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Page 29

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  Waid's eyes opened. Malthus ... wearing Gavin's clothes ... attacked me."

  "Where do you think he's going? Toniqua asked.

  Pandeena considered for a moment. The manor. He's going to the manor to fetch his family and kill the king. She grabbed Lokynen's hand. Come on, Loky. Hathura's already left with the others."

  "I get to whomp Malthus?"

  "Yes, Loky, you can whomp Malthus."

  "I'd go, but I'm needed here. Toniqua returned her syringes to her kit.

  "We'll handle it. Pandeena's power swirled around herself and Lokynen. They vanished.

  Ossian stroked Waid's hair from his sweating face. Will he live?"

  "I don't know. Toniqua shook her head. It depends on whether I can keep his organs from failing. I've never seen anyone hit so hard before."

  "Brothers ... I love you. Waid's eyelids fluttered. I love you."

  He slid back into the darkness.

  "Let's get him to the infirmary. Toniqua lifted him up easily and started walking fast.

  * * * *

  Bella sat dipping the sticks in the incense mix and setting them in the drying rack.

  Willy put bottles on the shelves. Can't feature myself as a shopkeeper, Bella. But I don't mind helping."

  A cloaked mon entered the shop.

  "Can I help you? Willy set the bottle on the shelf and turned.

  "Yes, I think you can. He stepped close to Willy. His hand shot out and touched Willy's chest.

  Bella sensed the surge of dark power and shrieked, rushing toward them.

  Willy's lips parted and his eyes bulged. He shuddered. His knees buckled. Willy collapsed and lay unmoving.

  "Your turn, Bella. Malthus flicked his hood back.

  She threw everything she had at him, screaming Willy's name over and over.

  Malthus shrugged it off and stalked toward her.

  Bella retreated, shaking her head.

  He conjured a major death web and tossed it at her. Die, Bella."

  A shimmering wall of white light sprang up between Bella and Malthus.

  "Get out of my shop! Luciano stalked into the room, cloaked in the white magic of the spiritworker.

  Malthus struck the shield again with his power.

  Luciano staggered backward two steps, recovered and came on again, reaching into his pocket for a handful of fragile glass globes. He pitched them at Malthus.

  Malthus raised his shields. The globes struck it and exploded in a tremendous stench. It splashed around his shield. He gasped and choked, backing away. His lungs felt as if they were on fire and he could barely breathe. Spinning about, Malthus plunged out of the shop and fled.

  Bella sank to the floor and cradled Willy's head in her lap, searching his body with her arcane senses. He's dead."

  Luciano's eyes widened and his brow furrowed as he knelt beside Bella. How?"

  "Malthus stopped his heart."

  Luciano shoved his hand down Willy's shirt and poured all his power into the stilled organ.

  Willy's body jerked and his chest heaved.

  Luciano threw power into him again.

  Willy's heart beat raggedly at first, and then stronger. His eyes fluttered open and he breathed her name. Bella."

  "Help me get him upstairs. Luciano hooked his hands under Willy's arms. Bella took his legs and they carried him to bed. Luciano supported Willy while Bella turned the blankets back. Then they eased him between them and Bella sat on the edge, holding his hand.

  "Bella, stay here. I must go after him. She looked so shaken that Luciano wished he did not have to leave her.

  "You're not strong enough to fight him."

  "I can try. Remember those crates behind the counter? The ones I told you not to touch?"


  "Go through them. They're gifts from the Trickster. There must be something there to help. At least to keep you safe in case he comes back."

  "Wait. What did you hit Malthus with?"

  "Badree Nym Beast Repellent. There's a crate of it under the palmistry table."

  Luciano ran downstairs, pausing to fill his pockets and pouches with Beast Repellent. There were three colors; red, green, and black. The red were explosive, the green caused acute itching, and the black were skunk juice. Then he rushed out the door.

  * * * *

  Malthus left a trail of dead lycans in his wake. He wished he had killed Ossian. However, the Lawgiver House was too large and too filled with people for him to go looking for the lawgiver and he had contented himself with escaping.

  His head swam and his lungs still burned.

  "What in the unholy name of hell did Luciano hit me with?"

