguire. Although famed primarily for his paintings, Talbot had produced several dozen woodcuts in his youth.

  The tremendous figure, his musculature exaggerated, stood on a rocky hillside with a claymore in each hand. The bodies of the slain were heaped all around him. His armor was rent and his body pierced by arrows. A mon's severed head hung from the figure's belt by its hair.

  Had Todd noticed the print sooner, he would never have offered to share a tankard with Ossian.

  The title plate read:


  Todd turned away from it with a soul-weary shake of his head. Talbot's original title had been Todd's Last Stand. That was before myn started to discover that, although he had been left for dead there, he had survived through the intervention of Dyna.

  Cahira snagged Todd's arm and started pulling him toward the doorway. They're not paying any attention to what I'm saying. All this talk of evidence is preposterous."

  Ossian met Todd's eyes. I'm sorry I could not do more. But evidence is evidence. I hope that offer of hoisting a tankard is still good?"

  "Ayup. It is."

  * * * *

  None of the guardsmyn, who had been attacked by Belgair's myn during the purge, wished to return to the manor. One by one, as the wounded were declared fit for light duty, they enlisted in Kady's Army. Vayle Stewart and Robert Morcar were the first to do so. Willy Galloway soon followed them into Kady's service. In exchange, Kady gave them rooms in the mansion and a small enlistment bonus.

  Willy decided to surprise Bella and take her to the Difficult Horse for a drink and dinner. The new management of the tavern now served meals and provided entertainments each evening. With winter having stopped work and trade for the season, entertainment had become prized. A small theater had been added to the common room of the Difficult Horse, and plays, story-telling, minstrels, and music drew crowds there.

  Luciano was polishing some new crystals when Willy walked into the Scarlet Angel Mage Shop.

  "Is Bella around?"

  "She's in her room."

  Willy grinned. Mind if I go on up?"

  Luciano gave him a suspicious look and wagged his finger. No wild cousins, Willy."

  Willy nodded solemnly and repressed another grin both at Luciano's protectiveness and his use of the lycan term for premarital sex. My intentions are strictly honorable."

  "They better be."

  Willy sauntered into the hallway and climbed the stairs, whistling to himself.

  Bella sat at the little table in her cozy room with a book open. Willy stepped around behind her, and nuzzled her neck. Let's go to the priest, Bella. It's time you wore my ring and my name."

  She stiffened and a sob broke from her. You don't really want me, Willy."

  "What do you mean, I don't want you? Willy frowned and snagged the chair opposite her. He straddled it, draped his arms over the back, and stared perplexedly at her.

  "I'm not right for you."

  "You're not making sense, Bella. I love you."

  "I'm not human, Willy."

  Willy's brows knit. Then what are you?"

  "You're going to hate me. She lowered her head until her chin was nearly to her chest.

  Willy's mind whirled through dozens of possibilities and settled on the worst possible just to get it out first. Sa'necari?"


  Willy was thunderstruck. Dark Brothers?"

  She shook her head and let her true appearance come through. Her eyes lost their whites, pupils, and irises, becoming a solid amaranthine.

  Willy had known some of the sa'necari women who lived at the refugee camp; and he had known Isranon. He had liked them and could not bring himself to judge her harshly because of it. Tell me about it, Bella."

  "Confess my sins, Willy? Tell you how evil I have been?"

  "If you wish."

  "I have committed the rites. The color of my eyes will tell you that much. Have you ever wondered why I can't sit facing the spigots in a tavern?"

  "Yes. I think I know now. You were a sanguiner, weren't you?"

  Bella gave a weary nod. We were the poor relations of a noble family. I was sent to university, but I had to work part time to buy the extras I needed. So I worked as a sanguiner, mixing blood, draining myn for the bottles. It bothered me a bit, but I became inured to it."

  "I see."

  "No, you don't. Let me finish, please?"

  Willy nodded and held his tongue, determined to let her get it all out of her system before he spoke.

  "The lycans who live in the cities are periodically subjected to pogroms. Many of them end up at the sanguiners on their draining posts. I put the spigots in their necks and drained them to death."

  Willy shuddered and pressed his hand to his neck.

  "My father was not a kind mon. He wanted sons, but all he got was daughters. They were all sa'necari-born. Those who refuse to participate in the rites are declared heretics and killed. I did not want to die, Willy."

  "I can understand that."

  "My father had many mistresses, but few children. You know how we lose our fertility young?"


  "But anyway, he finally got a son. His name was Nudd."

  "That's a lycan name. Willy thought of the sa'necari women who had allowed themselves to be spellcorded so that they could shelter their lycan children in Red Wolf.

  "He was lycan. That disgraced my father. Nudd was sweet and gentle. I think he was the only member of my family who actually loved me for myself. Bella paused and pointed at a cabinet. There's a bottle of gin there. I need a drink if I'm going to tell you this."

  "Is there blood in it?"

  Bella swallowed. Yes. We have a nibari now."

  Willy fo
und the gin and his hand wavered at the glasses. Steeling himself, Willy brought two glasses to the table with the gin. He poured for them both.

  "Keep talking."

  "One day there was a pogrom in the city. When I came to work the next day, many young lycan males were hanging from the posts. When I came to the last one... Bella's throat tightened and her voice caught. She downed the contents of her glass, refilled it, drank that, and started over, trying to finish her sentence with great effort. The last one was Nudd. I had no choice, Willy. I had no choice. It was his life or mine. I would have been called heretic and killed. I had to do it."

  Willy squeezed her hand. Go on."

  "He looked at me with those blue, blue eyes and said I'll always love you, Bella. Do what you must. I broke his mind so that he would not feel it when I pierced his neck with the sharp end of the spigot. I was never the same after that. Her sobbing worsened. Now, go away, Willy. I never want to see you again."


  "Because I love you. It breaks my heart looking at you."

  Willy rose and put his arm around her. The Clerk of Records closes soon. If we're going to get that license, then we ought to go."



  Hope had banished the last of Kynyr's bitterness. The morning started off the same. Qaseem administered Kynyr's medicines, measured his legs and muscles, and made his notations. He exercised Kynyr's legs and tested and prodded and poked. Then came the long hot bath and the fierce joy of movement. Finally his legs were wrapped; they helped him into his best clothing and returned him to the wheel-chair.

  The Dreaded Horde met him in the front sitting room, and Russa took possession of the wheel-chair from Qaseem.

  Trevor gave her an askance look. Don't dump him in the snow today?"

  "Best behavior, Uncle Trevor."

  Kynyr eyed his sisters. They wore nice dresses in somber colors; which left him wondering where they had concealed their weapons, since he felt certain that they wore some. None of his family trusted the thanes.

  Henry, the butler, held the front door open, and Russa rolled him onto the veranda.

  Two carriages waited in the yard. The less elegant of the two would transport his three sisters, and Kynyr appreciated that he would not be riding with them. Despite Russa's promise to Trevor, she had a familiar glint of mischief in her eyes that Kynyr hoped was not directed at him.


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