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Fair Catch (Love and Sports Series)

Page 15

by Quinn, Meghan

  Last night was the best night sleep he had in a while. It felt so natural to have Lexi in his arms, sleeping next to him. When she asked if he wanted to spend the night he didn’t think he could get any more excited until she walked out in what she claimed was her bedtime gear. If she wore that to bed every night, she was doing the male race an injustice by keeping to herself for so long. He loved lingerie and the way it looked on a woman but all Lexi had to do was wear a tight shirt and boy shorts and she had him begging for more.

  It took all of his will power last night to not let her return the favor of the pleasure they briefly shared. If it was anybody else he would have gladly obliged but he wanted to prove to Lexi that he wasn’t the selfish asshole she heard about and saw the last three years. He wanted to give her pleasure and give her all the attention.

  When they started kissing last night, never did he think they were going to end up where they did but he was glad they did. When she moved her body down so his hand slid next to her breast he picked up on the permission she gave him. When she groaned in his mouth and he fully grasped her amazing breast in his hand he almost threw all his inhibitions into the wind and fully attacked her.

  He was proud of himself for staying in the northern region of her body and what an amazing northern region it was. It was funny to Jake how damn sexy she was even though she didn’t even really play it up. Any other girl with her tight body and heavy chest would be showing off her goods everyday but not Lexi. She didn’t have to.

  Man was he lucky. When he thought about his college career he never thought it was going to end up like this in the end. He tried not to think about what was going to happen after they graduated but he liked where his life was heading. He was hopefully going to be drafted, but what about Lexi? If he had anything to say about it, he was going to take her with him. He couldn’t imagine being away from her. He hated that he had to go on a road trip right now and would be away from her for a night.

  “Taylor!” His coach screamed. Jake grunted, got out of his bed and headed for the front of the bus.

  “Yea coach?”

  “Someone is here for you. Make it quick.”

  Jake instantly panicked. Occasionally random fans of the female nature would come wish him good luck before a game. In the past he gladly accepted the “luck” they disposed on him but now that he had a girlfriend, now that he had Lexi, he wanted nothing to do with blood sucking leeches.

  “Uh, is it one of those girls again, coach?”

  “Yea, she brought snacks for everyone though so you need to at least say thank you.” His coach said while biting into a cookie. Jake rolled his eyes and got off the bus to thank the girl.

  “Took you long enough, big guy.”

  Jake turned around and saw Lexi leaning against the bus with her arms crossed over her chest. She was wearing sweats, a softball shirt and her hair was up. She was about to go to practice but she still looked as good as last night.

  He sauntered over to her and pulled her in for a hug. “What are you doing here?”

  She gave him a kiss on the lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Just wanted to drop off some treats for my man and his men.”

  “That was sweet of you. Coach has already started in on them.”

  “Figures.” She said, “He was more than willing to take them off my hands.”

  Jake chuckled. “That’s coach for you. He’s got quite the appetite.” Jake kissed Lexi again and this time lingered on her lips. He didn’t want to let her go. “Thank you for letting me stay last night. I had the best night’s sleep ever.”

  She rubbed his face with her thumbs, something he had grown accustom to and found comfort in her touches. “So did I. We should do that more often.”

  “Agreed.” He pushed Lexi up against the bus and kissed her, like it was the first time he ever kissed her. He couldn’t get enough of this sweet and amazing woman. Her lips were so soft and so full, he felt like he was in heaven whenever their lips met.

  “Get a room, Taylor.” Mason said as he walked by and shoved Jake with his bag causing Jake to ram Lexi into the bus.

  “Hey, watch it dickhead.”

  Mason got on the bus and shouted over his shoulder. “They make rooms for a reason.”

  Jake shook his head. “He’s just jealous his girlfriend doesn’t come down here to say good bye.”

  Lexi pushed on his chest with her fingers and then she sighed. “Ugh, why do you have to be so damn good looking and fit?”

  “Sorry about that, I’ll start working on my beer gut when I get back.”

  “Alright, I will work on my muffin top.”

  Jake laughed. “Please don’t.” He squeezed her waist. “You don’t want to mess with perfection.”

  Lexi started making gagging noises and moved away from him. “Honestly Jake, could you be any cheesier?”

  “What? I thought that was good.”

  “It was lame and because of that I’m leaving you to your cheesiness. I can’t be late for practice.”

  He pulled her in close again and gave her a big hug. “I’m going to miss you, babe.”

  “I’m going to miss you too, big guy. Good luck, you’re going to be amazing. I know it. Bring home a win and I might give you another reward.”

  Jake wagged his eyebrows at her. “Fans should pay homage to you for being the best motivator for me to win.”

  “I’m thinking about making a website so people can pay me to reward you.”

  “Wouldn’t that be whoring yourself out.”

  Lexi shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, support your Bears, is what I say.”

  Jake chuckled and kissed her on the lips. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Sounds good.” She winked at him. “Don’t think of me too much.” She said as she walked away.

  “Thanks for the treats, baby.”

  “Anytime.” She said while spinning around and then headed toward the locker rooms. Man he had it bad.