  He faded back into an alley and jogged down the length of it. A mon emerged from the back door of the Difficult Horse, heading for the privy. Malthus grabbed him and sank his fangs deep, draining him in moments. The pain from breathing the fumes vanished before the blood restorative.

  Malthus dropped the corpse behind the trash boxes, and went to the edge of the street. Looking out, he saw the myn of the militia running to form up on Main Street. He darted across with his hood pulled around his features. A militiamon on a horse spied him and urged his mount into a gallop down the alley. Malthus waited, letting him come. When he got near, the militiamon drew his sword. A sneer was on Malthus lips as he knocked the rider from the saddle with a bolt of arcane force. He caught the reins, swung onto the horse, and galloped down the alleyway, reveling in his power.

  He kept to the alleys until the curve of Pendarke Road appeared. As he turned onto the road, the militia moved to block his path. They raised their bows.

  Malthus swept his hand out and punched a hole through their ranks. As the screams of the dying filled the air, the others scattered and fired from cover. The arrows flew all around him. Malthus crouched low over the neck of his horse and kept riding.

  The front gate of the Maguire Estate opened to his left. For an instant he considered turning aside to gift Kynyr with a massacred family. In the back of his mind, Lyrri's voice whispered.

  "Uncle Malthus, what's going to happen to me? Are they going to eat me?"

  "I'm coming, Lyrri. No one's going to hurt you."

  * * * *

  Stone surveyed the Audience Chamber. He had all the thanes and their bitches assembled there with a heavy guard. I want all of you to stay here where we can protect you. The Butchering Serpent is coming.

  Merissa lay upon a pallet in the corner near the throne. Mary Sinclair sat cross-legged next to her. The twin sons of Malthus lay beside Merissa. Mary had sedated her and she slept.

  Jocelyn sat beside Lyncoln. Her gaze was drawn to Vertram and she found herself reassessing him. He was fat, and despite the sword he wore, clearly not a warrior. Then she looked at Lyncoln, stalwart and tough in his way, wearing a claymore that he clearly knew how to use.

  "Lync, you'll protect me, won't you? Her voice trembled and caught.

  "I would stand between you and hell itself. He put a protective arm around her shoulders. After all, if I lost you, I'd have no one to chase about the suite."

  "I love you, Lyncoln."

  "No. You don't love me. He shook his shaggy head. It's the fear talking. Maybe in time. If we get through this."

  Jennifer Sherbourne sat on a pallet in the middle of the chamber, eyes closed, her mind turned inward and focused. Her mages sat around her, linked to her in rapport.

  Stone finished addressing the thanes and strode over to her. Report, Jenny."

  She shivered back to awareness. Scry wards and shields holding. Serpent has hit us twice so far. He's scanning again."

  "Keep the thanes safe, Jenny."

  "I'll try."

  Stone thought for a moment. Can you spare enough power to mind-speak an alert to Mage-Central in Havensword? Tell them Malthus is the Serpent?"

  Jenny closed her eyes, her lips tightening. Then she relaxed and glanced up at him. Done, Stone."

  Stone turned to Kynyr. I need to join my myn. Units are
forming up to try and stop him. I'd like you to stay here."

  "I don't lead from the rear. Kynyr's eyes held a look of ice and steel.

  "Neither do I. Kady shimmered into the room. Where you go, I go, Kynyr."

  "Where's Fergus? You left him?"

  "Gram has Jumped him to Creeya. On my orders."

  Kynyr pulled her into a tight embrace. My wise queen."

  "Good move, Kady, said Stone, his eyes grim. If we did not have so many Jumpers in the ranks, I would have set up a translocation vortex. But I can't risk it trapping the wrong myn."

  A harsh high-level scan tore through the chamber. The shrieks of dying gryphons drew Stone to the window with Kynyr and Kady close behind.

  "What the hell? Stone stared out at three dead gryphons, and six injured, looking as if an incredible force had ripped through them. Swan mays lay unmoving about them. I've known yuwenghau who weren't that powerful."

  "He's in the building, said Kynyr.

  "Servants entrance. He came in through the servants entrance. Stone gestured for various people to follow him.

  "If he's this powerful, why didn't he just strike us all dead long ago?"

  "He must have had his reasons, stated Stone. Besides, reputation is a two-edged sword. Create one and you'll have rivals flocking to you. There is no peace for the strong once the world learns of you. You will need to remember that."

  "Duty is where you find it."

  Stone gave a curt nod. Right now, duty is stopping the most powerful sa'necari in existence.

  Reist came up to them. Where's Reggie? I can't find her."

  "I asked her to fetch Lyrri."

  "She's not here either. Reist ran for the door and plunged through it before anyone could stop him.

  Pandeena slipped through the door, and then it was yanked wide open as Lokynen entered behind her.

  A big grin lit Lokynen's face. I can whomp Malthus now?"

  Stone chuckled in spite of himself. Yes, Loky, you may now whomp Malthus."

  Lokynen spun about with a speed belied by his size and plunged back through the door with a whoop.

  "I'm glad you've come, Pandeena. Kady's going with you."

  "What about Kynyr? Kady's voice rose in protest. I'm not going anywhere without him."

  Stone raked his eyes across them. Kynyr's coming with me."


  "No but's, Kady. If something goes wrong, I don't want little Fergus losing both his parents in a single blow."

  Kynyr gave a thoughtful nod. He's right, Kady. You go with Pandeena."

  * * * *

  Malthus entered the grounds of the manor through the cemetery. A light fall of snow swirled about him. He scarcely noticed it; his thoughts focused upon his niece more than anyone else. He made another high-level scan of the grounds. It would betray his arrival to the mages, who would certainly sense it. However, he needed to know where his enemies were and, most importantly, where Lyrri was hiding.

  He flicked his necromantic awareness across the ring beneath his flesh and released the next layer of his power from its chains.

  His scan picked up no guards in the garden and he extended it, brushing against the hunger and rage of the gryphons.

  "Good move, bastards, but not enough."

  Malthus dismounted and sent his horse racing into the yard of the manor. The gryphons reacted faster than the swan mays, pouncing upon the riderless horse. As they tore it apart, he hit them with a slicing arc of power, splitting open the throats of two and nearly beheading the third.

  Steeped-in-death, Malthus strode like a lion into their midst. The swan mays saw him and charged with their swords drawn. He laughed and struck them down as he had their mounts. A gesture sent them sprawling. Three more gryphons, the big redsthe most powerful and savage of the speciescame at him from his right and three greens appeared on his left. Malthus tore the wings off the reds with a slicing motion of his hand and sent crippling waves of death webs into the greens.

  Eiko Morikawa, mounted upon her big red Lars, shouted for her warriors to rally and reform. Bows came out and peppered Malthus. Two went deep into his chest and another into his belly. He pulled them out and roared with laughter at them, riding high on his power.

  "You can't stop me! I'm steeped-in-death!"

  He drew upon the legacies he had eaten and threw a bolt of hell at Eiko. Lars dodged the strike.

  Eiko gestured, filling the yard with white light reflected off the snow, blinding Malthus.

  He staggered toward the servants door, blinking at the dancing specks of blackness that threw his vision off, and found it locked. Eiko raised her arm for a second strike. Malthus drew himself together and kicked the heavy door to splinters.

  He plunged inside and threw a ward over the ruined doorway.

  * * * *

  Eamon had never been so frightened before in his life. He stood at the head of the stairs in the servants quarter, shouting at the nibari. Come on! Come on, come on. Everyone out."

  They clustered around him, weeping and getting in each others way like panicked cattle.

  He kicked and shoved them, keeping them moving.

  Kissie tried to squeeze past them, going in the wrong direction.

  Eamon caught her shoulders. What do you think you're doing?"

  "Isbeth's baby. I've got to get the baby."

  "The monster's down there, Kissie. You can't go."

  "The baby, she moaned, tears running down her face.

  Eamon wavered before her distress, yielded to her tears, and glanced at his myn. Keep them going. If I'm not back by the time you've gotten them all out, forget me."

  He grasped Kissie's hand. Let's get the baby, Kissie."