  Jake got back on the bus and noticed there were only three cookies left, apparently the team heard there were treats on the bus and took advantage of the homemade confections. His coach stopped him before he could head to the back of the bus.

  “Is that the centerfielder on the softball team?” Jake nodded cautiously, wondering where his coach was going with this. “She’s good for you, Taylor. I’m glad to see someone has wrangled you in.”

  Jake was shocked by his coach’s omission. First of all, his coach’s mouth was dripping with salvia and screaming his head off and secondly, he never talked about personal things so hearing him say he thought a girl was good for Jake was like seeing a blizzard in Cuba.

  “Uh, thanks coach.”

  His coach pointed his finger at Jake and said sternly, “Don’t screw it up, Taylor. She’s a good girl and you’re lucky as shit she is hanging around with the likes of you.”

  Jake got the point but tried to lighten up the mood. “Jeeze coach, if I would have known some cookies could win you over, I would have brought you cookies my first day on the field.”

  “Get your ass seated Taylor before I sit your ass for you.”

  Jake saluted his coach and went to the back of the bus where Mason was settling in his bed. He punched his friend in the arm. Mason rubbed his arm and said, “What was that for?”

  “That was for shoving Lexi into the bus.”

  “Well if you weren’t mauling her, she wouldn’t have been shoved into the bus.”

  “Don’t get jealous, green is a fucked up shade on you.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Jake smiled at their playful banter, something he would miss when they graduated. Jake got in his bunk, pulled out a picture that Lexi gave him and stuffed it in the ceiling above him so he could look at it. He put his ear phones in and played his music so he could drift off and think about how amazing his life had turned out to be.

  Chapter 10

  The last thing Margo wanted to do right now was sit through a meeting with her coach, she
would rather be lying in her bed with a pint of ice cream nursing her state of depression. What was Parker thinking, going out with Sierra? What happened to his statement of not wanting to start up a relationship his senior year? Margo was an attractive girl, why wasn’t she good enough for Parker? Yea, her hair was a chestnut brown to Sierra’s blonde and Margo’s eyes were green compared to Sierra’s blues but Margo thought she had more substance to her body then Sierra. Sierra was a bean pole and Margo had some Latina flavor in her. She got her Latin heritage and her dark green eyes from her dad, a lethal combination in Margo’s book.

  Didn’t all guys like a little spice in their life? Margo sighed as she waited for her coach to return to her office. Her coach had every medal, honor and award hanging in her office along with a retired jersey from when she played. She was a bitch, but she was a smart bitch. Most of the time the team hated her but she was good at what she did, leading them to many conference championship games which they finally won last year.

  They had a lot of expectations to live up to this year. Margo felt the pressure so she could only imagine how Lexi might feel being the team captain. Speak of the devil, Margo thought, as Lexi came strolling into the office with a stupid grin on her face. She must have just seen Jake. Their whole relationship made Margo want to stab her eyes out with rusty cleats. They were sickening but unfortunately sweet at the same time.

  Lexi looked at Margo. “What are you doing here?”

  Margo shrugged. “I don’t know, coach called me in.”

  “Me too.” Lexi sat down and checked her phone. Clearly she received a text message from Jake because she was smiling while she sent a text message back. Margo decided enough was enough.

  “Interesting noises coming from your room last night.”

  Turning her phone over, Lexi sat up straight and stared at Margo with her mouth open. “Margo!”

  “What? Just pointing out the obvious.”

  “Well can you keep your observations to yourself. Good Lord and it wasn’t what you thought it was.”

  Margo snorted. “Ok, Lex.”

  “It wasn’t, we didn’t do anything…technically.”

  “Yea, technically.”

  “Good morning ladies.” Their coach walked in and Margo turned to look at her friend who was bright red from the conversation they were just having before her coach walked in. Margo could only imagine what was going through Lexi’s mind right now. Their coach continued, “I’m just going to get right down to business.” Her coach turned and looked Margo in the eyes. “What is this I hear about you spending every night in the lacrosse house, being passed around by every guy and getting yourself into trouble?”

  Margo nearly fell out of her seat. “What?!”

  “I got wind from one of the assistant coaches for the lacrosse team that you’ve been the team, how did he put it, uh gang bang.”

  “Oh my God!” Margo felt tears starting to form in her eyes and she couldn’t do anything about it. Crying in front of their coach was a big mistake because she took it as weakness but Margo couldn’t help it, she was completely humiliated. Who would start such an awful rumor?

  Think about who might say such awful things about her, Margo thought it was a stupid question to ask herself. She knew exactly who started that rumor.

  Lexi stepped in before Margo could say anything. “Coach I assure you, Margo has been home alone every night. She hasn’t gone out in a while.”

  Their coach looked at Margo. “Is that right?”

  “Yes coach, I’ve been home. I swear.”

  “Then why would the lacrosse team be telling people otherwise.” Their coach raised a questionable eyebrow at them which so desperately needed to be plucked because it looked like a grizzly bear’s ass was plastered across her forehead.

  Margo put her head in her hands and felt Lexi rub her back like any good friend would. “This is so humiliating. I shouldn’t have to be talking to my coach about this.”