  * * * *

  Malthus opened doors as he went. The fighting had begun to take its toll on him and his hunger for blood crawled along the back of his throat. There ought to be nibari huddled somewhere, waiting to be eaten. The lycans were softheaded; softhearted. They protected their two-legged sheep like shepherds.

  "They've moved the flock ... penned them up somewhere ... I'll find them."

  As he moved deeper into the corridor, he heard screaming and shouting. Frustrated by the empty rooms, Malthus threw a low-level scan, searching for life. The floor was empty. He listened again to the noise and it drew him to the stairs.

  He climbed the narrow stairway, listening and searching with all of his senses.

  As Malthus reached the second floor landing, he heard a baby crying. A remembrance swished along the edges of his awareness. He had left his gear in Isbeth's room.

  Entering the room, Malthus eyed the baby hungrily. Its blood called to him. He forced the temptation aside and yanked the drawer of Isbeth's dresser open, taking out the chain with the globes upon it. Draping that around his neck, he felt the call of the baby's blood again. His throat itched.

  "Stay away from the baby. Wary-eyed, Eamon entered the room, staying between Malthus and Kissie. He held his sword at guard, cross-stepping in cautious movements; his hackles up and the thick hair of his hybrid form standing on end along his arms. Kissie edged along the wall behind him, moaning with terror.

  Malthus chuckled. A flick of a thought and his poisoned sword sprang from the carrying globe into his hand. Come to die, Eamon?"

  "Belgair trusted you. We killed our own for you. We thought you were a friend."

  "You're animals raised above their station. Malthus walked toward him.

  "Damn you."

  Eamon lunged at Malthus.

  A gesture sent Eamon slamming into the wall.

  Malthus stood over him, still chuckling as he plunged the sword into Eamon's belly.

  The guardsmon grunted in shock as Malthus twisted the blade around and around.

  "Run, Kissie, Eamon gasped. Run."

  Malthus spun about, but Kissie had already snatched the baby and plunged through the door. He let her go. Yanking the sword out, Malthus straddled Eamon, grasped his hair, and twisted his head about. I'm hungry."

/>   "Gods ... damn you."

  Malthus sank his fangs into Eamon and drank the wondrous restorative. His powers sang within him. He felt giddy and drunk.

  * * * *

  Lyrri huddled in the linen closet where she and her sister used to hide to watch the lycans passing by. Her heart beat loud in her ears. The corridor was empty except for a single set of footsteps that echoed strangely.

  "Find me, Uncle Malthus. Find me before they eat me."

  Everyone had told her a vampire killed her sister; but Lyrri remained convinced that the lycans had eaten Ros. They had eaten her father. Uncle Malthus had told her so.

  "Come out, Lyrri. Regina walked the hallway, scanning about for where the child might have hidden. Lyrri, please come out. No one's going to hurt you."

  "Just going to eat me. Lyrri muttered under her breath. Going to eat me."

  She peered through a tiny crack in the door.

  Regina went into the Blue Room and Lyrri could hear her opening and closing the doors to the cabinets where Darmyk used to hide. She knew she could not stay in the closet forever. Regina would find her.

  Lyrri bolted from the closet with her skirts tucked into her waistband. Her small feet were bare and made little noise. She heard Regina in the hallway again and darted into the next room she reached.

  "Darmyk's room."

  The room looked exactly as it had on the day that he disappeared. Toys scattered across the floor. She glanced about, frantic for a place to hide. Regina would look under the beds and in the closets.

  The fire in the hearth had not been lit in several days. Lyrri climbed into the fireplace. The hearth was deep and a ledge jutted above it. She climbed onto the ledge and curled up, sobbing softly.



  Dyna materialized in the yard of the manor with her paladins beside her. She dropped the glamours.

  The Gruesome Foursome, one of her strongest bands of paladins, stood forth in their strange glory. Drakengrim led, his fruit fangs extended fully. Frozbie stood shivering beside him.

  Frankie Grymlynstine brandished his stone fingers at the sight of the dead and dying gryphons. He kill the birds."

  Standing just four feet tall, the stone golem appeared unprepossessing in his knee trousers, bare feet, and artfully torn orange shirt. He had a blocky head, somewhat flat on top, with black hair. His skin, if it could be called that, had a greenish tinge.


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