  “You’re right.” She said. “This is shit I don’t want to deal with so tell me right now what the fuck is going on Margo.”

  Pulling herself together, Margo sat up straight and explained. “A week ago after the football game, a guy on the lacrosse team brought me back to his place and he tried to have sex with me but I didn’t want to. When I kept refusing his attempts and walked away he said he would tell everyone we did it anyway so might as well make it a reality. I left without looking back. I haven’t been there since. I most likely bruised his ego so in retaliation he started running his mouth.”

  Lexi continued to rub her back. “Oh, Margo. I’m so sorry.”

  Margo jut nodded at her friend. Her coach spoke up. “I’m going to need a name.”

  “Coach, I would rather not. Can’t we just move on?”

  Her coach slapped the desk with her hand. “Not when one of my players is being dragged through the mud. Now you give me a name or I will sit your ass for the rest of the season and you can enjoy your senior season picking splinters from your butt cheeks.”

  Well when she put it like that. “Doug Yolk.”

  Lexi twisted her face and raised an eyebrow at her friend. “Doug, really?”

  “I was in a bad place. You can understand my refusal to sleep with him.”

  “Uh, yea. Gross, I think he showers like once a month.”

  “Ladies!” Their coach shouted to stop them from talking. “I don’t need to know the hygiene rituals for the horny lacrosse team. Margo, I will take care of this. If you’re having problems with something that drive you to a man that apparently doesn’t shower, I expect you to talk to your captain about them and your friend.”

  Margo nodded at her coach and then they were dismissed just like that. Lexi and Margo walked to their locker room together so they could grab their stuff for practice.

  “What do you think coach is going to do?” Margo asked, trying not to sound completely paranoid.

  “I don’t know, probably talk to their coach and bring the lying rumors to his attention. What their coach does with it is up to him. It doesn’t seem like Doug would be the only one who gets in trouble. I talked to Parker the other day and he was telling me how he heard the rumors about you from other guys.”

  Fucking rich! Margo wanted to slam her head against the concrete walls. That was the last thing she wanted, for Parker to think she was out whoring around town while he was tucked away at home with Sierra.

  “Great, glad to hear the whole athletic department sees me as some used up taco.”

  Lexi shivered. “That’s disgusting.”

  They got to their locker room door but Lexi stopped Margo from going inside. “Margo, what’s bothering you?”

  Yea right, like Margo was going to tell Lexi that she has a massive crush on Parker. Lexi was with Jake now but still friends didn’t go out with each other’s exes. Instead of telling Lexi the truth she lied. She lied to Lexi for the first time since their freshman year when they met.

  “Just upset about this being our final year. I’ll get over it.”

  Lexi eyed her skeptically but continued into the locker room. Thank God Margo thought. The last thing she wanted to do was get into a long discussion with Lexi about her inappropriate crush on Parker.


  Nervous flutters flowed through Lexi’s body as she made sure her room was straightened up and devoid of all clutter. She had lit a candle and was playing some Adele on her computer for a sensual atmosphere. Jake was supposed to be back from his away trip any moment and he was coming over right after he got off the bus.

  The football team continued their undefeated season by narrowly squeaking by with a three point win. The game was televised so Lexi was able to watch part of it. Towards the end of the game she was biting her nails, thankfully they won. She was happy they continued their winning streak but she also was excited because she really wanted to reward Jake. She was planning on giving him a massage, mainly to relax him but also so she could feel up his glorious body. She even got sp
ecial lotion to use.

  Lexi made sure to stock up on Jake’s favorite PowerAde and snacks so he didn’t have to go anywhere, he could just stay with her in her room. She asked what he liked when they were talking on the phone the other night. They talked for over an hour and finally hung up because the guys were ragging on him for being on the phone too long.

  She didn’t think she had ever been this happy before. She looked at herself in the mirror for the tenth time and adjusted her top so her ladies looked a little perkier. She wore an extremely low cut shirt that she wouldn’t normally wear but it was for Jake and she paired the shirt with her favorite pair of yoga pants that made her ass look amazing.

  There was a knock at her door and Lexi went flying to open it expecting to see Jake but instead came face to face with what looked like her mother but Lexi was having a hard time telling because the lady’s face was bruised beyond belief.


  “Hi, honey. I’m sorry to stop in like this, I just needed a place to stay tonight.” Her mom shuffled around on her feet looking extremely nervous

  Lexi ushered her mom inside and sat her on the coach while she got some ice from the freezer for her mom’s face. Her mom’s battered face was something Lexi unfortunately was not shocked by but this time the abuse was worse than she had ever seen it.

  “Mom, what happened?”

  “Your father was upset about a bet he lost and I got in his way.”

  “You got in his way?” Lexi asked incredulously.

  “Yes, I knew he was upset and I should have just steered clear of him. But instead I tried to make him feel better. I should have known that wasn’t the right thing to do.”

  Lexi just stood there, in shock, listening to her mom and how weak she was. How pathetic she sounded. Lexi loved her mom but she didn’t respect her. What woman stayed with a man who beat the living hell out of them? The whole situation made her completely sick to her stomach causing Lexi to think enough was enough and went to grab her camera. She brought it out to the living room and turned it on.


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